Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 231 The Development of Human Civilization

Chapter 231 The Development of Human Civilization

"You still care about this issue?"

Being pulled into Chen Nuo's arms suddenly, Sister Lin twisted her body a little uncomfortably, a blush rose on her face, but she didn't get up and leave.

"As a person who cares about current affairs and politics like me, I have always cared about the development of the nation and the progress of social civilization."

Chen Nuo opened the report and said, "Don't move anymore, be careful, I can't help it, this is the office."

Sister Lin's body froze immediately, she didn't dare to move casually, she tried her best to restrain her thoughts and explained: "Human beings need huge productivity to go out of the earth, which requires the development of artificial intelligence and the development of intelligent industry to meet the huge demand for productivity.

However, once artificial intelligence technology matures, more than 80% of the jobs in the society will face replacement, and employees will be laid off in batches.

The boss is no longer willing to recruit employees whose production efficiency is not as good as that of artificial intelligence, the rate of good products is not as good as that of artificial intelligence, and employees who have to ask for leave from time to time and have to raise wages on a regular basis.

This led to more and more people being unemployed, and finally a crisis of social unrest broke out. "

"The cost of artificial intelligence should be very high."

Chen Nuo was puzzled.

"The initial cost is high, and once the technology is popularized and matured, the cost will not be so high."

Sister Lin shook her head and said, "The higher authorities are also having a headache. Although the productivity has exploded and the higher authorities are able to provide all citizens with a subsistence allowance that is sufficient to meet their daily needs, people's desires cannot be satisfied by the subsistence allowance.

People are afraid that they will not find their own value. If you have nothing to do for a month, it is called a vacation. If you don’t work for a year, it is called a rest. For two or three years or even a long time, you will be raised like a pig. This is enough to cause self-denial and self-deprecation. , depression madness.

Furthermore, people want to be better, and the subsistence allowance can satisfy a well-off life, but it cannot satisfy the pursuit of those high-tech electronic products and high-consumption services.

The subsistence allowance is not enough, and if you want to increase your income, you have no job, and your emotions have been accumulating and suppressed, and you are almost about to explode. "

"That's quite a headache."

Chen Nuo frowned. If civilization is to move towards the starry sky, productivity must explode. For productivity to explode, artificial intelligence and smart industries must develop.

However, artificial intelligence has developed to replace people's jobs, and hundreds of millions of people are unemployed. This is another terrible social problem. Once an outbreak occurs, a little carelessness will pull civilization into the abyss.

The big filter in terms of social institutions?
Crash, clatter.
Chen Nuo flipped through the two pages of the report in his hand, and suddenly he couldn't help being stunned by the evaluation solution behind it.

"Virtual world? Interstellar development?"


Sister Lin leaned back on Chen Nuo, and said softly: "Artificial intelligence has replaced most of the jobs, and the higher authorities are already making strategic adjustments, extending compulsory education, and developing the public as much as possible in the fields of scientific research and creation. The only field that cannot be replaced.

However, everyone's talent is different. Not everyone can do scientific research and creation, and even people with insufficient talent account for the majority. Then these people must have arrangements, arrange jobs for them, or have places to satisfy their needs. Spiritual needs, life pursuits.

Virtual world, interstellar development, these are the two arrangements currently thought of.

All the rules of the virtual world can be set artificially, which is enough to create a world with a large number of ascending channels to meet the struggle and spiritual needs of the people.

Interstellar development, although it is not a good choice to use humans for interstellar development, artificial intelligence is more competent than humans for this job, but some ultra-long-distance planets can also be considered for the people to develop independently, which can well alleviate internal conflicts. "

"Humans have not yet mastered faster-than-light communication and curvature faster-than-light navigation. Does the higher-ups know what this means?"

Chen Nuo smoothed Sister Shun Lin's hair and sighed.

Without faster-than-light communication, no curvature to travel faster than the speed of light, if we really want to develop super-long-distance planets, then the situation of civilization splitting and independence is doomed.

In the face of a situation where a round trip of communication takes a hundred years or a thousand years, a round trip of a voyage takes a thousand or even ten thousand years.

Human nature is selfish, the first generation and the second generation may not split up independently from the control of the central government, and they will definitely split completely after a long time.

