Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 230 Oh, I Really Have No Love

Chapter 230 Oh, I Really Have No Love

"Hey, Miss Lin is working part-time as a driver."

Chen Nuo bent down and sat in. The space of the supercar was narrow and the roof was not put down, which made him, a handsome man with a height of 180, feel oppressed.

"It's as if you rarely take my car."

Sister Lin glanced at Chen Nuo, with a smile on her face, she turned the steering wheel, stepped on the gas pedal, and the sound of electronically simulated exhaust backfiring instantly exploded.

"I haven't been in your car much."

Chen Nuo smiled slightly, and looked sideways at Sister Lin who was concentrating on driving.

To be honest, it feels really good to have someone pick you up when you come back.

There is a faint fragrance of a woman in the car. It seems that Sister Lin has just come from the company in the dress. Although it is still a dress, it is more business-like for the president.

After cultivating to the peak of the transformation method, both the skin and body appearance have been adjusted to return to the peak of youth, coupled with a mature temperament, the demeanor of a female president. The space in this car is a little small.

Chen Nuo smacked his lips regretfully.

"Go back to the group first, there are still some work to be done, and I will go home later."

A pair of eyes on the side were watching unscrupulously. Sister Lin moved her body uncomfortably, a blush appeared on her face, and she pretended to calmly say the next arrangement.

"I have to go to the company when I come back, alas, I really have no love."

Chen Nuo sighed exaggeratedly.

"You still have the nerve to say that it's been more than six years since you left, and this is your group, not mine."

Sister Lin replied angrily, and drove into the parking garage of Xinsheng Group after the group security guard saluted and opened the passage.

"More than six years? Not three years?"

There was a strange flash in Chen Nuo's eyes. He remembered correctly the time ratio between Journey to the West and the main world, 240 to 1.

Journey to the West has been going on for more than 700 years, and it should have only been a little over 3 years in the main world.

"Check the time by yourself, this is a new communicator, no need to borrow someone else's."

Sister Lin didn't care about the time confusion message in Chen Nuo's words, she took out a holographic bracelet from the car and threw it over, motioning Chen Nuo to check the time by himself.

"I'll take a look."

Chen Nuo, who borrowed someone else's phone call before and didn't pay attention to check the date, ended up with a holographic bracelet. He voiced a voice signal to open the calendar, and his expression suddenly froze.

"System, your uncle, give me an explanation!"

He confirmed it before the shuttle, the time ratio is 240 to 1, why has it been more than 700 years since he returned to the main world after traveling to the west for more than 6 years.

Did the boss quietly speed up the flow of time in the world while he was not at home?
"Host, the time flow rate of the main world is fixed, and the boss will not change it easily, but when you passed the 300th year of Journey to the West, the time flow rate of Westward Journey was slowed down, so that the time flow rate of the main world is faster than that of the main world."

Facing Chen Nuo's question, the system quickly gave an answer.

"So, I was tricked?"

Chen Nuo was speechless, isn't this a scam?

"I want to complain!"

Chen Nuo solemnly replied.

This problem is serious and must be stopped.

It’s okay this time, just slowing down a little bit. If the next time he travels through, he suddenly slows down by [-] times. If he spends a day there, a hundred thousand years will pass on the main world side, and when he returns to Earth, maybe all human beings will perish. up.

"Host, changing your own time flow rate is the right of other worlds, and we have no right to interfere."

The system said calmly: "Of course there is no way to solve this problem. It depends on whether the host is willing to pay."

"So, you want me to charge?"

Chen Nuo understood in seconds.

"Yes, next time you travel, you can spend a million yuan to sign an agreement with the world of travel, agreeing that the flow of time will not be adjusted during your travel."

What the system said is an understatement, there is no problem that Yuanli krypton gold can't solve, there is only a possibility that your Yuanli is not enough.

"Wait, before I spent a few thousand Yuanli in other worlds, the boss would give a bad review, but if I spend a million Yuanli, he will probably get lightning strikes directly.

According to the boss's stingy appearance, I'm afraid this agreement is forcibly tied to other shuttle worlds. There is no such thing as spending Yuanli to sign an agreement. The million Yuanli I paid actually entered the boss's pocket. "

Chen Nuo rationally made a guess.

