Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 248 You Must Follow Me

Chapter 248 You Must Follow Me
"Hello sir, may I ask where this is?"

Ye Fan gritted his teeth, ignored Pang Bo's tugging, and stepped forward.

They came out at the very beginning, witnessed the battle between Chen Nuo and Crocodile Zu, and they were really shocked by the god-like power.

Chen Nuo came out first, and the battle attracted their attention, but they didn't find the characters Zhongding and Yinghuo on the huge boulder next to them.

Chen Nuo didn't respond immediately, but carefully sensed the fluctuations of the five-color altar, and faintly felt a space node connected to this place.

Purple MSI.

The Ziwei star in the world that covers the sky.

In the original book, Nine Dragons pulled the coffin through the five-color altar on the ancient starry road, and the destination was the Ziwei star, but was cut off by the ruthless emperor on the way, and fell to the barren ancient forbidden land of the Big Dipper.

This is also the reason why Ye Fan and others landed on the Big Dipper, and the coffin pulled by Jiulong didn't stop, and the car almost overturned.

Glancing at Crocodile Zu, who was not moving forward, Chen Nuo turned his head and said calmly: "Here is Mars, and I am about to leave through this ancient road in the starry sky. You can either enter the coffin and go together, or I will leave some food for you and wait here for a while." Time, it is estimated that someone from Earth will come to pick you up."

There is a special area around the five-color altar, which is full of oxygen. Otherwise, according to the oxygen environment of less than 1% of the Martian atmosphere, Ye Fan and others would suffocate GG in an instant.

Here is Mars, waiting for the earth to pick us up?

Ye Fan and the others froze. They are all college students, and they still understand some basic common sense, and they understand how much human technology on earth will cost to land on Mars.

How is it possible to pick them up.

"Sir, can you send us back to Earth?"

The atmosphere was silent for a moment, and suddenly Li Xiaoman came up and bowed to Chen Nuo to ask.


Before Chen Nuo could reply, suddenly Crocodile Zu's painful voice sounded.

hum!The light on the huge bronze coffin was shining brightly, and the patterns on it lit up.

Crocodile Zu, who just quietly wanted to take out the second coffin inside, flew upside down, his paws were bloody and bloody, flying in the air and splattering blood.

"If you don't activate the five-color altar, chop off your tail and roast it yourself."

Chen Nuo looked back at Crocodile Zu calmly.

When the crocodile first came out, it was secretly looking at the huge bronze coffin. At this time, it was too courageous to quietly steal the second coffin inside.

"I'm going to start it, I'm going to start it."

Seeing that Chen Nuo didn't look like he was joking, Crocodile Zu retracted his tail and hurriedly ran to the five-color altar.

"There is no origin stone."

There was a flash of pain in his eyes, after so many years of sealing, his origin stones had already been exhausted.

Helpless, Crocodile Zu had no choice but to raise his right paw and swipe on his left paw.

The skin was cut open, and the blood of the saint realm flowed into the lines of the five-color altar like a golden sun, and the surging energy contained in the blood activated and recharged the five-color altar.

The light of the five-color altar reappeared, and a huge gossip diagram appeared in the sky, slowly rotating.

"If you want to go into the giant bronze coffin and go together, or you can stay."

With a thought in mind, Chen Nuo produced a pile of biscuits and purified water through material conversion, and then walked towards the huge bronze coffin.

"Wait, others can choose to stay, you must follow me."

Just two steps away, Chen Nuo seemed to think of something, and pointed at Ye Fan.

After Jiulong pulled the coffin and entered the ancient road to the starry sky, the final destination was the Ziwei star. The reason why it landed on the Big Dipper was because the ruthless emperor cut off the beard.

He has not cultivated the power system that can cover the sky, even if his combat power is comparable to Zhundi, he will not be able to sense the positions of other ancient stars and the breath of other cultivators.

Simply put, the cultivators who cover the sky can't see through him, and he can't see through the practitioners who cover the sky.

Otherwise, according to Crocodile Zu's Congxin state, he would have been calling sir, I'm very good, please be gentle.

In this way, if Ye Fan doesn't go with him, it is very likely that the ruthless emperor will not cut him off.

This makes him look for the Big Dipper in the vast starry sky, which is very tiring, okay?

"I want to stay and go with you?"

Ye Fan was stunned.

There are so many female students among the 30 people, many of them are beautiful, gentle and temperamental. If the others don't stay, I will be kept as a big man.

Damn, could it be that my handsome appearance has killed both men and women?Do you want to be so exciting and scary?

"Yes, you are in the coffin, ready to go."

Chen Nuo nodded, it doesn't matter whether the others follow or not.

According to the development speed of the earth after getting the technology tree, Mars is the only planet in the solar system that may be colonized, and there will definitely be a spaceship landing here in half a year.

Even be smarter, polish a few mirrors and look at the earth every day, preferably with a little flashing expression of Morse code.

In this way, the distance from the earth to Mars can be easily observed with a telescope to reflect the light here, so maybe there will be a spaceship coming in less than half a year.

