Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 241 The Shock of the Lin Sisters

Chapter 241 The Shock of the Lin Sisters

"Cosmic fireworks?"

"Attack a star 1500 light-years away, and a supernova explosion will occur."

Chen Nuo casually talked about what he did yesterday, and sister Lin and Qian Lin next to her opened their mouths, completely numb.

Attack the star, causing a supernova explosion.

This cosmic firework really lives up to its name.

Chen Nuo identified the target on the star map, the battleship started at full power, and the curvature navigation turned into a red dot in the earth's monitoring signal and instantly disappeared in the solar system.

"Captain, Xiaoqi's sailing speed can't keep up with her attack speed."

The battleship sailed away from the solar system, and Xiaoqi talked about a serious problem.

The sailing speed is 3800 times the speed of light, which is pitifully weak compared to the attack speed of 5.6 times the speed of light.

"It's okay, open the gravitational image, determine the position of the shell and let you catch up."

Chen Nuo nodded, the speed of the battleship couldn't keep up, so he could take it flying.

The advanced version of curvature navigation has a limit of 19.8 times the speed of light, and chasing a shell at 5.6 times the speed of light is trivial.

The image displayed on the holographic screen was refreshed, and the sky full of stars turned into a world of waves.

Meteorites, orbiting planets, stars in the starry sky, white dwarfs, neutron stars, and even small black holes in the starry sky are all bending space-time and emitting gravitational waves.

The gravitational force emitted by the large black hole at the center of the galaxy, the gravitational waves of the distant local galaxy group, and even the gravitational waves of the supercluster of galaxies are also revealed.

These objects are influencing each other, and these gravitational waves are interfering with each other, or twisting, or fluctuating, just like the strings are playing, deducing the most gorgeous piece of music in the universe.

"This is the space-time structure diagram, the world of gravitational waves?"

Lin Qian's eyes were wide open, and she held her breath as she looked at the displayed image. Sister Lin was also a little intoxicated, looking at this dreamy world like music.

The world you usually see is the world exposed by electromagnetic waves. If the world of electromagnetic waves is colorful, then the world of gravitational waves is full of dreams, like a gorgeous piece of music playing the mysteries of space and time.

"Yes, according to the current technology of human beings, in a few decades, human beings can also see the world of gravitational space-time. The accuracy may not be as high as it is now, but the gravitational waves of ordinary stars can also be seen."


Suddenly, the screen shrinks rapidly, and a point far away is revealed and captured.

This point is moving at an extremely fast speed, and the distortion of time and space presents a dazzling red in the signal response, leaving a clear trace of time and space where it passes.

Of course, because of the range and power, these traces will be completely wiped out by the space-time background after spreading less than one billion kilometers.

One billion kilometers, this is a tiny distance on the interstellar scale.

Whoa whoa whoa!
The line-by-line parameters of the target were revealed, and converted into a description that Lin Jie and Lin Qian could understand.

"Is this a black hole?"

Sister Lin looked surprised. Although she is not a professional scientist, human civilization has entered the starry sky. As the manager of the Xinsheng Group, she still knows the basic situation of some celestial bodies.

This completely distorted space-time is clearly a black hole, and only black hole space-time can be like this.

"No, this is not a black hole." Chen Nuo shook his head: "The target has been found, let's catch up!"

After the words fell, Chen Nuo took over the control of the warship's curvature navigation module. Time and space were twisted crazily, and the warship flew out in an instant according to the advanced version of curvature navigation.


Lin Qian exclaimed suddenly when she saw the space-time picture displayed by the superluminal detection involving information technology.

Is this a space-time navigation technology up to 10.9 times the speed of light?
"A little unskilled."

Chen Nuo shook his head and closed his eyes, the gravitational control constantly adjusted the space-time distortion around the battleship.

As he continued to adjust, the speed of the screen display continued to increase!

This is actually the space-time navigation controlled by Chen Nuo!

