Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 236 Party and Childbirth

Chapter 236 Party and Childbirth
"Brother Nuo."

Upon hearing the question, Lin Qian raised her head to look at Chen Nuo's expression, and said, "Did my sister ask you a question?"

"what is the problem?"

"Brother Nuo, you sometimes seem like an old mother, oh no, you are a dad!"

Lin Qian said seriously.

"Go, go! You brother Nuo is young, don't call me old, then I will cook two random dishes."

The corners of Chen Nuo's mouth twitched, Lin Qian messed up her hair angrily, and walked into the kitchen to process the ingredients first.

I have to say that Lin Qian's words hit the nail on the head.

As long as it is an intelligent life, its thinking and personality will change with the accumulation of memory information.

After living for seven and 800 years and teaching so many students, Chen Nuo will inevitably change a little bit, and he can still maintain a lively and young attitude. He thinks he is already very good.

This is also the reason why he takes the Lin sisters, Shao Kaiwang, Zhang Qiao and others so seriously in the main world, and why he attaches so much importance to the passage of time in the main world.

For him, this is the person who witnessed his original intention. The earth and human civilization are the hometown that keeps him from losing himself in the world again and again.

They made lunch for the two of them and Lin Qian's dinner at night. At night, Sister Lin didn't come back, so Chen Nuo drove to the meeting place by himself.

"Brother Nuo!"

As soon as he entered the box, Shao Kaiwang, who was sitting near the door, saw him immediately, stood up excitedly and shouted.

"I'm already a father, so be more stable."

Chen Nuo hugged, patted Shao Kaiwang on the shoulder jokingly, and looked at Zhang Qiao who was sitting next to Shao Kaiwang.

"Brother Nuo."

Zhang Qiao also called out.

In the past six or seven years, due to the practice of body transformation, no matter whether it is Shao Kaiwang or Zhang Qiao, time has not left marks on the face, but it is obvious that the temperament is more mature.

"Papa, Mama, who is this uncle?"

Before Chen Nuo could reply, a little girl with two croiss braids sitting on the stool looked at Chen Nuo and asked Shao Kaiwang and Zhang Qiao in a childlike voice.

She is more than six years old, and knows that the man whose parents call elder brother is uncle.

"Uncle is uncle."

Chen Nuo took two steps forward, picked up the delicate little girl who was like a porcelain doll behind her, and greeted her affectionately: "Jia Jia met Uncle when she was young, but I don't remember."

Well, when I was a child, I was born before the full moon.

"Jiajia has no memory, when did I meet Uncle?"

Shao Jia wrinkled her nose slightly, shook her head, unable to remember.

"Jia Jia must have met Uncle before, think again."

Chen Nuo put the little girl on the seat next to him and asked with a smile.

As the saying goes, when you get older, you like children, and he seems to have this tendency.

Um, no, I'm only 20 years old when I'm so handsome, how can I be too old?

"Don't tease the children. Xiao Jia was not even full moon at that time, so how could she remember it?"

Sister Lin, who was sitting next to her, shook her head helplessly when she saw Chen Nuo like this.

When he is mature, he is mature and scary, when he is not serious, he is not serious, and he can play very happily when he amuses children.

"Brother Nuo likes children so much, when can I have a baby with Sister Lin." Shao Kaiwang joked next to him.

"Your elder sister Lin is not strong enough to give birth temporarily."

Chen Nuo shook his head lightly.

If the vigor of the male tadpoles is poor, they will be infertile. Similarly, if the quality of the egg cells of the female is not good, it will be impossible to conceive.

Bad and bad are relative concepts.

Sister Lin has cultivated to the peak of the body transformation method, and the quality of the egg cells is excellent, but compared with Chen Nuo's tadpole, which can blast a black hole, the quality is obviously not good enough.

"I heard from Sister Lin that the child has a cold, how is the situation?"

Sensing a glint of gloom in Sister Lin's eyes, Chen Nuo shifted the subject of giving birth and asked about Shao Jia's visit to the hospital yesterday.

"Acute pneumonia, with the development of medical drugs, it has been cured in two days."

Shao Kaiwang said, with a trace of joy and sigh on his face.

In the past, adults with pneumonia had to be hospitalized for at least a week, and children were even more difficult to deal with.

Now that science and technology are advanced, and medical care is also keeping up with it, a child with pneumonia is completely cured within two days.

