Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 244 This earth is weird

Chapter 244 This earth is weird

"Hi sir, I am."

The middle-aged man came over and spoke politely. Sweat was already pouring from his forehead. Apart from the hot weather, he was also nervous.

"The superior asked you to find me? Let's go."

Chen Nuo didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking, waved his hands and walked towards the vehicles at the intersection of the street.

He entered the earth from space so openly, and then stood in front of the Skynet camera and thought about life.

If the higher-ups still haven't responded or haven't found him, then he has to wonder if the boss sees his hard work, secretly bribes the world consciousness of this world, and gives the earth a group intelligence halo.

The middle-aged man was stunned, and then called the secretary to follow quickly.

Things went smoothly beyond his expectations.

"I don't know your name sir?"

After entering the car, the driver drove steadily. The middle-aged man took a bottle of water to Chen Nuo and asked cautiously.

When he saw the images captured by the satellite, he was shocked in his heart. Skynet data matching found Chen Nuo's figure. After the order from above, he was even more afraid and hesitated whether to come and receive him.

The physical body travels across space, which completely subverts the cognition of human beings here, and surpasses the understanding of modern technology.

Almost in a very short period of time, the legend of the ancient fairy gods was revealed, and a group of think tanks was also urgently analyzing Chen Nuo's situation.

As long as people are emotional, they will have some subconscious actions, which are the imprints of long-term evolution.

Combining these behaviors and facial expressions with psychological analysis, we can roughly see how the person's psychology is, whether it is gentle or irritable.

Although the think tank and even the higher-ups didn't know whether Chen Nuo was considered a human being, no matter what, the specifications rose immediately.

"Miangui's surname is Chen, Chen Nuo."

Chen Nuo unscrewed the bottle and took a sip of water, looking at the scenery outside the window.

Well, it's summer, it's good to enjoy the beauty of the city streets.

The middle-aged man was obviously relieved by Chen Nuo's friendly attitude, following Chen Nuo's gaze, his eyes flickered twice.

"The target has the desire of ordinary people, and the aesthetic orientation is biased towards the opposite sex with a young temperament, a mature body and a good figure."

The middle-aged man remembered this and proposed the next arrangement: "Mr. Chen doesn't have a place to live yet. Let me arrange a place for you first. The leader will come over to discuss matters in person tomorrow. What do you think?"

"Don't be so troublesome."

Chen Nuo mentally scanned the car's electronic equipment, obtained the information code, and took out a USB flash drive in his pocket.

This is a complete technical data of room temperature superconducting materials and controllable nuclear fusion.

"Bring this data to the above to verify the authenticity of the data first. I will give you a complete technology tree information in a few days. The universe is about to have a catastrophe, and human civilization needs to improve its technological strength as soon as possible."

Chen Nuo threw the USB flash drive to the middle-aged man and said casually.

"Is there going to be a catastrophe in the universe?"

The middle-aged man's expression changed, and he asked subconsciously, "I don't know what you mean, sir?"

"Don't you think that only the earth has life in the universe, or that the legends of ancient immortals and gods are all false?"

Chen Nuo glanced at him, and wrote lightly: "In the future, there will be a group of superpowers who can blow up the galaxy at will and need to survive. They are old and need to absorb the lives of hundreds of millions of sentient beings to supplement life consumption. This is the source of the cosmic catastrophe.

After a while, there will be nine dragons in the starry sky pulling a huge bronze coffin to descend on the earth, which can also verify my statement. "

Just now, Chen Nuo used his psychic power to detect and found that Mount Tai was still in good condition. This proves that the Kowloon coffin has not come over yet, and Ye Fan is still dancing on the earth.

In addition to this, he also discovered some interesting information about the earth.

"I used to be a part of the human race on Earth. Don't worry about my malicious intentions. If you really want to be malicious, you can't resist it."

Chen Nuo casually threw out another USB flash drive, patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder kindly, and said with a smile, "Help me investigate this person's information, goodbye."

As he said that, Chen Nuo had a thought, and time and space distorted to form a Klein bottle. It seemed to be unreal before his eyes, and his figure disappeared in the car.

The middle-aged man swallowed hard, and pushed the door subconsciously. The car was moving, and the door was closed tightly, but he just disappeared.

Chen Nuo left too fast. Although he still couldn't make a space-time transition, ordinary people wouldn't be able to see how he disappeared if he moved faster.


The driver stepped on the accelerator and stopped on the side of the road. A large living person suddenly disappeared out of thin air in the car, and his heart was also pounding.

"Go back and report."

After all, the middle-aged man is not an ordinary person, so he calmed down quickly, and calmly ordered with two USB flash drives.

Whether the cosmic catastrophe that Chen Nuo said is true or not will be confirmed when the information on the USB flash drive is verified and what the other party said about the arrival of the Nine Dragons coffin.


The driver took a deep breath, started the car again and drove towards the government compound.

"It's kind of interesting. The earth had aura a long time ago, and even now there are some auras in some deep mountains and old forests."

After leaving the city, Chen Nuo came to a nearby deep mountain in body form, and carefully explored the surroundings with his spiritual power.

The layout of the Shrouding World, the coexistence and integration of spiritual laws and basic rules, this is also of great help to his study of the world's essential mysteries.

"It turns out that this is the reason why modern science started in the West."

The power of the mind went to the core of the earth until it reached the other side of the earth. After observing carefully for a while, Chen Nuo seemed to realize something in his heart.

Although the spiritual energy in the cities or some deserts in Asia is gone, the spiritual energy in the deep mountains obviously still exists, while in Western Europe and North America, the energy of the spiritual energy has completely decayed and dissipated early.

The situation is obvious. Reiki energy is the root of extraordinary power. At the same time, the existence of Reiki energy will interfere with the experimental data at the micro level.

Hundreds of years ago, there was still spiritual energy in Asia, and there were some not-so-powerful extraordinary practitioners.

At that time, the Chinese people in Asia pursued immortality, Buddhahood and longevity, because there was still aura, and although the extraordinary power was weakened, it could still be touched.

The aura in Western Europe completely dissipated first, and the supernatural power of the aura disappeared completely, and the church rule began to decline.

In this way, without the scattered interference of spiritual energy, Europeans began to explore the mysteries of the basic rules, started a vigorous renaissance, and finally developed modern technology one step ahead of others.

"Create the environment to trick people."

Chen Nuo shook his head and sighed, this is really a trick of the environment.

Civilization has been number one in the world for thousands of years. When Chinese people established a prosperous civilization, the West was still drinking blood.

However, due to changes in the environment, the aura energy in the Asian region completely decayed and dissipated hundreds of years later, so it was not possible to develop modern technology in the first place and be overtaken by Western civilization.

"This earth is weird!"

After lamenting how good fortune made people, Chen Nuo patiently checked the situation on the earth, his brows suddenly frowned.

The earth here in Shatian World is weird, it should not be an ordinary material planet.

(End of this chapter)

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