Once the communication station is closed, the two sides will be completely separated. At that time, except that everyone has the same gene and belongs to the same race, there is no difference in aliens from each other in other aspects.

In science fiction, the distance between the two sides is thousands of light years, and it takes thousands of years to sail back and forth, and the colonial galaxy will obediently obey orders. That is really the truth, kindness and beauty of human nature, and it is completely utopian.

"I know, the higher-ups are far more clear than we can see, and they are far more courageous than everyone imagined."

Sister Lin nodded and said: "It is impossible for us to use the virtual world to solve all real problems. If the economy of the virtual world greatly exceeds that of reality, then the social center of gravity will inevitably be biased towards virtual reality. In the end, people will be entertained to death, and society will sink into itself. .

The virtual world can solve part of the problem and buffer a little time, but it is not the fundamental solution after all.

Compared with entertaining to death, society sinks into itself, and civilization is trapped in the solar system and can never get out. The result of civilization division is bearable. "

Life is full of choices, and the development of civilization is also full of choices.

Without the development of artificial intelligence technology, even if the technology meets the requirements, productivity cannot support civilization to go out of the planet.

With the development of artificial intelligence technology, the vast majority of people will be laid off, and these laid-off people must have arrangements.

It is possible to strategically guide the public to turn to scientific research and creative work, but only a small number of talented people meet the job transfer requirements, and most of the rest are not talented enough.

In middle school, you study hard every day, but your grades are still not as good as those who pick up girls and fight online. This proves that there is a gap in human talent.

Since most people are not talented enough to turn to scientific research and creation, then this part of people must be properly arranged, otherwise the princes and generals will be kind to each other, and society will definitely collapse.

Arrangement There are no good fields to arrange, virtual world, interstellar development, these are the two paths after deliberation.

The virtual world is not a panacea, and it needs to be controlled, otherwise it will be entertaining to death, and the social focus is on virtuality without developing reality, which is not acceptable.

This can only solve a part of the virtual world, and part of the interstellar development. However, in the absence of faster-than-light communication and curvature faster than light navigation, interstellar development actually means the division of civilization.

Civilization moves from the planet to the starry sky, and the development of science and technology is difficult every step of the way. If you make a wrong step, you may be trapped in the planet or star system.

The development of science and technology is no problem, but the reform of the social system is also a trap every step of the way. A little carelessness will cause unstoppable social problems, either a decline in the birth rate, or a war, or even a full-scale outbreak of conflicts and the self-destruction of civilization.

"Split today, unify in war tomorrow, split again the day after tomorrow, and continue the war the day after tomorrow. The development of human civilization is indeed a history of war."

Chen Nuo shook his head and smiled wryly. He had already predicted how human civilization would evolve in the future.

Human beings have never lacked ambitious people.

Before the lack of super-light communication and super-light navigation technology, interstellar development will definitely make civilization split and independent.

As time goes by, the faster-than-light communication and faster-than-light navigation technologies will light up, and a unification war will break out again.

Because careerists all hope that they can be famous in history.

However, except for those big bosses dotted in the halls of science and dotted on the rules of physics, who can really leave their names in history, no one can shake them. If politicians want to leave their names in history, they can only reform and unify.

Lao Mi has served so many presidents, no matter how other people manage and develop the economy, they are not as good as Washington and Lincoln.

Because one has achieved independence and is the father of the nation, and the other has achieved reform and abolished black slaves, giving the United States a new life.

Facing a situation where civilization is divided, if careerists want to completely imprint their names into history, they will definitely launch a unification war under the premise that the technology is sufficient.

The universe is infinite, and human civilization is unified today. With the development and expansion of the territory, it will definitely be divided again. Waiting for the next wave of technological explosion, there will be another war to unify, and it will go round and round, dividing and reuniting.

"What to do if you think so much, it doesn't matter if you divide and combine, as long as you keep progressing and developing without dying, social development has its own laws, and there is no perfect system in the universe that is once and for all."

Sister Lin smiled and shook her head, took the report in Chen Nuo's hand, and said, "Humanity's virtual world technology and high-speed warship technology can't really meet the strategic needs. I can't hide the news of your return. I've thought about it for two days. I'm coming to find you."

(End of this chapter)

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