Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 246 Let's Start

Chapter 246 Let's Start
In the evening, when the sun was setting, a layer of golden bright edges were inlaid on the cloud peaks, and Mount Tai shone golden.

"It's so beautiful!"

Ye Fan and a group of people came to the top of Yuhuang Mountain on Mount Tai, overlooking the Wanshan Mountains below them, and looking at the Yellow River in the distance, they couldn't help expressing emotion.

Before everyone had a good rest, suddenly, several black spots appeared in the sky, and the black spots were gradually getting bigger, and the roar of the air resounded through the sky.

hum! ! !
The roar of the air being squeezed became louder and louder, and nine black behemoths descended from the sky.

For a moment, the expressions of everyone in Taishan froze, and they looked at each other in astonishment.

Nine winding black dragon corpses, pulling an ancient bronze coffin, are falling towards the peak of Mount Tai.

Mythical dragon?


After a brief silence, Mount Tai boiled, and everyone ran in panic, rushing in all directions to avoid the huge dragon corpse that landed.

Fearful screams, helpless cries, and everyone fled.

The coffin in Jiulong sank like nine mountains, the top of the Jade Emperor was shaken and cracked, cracks spread, rocks splashed, and dust filled the air.

The ancient bronze coffin also hit the top of Mount Tai with a "bang", and the mountain shook instantly, as if an earthquake had occurred.

More and more rocks were shaken off, rolling down from the mountain, there was a rumbling sound, and below was a group of ordinary tourists who fled.

"Help, I don't want to die!"

"God, who can save us!"


Cries of fear rang out, and everyone looked at the huge rock with dilated pupils in horror. The next moment they were about to be crushed and killed by the rolling stone weighing tens of tons.

Before a large number of ordinary tourists died under the rocks, the rocks wrapped in a tense momentum seemed to be pulled by something, and the falling trend stopped abruptly, stopping in the air.

Before everyone could react, these rocks suddenly flew out of thin air, and flew towards an uninhabited mountain valley in Mount Tai and piled up, leaving only a piece of dust that had not had time to dissipate.

这 是
The people who survived the catastrophe looked stunned, why did these big rocks suddenly fly?

The people who fled were stunned, and Ye Fan and others who did not escape on the mountain top and suffered no major casualties were also stunned.

Nine huge dragon corpses lay quietly in front of them, and the huge copper coffin brought Ali's visual impact, all of this was too shocking and mysterious.

"Let's hurry down the mountain."

The faces of a group of people were full of panic and fear. After a while, Lin Jia among them made a suggestion.

"Yes, let's go quickly, this is too mysterious and terrifying."

Everyone nodded one after another, turning around and leaving here.

"Look, there's a person there!"

Suddenly, a female classmate seemed to see something and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Next to the bronze coffin, there was a young man wearing a T-shirt and shorts, and the clothes were still very fashionable, standing there, shaking his head in amazement.

"So that's it, the five-color altar, the ancient road in the starry sky."

Chen Nuo muttered, and slapped the huge bronze coffin with his palm, and his spiritual power exploded.

A hazy halo of five colors emerged from behind the huge bronze coffin, and Ye Fan and others immediately felt a huge force covering their bodies, and their legs seemed to be filled with lead, making it difficult to move.

"what's the situation?"

"What happened to us?"


A few male students and several female students shouted in horror, before they could calm down, the vibrations rang out!

boom! boom! boom!
A powerful vibration came from behind the huge bronze coffin, and the entire Jade Emperor's Dome trembled accordingly.

Ye Fan and the others were shocked and fell to the ground, with dizzy expressions, they rolled towards Chen Nuo on the slope of the pothole made by the giant bronze coffin.


The sound rolled down, and everyone fell to the bottom of the pit one after another, as if they had hit a bunch of things.

"This is."

After falling to the bottom of the pit, everyone regained their ability to move. Ye Fan looked around and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Under the deep pit is a huge super altar. The altar is completely piled up of huge stones of five colors, and it firmly carries the 20-meter-long ancient bronze coffin without any fragments.

The altar is majestic, and the huge impact of the copper coffin that fell from the sky failed to damage it in the slightest.

In this large five-color altar, besides the ancient bronze coffin, there are also many jade blocks and stone slabs piled up, many of which were knocked down by them.

The huge ancient bronze coffin stands beside it, its verdigris is rusty, but it still can't cover up the blurred bronze engravings, which seem to be ancient gods, and they are all stained with tears.

The distance is so close that they can even be touched by hand, which makes everyone feel fear and chills down their spines.

What surprised them even more was that the young man he saw just now was touching the depiction on the giant coffin, his expression was devoted, and he seemed to be feeling something.

"So it turns out that the ancient starry sky road composed of five-color altars is just a part of the dragon veins."

Chen Nuo sighed, and when the words fell, Ye Fan and the others suddenly felt a desolate and long-lasting aura emerging from the five-color altar.

Desolate, barren and ancient, people can't help but invest in it.

The five-color brilliance shone, and the jade blocks and stone slabs displayed on the five-color altar suddenly became crystal clear, and all the ancient characters engraved on them shone with light, and a soft light flowed from the entire super-large altar.

Click click!

The jade blocks and stone slabs cracked one after another, and streaks of brilliance rushed out, among which streamers flickered. It seemed that it was the words engraved on the jade blocks and stone slabs before.

