Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 233 Zeng Weiguo Wants to Visit

Chapter 233 Zeng Weiguo Wants to Visit
"Aren't you watching yourself?"

Chen Nuo rubbed Lin Qian's head, and said with a light smile, "We have thoroughly studied the weak interaction force, not only the decay engine, but also the matter conversion, and even the matter decay cannon. Work hard."

He did not write out other mysteries of the weak interaction force.

Sometimes it is not a good thing to give everything. After all, people have pursuits, and life is a road to realize self-worth.

He gave them all, which seemed good, but actually killed Lin Qian's life.

Now that the data of the material decay engine is given, a direction is given, and the rest is left for her to study by herself, which obviously can obtain more happiness of achievement.


Lin Qian nodded obediently. She has not officially stepped out of the society yet, and her long-term study and research life has left her with a pure personality.

Hugging Chen Nuo's arm affectionately, Lin Qian raised her head and asked, "Why is Brother Nuo so powerful?"

"Brother Nuo has always been very good."

The girl acted without hesitation, with the two lumps of softness on her chest sticking to her arms, which made Chen Nuo pull her hands away speechlessly.

"Go back to cooking, be careful of your sister getting jealous when you get so close."

"My sister won't."

Lin Qian shook her head and said playfully, "I'm close to Brother Nuo, Lin Xin doesn't dare to be jealous. As the saying goes, sister-in-law is the half of brother-in-law."

"Xiao Qian!"

A blush flashed across Sister Lin's face, and she scolded at the side, this girl, she can't hide her words.

"Walk around, go back to cook, sister, you are so stingy, Brother Nuo won't even give me a hug."

Lin Qian, who has become more lively since her congenital heart disease recovered, stuck out her tongue, took the draft paper in her hand like a treasure, and walked quickly into the house.

"Sister, I put the ingredients prepared by you in the refrigerator. I will help you with what to do with them."

After a while, Lin Qian's shouts came from inside the room. Sister Lin felt a headache and angrily pinched Chen Nuo next to her.

"Hey, what are you doing, I didn't offend you, did I?"

Being attacked suddenly, Chen Nuo looked at Sister Lin speechlessly.

Although he is fine with a neutron star hitting his face with his current strength, he still feels uncomfortable being pinched like this.

"Why not, I'm not happy."

Sister Lin took Chen Nuo's hand, turned her head and asked, "You go in and read a book, Xiaoqian and I will cook, what do you want to eat?"

"You like to eat everything you cook." Chen Nuo replied with a panacea.

"No sincerity at all."

Rolling her eyes, Sister Lin didn't continue to make trouble. She went into the house, took the apron and took out the ingredients from the refrigerator. The two sisters got busy in the kitchen.

"This kind of life seems to be pretty good."

Hearing the sound of the two sisters busy chatting in the kitchen, Chen Nuo lay on the soft sofa in the living room and let out a sigh of relief.

This can be regarded as achieving the pinnacle of life through part-time work.


After lying down for a while, suddenly, the holographic phone placed on the table beeped.

"Zeng Weiguo: Sir, welcome back"

Chen Nuo picked up the phone and replied: "I have something to say, I'm not free."

The operation of the holographic mobile phone is not significantly different from the previous control of the mobile phone. It is nothing more than a touch screen and a finger pressing the holographic virtual button.

Of course, if you want to be nostalgic, you can also switch to the previous touch mode.

"Zeng Weiguo: Is it convenient tomorrow? I'll go over and find Mr."

"Chen Nuo: Come here in the morning"

"Zeng Weiguo: Yes"

Seeing this reply, Chen Nuo casually threw the phone back on the table without saying anything about the address, he believed that the higher-ups knew where he was.

"What's the matter, who is looking for you."

Sister Lin came out with the dishes, and seeing Chen Nuo's message just now, she couldn't help asking.

"Zeng Weiguo."

"The higher ups are looking for you?"

Sister Lin asked curiously when she heard Zeng Weiguo.

"I'm not free at the top. I didn't say anything. If there is any trouble in the Xinsheng Group, I will file a complaint tomorrow."

Chen Nuo got up and went to the kitchen to wash his hands, and helped serve the dishes.

"There is already one more star in the sky at night, who will make trouble."

Sister Lin rolled her eyes. The super battleship Xiaoqi is still in orbit outside the solar system. The surface of the battleship has a high reflectivity, so it can be seen with the naked eye even without a telescope when the weather is good at night.

Facing this super warship capable of bombarding the solar system, terrorists would not trouble the Xinsheng Group.

"By the way, I'll return this to you. You shouldn't need it when you come back."

Sister Lin seemed to think of something, and reached out to take off the bracelet on her wrist.

This is the FTL communication bracelet that Chen Nuo gave her last time. If there is an emergency, you can contact the super battleship Xiaoqi.

"Oh, sister, you and Brother Nuo have something to discuss at the company, don't come back and keep saying things I don't understand."

Before Chen Nuo could speak, Lin Qian became unhappy when she saw the two chatting about topics she didn't understand.

"Yes, don't talk about other things, you take this bracelet, it's useless if I want to come."

Chen Nuo laughed, picked up a plate of sweet and sour pork ribs, and shouted: "The ribs look good, who made them?"

"I made it, Brother Nuo, how is it? Is it delicious?"

Lin Qian next to her heard Chen Nuo's words and came over to ask.

"The appearance is good, I will taste the taste."

Chen Nuo didn't answer directly, and without using chopsticks, he reached out and picked up a spare rib from the edge of the plate and put it into his mouth.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Chen Nuo couldn't help but brighten up, and praised:
"Well, yes, Xiaoqian is probably the best cook among human scientists."

"Thank you Nuo."

Lin Qian said happily after receiving the praise.

"Don't be poor, Lin Qian hastened to serve the soup and get the bowls and chopsticks!"

Sister Lin who was not far away saw the two chatting, and no one took the bowls and chopsticks, so she shouted immediately.

"Sister, you are so wordy"

Lin Qian complained, and obediently went over to serve the soup and get the bowls and chopsticks.

"Well, the pork ribs made by Xiaoqian are not bad, sister Lin can eat two more pieces."

"This beef tenderloin is not bad, who made it, sister Lin? Then I will contract it!"

I have to say that Lin Xin and Lin Qian's dishes are not bad. Although they can't reach the level of top chefs, they are far better than the taste of ordinary small restaurants.

Chen Nuo, who hadn't eaten the food cooked by the main world for a long time, was very face-saving, and praised while eating.

The action of the CD directly made the two sisters couldn't help but smile on their faces. Even the original arrangement that they cooked and Chen Nuo washed the dishes didn't need Uncle Chen to do it after the meal.

When going out to eat in a restaurant, you must be polite, thank you to the waiter, and try your best to show your polite and gentleman side.

If you are too polite to the food cooked by a woman, then this is definitely a sand sculpture. The real operation should be to eat extravagantly, if you can eat three bowls, don't eat two bowls.

It is said that men will become fat after marriage, and this situation accounts for a large reason.

Of course, these three bowls do not include dark dishes, but if you are full of resistance, you can eat three bowls of dark dishes made by the girl, and the girl will be touched in all likelihood. Maybe there is a little pleasant exercise after the meal to help digestion .

(End of this chapter)

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