Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 242: Move Bricks

Chapter 242: Move Bricks

In the dark starry sky, time and space are distorting.

The superluminal curvature bubble is affected by the distortion of the gravitational field of the star, and the curvature cannon is calculated in advance to spread out, and the mass bomb carried by it is infinitely close to the speed of light and accurately hits the star emitting endless light and heat.

The star is distorted and deformed like a basketball being hit by a bullet, and the reaction intensity of the core has increased by hundreds of millions of times, from hydrogen to helium, helium to carbon. The whole star collapsed and exploded!

Endless rays of light, gamma ray bursts, and terrifying particle streams erupt completely!
The time and space were suddenly distorted, and part of the energy of the explosion retracted, collapsing together with the core matter and turning into a neutron star.

Frenzied magnetic fields blanketed the void, and pulses of neutron stars erupted from the poles at nearly the speed of light.

Because the rotation axis and the magnetic moment are not synchronized, under the high-speed operation of the neutron star, it is like a light stick that is frantically swinging and swinging.

The mass of this star is more than ten times that of the sun. Even if most of the matter explodes brightly like fireworks, the remaining matter can still form the second extreme celestial body in the universe.

It took several months for the fireworks to explode and bloom.

In the next millennium, this cosmic firework will successively illuminate an area with a radius of thousands of light years. When the earth sees it 1500 years later, it will be like a second sun appearing in the sky.

The signal of a supernova explosion can span a small half of the universe and be observed by the other side of the starry sky. Of course, before it can spread to such a large range, the universe may already be heat-dead.

Thousands of years later, there will be a region like the Crab Nebula left here.

Perhaps in the next billion or even billion years, the exploding nebula will re-converge to form a new star dancing with the neutron star, and the two celestial bodies will play a beautiful waltz in the starry sky.

Or these nebulae are slowly absorbed by the neutron star, and the final mass exceeds the Oppenheimer limit, and the neutron star collapses into a black hole again.

Of course, this will happen hundreds of millions of years or even billions of years later. At that time, it is not certain whether human beings will exist or not. Even if they exist, the distance of 1500 light years will not affect the solar system.


Inside the battleship, Lin Qian's expression was full of amazement, and Sister Lin's eyes were also full of shock.

The holographic images that completely simulate the external situation show all the details of the supernova explosion, and experience a vast celestial explosion as if you were there.

"Go above the Milky Way and look down, and you'll see that the Milky Way is the real thing.

If you have time, go to Sagittarius A to feel the power of the super black hole in the Milky Way up close.

If you have the opportunity to see quasars and face the most violent collision and swallowing in the universe, this is probably the real grandeur and violence.

Even when the technical conditions are mature, go to the void space to see what kind of loneliness it would be in an area with a radius of billions of light years that is empty. "

Chen Nuo chuckled, and with a thought, time and space were distorted, and the battleship was rising rapidly, flying directly above the Milky Way.

"Are you ready to go?"

Lin Qian was studying the data detected by the battleship with a very devoted expression.

Next to her, Sister Lin suddenly reached out to hug Chen Nuo and asked softly.

"After watching the Milky Way, I will leave after spending this vacation with you, and I will be able to retire in a few decades."

Chen Nuo thought of the time ratio in other worlds, and nodded along Sister Shun Lin's hair.

According to his plan, if he traveled four or five more worlds, he would be able to become independent and no longer need to work for his boss.


Sister Lin nodded and didn't say much.

Time flies, and the battleship went to the top of the Milky Way to overlook the Milky Way, overlooking this ordinary galaxy, one of the 2 trillion in the universe, but it has bred human beings and civilizations, and even the galaxy that will be imprisoned for countless civilizations forever.

Feel the vast power of Sagittarius A, the super black hole in the Milky Way, at close range. The powerful gravitational force firmly binds hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way.

Witness black holes devouring stars and accretion disks emitting horrific radiation.

I have seen the generation of star death black holes with my own eyes, and felt the limit distortion of time and space in the natural state.

I have seen aliens from other planets in the Milky Way, they are still very weak, and most of them have not escaped the shackles of the planets.

More than three years later, a few months longer than the original three years, Chen Nuo and the three returned to the solar system.

"What a change!"

As soon as she came back, there was a hint of surprise in Sister Lin's eyes.

Mars is being transformed. From the detection screen, the magnetic field of Mars has been restarted.

The productivity of artificial intelligence has exploded, and energy and resource problems have been solved. The original ten-year project and century-old project can now be completed in just a few months, half a year and a year.