Seeing this, Sister Lin and Lin Qian opened their mouths subconsciously to form an O shape.

Time was passing, and after more than an hour, Chen Nuo opened his eyes, and the speed parameter displayed on the screen reached 19.2 times the speed of light.

Without raising to the theoretical limit, the control of extreme navigation requires a lot of energy, 19.2 times just right.

"What kind of expression do you guys have? We will catch up with the target in about 2 hours, and we will see the fireworks in full bloom in 7 days."

Chen Nuo stretched out his hand and waved in front of Sister Lin and the two of them, motioning to get back to his senses.

"Brother Nuo, are you still human?"

Lin Qian came back to her senses and looked at Chen Nuo blankly.

Sister Lin next to her was even more bewildered. Chen Nuo is so powerful. When will she be able to truly bear it and have children?

"What is not a person?"

Chen Nuo rolled his eyes angrily, looking at the external picture displayed on the screen, um, it's very handsome, like watching a starry sky image fast forwarded 19.2 times.

"No, such a powerful strength."

"Then what do you mean by the definition of a person? Is it thought, cognition, emotion, or simply a piece of ancestral DNA?"

Chen Nuo asked back.

Although he is already awesome, and his strength has reached his level and no longer depends on genetic inheritance, he still thinks he is still human.

The definition of human beings is not based on the ancestral chromosome, but self-cognition, self-thought, and self-feeling.

Genes, this is the commonality of human beings, but it is not decisive.

"Study hard, this is not cultivation, this is science, maybe you see me as a living humanoid rule device, mastering rule technology and rule ability."

"Isn't that a human-shaped hot weapon?" Lin Qian muttered subconsciously.


The corners of Chen Nuo's mouth twitched, Lin Qian, what did you learn in college, postgraduate entrance examination, Ph.D., scientific research?

Soon, the battleship caught up with the hyperluminous mass bomb blasted out yesterday, and the speed dropped to maintain synchronization.

"It turned out to be a mass bomb."

At close range, the detection screen shows the situation inside the distorted space-time, a mass bomb.

"No, Brother Nuo, if this kind of space-time distortion can be detected, then the situation inside the event horizon of the black hole should also be detected?"

The space-time distortion of curvature navigation is even more distorted than that of black holes. If it can be detected here, then the black hole should be fine.

"Sorry, it doesn't work.

Curvature sailing here is a controllable space-time distortion, which is equivalent to a rope twisting and winding while releasing it. Black holes. That is, the twisting and swallowing will not be released at all, okay? "

Chen Nuo simply shook his head. He tried this problem, but he couldn't detect it. Even his telepathy couldn't perceive the situation inside the event horizon of the black hole.

That is a world that never returns and swallows everything.

Except for the quantum fluctuations at the edge of the event horizon, negative particles falling into the black hole, and positive particles emitting radiation, no one knows what the black hole event horizon looks like.

"There is food next to me. If you are hungry, you can eat. I will go to sleep."

Chen Nuo shook his head, focused on controlling the curvature of the navigation, and stretched out his hand to pull Sister Lin to the next rest cabin.

"Brother Nuo, why are you sleeping with my sister?"

Lin Qian looked at the lines of detected data and was studying them. When she saw Chen Nuo and the two suddenly slipping away, she subconsciously shouted.

However, no one paid any attention to her single dog.

"Xiaoqian is watching."

Seeing her entering the room like this, Sister Lin blushed, and struggled a little embarrassedly, but Chen Nuola's grip was so tight that she couldn't pull away.

"Don't worry about her single dog, don't you have the heart for me to sleep alone?"

Chen Nuo was playing pitifully on his face, but he didn't let go of his hand at all.

One person sleeps alone, how can two people sleep, and then do something interesting to be happy.

 Unexpectedly, the limit is exempted, and the short website that came more than a week ago has forgotten about it.

(End of this chapter)

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