But he didn't forget that when he came back from the Dragon Snake World, he was rewarded with a bad review after spending thousands of Yuanli in the Dragon Snake World.

This boss is stingy to the bone, wishing he could have all the power in his hands.

"Young man, do you think the boss's time is worthless? Negotiation is an art, and it takes time to negotiate this agreement!"

The calm voice of the system sounded in Chen Nuo's mind, and then added: "This is the reply from the boss, and I will translate it for you."


Chen Nuo's mouth twitched.

Ma De, this boss is hopeless. He has been thinking about the residual value of his employees all day long. Isn't it because he still has 6 million yuan to spend.

"I agree, the next shuttle will sign this agreement for me!"

Taking a deep breath, Chen Nuo agreed to the agreement.

Isn't it just a million source power? Master Chen Hao is not short of this source power!

If the shuttle is to go out to work and struggle, then the main world is his resting place.

He really didn't want to come back one day, millions of years had passed in the main world, and he couldn't find a familiar place to relax.

The wage earners have to go home for the New Year. If they don’t even have a home, it will be a rough year.

"Here we are, get out of the car."

Chen Nuo and the system chatted in their minds for a while, and Sister Lin also drove the car to the exclusive parking space and parked it, calling Chen Nuo to get off.

After getting out of the car, Sister Lin naturally took Chen Nuo's arm and asked, "What are you going to eat tonight? I'll prepare the ingredients in advance."

Chen Nuo looked at the hand holding her, and suddenly smiled at Sister Lin, "Isn't the food in front of you?"

"Fuck you, Xiaoqian will come over tonight, don't think too much about things you shouldn't think about!"

A blush flashed across Sister Lin's face, and she squeezed Chen Nuo angrily.


Hearing this, Chen Nuo was immediately unhappy, and shouted, "You take me to the company when I come back, and Xiaoqian comes back after get off work, Lin Xin, you are enough."

"Dr. Xiaoqian has graduated, and she promised to come over a long time ago. Who knew you would come back so suddenly."

"Does that mean that Xiaoqian won't come if she doesn't come back suddenly." Chen Nuo's eyes lit up and she said with a smile.

"No, no, you think too much. Xiaoqian doesn't live in school after graduation, and she will live with me from now on."

Sister Lin quickly denied it, and the two of them played and walked towards the elevator.

"Hello, President!"

"Hello, President!"

The elevator went straight to the top floor, and the two walked out of the elevator. The employees they met along the way greeted respectfully, and all cast curious glances at Chen Nuo, who was held by Sister Lin's arm.

Over the past six years, Xinsheng Group has grown a lot. Except for a small number of former employees, the rest of them don't know Chen Nuo. They are all very surprised to see the president holding a man's arm in such a small gesture.

Nodding to the employees along the way, the two walked into the president's office of Xinsheng Group hand in hand.

Picking up the two reports that the assistant on the desktop prepared to print after she went out, Sister Lin handed them to Chen Nuo.

"Hey, take a look at this."

"What. Financial statements and business statements?"

Chen Nuo took it curiously, and said speechlessly, "Why are you showing me this thing?"

"Uncle Chen, this group belongs to you!" Sister Lin rolled her eyes.

"It's up to you to make the decision."

Chen Nuo threw the report back to the desktop without even looking at it, and casually picked up another report on the desktop.

"On the Social Changes and Problems Brought by Artificial Intelligence Breakthroughs"

Holding Sister Lin's hand and sitting in his arms, Chen Nuo lightly sniffed the fragrance of the woman in his arms, and said, "Well, now, I would like to ask President Lin to report the situation to Chairman Chen."

 Make up for last month's monthly pass plus a new chapter. Some readers asked about the monthly pass plus change rules, 200 monthly pass for one chapter, um, now I owe another chapter for the 228 monthly pass.

  In addition, I would like to thank the brothers "Prisoner Sending Guns" for the 1 rewards, "Yuan [-] is wonderful", "The low-key hunter", "Wishful thinking," and other brothers for their rewards, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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