Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 239 The Choice of Civilization

Chapter 239 The Choice of Civilization (Two Chapters in One)
The weak force field was activated, and through the thick anti-radiation glass, the interior of the decay engine suddenly burst into brilliant colorful light.

This is the color of decay that bursts into ray light, dreamlike, poetic and picturesque.

A large amount of energy was released, and the internal temperature of the engine detected by the system was rising crazily, reaching hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius in a blink of an eye.

It worked!
Everyone's breath was stagnant, and they all understood that this dreamlike colorful light was only a part of the energy emitted by the decay, and there were more X-rays and Y-rays with invisible spectrums that were emitted.

In addition, there are various helium nuclei, electrons, etc.

There is a sudden roar from the supporting generator set improved by the controllable fusion engine. This is the sound of the energy released by the decay heating the steam, burning the boiler, and driving the steam turbine generator set to rotate.


Professor Huang swallowed hard, and shouted: "Check the instrument, check the electromagnetic field, and the energy recovery module!"

"The instrument is working fine!"

"The constrained electromagnetic field is stable!"

"The helium nuclei emitted by alpha decay are transported to the controllable nuclear fusion engine through electromagnetic field constraints, and the transport channel is stable and normal!"

"The flow of high-energy electrons emitted by beta decay, using electromagnetic fields to collect and impact the magnetic fluid power generation unit has successfully produced electric energy, and the module is operating normally!"

"The gamma rays emitted by gamma radiation have been successfully collected and produced by the photoelectric conversion module, and the module is operating normally!"

"The heat released by the decay is already burning the boiler."

The researcher's report below made Professor Huang's eyes widen.

One-time pass, unexpectedly smooth.

Could it be that Lao Tzu is the hidden European Emperor?

The decay engine of the experiment was not very powerful, and it took more than ten minutes. After repeated cycles of decay, 200 grams of matter was completely decayed and consumed.

Controlled nuclear fusion is required to remove the helium nuclei emitted by alpha decay. This part is not counted. The energy released after the decay of 200 grams of matter exceeds 150 million tons of TNT equivalent.

"Why does it feel so simple, without any thrilling, hard research, trial and error improvement, and finally succeed."

Seeing a group of people wearing thick protective clothing, opening the anti-radiation door to check the condition of the test engine, Lin Qian muttered as if she was dreaming.

In fact, not only him, but Professor Huang and other researchers who have participated in the research of controllable nuclear fusion all feel like they are dreaming, and their walking steps are a bit floating.

It went so well.

It's unbelievably smooth.

If it is said that controllable fusion allows human civilization to get rid of the earth's mother star and enter the era of space life, it has obtained a colonization ticket to other planetary systems without return.

The material decay engine, with a mass-energy conversion rate 10 times higher than fusion, can allow human beings to completely enter the interstellar colonization, and colonization is no longer a ticket with no return.

However, such an important energy technology, an energy technology that can completely send humans out of the solar system, can be done in two or three steps.

This is incredible.

While being amazed, none of them realized that mastering the technology of controllable nuclear fusion and the mystery of matter decay already has the prerequisites for building a perfect matter decay engine.

After human beings have controllable nuclear fusion, have a perfect magnetic confinement scheme, and Chen Nuo has given the complete data formula of material decay, the material decay engine has been lit up by human beings.

"Brother Nuo, the experiment was successful!"

That night, Chen Nuo came back to Earth.

Just when he opened a bottle of iced Fat House Happy Water and took out his holographic phone to open the Qidian Chinese website to enjoy the leisure time at night, Lin Qian, who came back from the research institute, ran to him with a happy face and shouted.

"What experiment was successful?"

Chen Nuo looked at Lin Qian suspiciously. He didn't ask Lin Qian to do any experiments.

"Matter decay engine, matter decay engine experiment!"

Lin Qian's emotions still haven't completely calmed down.


Chen Nuo suddenly realized that it was this thing, and thought it was some kind of fuss.

You brother Nuo just bombarded a sun today and set off a bunch of cosmic fireworks on the earth, which will be visible to humans in 1500 years.

I didn't publicize such an awesome thing, and there is such a fuss about a material decay engine.

"Brother Nuo, aren't you surprised and happy?"

Lin Qian was a little confused by Chen Nuo. Isn't this something worth being surprised and excited about?
"Surprised, happy."

Chen Nuo nodded, and said solemnly: "Energy is the core of all industries. Mastering the material decay engine technology means that human civilization has taken a big step forward. You should be happy."

"Brother Nuo."

Lin Qian was speechless, leaned in front of Chen Nuo and said word by word: "Do you know how perfunctory you are, it's so fake!"

"Today's material decay engine test was successful, based on the actual energy efficiency of the decay, combined with the power of the gravitational distortion device on the landing ship.

The calculation results show that the material decay engine is not yet able to drive the curvature navigation engine, which is much worse than your super battleship, Brother Nuo, you should look down on this technology, Brother Nuo.

