Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 238 Substance Decay Experiment

Chapter 238 Substance Decay Experiment
"Xiaoqi, you didn't seem to be an ordinary curvature faster than the speed of light just now."

After finishing the material disintegration technology, Chen Nuo got on the suspension vehicle in the battleship and continued to rush to the weapon system, asking curiously.

The principle of curvature super-light travel is to use the difference in curvature between the front and back to slide in time and space, so that the movement of time and space can bypass the limitations of the theory of relativity.Press and hold Einstein's coffin board to achieve FTL.

However, like just now, time and space are twisted and rotated like a kaleidoscope. This Chen Nuo has only seen in one kind of celestial body, and that is a black hole.

Space-time is completely distorted, and light cannot travel out.

The difference between the two is that the space-time of the black hole is always falling towards the singularity, but there is a piece of normal space-time in the middle of the superluminal space-time bubble, carrying and transporting the mass bomb.

"This is an advanced version of curvature navigation. Xiaoqi calls it a yo-yo. It's like a yo-yo wrapped around a rope and pulling the end of the rope to roll quickly."

Xiaoqi explained: "Ordinary curvature space-time glides, which can easily reach the limit, and the energy efficiency is not high.

Because time and space are too thin, space-time tearing occurs, and the energy consumed by the curvature of space-time is too compressed will increase exponentially. In addition, space-time is too compressed and will collapse.

In the end, after research, everyone improved the curvature navigation technology and got the advanced version just now.

According to the analysis of the theoretical model, the maximum speed of this advanced version of curvature navigation can reach 19.8 light speeds, and Xiaoqi is still far behind. "

19.8 times the speed of light?
Chen Nuo was stunned, and then asked: "Since time and space are too compressed and will collapse, wouldn't this distortion cause collapse?"

"Yes, but by adjusting the structure of time and space through technical means, this can make time and space bear a higher limit. The image is like a quantum of time and space. Yes, time and space are also a kind of quantum on the Planck scale. Captain, the human civilization here Call it a graviton.

Gravitons are like carbon atoms. The natural time and space of the universe is graphite. After adjustment through technical means, it is diamond and graphene. The limit has been increased by a thousand times and a hundred times. "

"Then ordinary curvature navigation can also increase the limit of time and space."

"Yes, but the energy efficiency of ordinary curvature navigation is low. With the same amount of energy, ordinary curvature navigation can only advance 1 light-year, and the advanced version can at least 14.76 light-years.

We imagine space-time as an elastic membrane, which is flat when there is no external force, but will sag when there is external force, and will return to flatness when the external force is lost.

The form of macroscopic manifestation is the large void area without matter in the universe, where the gravitational coefficient is very low and almost does not exist.

If stars appear at this time, there will be gravity around the stars.

Take the stars away, and gravity disappears again.

Ordinary curvature navigation is to use the curvature, that is, the recovery elasticity of the film of space-time, so as to make the time-space of a certain area glide.

Such curvature navigation only uses a layer of space-time elasticity, and the theoretical maximum speed is only 380 times the speed of light.

The advanced version of curvature navigation is also the recovery elasticity of time and space, but it is entangled, and the time-space film is bound around the body once, twice, three times and countless times.

After the binding is completed, the external force is directed and removed, and the time and space of the binding will be restored. In this way, the more circles of binding, the faster the curvature bubble in the center moves forward, and it is easy to achieve "

Xiaoqi described it in easy-to-understand language, and displayed the corresponding formula data at the same time.

She understands the principle, as well as the formula data. After all, battleship navigation is also inseparable from this, but how to make a curvature engine. Sorry, it can't be done.


Chen Nuo's eyes flickered, it was an unexpected surprise.

In a sense, he is also a humanoid battleship, and he can also use this advanced curvature navigation technology.

Time and space bind themselves in countless circles, and with a click, people fly out.

19.8 times the speed of light, this is going to explode.

If he doesn’t know the advanced version of curvature navigation, he can only use the normal version of curvature navigation, which consumes energy, but the speed is slow. Compared with the advanced version, it is a typical light roar.

When Chen Nuo explored and analyzed the technology on the super battleship Xiaoqi, he also accidentally obtained an advanced version of curvature navigation, which greatly increased his speed.

On Earth, an experiment is also underway.

The productivity of artificial intelligence has exploded, and the magnetic confinement scheme has also accumulated a lot of experience in the study of controllable nuclear fusion.

The material decay energy engine provided by Chen Nuo was very complete. After a group of bigwigs from the Chinese Academy of Sciences understood it, they quickly designed the first-generation decay engine. Then Xinsheng Group used its own capital strength and technical strength to quickly create the first test machine.

"Electrify! Activate the magnetic field!"

Professor Huang, the person in charge of the experiment, who was wearing a safety helmet and a radiation protective suit, checked the process carefully and gave instructions.

The sound of electric current sounded, and through the radiation-proof glass, a tokamak-like device in the center of the laboratory suddenly shone with blue light.

This is the light that air molecules are ionized by a strong magnetic field.

"Check the circuit!"

"There is nothing wrong with the circuit."

The researchers below quickly checked the circuit. The room temperature superconducting material is very powerful and the circuit is very stable.

"magnetic field!"

"The magnetic field is stable, no problem."

There is no problem with the stability of the magnetic field, Professor Huang continued: "Inject fuel!"

When the order was issued, a pile of garbage was poured into the material decay test engine, from uranium lumps, to lead, iron, carbon, phosphorus, and even oxygen and hydrogen, the elements of the entire periodic table were all gone.

Family bucket package.

This is to test the situation of the material decay field, so all kinds of rations must be tasted.

"Check the security system again, check the protection system!"

Professor Huang continued to give instructions.

Although there are many types of fuel injected, the total mass is only 200 grams.

However, according to theoretical calculations, the decay of matter can release 43 to 50% of the energy by mass in a single pass. If it lasts for a long time and performs multiple cycles, all the fuel can be burned up.

This is like 100, the first decay becomes 50, the second decay becomes 25, and the third decay becomes 12.5. In this way, the mass of 200 grams will be completely released as energy within a few times.

The mass is completely released into energy, which is a terrifying thing.

"The security system is fine, the protection system is fine!"

When the matter came to an end, Professor Huang did not give the order to start the experiment, but turned to look at a young girl wearing a helmet next to him.

"For safety's sake, I suggest that Dr. Lin leave here. It's the first test. If the system goes out of control, we don't care about it here, you."

The first test was full of unknown possibilities, and no one could fully predict it. If it really got out of control and something happened, the group of them would at most put on a national flag and die for the country.

However, if this girl also had an accident, they would blow up that person's sister-in-law to death. Who knows if the battleship in space will shoot the earth.

"Professor Huang, needless to say, I'm fine here, even if 200 grams of out-of-control matter completely decays into energy, it won't be able to break through the safety protection system."

Lin Qian shook her head and rejected the proposal.

200 grams of elemental substances, this is a precisely calculated amount, even if it is completely annihilated and turned into energy release, it will not exceed one-third of the protection system here.

"OK then."

This is the experimental area built by the Xinsheng Group. Lin Qian doesn't want to leave and they can't help it. They can't come to other people's homes to drive away the master.

In addition, as Lin Qian said, 200 grams of material is trivial, and it is almost impossible to break through the protection system here if it is out of control.

"Attention everyone!"

Professor Huang took a deep breath, and solemnly said: "Activate the weak force field, and the first experiment of matter decay begins!"

(End of this chapter)

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