For those who are their parents, it is really a great blessing to live in this era.

"If Jiajia is sensible, she can almost teach her the body transformation method, which can improve the body's resistance."

Chen Nuo made an opinion, the body transformation method will stimulate the body's potential.

At the peak of cultivation, in addition to physical radiation, neutron irradiation and other killing methods, conventional biological viruses and chemical toxins are almost completely immune.

"Jiajia is very sensible, she can learn it long ago!"

Before her father could answer, Jia Jia, who was eating lobster next to Chen Nuo, immediately raised her head to express her opinion, and she would fight for her own rights at a young age.

"Then I will teach her in two days."

Shao Kaiwang nodded. Although experts said that the most suitable age for children to practice is after the age of 10, but he knew that the exercises were all created by Chen Nuo, so he obviously believed in Chen Nuo's words.

"How long will Brother Nuo come back this time?"

At the dinner table, Shao Jia's children were eating lobsters, Zhang Qiao and Lin Jie were chatting, Shao Kaiwang picked up the wine bottle and poured wine to ask Chen Nuo about his return this time.

"The shortest is three or four years, and the longest is seven or eight years."

Chen Nuo picked up the wine glass, teasingly said: "It won't be another glass, be careful, Zhang Qiao will take you back and throw you on the sofa."

The starting point for Shao Kaiwang to enter the grave of marriage was the party when he came back from the urban cultivation world, and Zhang Qiao sent him home when he was drunk, and the two got together.

"No, I've practiced Brother Nuo's exercises, so if you don't want to get drunk, you can drink whatever you want."

Shao Kaiwang smiled foolishly, obviously also remembering the situation of pouring a glass before,

If it wasn't for drinking in a glass, Zhang Qiao would not have sent him home, let alone today.

"Happiness is good."

Seeing the subconscious smile on Shao Kaiwang's face, Chen Nuo clinked the wine glasses with a smile and drank a glass.

After drinking for three rounds, a few people chatted for a while, the peak control cells of the body transformation method eliminated the alcohol in the body, and some children were preparing to leave after nine o'clock in the evening.

"Uncle Chen, Jiajia is going back."

At the entrance of the restaurant, little girl Jiajia was waving goodbye to Chen Nuo.

"Yeah, goodbye Jiajia."

Chen Nuo squatted down halfway, with equal eyes, and said goodbye with a smile.

"Uncle, you are a good man."

Obviously, the child was very satisfied with Chen Nuo's half-squatting down without her raising her head. With a sweet smile on her face, she casually threw out a good person card.


Sister Lin next to her couldn't help laughing when she saw this.

"Brother Nuo, Sister Lin, we're going back."

At this time, Shao Kaiwang also drove out, and Zhang Qiao took Shao Jia into the car.

"Well, drive slowly on the road, Jiajia is in the car."

Chen Nuo gave instructions, and then he and Sister Lin walked to the car he drove over.

Boom, the car starts, and the electronically simulated exhaust sound is pleasant to the ears.

"Chen Nuo, do you like children very much?" Just as Chen Nuo was about to drive back, Sister Lin, the co-pilot, suddenly turned to look at him.

Chen Nuo glanced back at her, and said speechlessly: "The M-shaking attribute has flared up again? It's nothing to trouble yourself."

At the dinner table, seeing him having fun with Shao Jia's children, Sister Lin felt a little off.

"You're the one shaking M!"

Sister Lin shouted angrily, this guy, every time she wants to talk about things seriously, he becomes serious again.

"I like children, every adult with correct three views, in fact, children will have an inexplicable love.

However, for us men, this is limited to occasional play with children. If we have to bring it every day, it will definitely collapse.

Don't put too much pressure on yourself. We don't know how many years we can live now, and life is still long.

If you really want to have a baby for me, then practice hard, and it will be fine when the gap in our strength is not so big,

But we can go back tonight and practice how to give birth first."

After talking about it, Chen Nuo was not serious again, turned his head and glanced at Sister Lin's mature and attractive body, his tone was full of ambiguous hints.

"Fuck you, who wants to practice with you!"

Sister Lin gave Chen Nuo an angry look, but the melancholy on her face dissipated.

The lights and night scene outside the window were passing by. Looking out of the window for a while, Sister Lin turned her head to look at the man who was driving seriously, with a smile on her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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