Chapter 247
Mars, also known as Yinghuoxing in ancient times, distorted and vibrated in time and space, and a nine-headed black dragon appeared leapingly pulling a huge bronze coffin.


Chen Nuo followed Jiulong to pull the coffin out together, and found the location of the crocodile ancestor with a sweep of spiritual power.

Jiulong pulled the coffin and fell to the ground, and Chen Nuo's figure also appeared near the Daleiyin Temple. When he stepped on his footsteps, the world seemed to shake, and all the plaques and other items in the Daleiyin Temple were shaken off.

Without the maintenance of these extraordinary items, the Great Leiyin Temple, which had decayed long ago in infinite time, collapsed.


With the collapse of the Daleiyin Temple, the original suppressive force disappeared, and a hoarse and creepy sound suddenly sounded from the ground, which made people tremble from the soul, and there was joyful joy in carefully discerning the sound!
huh huh huh.
Streams of light shot out from the ground, heading straight for Chen Nuo's face. If you look carefully, they are all ferocious little crocodiles.

"Aren't you coming out yet?"

Chen Nuo was a little annoyed, he punched out casually, his martial arts will exploded, and the group of little crocodiles turned into ashes and scattered.

The electromagnetic gun spins faster, and in the next second it slams into the powerful life signal it sensed.


The sky collapsed, and the crocodile ancestor jumped out. There was still a hole in his back bleeding, and the armor had been shattered by the mass bomb.

"Who are you!"

Shocked by his spiritual sense, Crocodile Zu glanced vaguely at the huge bronze coffin pulled by Jiulong, and then looked at Chen Nuo with a serious face.

He didn't feel the aura of body secret cultivation method in Chen Nuo, but it was similar to those decayed and exhausted stars in the starry sky, an incomprehensible aura.

"It doesn't seem very powerful."

Chen Nuo muttered, ignored Crocodile Zu's question, and rushed forward with a flash.

Martial arts will erupted, time and space are distorted, the entropy change collapses with one punch, and the black hole of time and space with one hand strikes directly at Crocodile Zu Gong.


Crocodile Zu was taken aback for a moment, then black light burst out from his body, and he rushed towards Chen Nuo fiercely.

If you don't understand it, you will understand it if you hit it!
Like the collision of creation, Crocodile Ancestor flew upside down.

hum!The magnetic field of the solar system suddenly stagnates, the electromagnetism rotates, and the extremely terrifying lightning crackles on the body of the crocodile ancestor. The soil and air are converging and disintegrating and exploding. Zu is shredded on the spatial plane.

Having completely controlled the fundamental force, Chen Nuo can not only use it himself, but can also leverage the magnetic field of the environment, the time and space of the world, and the mutual force contained in matter.


Crocodile Zu let out a painful roar, this man's fighting was totally unreasonable.

"Why is the Saint Realm of Sendai Four so weak? Is my combat power invincible?"

Chen Nuo stood casually in the air, looking at the defenseless Crocodile Zu, the corners of his mouth twitched.

He hadn't exerted all his strength, and he couldn't hold on to a simple attack. An opponent who didn't have the ability to counterattack couldn't test his own strength at all.

The sage realm of Zhetianxiantai Si has officially entered the realm of law, which is comparable to the golden immortal who entered the realm of law.

But Chen Nuo hasn't been a golden fairy for a long time.

"Forget it, send him to see Max."

Chen Nuo sighed, and with a thought, the matter was transformed, and several superconducting metal masses popped up around his body.

The magnetic field controlled the explosion, and with a buzzing sound, the mass bomb disappeared and entered an accelerated state.

It's not as casual as when he beat Crocodile Ancestor at the beginning, this time Chen Nuo is going to be serious.


Crocodile Zu, who was suffering from thunderstorms, material explosions, and space-time tearing in front of him, widened his eyes, and his mind was frantically warning.

Crocodile Zu disregarded the crazily struck lightning, and with a thought, he wanted to forcibly space jump away.

However, just as he was about to take action, the surrounding time and space suddenly became disordered, cutting off the connection between time and space, preventing him from jumping and escaping in space.

"Forgive me! I surrender! I admit defeat!"

The space jump escape was interrupted, and Crocodile Zu followed his inner thoughts and shouted out.

Stop fighting, surrender.
Chen Nuo seemed to have thought of something, and withdrew his attack.

He still needs to study Zhetian's cultivation system, so it's really inappropriate to kill this crocodile directly.

"come over!"

Chen Nuo yelled, and Crocodile Zu immediately flew over, wagging its tail.

"I have seen the emperor."

Crocodile Zu flew over, and during the process of flying over, his body was still rapidly shrinking, and finally turned into a crocodile the size of a puppy, and he called Chen Nuo respectfully.


Chen Nuo frowned, the flattery was too obvious.

"Sir, you already have the strength of the Six Great Sages of Sendai. You are still so young, and the future emperor can be expected!"

Crocodile Zu hurriedly explained, for fear of offending Chen Nuo and killing him.

"I'm in a different cultivation system from you, so give me a few copies of your cultivation techniques." Chen Nuo talked about his purpose.


As soon as the crocodile ancestor moved his mind, several exercises, including common knowledge about cultivation, were passed on to Chen Nuo.

Years of sealing made him very sensible and sincere.

Ok?This technique.
Chen Nuo's spiritual thinking is very strong, and he quickly understood the situation of the Zhetian cultivation system.


After a long time, Chen Nuo's eyes flickered, and he gave a heartfelt praise.

The person who created this cultivation system is really powerful.

