Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 228 Einstein's Coffin Can't Be Pressed

Chapter 228 Einstein's Coffin Can't Be Pressed
Chen Nuo's expression was a little surprised. This can be regarded as directly turning a millet rifle into an aircraft cannon.

Well, no, this still belongs to the Da Luo level, at most it belongs to the top Da Luo.

The material universe is much larger than the world of heaven and earth. It is still a little weaker to change the layout of the Milky Way and shake the black hole in the center of the Milky Way, but it cannot explode the Milky Way.

It should be known that there are at least 2 trillion galaxies at the Milky Way level in the universe of the main world.

Still can't kill the boss.

Chen Nuo shook his head regretfully.

Ignoring environmental factors, with this strength, there are a group of people who can beat themselves up in the world of Journey to the West.

"It seems that if you want to mix well, master the unification, and push yourself to the level of a saint, then you can count as a bit of a card.

According to the estimation of Saint's mighty force, it should be no problem to blow up the galaxy group, but facing the boss Saint who has at least 2 trillion galaxies is still a bit short. "

Chen Nuo muttered a few times in his heart.

The heyday of the prehistoric world was when it was first opened up, and its diameter was only tens of millions of light-years. It was still a bit short of facing the universe cards of the main world.

With a diameter of 960 billion light-years and at least 2 trillion galaxies, not counting the dark energy and dark matter that account for more than 90%, just 4% of the observable matter is ten thousand times more exciting than the prehistoric world.

According to the calculation of energy absorbed from chaos at all times in the world, the universe of the main world has existed for at least tens of billions of years longer than the prehistoric world, absorbing tens of billions of years more chaotic energy.

The battle between the four saints of the Conferred God barely exploded the already decayed prehistoric world, and came to the main world to blow up the galaxy group with a diameter of 4 million light years. This seems to be a bit overestimated.

The corner of Chen Nuo's mouth twitched. Based on this calculation, it seemed that he would be exploited by his boss for a lifetime.

"System, work, all exchange."

After thinking about it, Chen Nuo simply gave up and called the system to come out to work.

Afterwards, we will know later, maybe he has acquired the ability to control entropy, and he can directly detach himself and create a world by himself.

Although the world I created should only be regarded as a small company, oh no, a small workshop, which is incomparable with the super large group of the boss, but it can be regarded as an independent legal person, and no longer needs to be exploited by the boss.

Electromagnetic force control: 1.7 million source force;
Weak interaction force control: 1.5 million source forces;
Strong interaction force control: 5 million source force;
Temperature Control Legend Level 10: 5 million;
Gravity control: 10 billion source force;
All of a sudden, 24 billion source power disappeared, and Chen Nuo's body suddenly burst into intense light, the air molecules were disintegrating, the blue plasma flame was rising, and the sea water underneath was boiling and evaporating.

This is the subtle fluctuation caused by the inscription of the basic rules into the cells. After a few seconds, the light disappears, the blue flame dissipates, and the sea water is also diluted and cooled by the surrounding ocean currents.

"It seems a little different."

Chen Nuo opened his eyes and moved his body carefully, his powerful thinking consciousness was quickly adapting to the new basic ability and spiritual power.

Looking at the earth under his feet, and then looking up at the sun, he had a feeling that the sun could be extinguished with a single thought.

Yes, extinguished, not detonation, but extinguished.

The temperature control freezes the sun, the temperature drops, and the thermal motion intensity of the hydrogen particles inside also drops, so naturally there will be no collision and nuclear fusion.

This difficulty is at least several orders of magnitude harder than the difficulty of detonating the sun.

"There is a binary star system 6000 light-years away. Well, there is really a black hole inside, and a strong X-ray radiation source is emitted from the black hole's accretion disk. Depending on the situation, this should be Cygnus X-1.

