Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 227 Reconciliation and Become a Big Boss

Chapter 227 Returning and Becoming a Big Boss

Suddenly caught by the sun, Chen Nuo did not leave the next day as originally planned, but postponed the time to play with Ahri in the world for several months.

"You really don't want to go with Daxian?"

Three months later, Chen Nuo brought Ari back to Datang, and suddenly asked again.

"No, Ari will not be a cute pet by Daxian's side. Ari must work hard to be a useful woman by Daxian's side. The next time we meet, I will definitely impress Daxian."

Ari hugged his eyes showing reluctance and attachment, but he still shook his head decisively.

"They're all better than me. Ari has already impressed the Great Immortal."

Chen Nuo had no choice but to look at Ahri who was depressed, and said, "Then don't cry."

"I don't cry."

Ari pouted, stretched out his arms to hug Chen Nuo, and said softly, "Don't forget about Ari, or else I'll go find you, beat you up, and squeeze you dry!"


The corners of Chen Nuo's mouth twitched. I didn't see you squeeze me dry last night. I'll pay you back later.

"Daxian can come back here, and I will come back to find Ari as soon as possible."

Chen Nuo hugged Ahri for a while, and then silently said "Return" in his heart.

The world shook, Ahri felt his chest was empty, and Chen Nuo's figure was slowly disappearing.

Between the heavens and the earth, one after another looked at Chen Nuo, looking at Chen Nuo's slowly disappearing figure, he could not help but flash a trace of solemnity and inquiry.

In the Chang'an Palace, Li Shimin, who was going to court early, seemed to feel something, looked outside, and suddenly got up.

Chen Nuo was still a teacher of the Tang Dynasty, and his every move was inspired by luck. With Li Shimin's rise, all civil and military officials and even the entire Chang'an City seemed to know something.

"Congratulations to the national teacher!"

"The people of the world respectfully send off the national teacher!"

"The Great Tang respectfully sends off the national teacher!"

Several shouts resounded through the sky, and the Dragon of National Destiny of Datang was also chanting.

In Huaguo Mountain, the monkey who was playing with the monkey grandchildren seemed to have sensed something. Under the strange eyes of the monkey grandchildren, they bowed towards the direction of Chang'an City and the direction where Chen Nuo left.

"Wukong sends off Mister!"

All over the world, a group of immortals and Buddhas who had switched to the cultivation method of the basic rules also put down what they were doing at this time, and bowed towards Chang'an City and the direction Chen Nuo left.

The world shuttle ended, the world passage was closed, Chen Nuo's figure completely disappeared, and he completely lost his trace in this world.

"I'm not going to cry."

Ari pouted, looking at Chang'an City and Datang who were sending Chen Nuo away respectfully, feeling the spiritual thoughts of those who were respectfully sending Chen Nuo away, tears finally couldn't help streaming down.

Daxian left.

"I don't cry."

After wiping away tears, Ari disappeared in place.

In the blue deep sea area of ​​the main world, a figure appeared out of thin air, standing in midair above the sea.

Beep beep!

In space, the signal lights of the satellites were flickering, and the abnormal signal response was captured at the first time, and the satellites pointed their cameras at them one by one.


Surprise flashed in Chen Nuo's eyes, his figure flickered, his mind interfered with reality, and he disappeared in place in an instant, breaking away from the satellite's monitoring and locking.

"Hey, the host has returned, and the system is settling with Westward Journey World for the source power of this shuttle harvest."

"The host lived for 760 years and 1 month, and gained 39680 points of source power."

"The host broke the control restrictions of Journey to the West, unlocked the controlled fate of all beings, broke the stagnant development of the world, and made the world's development have unlimited possibilities again. The source power is 8 million rewards."

"The host guides the human race to research and develop science and technology, allowing ordinary sentient beings to embark on the correct path of civilization development, making a huge contribution to the development of the world, and rewarding the origin of 3 million yuan."

"The host has repeatedly used the technique of aura transformation, resulting in a large amount of aura being transformed into matter, resulting in a substantial decline in the aura of the world. This behavior has a negative impact on the sustainable development of the world, and the source power will be deducted by 5 million."

"The host, as the national teacher of the Tang Dynasty, indirectly promoted the unification of the human race in Journey to the West, spread the concept of a more advanced civilized society system, made positive contributions to the future development of the world, and rewarded 3856 million Yuanli."

"The host passed down the cultivation method of basic rules in Journey to the West, preached to hundreds of millions of sentient beings, and established a complete cultivation system of basic rules. When the aura decays and the world shatters and enters the period of the material universe, this will give the world a start in the development of the universe. That is to say, reach the peak and reward Yuanli 10!"

"The host solves the spiritual inheritance of all races in the material age, brings infinite variables to the development of the future world, has a huge positive effect on the development of the world, and rewards the original force of 1 million."