This is the value of artificial intelligence technology, the significance of intelligent industry, and the reason why the higher-ups know that artificial intelligence will cause a wave of layoffs and must develop.

If there is no intelligent industry, and the production system is still dominated by workers, it will not be able to meet the needs of civilization after it leaves the planet.

"It's normal. If the productivity can't reach this level, it's impossible to become an interstellar civilization."

Chen Nuo didn't have too many surprises. This is the normal development of a civilization that got rid of its parent planet.

In the past, everyone played disco on the earth, and every energy and resource needed to be calculated, racking their brains for energy saving and emission.

At this time, breakthroughs in energy technology break free from the shackles of planets. Just pulling a dwarf planet over from the asteroid belt is an inestimable resource, and the speed of civilization development is exponentially increased.


The warship did not hide its tracks, and Zeng Weiguo came over just after they returned to Earth.

"What happened to what I wanted?"

Chen Nuo was not polite, and asked straight to the point.

After mastering the material decay technology, energy is the core of all industries, and almost all the technologies of all walks of life in human civilization have been refreshed.

"This is the technical data you want."

Zeng Weiguo nodded and pointed to the 13 large trucks that followed.

The complete technology tree data of a civilization is of a huge order of magnitude.

Even with a major breakthrough in data storage technology, so much data still fills 13 trucks of storage equipment.

"Sir, do you need to read and play the data?" Zeng Weiguo continued to ask.

"No, just give me the storage protocol, data format, and compression algorithm."

Chen Nuo shook his head, all he wanted was the protocols and formats of these storage devices.

Data information is artificially defined, so there must be a corresponding protocol and format. Without this, he can only know a bunch of 0001111.
This is like an advanced and developed alien civilization coming to the earth. When they first arrive, they give the alien a copy of "Crossing Flowers in the Morning" or "Diary of a Madman", even if the content is not encrypted, they just write it on it. It is impossible for a star to feel the charm of Mr. Lu Xun's writing.

Every time Chen Nuo travels around the world, he must first hypnotize to obtain the local language and related information, and then he can further understand the situation of the local civilization.

There is no language dictionary, no understanding of encryption algorithms, and the information recorded by others can be obtained and understood with a single scan of spiritual power.That's all bullshit.

Well, in this case, it is estimated that the other party is innately powerful, and the records are all ruled characters, and the writing is innate Taoism, which contains extraordinary power.


Zeng Weiguo, who had been prepared for a long time, reached out and took a holographic tablet. On it was the information storage protocol, compression algorithm, and data format.

After receiving the holographic tablet, he casually set the refresh frame rate and playback speed to the highest. Chen Nuo's eyes flickered, and the relevant data information flickering on the screen was captured and memorized by him.

The spiritual power swept across, and the storage equipment on the truck was enveloped by him.

Chen Nuo closed his eyes, telepathically sensing the electromagnetic situation inside the storage device.

This uses the storage technology of solid-state drives, which contains electrons to represent 1 and no electrons to represent 0.

A large amount of information was obtained by Chen Nuo, and then reversely decompressed through the compression algorithm, and converted into the usual information data through the storage protocol format.

A few minutes later, Chen Nuo opened his eyes, and casually threw the tablet in his hand to Zeng Weiguo.

"Okay, pull this big truck back, it's done."

nailed it?
Zeng Weiguo was stunned. The complete technology tree data of human beings is a DB-level data volume, and it can be done in a few minutes.

Your speed is probably too fast.

"Old Zeng, what kind of eyes are you looking at?"

Chen Nuo frowned.

I can't control the power of the mind and dare to slander in my heart. I don't understand that I am so powerful that I can directly obtain information from the fluctuation of the mind.

"No, I'm admiring that Mr. is so powerful." Zeng Weiguo quickly restrained Mr. and explained.

"Get out, take this to the higher-ups, I hope that when I come back in a few years, humans can colonize other stars."

Chen Nuo casually made a large-capacity hard drive and threw it to Zeng Weiguo, waving to get the hell out.

"Sir, what is this?"

Zeng Weiguo asked with a shy face while holding the hard drive.

"The technology of the battleship in space, human productivity and technology will not be able to reach the standard within a few decades, but it can be used as a lighthouse to guide the direction, and the technology tree should not go astray."

Chen Nuo said casually, and then walked towards the villa.

