Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 243 The water covering the sky is a bit deep

Chapter 243 The water covering the sky is a bit deep

Fermi: Where are they all?

The universe is vast and boundless, and human beings have never given up the idea of ​​searching for aliens.

Although it is uncertain whether finding aliens is a blessing or a curse, everyone is still curious about the mysteries of the universe and whether there are other beings in the universe.

On the space station, astronaut Peter conducts daily inspections to collect data.

Suddenly he saw a ray of light lit up beside the orbit of the moon. In the dark space where there is no atmosphere to block the darkness, such a sphere of light is very conspicuous.

"What is this?"

Confused, he gestured with his hand to roughly calculate the angle, and then pressed a line of parameters on the keyboard, and the movable telescope of the space station was aimed at the light cluster.

"I buy Karma! God!"

Peter yelled almost uncontrollably. After filtering the light, he could clearly see what was inside the light ball.


A young man, a young man who appeared in space out of thin air.

On the shoes worn by this man, a Nike logo is still clearly visible.

"Nike put the ad into space?"

After exclaiming, Peter subconsciously had this idea in his heart.

Nike put the advertisement into space, which can perfectly explain how a person suddenly ran out of space. As for how Nike would put the advertisement into space in a crazy way, well, I can’t think so much subconsciously for a while.

When people suddenly face something they don’t understand or accept, they will use their past experience to try to explain and accept it, so as to avoid sudden shock, which belongs to the human body’s self-protection instinct.

"What's the situation, it's positioned in space? The system doesn't work with your service!"

The body lost weight for a while, Chen Nuo looked around and was speechless.

If he hadn't become a boss, he would have been able to survive in space long ago, and if he switched to the first shuttle or the second shuttle, then he would be GG when he appeared on the stage.

Well, go back and report to the boss that the system is trying to murder his good employees.

Chen Nuo complained, and telepathically sensed that someone was watching him secretly, and the time and space around him distorted and came to the porthole of the space station in an instant.

"Hello, I am Chinese!"

(Hi, I'm Chinese!)

The astronauts in the space station are white. Chen Nuo politely greeted them in English, and flew towards the earth in a leisurely manner.

Hide your figure?

The boss needs to hide something when he appears on the stage, isn't that all aboveboard.

"Ah God! That's a real person, a real person! My God, I saw a real person fly in space!"

Peter just used subconscious self-hypnosis to control his calm emotions and almost went crazy. He shouted crazily on the space station, which completely subverted his previous cognition and three views.

After shouting for a few seconds, the astronaut's good psychological quality allowed him to calm down quickly, and he turned the telescope with camera function to take a series of sneak shots of Chen Nuo's back.

At the same time, Chen Nuo had already entered the near-space orbit, which is the main orbital layer of the satellites, and each satellite also captured Chen Nuo's figure.

The camera of the satellite turned around, and behind the camera, groups of people at the earth space station and the satellite base were also stupefied.

"With a diameter of 130 billion light years, observable matter accounts for 70%, galaxies are far thinner than the main world, and except for a few large areas, other places are completely dark.

The sum of matter and energy in this world is millions of times worse than that of the boss, but it is 4 times larger than that of the Great Desolate Continent, and it is more than 5 times larger than that of the Great Desolate Continent, including dark energy. "

According to the cosmic microwave background radiation, Hubble's law, parallax method, etc., Chen Nuo quickly calculated the observable diameter of the universe in the world that covers the sky.

He already knew that what a world looks at is the sum of matter and energy, simply put, it is the sum of assets.

This is like comparing the level of a company, looking at the assets, not the number of companies, 5 Dong is not as good as 1 Ma.

Energy will not appear out of thin air, nor will it disappear out of thin air, and consuming it is just changing a form of energy existence.

The world is absorbing the energy of chaos all the time, and as time goes by, there will be more and more matter and energy inside.

Unless the world is shattered, the world will only get stronger.

Journey to the West seems to be weaker than Honghuang Tiandi, but most of the aura energy has been converted into matter and void energy, making progress for the next evolution of the world.

It is the gods and Buddhas who cannot adapt to the changes of the environment that are weakened, not the world itself.

Like the 960 billion light-years of the main world, observable matter accounts for 4%, and unobservable dark energy and dark matter still have 96%. This is definitely a super world.

The newly opened Great Desolate Continent seems to be a supercontinent tens of millions of light years away, with dense matter and energy.

To be honest, the newly opened Great Desolation is millions of times worse than the main world, and the difference is tens of millions of times including dark energy.

"So, what level is my strength in Zhetian?"

After figuring out the total amount and level of materials in the Shrouding World, Chen Nuo began to evaluate his own strength comparison.

Since the Shrouding World is more than 5 times stronger than the Great Desolate Continent, perhaps the magical powers are not as rich as the Great Desolate System, and its combat power is definitely not weak.

Those Great Emperors, Ancient Emperors, Heavenly Venerates, and Ancient Emperors who would destroy the galaxy and shake the universe when they fight, should be comparable in combat power to the prehistoric sages.

Of course, this is just combat power, and the lifespan of other magical powers is still incomparable, after all, a group of short-lived ghosts with ten thousand years.

The prehistoric sage can't win, so go home and sleep, and the enemy will die of old age when he comes out.

It's just that he controls the four basic forces, what level is his combat power here?
The Four Sages of Sendai?
Or the Five Sage Kings of Sendai?

Or the great sage or even the quasi-emperor?
Chen Nuo was a little puzzled. Every time he travels through the world, determining his strength is a troublesome matter.

