Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 229 New Changes in the Main World

Chapter 229 New Changes in the Main World

"Special offer! Special offer! Shocking special offer for galaxy tours!

Do you want to experience Jupiter's Great Red Spot up close?Do you want to feel the grandeur of Jupiter for yourself?

The 10-day tour of Jupiter only costs 6999, and the 10-day tour of Jupiter only costs 6999!

This special event uses the newest Shuttle Starship No. 6 released by Xinsheng Group, with an efficient thermal expansion engine. It only takes 6 days to travel to Jupiter. The life support system perfectly eliminates the overload pain of high-speed navigation. The journey includes 22 days of play time. back and forth"


As soon as Chen Nuo returned to the mainland, the advertising screens on the street played advertisements that stunned him.

Which sci-fi movie is going to be released? The advertising method is quite unique.

Chen Nuo subconsciously realized that this was an advertisement for the release of a certain sci-fi movie.

He is not a peeping tom. He let go of his mind just now and didn't check the situation on the earth. He still doesn't understand what happened.

"Hey, brother, borrow your cell phone to make a call."

Looking around, Chen Nuo greeted a brother who was passing by in a friendly way, and was going to borrow a mobile phone to call Sister Lin.

The speed of this city's development was crazy, and it didn't take long for the whole city to change drastically. He didn't know a single street, and he couldn't even find his own villa.

"Dude, did you forget to bring your bracelet when you went out?"

The brother who was stopped by Chen Nuo was very refreshing, and he took off a bracelet on his wrist with a click, and the bracelet stretched out to become a smooth and technologically-sounding tablet.

The tablet lights up, the light shines, and a holographic screen emerges, displaying the familiar mobile phone icon before.

High-definition holographic screen?
Chen Nuo took the tablet and was a little dazed.

How many years have I been away? How come the world has become something I don’t even know?

And how does this thing work?

"Dial 1367388654"

Chen Nuo thought for a second, then read calmly.

In the era of smartphones, there are voice functions, and he does not believe that there will be no such thing.

Sure enough, he guessed right.

The holographic screen switches to the voice dial interface, depending on the situation, it is still a video call.

The dial rang for two seconds and the call was connected.

"Hi, hello, please find me."

Sister Lin's assistant secretary appeared on the screen. Before she could finish her politeness, she froze suddenly, and shouted respectfully the next moment: "Mr. Chen, please wait a moment, I will transfer the call to Mr. Lin right now."

As he spoke, the screen shook, accompanied by the sound of knocking on the door and the sound of conversations, the image of Sister Lin appeared on the screen.

"I'm back, where are you?"

The moment she saw Chen Nuo, Sister Lin's eyes flashed with excitement and joy, and then she asked very gently, her tone was like a wife at home facing a husband who came back from a business trip.


Chen Nuo looked around: "A place called Zhongyue Street should be a newly built community street."

"Okay, I'll go pick you up now."

Sister Lin didn't say much, and hung up the call neatly.

"Brother, thank you."

Chen Nuo handed back the holographic bracelet or the holographic mobile phone to the brother just now, looked at the cars driving on the street and asked curiously: "I haven't been out for a long time at home, why are there all electric cars on the street."

Pedestrians passing by on the spacious avenue, those who have cultivated to the peak of cell transformation are no longer a minority.

Of course, this is not surprising, after all, before Chen Nuo left last time, he gave the super nutrition block technology to the above.

With sufficient nutritional resources, it is normal for the whole people to break out in cultivation.

The only thing that surprised Chen Nuo was that there was almost no fuel car on the street, all of them were electric cars with bare fronts, no grilles, and no exhaust pipes at the rear.

"Brother, you are not staying at home, you are practicing in retreat at home."

This buddy clasped the holographic phone to his wrist, and the phone turned into a bracelet with a click, and explained to Chen Nuo:

"After human civilization studied the technology of that alien warship, a major breakthrough occurred in battery technology and fast charging technology, and it can run [-] kilometers in half an hour.

In order to promote the popularization of electric vehicles and protect the environment, the state imposes heavy taxes on fuel vehicles and provides high subsidies for the scrapping of fuel vehicles. In just over a year, fuel vehicles on the street have almost disappeared. "

"That's pretty good."

Chen Nuo nodded. From the simple electric car change, he saw a lot of information.

First of all, the room temperature superconducting material has made a breakthrough, and it is not a general superconducting material, which requires a superconducting material with a high critical current.

If there is no breakthrough in this, then it is impossible to run [-] kilometers in half an hour.

Because energy is conserved, whether it is an electric car or a fuel car running [-] kilometers, the energy consumed to do work is the same. If there is no superconducting material with a high critical current, it is impossible to deliver so much electric energy in half an hour.

Materials are the foundation of all technologies and the cornerstone of all industries.

Breakthroughs in room temperature superconducting materials, changes in the electric vehicle industry, and earth-shaking changes in the electronics industry, and breakthroughs in controllable nuclear fusion.

Nine out of ten of the thermal expansion engine just now was powered by the ultra-high temperature exhaust gas from nuclear fusion.

Controllable fusion engine ≠ engine engine.

Nuclear fusion produces heat, which is energy, and it is impossible to propel warships to sail without conversion.

The energy efficiency of nuclear fusion cannot afford the curvature engine, so there are only two ways to convert nuclear fusion into power.

One is the ion engine, which ionizes the working medium and then emits it at a super high speed through a magnetic field, so that thrust can be obtained according to Newton's second law to propel the warship to sail.

The second is thermal expansion pressure, which is similar to a conventional rocket engine. The principle is also Newton's second law, but it uses expansion pressure.

Expansion with heat and contraction with cold is a very basic common sense. Through nuclear fusion of ultra-high temperature waste gas up to [-] million degrees Celsius, the gas working medium will undergo ultra-high temperature expansion, and this expansion pressure will propel the warship to sail.

To put it simply, it's the same as playing with firecrackers when you were a child, covering it with a basin, and the expansive pressure of the firecrackers blowing up the basin.

With nuclear fusion, without new engine technology, the speed of the spacecraft will soar, it must be drunk.

"It's very good, but technology is developing too fast and society is changing too fast, and a lot of problems have also erupted."

The buddy nodded, then shook his head, and pointed to a group of people holding a banner not far away.

"What's the situation?" Chen Nuo was puzzled.

"Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence technology, unemployment and job loss."

The buddy shrugged, shook his head and complained: "Actually, if you are unemployed, you can live well. The country announced a new policy last year. Unemployed people can receive subsistence allowances.

Oh no, that is no longer the minimum living allowance, but the high living allowance, and the amount of subsidy is enough to live a moderately prosperous life.

But people, in fact, are cheap.

If you are busy working overtime every day, you are complaining, and if you have nothing to do all the time, you can't be idle.

In addition, everyone wants a better life, and the high insurance cannot satisfy everyone's desires and pursuits, so this is causing trouble for work. "

"Brother, wait for your friend here. I'll go to work first. If I get fired, I'll probably pull up the banner too."

The buddy chatted for a few words, and after seeing the time, he hurriedly bid farewell to Chen Nuo.

"Okay, thank you just now."

Chen Nuo responded with a wave of his hand. Looking at the crowd holding the banners, he fell into deep thought and shook his head: "Artificial intelligence replaces jobs and causes layoffs? This is a headache."


Before Chen Nuo could think about it, an electric supercar stopped in front of Chen Nuo, and the window was lowered, revealing Sister Lin's smiling face.

"Uncle Chen, get in the car!"

 Friends go out for supper, see what time you come back, there should be an update in the early morning, you can watch it tomorrow morning

(End of this chapter)

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