It doesn't seem to be very powerful. The total amount of energy is billions of times, but it is too loose. The mass cannon can blast it away after a few times of acceleration. The black hole is also loose? "

"There is a pulsar inside the nebula 6300 light-years away, and it seems to be able to detonate it. This should be some kind of Crab Nebula."

Chen Nuo let go of his mind, centered on the earth, everything with a radius of tens of thousands of light years naturally came to mind, and evaluated the celestial bodies within this range, as if he could blow them up.

and many more!

Tens of thousands of light years?

Chen Nuo was taken aback for a moment, the faster-than-light phenomenon, information faster than the speed of light, Einstein's coffin is about to be overwhelmed!

"System, I think this needs to be cleared up, otherwise Comrade Einstein might jump out to find you with his tongue out."

Chen Nuo called the system and asked for an explanation.

Einstein clearly said that the speed of matter and information must not exceed the speed of light, you are breaking the rules now.

"Host, then please tell me what happened to the Wheeler quantum delay choice experiment, can photons be predicted, or can the history that has happened be changed?"

The system replied with a calm voice.


The corner of Chen Nuo's mouth twitched, it was too much!
I am asking you questions, not you asking me questions.

Also, just ask rhetorically, don't be indecisive about quantum mechanics!
Quantum Mechanics, even if he mastered the strong interaction force, the water depth is still deeper than the Mariana Trench.

After all, the four fundamental forces of the universe can only control matter and a part of space-time, and cannot control dark energy and dark matter, which account for the majority of the total universe.

Chen Nuo even seriously doubted that the quantum realm is actually the connection between the dark world and the material world.

"Don't you also know? Don't need specific data, just talk about the principle." Chen Nuo continued to ask.

"I really don't know, I know I'm your boss, not your manager"

The system paused halfway, and then said: "Well, the boss told you, this is the feedback at the rule level, not the information transmission at the material level, it is the information obtained by integrating the spiritual power into the rules, not the scanning and detection of the spiritual power.

Your strength has reached this level and you can already touch the rules. In addition, he said stop slandering him behind his back, he will know. "


The corner of Chen Nuo's mouth twitched. You must be slandering me behind your back.

The doubts in his heart were explained, and Einstein didn't jump out with his tongue out. Chen Nuo was ready to go home after complaining about the system and the boss.

Beep beep!

When Chen Nuo canceled the mental shield and went home, the signal alarms sounded again in bases all over the earth.
"Report to the supervisor, the satellite has rediscovered the target!"

"The other party didn't dodge and shield?" The supervisor's expression flashed with surprise.

"No, the goal is very fair!"

"Can you evaluate the energy intensity of the other party?"

"Sorry, no, the signal reflects that the other party is now an ordinary person."


The corner of the supervisor's mouth twitched, have you ever seen ordinary people flying in the sky?

"Okay, this matter is sealed, the confidentiality level is level 3, and there is no need to pay attention to it."

The supervisor waved his hand, looked at Chen Nuo, who had disappeared from the screen for more than 6 years and reappeared, and was flying leisurely to the mainland, shook his head and left the room.

Just report the boss's affairs to the higher-ups, as for how to make a decision, he can't intervene.

However, he didn't think there was anything to intervene in. Even if he didn't wait for the report, he could guess the plan in his heart.

It is nothing more than appeasement, asking for warmth, reactivating the think tank team that has been resting for several years, re-analyzing the target's emotions from words and deeds, and analyzing whether the target's personality and psychology have changed.

Then what type of beauties the target likes, then arrange several more encounters every day.

If you like the home type, arrange the home type, if you like the cute loli type, prepare the loli type, if you like gentle and pleasant, then arrange the gentle and pleasant type, even if your sexual orientation has changed, you can prepare handsome men.

Even if they don't need to do this kind of thing, a large group of foreign national consortiums will rush to arrange it, and they all want to have a relationship with the target.

Don't look at the rapid development of human beings on the earth in recent years and they have already left the earth. The battleship on Pluto is still shining and reflecting light.

(End of this chapter)

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