But we all worked hard.

Every time I go home, my parents can't understand my research, and when I come to my sister, my sister can't understand either.

Because of my poor health since I was a child, I didn't have many friends, and the few friends I had were unable to understand my research.

Most people in the society are also greedy for pleasure, receiving free social security that is higher than the well-off level before, but they are being laid off and have no work.

In fact, I know what they are messing with. It is nothing more than wanting more if their desires are not satisfied, and looking for something to do when they are full and have nowhere to vent their energy.

The current productivity of the society can give more, but today they give the social security of the well-off level, tomorrow they will ask for the social security of the middle class, and the needs of the middle class are met, and they will definitely clamor for the security of the rich class the day after tomorrow.

Empty desires are endless, productivity meets needs, spiritual pursuits cannot meet standards, and the so-called social communism will never be realized.

It's actually quite confusing at times.

Artificial intelligence technology can replace 95% of the jobs of the population. Is it worthwhile for us to work so hard for these people who have been replaced by artificial intelligence and are still entertaining to death?

Is it because the development of civilization requires population reproduction?
Biotechnology is advancing, and natural reproduction is no longer the only way, so it makes no difference whether to have them or not, because they have no value to society. "

Lin Qian was talking in confusion.

"Xiaoqian, do you think it's worth it?"

Chen Nuo put down his phone, glanced at Sister Lin who opened the door after get off work, made a booing gesture, and then softly asked Lin Qian who was in a daze.

With the rapid development of science and technology and the rapid progress of civilization, not only the social system is in conflict, but the social structure needs to be changed, and people's ideas are also in strong conflict.

The conflict between old and new concepts is often when people are confused, and the development of civilization will regress if they are a little careless, and even self-doubt and self-extinction.

This was the case with the reform and opening up, and it is the same with the current technological explosion, even stronger than the confusion of the reform and opening up.

If there is no firm step, even if the technology reaches the standard, civilization and society will not progress, or embark on a deformed development path, and eventually lead to destruction.

For example, since artificial intelligence has replaced ordinary people, ordinary people have no value to society.

Those ordinary people who have been replaced and eliminated can be completely erased and unnecessary to exist. Everyone uses biotechnology to increase life expectancy and pass it on to future generations.

It will even evolve into using biotechnology to screen the offspring with better talents, and those who are not talented or don't work hard are completely discarded.

Don't deny that no one will do it.

The more developed the civilization, the more independent and rational the individual's thinking will be. This is an inevitable trend.

When technology develops to the point where it can be reproduced and inherited through biotechnology, there is no need to reproduce naturally.

When technology develops to the point where artificial intelligence replaces 95% of people's jobs, ordinary people have lost their value to society.

Then someone will definitely have such an idea, and even take actual action.

If civilization really embarks on this path.

Society raises offspring, biotechnology replaces natural reproduction, artificial womb replaces natural pregnancy, and even biotechnology screens offspring, throwing away those with poor talents and keeping those with good talents.
There is no doubt that the emotions between people will be further weakened.

When emotions are weakened to a certain extent, civilization is already on the verge of extinction and may perish at any time.

emotions, which hinder the development and progress of bound civilizations.

For example, if the high-level human beings in the main world can be more rational and abandon ordinary people in society who have been eliminated by artificial intelligence and have no value to society.

Without these burdens, the speed of civilization development can definitely be increased by more than ten times.

Looking at the problem from this angle, emotion is indeed a real obstacle to the development of civilization.

That is to say, some science fiction descriptions, if the thinking and thinking of human beings do not change, and the emotions do not change, then human beings are doomed not to pass through the big filter.

Because emotions really hinder the development and progress of technology.

However, people have overlooked that emotion is more often a seal, a seal that keeps the devil inside.

Everyone has a devil in his heart, all have evil thoughts, all have impulses, and all have the desire to destroy and destroy.

When you are unhappy and depressed, everyone will vent by smashing pillows and things, and even have the urge to take a knife and go out to commit crimes.

However, at this time, when thinking of friends and relatives, everyone will restrain themselves and calm down again.

It wasn't the deterrence of punishment that made them restrain, it was the fetters of emotion that kept them calm.

According to big data statistics, groups with weak emotions, or parents with lack of emotion since childhood, and few friends, their crime rate is obviously several times or even ten times higher than the average.

It is an objective fact that the crime rate will increase when there is a lack of emotion and weak emotion.

The more advanced the civilization and technology, the more powerful the knowledge held by citizens.

In ancient times, it was good for citizens to know how to make bows and arrows.

In modern times, citizens will make guns and gunpowder.

In modern times, to be honest, let’s not talk about bows and crossbows, steelmaking, making bombs, bombs, incendiary bombs, and even atomic bombs, biological viruses, as long as the materials are provided, these students who take a serious study in a university related major can do it. come out.

In the future interstellar era, what technology can citizens master?
Materials to limit citizens' madness?