Of course, in such a lonely and desolate Martian environment, without communication, without strict psychological training, even if there is food and water, I am afraid that the spirit will collapse after two months.

Unless doing something fun to relieve boredom.


The corner of Ye Fan's mouth twitched, and he walked into the bronze coffin in silence.

"Oh, Ye Fan, wait for me!"

Pang Bo froze for a moment, and followed Ye Fan into the coffin.

Liu Yiyi in the crowd, including two classmates who were familiar with Ye Fan, hesitated for a moment, and then walked into the huge bronze coffin.

Zhou Yi looked at Chen Nuo with a calm face, and looked around.

On the red desolate land of Mars, the orange-sized sun emits blue sunset light on the western horizon.

The atmosphere of Mars is dusty, and the wavelength of the sunset tends to be blue.

The blue sunset shines on the red earth, forming a beautiful picture, but under the beauty, there is a deep desolation and estimation.

Even if there is food and water, they will go crazy if they can't last two months in this environment.

"We stay here to die, let's go into the coffin."

Zhou Yi sighed, and walked towards the inside of the bronze coffin. The rest of Liu Yunzhi, Wang Yan, Li Changqing and others struggled, and finally followed inside.

Staying here is waiting to die, so it's better to follow along, the future is unknown, but there is still a glimmer of life after all.

Everyone went into the bronze coffin. Chen Nuo hesitated for two seconds, but did not go in together. He grabbed Crocodile Zu and stood on top of the largest dragon head in the center of Kowloon.

The five-color altar was fully activated, the starry sky channel was connected, and the nine dragons pulling the huge bronze coffin suddenly became active. The [-]-meter dragon corpse leaped from the five-color altar, pulling the ancient bronze coffin, and rushed towards the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams.

boom! ! !
Dazzling five-color divine light enveloped the sky, and the surrounding area of ​​Mars shook for hundreds of miles.

In less than a breath, the divine light dimmed, the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams slowly closed and disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

“So fast”

In the starry sky channel, Chen Nuo's spiritual power enveloped his whole body to isolate the space-time distortion and energy impact of the outside world, carefully sensing the transmission situation.

high speed.

It's not the same as going from Earth to Mars.

This time, the speed at which Jiulong pulled the coffin into the starry sky channel continued to increase, breaking through a billion times the speed of light in a blink of an eye.

"One billion times!"

There was a hint of shock in Chen Nuo's eyes.

He felt that he, including the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin under his feet, had completely integrated into the rules of the world, entered another unknown level, and jumped through time and space in an unknown form.

"The way of time and space in the law of spiritual energy is really unreasonable"

Chen Nuo's mouth twitched.

In terms of combat power, giving him enough time to accumulate energy, the quality of bombarding the dead emperor is no problem, but other magical means are obviously inferior.

In other words, if the basic rules are to travel through time and space, it is much more difficult than the way of time and space in the law of aura.

"It seems that the so-called star gate in the Eternal Kingdom here is definitely a technological application of the law of aura, similar to the puppet art of the Dominance of Kendo, and the formation equipment of the prehistoric, not the modern technology of the basic rules."

After personally feeling the shuttle, Chen Nuo confirmed a message in his heart.

This almost instantaneous time-space transition from one side of the universe to the other side of the universe can only be carried out after he has fully grasped the unity of matter, energy, and space-time.

This kind of high-speed shuttle space channel needs to grasp the great unity to an extremely deep level to build it.

It’s different if you switch to the Dao of Time and Space. The Dao of Time and Space is more active and easier to use than the gravitational space-time, so the difficulty of construction and research is reduced exponentially.

The speed of the transition reached tens of billions of times the speed of light, and the speed stabilized without any further increase.

Chen Nuo carefully counted the time, more than 3 days had passed, and suddenly telepathically sensed the space-time shock, and an external attack shook the starry sky channel.

The huge bronze coffin burst into light, resisting the shock, and the attacker consciously controlled to avoid the Kowloon pulling the coffin, Ye Fan and the others inside did not understand what was happening outside.

"Great Great Emperor!"

Crocodile Zu, who was held by Chen Nuo, opened his eyes wide and his body was trembling.

He felt the power of the Great Emperor during this attack, or it could be said that if he was not at the level of the Great Emperor, he would not be able to shake the Starry Sky Ancient Road at all.

After all, this ancient starry sky road is a space channel built by countless emperors in ancient times, which spent millions of years, and it cannot be shaken by the emperor.

Could it be that there is a new emperor in the universe?Or is it that there is a second emperor who survived the death, or is the ancient emperor revived?

For a moment, Crocodile Zu looked dazed, subconsciously shrunk his body smaller, and hid weakly and pitifully behind Chen Nuo.

At this moment, the Starry Sky Ancient Road was blasted away.

The ancient road has the function of self-repair, but at the moment when the repair is complete, a force has pulled the coffin of Jiulong and flew to a certain place.

 Work hard to move bricks, there should be another chapter in the early morning, brothers can watch it tomorrow when you go to bed early
(End of this chapter)

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