The technology of the battleship in space
Zeng Weiguo stood there dumbfounded. After a few seconds, his whole body shivered, and he hurriedly sent a message to the higher-ups to arrange confidentiality.

"Going to leave."

Seeing Chen Nuo coming in, Sister Lin, who had changed into a suit and was about to go to the group, asked softly.


"Then I'll go to work, pay attention to safety, and come back early."

Reaching out to give Chen Nuo a hug, Sister Lin picked up her bag, waved her hand and went out.

After more than 3 years of vacation, she needed to be familiar with and deal with many things in the Xinsheng Group. As for Chen Nuo, she was prepared and reacted calmly when she left. After all, she has been in charge of the largest group in human civilization for so many years, and she is not an ordinary person who hesitates.

"Why does it feel like I'm being rejected? I'm going to go out to work, but no one will send me off."

With a creak, the door opened and closed, and Chen Nuo touched his nose speechlessly.

Lin Qian went to the laboratory when she came back to Earth, and Sister Lin also rushed back to the group, neither of them thought of coming to see him off.

"Forget it, I'll move the bricks, I'm born to work hard."

Chen Nuo sighed, and walked out. After more than half an hour, several messages were sent back and forth.

"Leader, the target blocked satellite surveillance and disappeared."

"Where did you go?"

"Going to sea again."


The man went to sea again.

When he came to the deep sea, Chen Nuo opened the shuttle list, and looked at the selected worlds with a suitable time ratio.

Shutian, After Ascension, Longevity Realm, Yangshen, Perfect World.
"The time of each world is being adjusted. There are quite a few worlds with a suitable time ratio this time, but this perfect world and Zhetian should be in different eras. I can travel through the timeline through this shuttle?"

Chen Nuo looked at the shuttle list, thinking about which world to work in.

Now the further distance he needs can no longer be met casually, he must find a suitable world.

Overshadow the sky!

The background of the sky-shattering universe and the galaxy, this time I got the complete technology tree information, just in time for a vigorous technological reform.

"Zhetian seems to have a technological civilization, as well as mechas and other messy things. This kind of technological civilization developed on a planet full of aura is probably not the basic rule of matter, and should belong to mechanical applications related to aura formations."

After pondering for a while, Chen Nuo decided on the world to travel through this time.

"Host, are you sure you want to go to this world?"

Facing Chen Nuo's choice, the system did not start the shuttle right away, but asked instead.

"What's the situation, the world consciousness that shrouds the sky offers a 200% reward?"

Hearing the system's sudden inquiry, Chen Nuo was overjoyed and asked subconsciously.

The last time I traveled to the world, the system rarely inquired once, and 200% of the source power was settled, which was amazing.

Is it the same this time around?
"You think too much."

The system said calmly: "From the boss's database, it is known that this is a world where practitioners who belonged to the aura law period failed to transfer to the basic rules, artificially adjusted the layout of the universe, and the basic rules and aura laws coexist.

You want to play the nuclear deterrence of Journey to the West, using mathematical algorithms and basic rules to bully the blind, this will not work.

Those quasi-emperors and great emperors can see through your basic rules and cultivation methods at a glance. I am afraid that you will go in and deliver food to others. "

"The world where the law of aura has failed to transfer to practice, and I can see through my basic rules of practice."

Chen Nuo raised his eyebrows, and asked: "Could it be that those great emperors, quasi-emperors, can change the system of exercises at will, and can directly transfer to practice without military solution?"

In the world of Journey to the West, immortals, gods and Buddhas have to be below the level of heavenly immortals before they can switch to cultivation. Otherwise, the body of the fairy or the body of the gods is completely an energy body composed of aura, which simply cannot practice the basic rules of matter.

Could it be that Zhetian and his gang are different?If so, then this is something to consider.

"You can't transfer at will."

"Then it's fine. You can't change the cultivation at will. It's scary. If there's a chance, they will fight with me first."

Chen Nuo replied indifferently.

He hadn't planned to use the reform plan of Journey to the West to set up nuclear deterrence.

This is the basic skill of being a reform master.

If the big bosses who cover the sky can switch the practice system at will, then I am still a little worried, fearing that they will suddenly explode.

Not only did he see through his own details, but he also used his own tricks, the left-hand aura law and the right-hand basic rule.

Since you can't switch at will, it's scary.

The basic rules are no worse than the laws of aura, which one is stronger and weaker depends on the person.

 Two chapters in one, a new plot tomorrow, think about how to write

(End of this chapter)

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