Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 245 Chapter 245

Chapter 245 Chapter 245
The earth has weirdness, Chen Nuo already knew this, such as the covered main line of Kunlun, the land of immortality and so on.

Back then, the elder brother of the Ruthless Emperor was sacrificed by the Yuhua God Dynasty in Kunlun, Earth, leaving only a bloody garment.

But the weirdness that Chen Nuo feels now is not the hidden mystery of the earth, what he feels is a special kind of information fluctuation.

"Information fluctuations of dragon veins"

A few days later, Chen Nuo opened his eyes, moved his fingers slightly, and a wave of special information was bound by his spiritual power.

The information of the dragon vein fluctuates.

Mastered the trick to deceive the sky, once deceived a super dragon vein in the Sword Domination, and studied it for hundreds of years in the Journey to the West. Chen Nuo is no stranger to dragon veins.

He actually felt the breath of dragon veins on the earth. Of course, the aura of the earth has not been completely exhausted. If there is aura, there must be dragon veins inside the planet.

"However, it's not the earth that communicates with this spirit vein, it's outer space, it's an alien domain, so the dragon vein of this universe."

The aura energy circulates through the dragon veins, and the structure of the sky and the earth collapses, then the heaven and earth dragon veins will be lost, and the aura will soon decay without the circulation.

However, there is no Zhetian, except for a few star fields like the earth, most of the starry sky is full of aura.

Then there must be a spiritual circulation channel in such a universe that covers the sky, this is what Chen Nuo has been wondering about before.

Now a trace of the dragon vein has been obtained here on the earth. Although the dragon vein is almost exhausted and broken, it can also be used to deduce part of the aura circulation in this world.

"Is it the starry sky ancient road of the five-color altar? This starry sky ancient road should be built from generation to generation,"

Chen Nuo shook his head. After all, the aura of the earth has declined, and the information contained in it is too little, so it is impossible to get a glimpse of the layout of this world.

"The mystery of this world layout is also very helpful to me. It seems that only by going to the Big Dipper, or even taking a trip to the ancient starry sky road, can I truly see through the layout of the world that shrouds the sky."

Chen Nuo sighed.

He originally planned to be a porter, to give the complete technology tree information to the human civilization on the earth, and then enjoy the city life with peace of mind, flirt with girls and play games every day, and enjoy the top VIP service, but the special world of Zhetian The layout disrupted his plan.

After mastering this kind of world layout and the method of dragon veins in the universe and starry sky, in the future, when working in a world where aura energy decays, find the local aborigines.

Hey, boy, do you want to repeat the world layout in Shattered World?
This will slow down the decline of the world's aura by more than billions of times, and you can continue to dance happily for billions of years.

"Oh, handsome people are exhausted."

Chen Nuo stretched his waist, and left here in a flash.

A few days have passed, and the above should have verified the information of the U disk, so it is time to find them.

"Mr. Chen."

When Chen Nuo came back, relevant personnel immediately came to the door, including a kind old man.

"I don't know if Mr. Chen's statement that the universe is about to suffer a catastrophe is true."

The old man greeted him politely, and then asked about the situation seriously.

Obviously, the technological information on the USB flash drive has been verified, and the think tank's evaluation of Chen Nuo's information is also believed to be credible.

It’s unreasonable to believe such a thing. I took a share of room temperature superconducting materials and controllable nuclear fusion technology. If this is deception, then please give me another three dozen such liars.

Since the information Chen Nuo said is credible, then this matter is serious.

"Let me give you the complete technology tree information first."

Chen Nuo smiled lightly, and with a thought, there was a sudden surge of wind and clouds in a radius of several kilometers.

The air was decaying, and soon a bunch of high-capacity storage devices were manufactured. It took only a few minutes to adjust the internal electromagnetic conditions, and the complete technological data from the main world was stored.


The middle-aged man was stunned, and the old man was also a little absent-minded, but it was obvious that his emotional control ability was better, and he returned to normal in a blink of an eye.

"Mr. Chen, this is the magical power of a practitioner."

They have records about practitioners, but such out-of-the-box methods obviously exceeded their expectations.

"It's just a small trick. This is a complete technology tree. Human civilization can digest it as soon as possible, and then it will be able to survive this catastrophe."

Chen Nuo didn't care about the gaffe of the two, and was very calm and gentle.

These are people who help themselves to complete their performance and earn source power for themselves.

"I don't know, what happened to the person I asked you to investigate?"

After handing in the technology tree, Chen Nuo asked who he wanted to investigate.

The second USB flash drive that was given to the middle-aged man yesterday contains general information about Ye Fan. Although his spiritual power can be found by searching the earth carefully, but the spiritual power can penetrate clothes, which is too eye-catching.

"Mr. Chen, the investigation is clear. There are three qualified Ye Fans you are looking for, and one of them is going to attend a class reunion soon."

The middle-aged man brought up a report.

There are too many people with the same name and surname in Huaguo, and there are at least several thousand people with the surname Ye Mingfan.

Even if some people whose ages fit Chen Nuo's description were screened out, there would still be three left.

"classmate reunion?"

Chen Nuo stretched out his hand to take it, and upon seeing it, he was immediately sure.

Not only Ye Fan, but Pang Bo, Liu Yunzhi and other names in it all matched up. Obviously, this Ye Fan was the person he was looking for.

"At this time of class reunion, even if the Nine Dragons coffin should be outside the starry sky of the earth?"

With a thought in Chen Nuo's mind, his spiritual power soared into the sky, and the picture of the starry sky around the earth appeared in his induction.

The ancient vicissitudes of life appeared outside the solar system, and nine black dragons leaped between the universes, and their scales reflected the distant starlight.

Nine chains were wrapped around the dragon's body, and the chains pulled an ancient bronze-colored coffin and flew to the earth along an ancient road in the starry sky.

The speed is faster than the speed of light, and it is not curvature. This is similar to the magical power of Journey to the West.

A trace of suspicion flashed in Chen Nuo's eyes, and he carefully sensed this ancient road in the starry sky, wanting to explore its mysteries.

As Jiulong pulled the coffin into the solar system, its speed slowed down suddenly, and it escaped from the state of superluminal speed.

"Mr. Chen"

Seeing that Chen Nuo was silent for a long time, the old man couldn't help asking cautiously.

"The Kowloon coffin is here."

Chen Nuo withdrew her spiritual strength and said calmly.

"Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin. The Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin that Mr. said a few days ago?"

The old man asked curiously, he didn't know what kind of dragon and coffin it was, and his expression was quite calm.

"You should understand after a while, let's arrange for someone to deal with it first."

Chen Nuo didn't explain it. No matter how much he explained this kind of thing, he wouldn't be as shocked as what he saw with his own eyes.

The speed of Jiulong pulling the coffin into the solar system has dropped to superluminal speed, Voyager 1 has captured information and returned electromagnetic waves.

According to the distance, the signal can be received on the earth side in about two hours.

When the Kowloon coffin descends to the earth, Ye Tiandi will officially embark on his brilliant life. He can just hitch a ride to the Big Dipper Starfield, and by the way, fight with that crocodile on Mars to see his own strength.

 Uh, sorry, I clicked upload habitually without changing the chapter type to free (ó﹏ò)
(End of this chapter)

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