"It seems that when I have time, I want to catch a practitioner who is in the realm of Sendai in this world for comparison."

After thinking for a while, Chen Nuo still couldn't figure it out, and looked at Mars, with a plan in mind.

"In addition, this world is very interesting. Except for a small number of areas, the laws of aura and basic rules in other places are almost integrated. This is like the Heavenly Demon Flower that dominates the way of the sword."

After confirming his own strength, Chen Nuo felt the rules of this world in his heart, and he probably understood what the system meant by the coexistence of basic rules and aura laws.

This world has been artificially broken
Oh no, it should be said that aura energy was transformed into matter. After the gravitational rules of matter and the congenital conflicts in the structure of heaven, earth and continents were revealed, some big bosses traversed the ages, shattered the world, and forcibly normalized the evolution of time and space under the law of aura. In the end, man-made Evolved into the world layout of this cosmic galaxy.

This action eliminates most of the conflicts between the gravitational force of matter and the structure of heaven, earth and continents, reduces the internal friction of conflicts, allows the energy of aura to exist for a longer period of time, makes the law of aura active for a longer period of time, and allows practitioners more time to adapt to the environment To find the cultivation system under the rules of the material basis.

Only in this way can it explain the current situation where the laws of cosmic aura and basic rules coexist and blend, and why the material world of the universe still has a large amount of aura energy.

Although the aura energy will still be irreversibly transformed into matter as time goes by, but in this cosmic galaxy environment, the aura law does not have to maintain the structure of the heaven, earth and continent for the circulation of aura energy, and it is always in contact with the gravitational force of matter Rival consumption.

This will reduce the consumption of aura energy by at least tens of millions of times, greatly prolonging the silence time of the aura law. After all, no matter how much a practitioner consumes, it cannot compare to the internal conflicts in the world itself.

In the case of Journey to the West, it takes 3000 prehistoric sages to work without sleep, and 007 to go to work to convert chaotic energy to equalize the consumption of the world.

From this, it can be seen that the consumption of the cultivator is compared with the consumption of the world itself, and the two are not of the same order of magnitude at all.

"However, the heaven, earth and continent collapsed, the heaven and earth dragon veins were cut, and the evolution of time and space was unified. How can this aura energy be circulated? Without circulation, it will decay faster."

Chen Nuo came to the earth, looked up at the sky, and felt the situation of the earth under his feet.

He was wearing modern clothes, appearing in the city is not obtrusive, not many people noticed.

The collapse of the structure of the heaven, earth and continents, and the evolution of the cosmic galaxy will certainly eliminate the innate conflict between the structure of the heavens, the earth and the continents and the gravitational force of matter, and reduce the consumption of aura energy by billions of times.

It's just that the dragon veins of heaven and earth are lost, and the aura energy will decay faster without the dragon veins to circulate.

How did Emperor Huangtian solve this problem?

If there is no such problem of aura energy circulation, the Taoist saints of Journey to the West and the others would have smashed the world and reproduced the world layout of the universe and the galaxy, so there is no need to slam the layout structure of the heaven, earth and continent.

"Also, there is a problem with the life limit here, is it because of the kung fu system, or is there other reasons behind it?"

The great emperor's combat power is comparable to that of the prehistoric saints, but his lifespan is still only ten thousand years, which is a bit weird no matter how you look at it.

He, Marshal Chen, is not as powerful as the prehistoric sage, he is 20 years old every year, and the unit of lifespan is [-] million years.

"Across the ages, return the evolution of time and space to the truth, re-evolve the world layout, the unknown mystery of the energy cycle of aura, let the laws of aura and basic laws coexist and blend together
The previous information of this world has been cross-cut and eliminated, and it is impossible to explore it, but from these points, the pattern of Huangtian Emperor here is many times stronger than that of Honghuang Daozu. "

Chen Nuo carefully sensed it for a while, but he still didn't figure out how the aura energy in this world circulates, so that it can keep from decaying.

Across the ages, the previous information of the world was truncated and eliminated by Emperor Huangtian, and he could not obtain relevant information from the world.

Judging from the current information, Emperor Huangtian is indeed many times stronger than Daozu Gaoming.

This does not refer to the comparison of combat power between the two, but refers to the structure and strategy of both sides.

The Taoist ancestor He Tiandao tied Hong Huang to the chariot. This seems to be very arrogant, but in fact it is too conceited and ruthless to the extreme.
Thinking that he is absolutely right and not wrong, completely disregarding the opinions of hundreds of millions of sentient beings in the wild, and not even giving them the right to choose, Ka Ka Ka is in harmony with the law of heaven and pulls the entire flood into his chariot.

In the end, Huhuhu drove the whole prehistoric region into the abyss, even covering himself.

The little one who is not breastfeeding here, oh no, Emperor Huangtian.

Huang Tiandi replays the layout of the world across the ages, eliminates the conflict between the gravitational force of matter and the structure of heaven and earth, reduces internal friction and prolongs the existence of spiritual energy, allowing all living beings to have more time to find solutions.

Such behavior, on the contrary, is more worthy of being the only one in the world.

"However, Emperor Huangtian still underestimated human nature after all.

The dark turmoil launched by the ancient emperor in order to survive and become an immortal, made all beings busy fighting for fame and fortune, and all the remaining energy was devoted to resisting the dark turmoil, and did not devote time and energy to research and find solutions as he expected road. "

Chen Nuo shook his head and looked at the street.

There, a middle-aged man with a calm and dignified appearance in clothes and leather shoes, accompanied by his secretary, ran towards him in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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