The streamer is running, the words are condensing, gradually forming a huge gossip, and mysterious power is emerging.

"The way of time and space based on the law of aura, is this the reason why the ancient starry sky road is similar to the super-light speed mystery that shrinks the ground to an inch, and the emperor can jump through space at will and appear everywhere in the universe?"

Chen Nuo's eyes flickered, and his spiritual power carefully sensed the gossip.

The way of time and space according to the law of aura, the foundation of this ancient road in the starry sky, is the reason why countless low-level practitioners can jump in space.

Otherwise, according to the law of gravitational space-time according to the basic rules, without grasping the grand unification, time-space transition is impossible at all, and it is not bad to play with curvature navigation.

Great unity?
The most powerful warship of technological civilization that masters the great unification, the emperor can stand still and be killed by a cannonball. The protective cover can withstand the emperor's multiple attacks, which is countless times stronger than the low-level practitioners here.

"However, the time-space gossip here can actually absorb material energy such as electromagnetic waves, magnetic fields, and even heat, so that's very interesting."

Chen Nuo felt strange in his heart.

The law of aura is more active, easier to cultivate, and the energy of aura is easier to use. The basic rules are more stable than inert, so it is difficult to practice and difficult to use material energy.

The two are inherently incompatible, even if they coexist and merge, this is only the surface layer, and the deep layer is still distinct.

The way of time and space, this can be regarded as a deep spiritual law, but in addition to absorbing spiritual energy, it is also absorbing the energy of matter.

This is to completely integrate the two, or to forcibly reverse matter into aura.

"There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. If I have a boss who is cheating on me, I can only use my spirit to simply use my spiritual energy. The body cannot absorb spiritual energy to cultivate. Here, the Dao of Time and Space actually uses material energy.

This appetite is too big, but it is not a good thing. Maybe the reason for the Shrouding Sky cultivation system is super powerful, but the supernatural powers are scarce, or the short-lived ghosts, but I still have to study it myself. "

Chen Nuo had a weird look on his face. At this moment, the giant bronze coffin next to him was shaken open, and an inexplicable invisible force enveloped the five-color altar.

The body moved, but Chen Nuo was not affected, but Ye Fan and the others on the altar suddenly felt their worlds spinning, and a pulling force pulled them all into the copper coffin.



Ye Fan and others, several classmates almost collapsed, screaming and crying out in horror.

Nine huge dragon corpses were shaking, and the coffin lid of the ancient bronze coffin suddenly made a loud noise, and the coffin lid recombined, drowning and isolating the shouts of Ye Fan and others inside.

The Tai Chi gossip map in the sky was spinning crazily, and the light was shining brightly. Jiulong dragged the coffin and slowly sank into it. Chen Nuo chuckled lightly, and also stepped in.

boom! ! !
Dazzling five-color divine lights enveloped the sky, and the entire Mount Tai shook violently.

In the next second, the divine light dimmed, and the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams in the sky completely closed and slowly disappeared.

As the breeze blew, all the jade blocks and stone slabs on the five-color altar were wiped out, and the ashes scattered with the wind.

One message after another was sent out through radio waves, and everything that happened on Mount Tai was quickly spread across the world. The eyes of the world came to pay attention, and those who had contact with Chen Nuo were even more shocked.

"Jiulong pulls the coffin to extradite the chosen person to leave, so what he said is true, how about the analysis report?"

"Leader, there are 30 other people who disappeared with him and left with the Kowloon coffin, and one of them is Ye Fan who we asked us to investigate before.

The psychological evaluation and analysis report of the think tank has also come out, and the possibility of the other party lying and deceiving is extremely small.

Relevant scientists of the Chinese Academy of Sciences are also verifying the technology tree information provided by the other party, and the above technologies are generally no problem.

The technology involved strictly conforms to the four basic forces of the universe, and more specific information needs longer analysis and verification. "

"In the technology tree provided by the other party, what is the top technology? How powerful can the weapon be applied?"

"Material disintegration, curvature super-light speed attack, advanced curvature engine, and some unified technological data are also given.

Substituting the material parameters inside into the described scientific and technological data for analysis, the Chinese Academy of Sciences estimated that the top technological weapons would probably be able to detonate the central black hole of the Milky Way, causing the entire Milky Way to disintegrate.

Of course, this is an estimated calculation, and the actual power can only be determined after actual experiments. "


Actual test?

This weapon is estimated to be able to detonate the big black hole in the center of the Milky Way. Where can I find such a testing ground?
The leader was speechless to a group of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, looked at the report and fell into silent thinking, and let out a deep breath after a while.

"According to this technology tree information, formulate a strategic development plan on the premise of ensuring that there will be no major turmoil in the society. Technology has brought about a surge in productivity. In this way, birth restrictions will be completely lifted, and living subsidies and education subsidies will be provided for the upbringing of offspring. We must Develop as quickly as possible to deal with possible crises.”

In the end, the leader chose to trust what Chen Nuo said.

This is a very simple multiple-choice question. Regardless of whether Chen Nuo has malicious intent or not, whether the cosmic catastrophe he said is true or false, there is nothing wrong with striving to develop and improve the strength of a nation-state.

 Two updates today, let’s take a look at the next plot, three updates tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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