Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 232 Matter Decay Engine

Chapter 232 Matter Decay Engine
"Just look for it. When Uncle Chen is back, there will always be people coming to worship the mountain."

Chen Nuo shrugged, looked around in the office, and suddenly put his head next to Sister Lin's ear: "I seem to see a bed in the office."

"Go, go, go! No one is serious!"

Before Chen Nuo finished speaking, Sister Lin immediately jumped up, angrily pushed Chen Nuo who was sitting in her chair, picked up the documents on the table and shouted: "I still have things to deal with, you have to rest and go on your own." rest."

"Oh, no more love."

Chen Nuo sighed helplessly, shook his head and walked to the reception sofa next to him, playing with the holographic bracelet and waiting for Sister Lin to finish her work.

In the afternoon, the sunlight streamed in from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and after several hours of busy work, Sister Lin managed the matters that the Xinsheng Group needed her to deal with.

Sitting on the chair, he stretched lazily, showing off his perfectly curvy and well-shaped figure, and then walked behind Chen Nuo who was next to him.

"How long will you be back this time?"

Reaching out to hug Chen Nuo, Sister Lin closed her eyes and asked softly.

"Depending on the situation, it will take a little longer, maybe three to five years."

Chen Nuo replied.

At this time, he wants to go a step further, and the source power he needs is the amount of heaven.

The next step of unified control, 50 billion source power, is not something that can be obtained by ordinary world reforms. There are not many worlds left for him to choose from, so he needs to prepare well.

This time I earned more than 30 billion yuan and paid more than 7 million yuan in taxes to the boss. It would not be too much to take a few more years of vacation.


Sister Lin opened her eyes with a hint of surprise on her face.

"Yeah." Chen Nuo nodded.

Ding Dong!

"Sister, I'm here, when do you get off work?"

Before we could have a good chat, Lin Qian sent a message to tell Sister Lin that she had come.

"Let's go, Xiaoqian is urging you to go home."


Taking out a car key from the drawer, reaching out to pick up her bag, Sister Lin handed the car key to Chen Nuo.

"you drive."

"it is good."

Amidst the greetings from the employees, the two left Xinsheng Pharmaceutical Group hand in hand.

"By the way, where are Kai Wang and Zhang Qiao?"

Going down to the garage to get in the car, Chen Nuo started the car and asked suddenly.

"Shao Jia fell ill yesterday, and the two asked for leave to take her to the hospital."

Sister Lin replied that Shao Jia, the daughter of Shao Kaiwang and Zhang Qiao, is 7 years old this year.

"Let's make an appointment when you have time. If you don't get well soon, I might be able to help you."

Chen Nuo nodded, turned on the navigation and set the destination, and the car drifted out of the parking space as soon as the steering wheel was turned.

Ten minutes later, Chen Nuo drove back to Sister Lin's residence, a detached villa in the urban area. As for his previous villa, well, it was developed by Xinsheng Group.

Sister Lin must have done it on purpose, so that he would be homeless when he came back, so he could only live in her house.


The car entered the villa area and stopped at the gate, and Chen Nuo got out of the car.

"Brother Nuo?"

Lin Qian, who was reading a paper in the room, came out and yelled in surprise when she saw Chen Nuo.

"Hi, Xiaoqian, long time no see."

Chen Nuo helped Sister Lin get her bag and greeted Lin Qian.

"Should I call brother-in-law?"

Looking at her sister and Chen Nuo, Lin Qian joked with a hint of teasing on her face.

"What is it called?"

A look of embarrassment flashed across Sister Lin's face, and she glared at her sister sullenly.

"Your sister has a thin skin."

Chen Nuo shrugged, looked at the paper in Lin Qian's hand and asked curiously: "Gauge field theory, Xiaoqian, have you switched to physics?"

"Brother Nuo also understands?"

Lin Qian raised the thesis in her hand and nodded: "Well, my sister said that other majors will be replaced by artificial intelligence, and mathematics and science are the eternal professions. I just happened to be interested in physics, so I switched to physics after my master's degree."

The popularization of body transformation method, adjusting cells to increase the number of neurons, IQ is no longer an obstacle for human beings, thinking talent and interest are the decisive factors that determine a person's development.

"Give me a look, studying the gauge field theory of fundamental force is my strong point."

Chen Nuo reached out and took the thesis in Lin Qian's hand. He didn't lie, the mystery of the four fundamental forces was under his grasp, and he only had to master it.

"Decadence energy. Is human technology so powerful?"

After a few glances at Chen Nuo, surprise flashed across his eyes. This is not a theoretical paper on the basis of physics, but a theoretical exposition on applied technology.

The meaning of this partial paper is that humans have discovered that under certain energy conditions, the decay rate of matter will accelerate.


The decay of matter will not disappear out of thin air, it releases particles and rays through three decay methods.

In this way, as long as the particle kinetic energy and ray energy emitted by decay are collected by certain means, this can be used as an energy technology, and the energy efficiency is much higher than that of nuclear energy. The corresponding energy engine is the decay engine.

"Brother Nuo really understands?"

Surprise flashed in Lin Qian's eyes, and sister Lin beside her was also stunned.

Didn't you go to work, why did you suddenly become a scientist?

"You thought I was lying to you, take a pen, Brother Nuo will open your eyes."

Chen Nuo was speechless, and motioned for Lin Qian to pick up a pen.

"and many more."

A glimmer of hope flashed in Lin Qian's eyes, and she hurried into the room to get a pen and a stack of manuscript paper.

"Your research direction is wrong."

Chen Nuo said something, put the manuscript paper on the table in the yard, crossed out a few lines of data in the paper with two strokes, and then wrote lines of formula data on the new manuscript paper.

He has been playing with the decay of matter for hundreds of years, and now he has completely mastered the mystery of the weak interaction force. This thing is really familiar.

There was a rustling sound as the black gel pen was writing on the manuscript paper. Lin Qian stood aside and watched seriously, her eyes went from dazed to stunned to excited.
It took more than 20 minutes and Chen Nuo wrote more than a dozen pages of manuscript paper before he deduced the complete formula for the decay of matter.

After two strokes, the final conclusion formula that showed the beauty of mathematics like E=mc was written out, and Chen Nuo handed the manuscript to Lin Qian casually.

"Hey, a physics Nobel Prize."

Lin Qian hurriedly took the manuscript paper and read it again from beginning to end.

Because Chen Nuo wrote out the complete deduction process of the formula, it didn't take too much effort for her to understand.

"Nuoge. Have you really deduced the complete formula data for the decay of matter?"

After a long time, Lin Qian raised her head, opened her mouth slightly and looked at Chen Nuo in disbelief.

She witnessed a miracle.

In just over 20 minutes, a scientific problem that troubled countless scientific experts was solved.

With this complete formula data of matter decay, the relevant matter decay engine can start to test and develop.

According to the productivity of the artificial intelligence explosion of human beings, it will take less than two years for the more efficient material decay engine to replace the controllable fusion engine.

It's no less than Genesis.

(End of this chapter)

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