In addition, he also determined the comparison of his own combat power. Zhundi was the first heaven, and he didn't use his full strength to fight the crocodile ancestor.

The fourth level of the Lunhai Secret Realm, the fifth level of the Taoist Palace Secret Realm, the fourth level of the Four Extremes Secret Realm, the nine transformations of the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, and the ninth level of the Xiantai Secret Realm
If we talk about the immortal cultivation system developed by Dao Patriarch Honghuang, the cultivator gradually transforms his body, and finally transforms himself into a body that is more in line with the law.

The Shatian cultivation system here is a cultivation system that uses the body as the seed and the body as the universe to gradually develop and improve the potential of the body.

There is no distinction between the two systems, they are both cultivation methods designed to adapt to the environment.

A prehistoric cultivator whose body transforms successfully and conforms to the law is a heavenly immortal.

To further master and step into the field of law, that is Jinxian.

Form your own Dao, that is Daluo.

Sublimate one's own way, and finally integrate the way and soul into the prehistoric way of heaven, then this is a saint.

Zhetian cultivators are constantly developing their physical potential. While developing their potential, they are also growing their potential. Once they enter the secret realm of Xiantai, their bodies will completely transform, which is equivalent to a prehistoric celestial being.

The Saint Realm of Sendai Four has entered the realm of law, which is equal to the Golden Immortal of the Great Desolation.

Going to the extreme of the field of the law of the holy way, that is, the realm of the six great saints of Sendai, is equal to the ultimate golden fairy of the prehistoric.

Going further, the quasi-emperor will start to condense and sublimate the laws of the holy way, practice the five secret realms, and sublimate the laws of the holy way to the supreme law, which is equal to the prehistoric Daluo.

In the end, Emperor Zhun went to the extreme, and the five secret realms were perfectly integrated, turning into a cocoon to give birth to the law of the emperor, which is equivalent to a saint who is in harmony with the heavens.

Of course, this is a comparison of the combat power of the two sides.

If you count all kinds of supernatural power formations, Honghuang hangs 3 streets of the sky-shrouding system, and compares life expectancy, then it is no problem to hang 10 streets.

If you pull a fairy at random, it can live for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, and the emperor who shrouds the sky will have to GG for ten thousand years. If he can't survive the second life, he will die completely.

Longevity, this is the strongest law in the world!

If there really is immortality, and the mind is immortal, then there is no enemy that cannot be dealt with in a single sleep.

"This kind of cultivation system is not a pure spiritual law, nor a pure basic rule, but a fusion of the two. No wonder you are all a bunch of short-lived ghosts."

The basic rules and the laws of aura are completely the operating rules of different periods of the world. The two are inherently incompatible. The fundamental reason for the overwhelming cultivation system, amazing combat power but short lifespan is here.

"The longevity substance, if you guessed right, should be a substance related to the world's source force, which can reconcile the conflicts of these different rule systems."

Chen Nuo's eyes flickered. Although the Zhetian cultivation system is a group of short-lived ghosts, this cultivation system that combines the two major law systems can still bring him great help.

In addition to being able to study and understand the connection between the two law systems, it is also related to the mysteries of the dragon vein circulation in this world. After studying it thoroughly, you can get a glimpse of the mysteries of the ancient starry sky road, the road to immortality, etc., and understand the mystery of the dragon vein circulation here.

In this way, when encountering a declining world like Journey to the West, he can generously come up with a plan.

Sao Nian, break up the world and repeat the world layout, so you still have N billion years to play slowly.

"Your cultivation skills are too low."

Chen Nuo glanced at Crocodile Zu. This crocodile's cultivation skills are too low to fully explain the mysteries of the Shatian cultivation system.


Crocodile Zu was speechless, he is a saint, and the cultivation techniques he mastered are very advanced, okay?

He was slandering in his heart, but on the surface he still didn't dare to say it out, respectfully said: "Sir, I want more advanced cultivation techniques, the universe only has the Dao Sutra, the Hengyu Sutra, the Western Emperor Sutra, the Taihuang Sutra, the Taiyin, the Sun and so on. Only the practice scriptures that come down can meet Mr.'s requirements."

"Okay, go and get these scriptures for me."

Chen Nuo patted Crocodile Zu on the head, and simply handed over this task to him.

"Mr. Er, the holy places that master these scriptures have mastered the emperor's soldiers. I can't win."

Crocodile Zu's flicking tail froze, and asked him to get these scriptures, which would roast the crocodile.

"It is your thing."

Chen Nuo waved his hand, it's no problem to keep a cute fox as a pet, but it's okay to keep a crocodile. Sorry, he's not that harsh.

If the crocodile ancestor didn't show the corresponding value, then simply roast it, the crocodile in the saint realm should taste pretty good.

"Yes, sir."

Crocodile Zu saw what Chen Nuo meant, gritted his teeth and responded, almost tears of sadness in his eyes.

After finally getting out of the seal, I never expected to meet such a ruthless person again. I can't live these days.

"Let's take the ancient road of starry sky, you go to activate the five-color altar."

Chen Nuo looked up at the sky. He didn't know where the Big Dipper was. Rather than looking for it by himself, it would be most suitable to take the ancient starry sky path of the five-color altar.

Before that happens, though, there seems to be a group of people to deal with.

Chen Nuo turned his head and looked at Ye Fan and his group who came out of the huge bronze coffin.

Because the crocodile ancestor and the little crocodile were blocked by him, Ye Fan's group was still neat and tidy, and none of the 30 people was hanged.

(End of this chapter)

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