"The settlement of this shuttle is completed, and a total of 18 billion 9059.
Because the source power remuneration for this world shuttle is settled at 200%, the actual source power obtained is 37.

The world consciousness of Journey to the West is no longer satisfied with the host's shuttle service. After the world development and adjustment have been completed, I look forward to the host's next visit.

The host solved the world restriction that Journey to the West had been banned for countless years, which greatly promoted the reputation of the main world, and the main world recognized the host's working ability very much.

The boss commented on the host's shuttle, and the system translated it on his behalf: "Young man, do a good job. If you work harder, the boss will be able to upgrade. Oh no, you will be able to master the ability of grand unification, and even control the ability of entropy. Work hard." "


Chen Nuo's mouth twitched.

What does it mean that if a young man works hard, he can be promoted to the old class? The details have been exposed!
I know that there is no boss who really treats his employees well. While the employees make money, the boss must make more money behind his back.

However, 5 million yuan was deducted several times for nuclear deterrence, which seems a bit much.

Chen Nuo frowned, and asked, "System, if the 5 million source power deducted is not enough for me, what will happen?"

Although I guessed in my heart that such a large-scale transformation of spiritual energy into matter would definitely be deducted from the source power reward, but this deducted 5 million. It is too much, and what will happen if the source power I get is not enough.

"Nothing, the host's settlement for this shuttle is zero, and he will be repatriated in advance. In addition, the boss will provide a certain amount of advance payment."

The system's reply was very calm.

"That's good."

Chen Nuo breathed a sigh of relief, he was afraid that one day he would overdo it and be struck by lightning.

"Let's see what can be exchanged for 30 billion Yuanli this time, which suits my ability."

In fact, the matter is settled, and the next step is the business, the harvest feast after the shuttle.

"Electromagnetic force control: 1.7 million source force (upgraded from the original high-level magnetic field control)
Note: Congratulations, you will thoroughly grasp the mystery of electromagnetic force, you can freely shake the magnetic field that destroys galaxies, and have a hard anal relationship with neutron magnetars.

Tie up the coil, and the power generated by one rotation is enough to illuminate hundreds of light years in a radius, which belongs to the real handsome man with electric eyes.

Your electromagnetic gun is powerful enough to shake the central black hole of the Milky Way. Except for this big guy, the rest of the small and medium-sized black holes, neutron stars and so on can be taken away with one shot.

Your electromagnetic shield can withstand supernova explosions head-on, and gamma-ray bursts known as cosmic extinction machines are like a sunbath for you.

You are a walking gamma ray burst, through electromagnetic conversion, the gamma ray burst you burst out can cleanse the life and low-level civilization thousands of light years away. "

"Weak interaction force control: 1.5 million source power (original matter decay upgrade)
Note: The conversion of matter, the mystery of matter, the decay of matter, the nature of matter, everything is in your heart, I wish you a happy life, thank you. "

"Strong interaction force control: 5 million source force.

Note: 70% of the mass of hadrons belongs to the binding energy of internal strong interaction force, and the mass-energy conversion of material disintegration reaches 70%, which is enough to support your energy activities.

You can manufacture hadron materials, which are comparable to the density of neutron stars and can exist normally and stably at normal temperature and pressure. They are completely immune to electromagnetic force attacks in extreme high-energy states. Of course, while being immune to external electromagnetic forces, this It also means that the electromagnetic force is isolated. "

"Temperature Control Legendary Level 10 (upgradeable): Upgrading from the current Advanced Temperature Control Level 5 requires 5 million.

Note: The lower limit is -270 degrees Celsius, and the upper limit is 20 billion degrees Celsius. Your temperature control has surpassed the core temperature of most celestial bodies in the universe. Go surfing and bathing in the stars, boy. "

"Gravity control: 10 billion origin forces.

Note: Not much to explain, the essence of gravity is the curvature of space-time, space-time determines the movement of matter, and matter determines the structure of space-time.

Boys, curvature faster than light travel, faster than light attack, space-time shield, time-space folding, time-space compression, time-space distortion, making planets, making stars, making neutron stars, making black holes, etc., you are all worth having.

You can reach the edge of the Milky Way in a day, you can unravel the mysteries of small black holes, and with enough time you can change the layout of the Milky Way.

Compared with the means of attack, means of protection, and even moving faster than the speed of light, the control of gravity brings you more ability to create. Gravity created this brilliant universe. Without gravity, there would be no universe today.

Let's go, let's go, there are not many civilizations in the universe that are your opponents, and you are invincible in this galaxy group. "

Chen Nuo was dumbfounded, this shit is too scary.

I'm going from a rookie to a boss all at once?
 Well, make up for the second update of last month's leave, and still owe a chapter of monthly pass plus update
(End of this chapter)

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