Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 234 Purpose

Chapter 234 Purpose
"Chen Nuo, Xiaoqian, I'm going to the company, you two don't mess with each other at home."

The next day, after breakfast, Sister Lin picked up her bag and yelled, and drove to the company.

"Don't work overtime tonight, make an appointment with Kaiwang and the others."

Chen Nuo, who was reading a novel on her holographic phone, raised her head and shouted.

After leaving the main world for a few years, the online literature here has developed rapidly, and various new themes and new genres make him, an old bookworm, very happy to read.


Sister Lin waved her hand, the electronic simulation of the accelerator sounded, and the car drove away from the villa.

"Brother Nuo, how about one thing for you?"

Sister Lin went to work, Lin Qian ran to Chen Nuo after washing the dishes, and looked at him expectantly.

"whats the matter?"

Chen Nuo took a look at this sister-in-law, who is considered to be the master of the world. Could it be that he really has unreasonable thoughts about my brother-in-law who is as handsome as me?
"I want to build a 10-kilometer space ring star orbit collider, a 11-kilometer space super-large laser interference gravitational wave observatory, and a space ultra-low temperature laboratory with [-] minus [-] power K."

Lin Qian eagerly put forward her request.

The 10-kilometer-level space ring stellar orbit collider, because of its ultra-long acceleration orbit, it is not a problem to accelerate the proton speed to [-] Gev, and it is expected to explore more mysteries of the material foundation.

The super-large space laser interference gravitational wave observatory, which can study and obtain the data of gravitational waves more clearly, research and explore the mysteries of gravity.

The space ultra-low temperature laboratory of 10 minus 10 power K, the ultra-low temperature of one ten-billionth K, can almost be said to be infinitely close to absolute zero.

Below this temperature, the Bose-Einstein condensed state of matter will be revealed, which is very helpful for studying the mysteries of the quantum realm.

This can be called a super killer in the field of physics research, and it can also be realized by human technology.

Not to mention the collider, there is actually not much difference in technology at the level of [-] kilometers and tens of kilometers.

Ground-based gravitational-wave observatories and space-based super-large gravitational-wave observatories are equally technically difficult.

Ultra-low temperature laboratory. Before Chen Nuo became a wage earner, NASA announced the construction of a space ultra-low temperature laboratory capable of achieving ultra-low temperatures of one ten billionth of a K. It is used to study the Bose-Einstein condensation of matter.

Since there are no technical barriers to super-large basic research equipment in space, human beings have already left the earth, and starships fly freely in the inner solar system, then these three big killers are also qualified for construction.

If we really have these three super killers, it can be said that human beings’ exploration and research on the basis of physics can be said to be equipped with flying wings, and it will be no problem to travel thousands of miles a day.

Chen Nuo frowned, looked at Lin Qian and asked, "Is this your idea, or who ordered you to do it?"

Although there are no barriers to technology, and human beings have the strength to build it, the cost of building it is astonishing, beyond the reach of ordinary countries or consortiums, and it may even bankrupt a medium-sized country.

"My own thoughts, no one dictates to me." Lin Qian shook her head.

"Then go to your sister, she is in charge of the money."

Chen Nuo saw that Lin Qian was not lying, so she agreed.

It is a good thing to use money to do research, not to squander it.

To build these three gadgets, the current size of the Xinsheng Group can be won, and even the super battleship Xiaoqi can be built in less than a month.

There are a large number of iron meteorites in the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt of the solar system. If you find a large iron meteorite and pull it over, it will be tens of billions of tons.

Not even Jupiter has dozens of satellites, and Saturn also has a group of satellites. As long as civilization gets rid of the shackles of the parent star, the problem of resources is not a problem at all.

There is no problem with resources, so all that is consumed in this way is money. The most important thing for Xinsheng Group is money, and Uncle Chen has never been short of money.

"My sister disagrees, saying that the Xinsheng Group belongs to you, Brother Nuo."