This can't be restricted, it's the interstellar era, and there are control restrictions here, just find another planet to mine.

Then at this time, there is no emotional bondage, no emotion to imprison the devil in the heart, and this will be a very terrifying thing.

Maybe someone is sitting at home, suddenly someone is in a bad mood, he is not happy, he wants to vent his desire for destruction, use destruction to soothe his emotions, and then a star destroyer is aimed at the planet where your home is located, blasting out Destroyed shells.

If civilization really wants to abandon ordinary people and follow the so-called elite development model, it is claimed that if civilization is to progress, then the spiritual realm must be sublimated.

In fact, everyone is not far from death, and civilization is also doomed to perish.

The development of civilization has always been to move forward with a heavy burden, overcome difficulties when there are difficulties, and overcome obstacles when there are obstacles. If there is no burden, then abandon the burden, and if there is an obstacle, then abandon the obstacle.

Abandon ordinary people today, and civilization will abandon you tomorrow, and the demons in the acquired intelligent life will escape and completely devour the entire civilization.

Now, Lin Qian and even other scientists have this kind of confusion in their hearts, and they are already standing at the fork in the road of this choice.

Should we walk forward with firm steps and bear the weight, or retreat in case of disaster, or retreat to relieve our own confusion and reduce our burden, and adopt the elite development model and abandon ordinary people.

That is to choose the so-called concept that civilization will not progress if spiritual thinking does not change and emotion does not change.

"Brother Nuo, I don't know."

Facing the question of whether Chen Nuo was worthy or not, Lin Qian was silent for a long time and shook her head in confusion.

"Then are you willing to be like those who have been abandoned by artificial intelligence, holding subsistence allowances, immersing themselves in a life of drunkenness, dreaming, and entertainment to death?"

Chen Nuo asked the second question with a light smile, her tone was gentle and heart-warming.

As a leader of reform, Lin Qian encountered confusion and choices Lin Qian encountered, he has long encountered, thought about and made choices.

Fortunately, he made the right choice, and then became a super excellent employee in the boss's mind, bringing hope to the heavens and the world.

"I don't want to. I don't want to live like a salted fish without the slightest self-worth like that."

Facing the second question, Lin Qian quickly answered without hesitation.

"Brother Nano asks you the third question."

Chen Nuo smiled, leaned on the sofa and looked at Lin Qian, and said seriously: "Did you feel happy being with your parents when you were young?

Just imagine, would it be happier to live and grow up with your parents, or would it be happier to be taken care of by an artificial intelligence nanny and raised by the society and the state? "

"Brother Nuo, you also call my parents parents. My mother called me yesterday and asked about you and my sister."

Lin Qian glanced at Chen Nuo and suddenly corrected her.


Chen Nuo said speechlessly: "Student Lin Qian, please answer the question first and don't care about these details."

"Do you need to ask, it must be happy growing up with my parents.

In the past few years, productivity has increased, the supervision of orphanages, and the life education of orphans have improved a lot. However, they are not very happy and have psychological problems to some extent.

The company of parents is a matter of genetic determination.

Unless even the genes are no longer human, mammals will have the need for parental companionship and love.

If this is missing, no matter how good the acquired education is, there will still be some psychological problems in the end. "

Lin Qian is very knowledgeable, and faced this problem not only from the emotional and psychological aspects, but also from the analysis of the genetic and physiological aspects.

"Then you use this answer to think about your confusion just now, and think about the differences between natural reproduction and biotechnology reproduction that will eventually cause problems.

Do you want your offspring to be taken care of by an artificial intelligence nanny, raised by the public, and grow up without their parents? "


"The foundation of civilization is emotion, without emotion as a fetter, then everyone is a loose sand, so there is no civilization.

You scientists think too intellectually and mathematically.

With the development of science and technology today, ordinary people are indeed of no value to the development and progress of civilization, but they are the cornerstone of civilization.

Ordinary people provide the emotional bonds of civilization, and only with them can civilization be achieved.

What kind of civilization is there only a group of scientists?A bunch of scientists are uncivilized.

If everyone thought like you scientists and were so rational, then everyone would have already set up a spaceship to travel among the stars.

Earth?It has nothing to do with me, the universe is so big, I want to see it.

Humanity?What the hell is that, don't hinder my search for scientific truth.

It may seem romantic, but unless you completely drain your emotions and program yourself, sooner or later, interstellar travel will drive you crazy.

There is no absolute black and white in the universe. Only when ordinary people exist, civilization can exist, and the value of scientists can be reflected. "

Chen Nuo said with a light smile, and suddenly said: "The Milky Way is quite big, do you two sisters want to see the Milky Way with your own eyes?
I believe that after watching the vastness of the Milky Way, you probably understand that it is meaningless to think so much about confusion, all you can do is move forward firmly. "

 The power of the river crab has exploded, and the plot of the main world has been shortened a lot. There are about two chapters left before Marshal Chen will start the next act, oh no, it's a part-time job trip.

(End of this chapter)

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