Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 235 Complete Technology Tree Data

Chapter 235 Complete Technology Tree Data

"Brother Nuo, what do you see me doing?"

Lin Qian asked, feeling a little uncomfortable with Chen Nuo's eyes.

"Xiaoqian, give Lao Zeng the data on the decay of matter."

Chen Nuo said.


Lin Qian nodded obediently, got up and went into her room and took out a thick notebook, from which she took out the formula data of material decay.

After dinner yesterday, she has been studying Chen Nuo's formula data, but she still can't understand it in detail.

"This formula data is the energy technology that is currently desired."

Chen Nuo reached out and handed over the formula data of material decay to Zeng Weiguo, and he was not worried that someone would steal Lin Qian's credit and academic reputation.


Zeng Weiguo took it with both hands, his expression froze.

It's not that I'm excited, it's that I don't understand.

He was from the cooking class, not the juvenile class.

To him, this thing is simply a holy book.

"Sir, I don't understand."

With a wry smile, Zeng Weiguo answered honestly.

"It's okay, the scientists of the Chinese Academy of Sciences can understand it. This is a complete formula data of the decay of matter. The mass-energy conversion rate of a single cycle can reach 43% or even 50%. The energy efficiency is the controllable nuclear fusion." more than 10 times that of

Chen Nuo simply explained, and now Zeng Weiguo understood.

"Sir, the theory is all right, the material"

Zeng Weiguo hesitated for two seconds and asked.

Even if he is not a professional, the theory determines the height of technology, and the material determines the foundation of technology, such a sentence is still heard.

The materials are not good enough, and no matter how awesome the technology is, it is impossible to realize it. The development of civilization and the progress of science and technology can actually be said to be the progress of materials technology in a certain aspect.

"There are three types of decay: alpha decay, beta decay, and gamma decay.

The essence of α decay is that the decay emits helium nuclei with two positive charges. The essence of β decay is that the decay emits electrons, which are positively or negatively charged. The gamma decay emits gamma rays, which is a kind of electromagnetic wave.

No matter which kind of decay is charged, it can be confined by a magnetic field. If the material is not good, then a magnetic confinement scheme can be used.

In addition, by adjusting the decay field, one of the decays can be produced directionally. If β decay occurs, then electric energy can be obtained directly, and γ decay can directly obtain radiation energy. "

Chen Nuo is explaining the realization and application of matter decay.

Zeng Weiguo was dumbfounded, and Cheng Han, who was narrating, took out a voice recorder and recorded Chen Nuo's words, but she couldn't understand it either, and it was recorded for the higher authorities and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"I will give you the rest of the virtual neural technology in two days. In addition, the Xinsheng Group will build a large-scale scientific research laboratory in space. I am afraid that this will require certain technical support."

If the essence of scientific and technological issues is material issues, then the essence of development issues is energy issues.

Once humans have a more efficient material decay engine, the speed of the interstellar engine will be faster, the time to reach other planets will be faster, and the speed of planetary transformation will be faster.

Not every drop of water is a farmer Oh no, not every planet is Earth.

If 99.9% of the alien planets are to be modified to be suitable for human survival, the magnetic field environment, atmospheric composition, and even the quality of the planet and the water content of the planet need to be modified.

For example, Mars is extremely short of water and lacks a magnetic field. Unless humans want to live in a Mars base for generations, they will have to find ice meteorites from space and transport them back to replenish water on Mars. Restarting the Martian core to activate the magnetic field may even be considered. Adding weight to Mars changes the gravity situation.

Each of these involves a huge amount of energy, and there is the speed limit of the star engine.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen, and I will report to the higher authorities later."

Zeng Weiguo took out a confidential mobile phone to take a photo of the formula data and then returned it to Lin Qian. He stood up and took Cheng Han to say goodbye to Chen Nuo.

"Okay, say hello to the leader for me."

Chen Nuo nodded and got up to send Zeng Weiguo out.

"Brother Nuo, are you going to leave again?"

As soon as Zeng Weiguo left, Lin Qian came over.

"Why do you ask."

"Girls' sixth sense, previous special medicines, exercises or super nutrition blocks, Brother Nuo has put forward conditions. This time it is rare to see Brother Nuo don't want to just give the above things so simply."

Lin Qian said it was the sixth sense, but behind it was the logical analysis of a girl in science.

"Then you guessed wrong."

Chen Nuo shook his head and chuckled lightly: "It's so straightforward this time because I've already got what I want through the development and progress of human civilization and technology, and I don't need to put forward any conditions."

"In the process of technological development and progress, you can get what you want."

Lin Qian thought for a while and guessed: "A complete technology tree for civilization?"


Chen Nuo praised. Although he has mastered the mysteries of the four basic forces, he still does not have the ability to build a civilization technology tree.

A civilized technology tree involves all aspects of all walks of life, and requires the joint efforts of tens of millions of scientific researchers and hundreds of millions of practitioners to establish and develop.

Even if his computing power can be calculated to be thousands of times stronger than the sum of the computing power of human civilization, it will not be possible to establish such a complete technology tree.

Because thinking has inertia, thinking has dead ends, some things he can't think of, no matter how much computing power is useless, otherwise everyone will be equipped with a supercomputer, and human civilization will dominate the galaxy in less than 10 years.

"What does Brother Nuo want these data for?" Lin Qian asked curiously.

"you guess."

Chen Nuo chuckled, but didn't answer.

He wants a complete copy of the civilization technology tree data, which is in preparation for the next shuttle.

Although the boss did not prohibit him from talking about the matter of traveling around the world to work, even the higher-ups and Sister Lin had vaguely guessed something about it, but he still didn't intend to speak out.

Sometimes people know too much, but it is a kind of trouble. If you think more simple and know less, it will be easier to get happiness.

Foolish people have foolish blessings. Zifei is not a fish. An knows the joy of fish.

"Hmph, forget about it."

Lin Qian snorted, picked up the manuscript paper and continued to understand the formula data on the decay of matter given by Chen Nuo, exploring the mystery of the essence of matter.

"What do you want to eat at noon? I'll cook. In the evening, your sister and I will go out to eat. Do you want to go together? If not, I can make more and leave you a dinner."

Seeing that Lin Qian continued to immerse herself in research and study, Chen Nuo asked.

He has always been very supportive of learning, and he understands that only learning can change the fate of the bottom-level people.

When the way of the sword is dominant, as long as students like Meier, Zhang Xian, and Wu Lin are reading, he will take care of other things.

Of course, Zhang Xian, Wu Lin, and the others would be mischievous when they were young, secretly using reading as an excuse to avoid housework, which was also frantically whipped by him with a willow stick.

Although Lin Qian is considered to be the top class in human civilization, she is still a scumbag in the universe, so it is a good thing to learn more.

(End of this chapter)

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