Lin Qian looked at Chen Nuo pitifully. She had looked for her, but Lin Xin would not dump her.

At least hundreds of billions or even trillions to make these three things that can't eat, drink, and make money. Money is not so squandered.

Basic scientific research?The Xinsheng Group has already contributed a lot in this regard, and the rest should be the responsibility of the major countries.

"Don't be pitiful, I'll tell her tonight."

Chen Nuo patted Lin Qian's head, shook her head and said, "Go out and open the door, there are guests coming."

Ding dong.

As soon as Chen Nuo finished speaking, the doorbell rang.

"Who's here?"

Lin Qian ran out, opened the door, and Zeng Weiguo and Cheng Han came in carrying a bag.

"Hello, Mr. Zeng."

Lin Qian met Zeng Weiguo a few times, and when she opened the shoe cabinet, she needed slippers.

"Miss Lin, I'll come, it's fine if I come."

Zeng Weiguo quickly took the shoes, not daring to let Lin Qian do it.

After changing their shoes, the two went into the living room, and Lao Zeng put the bag in his hand on the table.

"Hey, Lao Zeng has become younger, and Meimei Cheng has also become more beautiful."

Chen Nuo glanced at Zeng Weiguo in surprise. He had noticed Zeng Weiguo's arrival just now, but he didn't check with his mind.

At this time, Zeng Weiguo looked younger than a teenager. He was originally a middle-aged man, but now he can only be regarded as a mature young man, with no wrinkles on his face.

"Thank you for the public exercises, sir, otherwise I'm afraid I'm already middle-aged and old."

Zeng Weiguo responded with a smile, and reached out to move the bag on the table: "Sir, the leader is busy with affairs and has no time, so he asked me to bring some gifts for Mr."


"The production of Dahongpao on the mother tree has not been much in recent years, only more than a catty."

The Dahongpao on the mother tree?Still more than a catty?

Lin Qian, who was sitting obediently next to Chen Nuo, stared wide-eyed. This gift...was too exaggerated.

Are the leaders not drinking tea yet?
"That's not bad, Xiaoqian will take it back and give it to your sister at night."

Chen Nuo shook his head. Drinking this kind of tea is no different from drinking [-] yuan iced black tea. Let Sister Lin handle it.

"What's the matter with Lao Zeng coming here?"

After taking the gift, it's time to talk about business. People like Zeng Weiguo will not visit for no reason.

"Aiming at the increasingly severe social problems, the leader would like to ask Mr. to help open the warships orbiting outside the solar system."

Zeng Weiguo hesitated for a moment, then looked at Chen Nuo and expressed his purpose nervously.

If he hadn't understood Chen Nuo's straightforward and direct psychological character in these matters, he would have dared not say it, or he would have been more euphemistic before talking about it.

"There is no scientific and technological data stored on it, and the technology contained in the battleship is beyond the current understanding of human civilization."

Chen Nuo pondered for two seconds, and asked, "Which technology is still lacking in our strategic development?"

He didn't refuse, he was already able to bombard the black hole, the galaxy group was invincible, he didn't worry about the impact of the progress of human civilization on him,

It is also his original intention to help the development and progress of human civilization as much as possible.

"Planet transformation technology, high-speed interstellar engine, neural virtual technology."

Seeing Chen Nuo's attitude, Zeng Weiguo breathed a sigh of relief, and pointed out the missing technical shortcomings.

Interstellar transformation technology and high-speed interstellar engines are preparations for interstellar development.

Neurovirtual technology, which is preparing for the virtual world.

All are aimed at solving the current increasingly serious social problems, and there is not much to it.

The leaders at the top also understand that pulling seedlings and promoting them is harmful to the long-term development of civilization, and they are afraid that asking too much will arouse Chen Nuo's resentment.

"Neural virtual technology is so simple, I can provide it.

Planetary transformation and interstellar engines, this is actually energy technology, this point."

When Chen Nuo said this, he paused and looked at Lin Qian.

(End of this chapter)

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