Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 249 Chen Nuo: The Emperor Wants to Learn, I'll Teach You

Chapter 249 Chen Nuo: The Emperor Wants to Learn, I'll Teach You

On the ancient starry sky road that he left, Chen Nuo moved forward with this traction force.

Time and space are distorted, and the curvature travels faster than the speed of light.

However, within a few minutes, as if he had penetrated a barrier, he couldn't help but swear at the sight in front of him.

Sao Nian, have you ever seen a planet whose diameter is in light years?
I have seen.

The Big Dipper ancient star, a super planet of light-year level by visual measurement.

Chen Nuo's spiritual power swept over, accurate data, 1 light-year in diameter, and a star with the same abnormal volume and mass is revolving around the Big Dipper, and at the same time, the Big Dipper is also rotating in the opposite direction.

The revolution and anti-rotation are superimposed on each other, and the space-time distorts the light propagation, which just forms the situation that the day and night in each area add up to 12 hours.

What is the concept of a planet with a diameter of 1 light-year?
Simply put, the total area of ​​the earth is 5.1 million square kilometers, and the area of ​​the Big Dipper is 281 billion square kilometers.

If calculated from the sun, the distance from the center of the earth to the surface of the earth is almost equivalent to the entire solar system.

At this moment, Chen Nuo suddenly regretted it.

If he had known earlier, he would have brought the mobile phone of the main world and recorded a few high-definition videos, so that the videos without PS traces would definitely make the astronomers of the main world bald.

Because of the rules of universal gravitation, it exploded on the spot, and Newton jumped on the coffin board.

"Is the law of aura and the law of gravity contending?"

Chen Nuo complained a few times in his heart, and then he had doubts in his heart.

Such super large planets and super stars did not collapse under the gravitational force, and the gravity is not abnormal. This is obviously because the law of spiritual energy and the law of universal gravitation maintain a balance, just like traveling to the west.

But is it full?

To resist the laws of gravitation and maintain such a super planetary structure, the aura energy consumed at this moment is a huge value.

Since the purpose of replaying the world layout after breaking the world is to reduce the consumption of aura energy, why do you want to play like this again?

As the distance approached, Chen Nuo suddenly discovered something unusual.

The time and space around the Big Dipper are wrong.

The strength of gravitation is equal to the degree of distortion of space-time, and the density of matter is directly proportional to the strength of space-time. The gravitational force of the Big Dipper is not strong because of the law of spiritual energy, but the space-time here is impenetrable.

"Have you strengthened it with the way of time and space?"

Chen Nuo's mind carefully sensed the surrounding environment, and faintly felt the time and space around the Big Dipper with multiple Dao patterns looming.

Obviously, the time and space here have been artificially strengthened, and ordinary attacks cannot smash the space and time environment here.

"What is the purpose?"

Chen Nuo raised another question, such a super planet, such a space-time enhanced environment, consumes a lot of aura energy, which is more than the aura consumed by hundreds of millions of practitioners.

Since we want to break the pattern of heaven and earth and repeat the world layout, why do we have to leave such bugs.

Before Chen Nuo could think carefully, Jiulong pulled the coffin and fell into the Big Dipper, and finally fell on the top of a cliff.

This is a barren and ancient area, with towering ancient trees, surrounded by seven towering peaks, and the Nine Dragons coffin fell on one of the peaks.

Forbidden land.

In an instant, Chen Nuo felt the mystery of this area.

A strange breath came over, as if it wanted to wear down his body and erode his consciousness.


With a chuckle, Chen Nuo grabbed the crocodile ancestor and jumped off the dragon's head. With a thought, a super magnetic field shield around his body combined with spiritual power isolated the strange aura.

As for the aura that had invaded the body, the air surged, and the cells disintegrated in turn. Chen Nuo's body was ignited with azure blue plasma flames. In the end, the cells in the body were replaced, and the strange aura that had invaded was completely eliminated.

His mind is not independent, it is based on the body, so whether it is eroding the body or eroding the mind, just renew the cells.

The cells of an ordinary person's whole body have to be renewed every 6 to 7 years. For him, who has an extraordinary lifespan, this kind of change of clothes is not a big deal.

However, when Chen Nuo was about to leave with the puppy-like crocodile ancestor, he was looking for scripture books from various holy places.

An ancient breath suddenly erupted from the depths of the ancient forbidden land.

This is the breath of barrenness.

Hu Hu Hu.

The air vortexed, the spiritual energy was surging, and a phantom exuding a terrifying aura suddenly appeared in front of Chen Nuo.

The bronze coffin made a sound, and Ye Fan and others inside felt the bronze coffin fall to the ground, and a crack opened in the coffin lid, trying to climb out.

call out!
Before they could come out, Xuying moved his fingers lightly, and with a bang, the coffin lid was closed again, and everything returned to calm.


Ye Fan wanted to jump out of the coffin, but the ruthless emperor held down the coffin lid?
The corner of Chen Nuo's mouth twitched. For some reason, such a thought subconsciously popped up in his mind.


Pushing Ye Fan back into the coffin, Xu Ying looked at Chen Nuo and said two words in a faint voice.


Who has ever seen a mortal who is not eroded by life in the ancient forbidden land, and can cross the ancient road of the starry sky without protection?
But she really didn't sense the breath of cultivation in Chen Nuo's body, the life wheel hadn't appeared, the sea of ​​bitterness hadn't opened, and the spring of life hadn't been realized. This is completely the body of an ordinary person.

And the crocodile in the realm of the Four Saints of Sendai, who followed this man like a pug, was obviously convinced that he couldn't take it anymore.

"What kind of exercises are you practicing?"

After less than two seconds of silence, Xu Ying asked this question.

Since she couldn't see the information and was not a real ordinary person, it could only be that the cultivation systems of the two parties were completely different, and she couldn't tell the difference.

"Could it be that the emperor is still interested in my exercises?"

Chen Nuo chuckled, but in his heart he had already prepared the system to summon the boss at any time.

The Ruthless Emperor, the most amazing queen in the era of covering the sky.

In this world that pays attention to physique and bloodlines, relying on the mortal physique that is not good at cultivation, he creates the Heaven Swallowing Devil Art, and enters the body with the bloodlines of mortal bodies, gods, kings, holy bodies, etc., and finally rises in the world to become a generation of unparalleled emperors.

At the end of the first life, he refined his first life into a treasure, and thus gained the name of a ruthless person.

The lifespan of the great emperor who shrouds the sky is only 10000 years. When living out the second life is the limit, the ruthless emperor broke through this limit and became one of the great emperors who have lived for a long time in the world today.

More than 20 years have passed, and it is not known which life she lived.

For this kind of person, Chen Nuo didn't think that relying on his handsome appearance could influence the opponent's mind.

If the ruthless emperor really wants to do something, he will never BB, so everything should be safe.

"You know my identity?"

Regarding Chen Nuo's question, Emperor Ruthless was very calm, neither admitting nor denying it.

Not many people know her identity as the owner of the ancient forbidden land, one of the seven forbidden areas of life.

After all, more than [-] years have passed since the time when she was active.

"Although I am not from the Big Dipper, the Great Emperor's deeds are well-known in the outer space, so I just heard about it."

Chen Nuo heaved a sigh of relief at the reaction of the ruthless emperor, and then kicked Crocodile Zu next to him who was so frightened that his feet were limp and almost lying on the ground.

This worthless guy is full of embarrassment.

"What if I say, I want you to keep your cultivation skills?"

The Ruthless Emperor stared at Chen Nuo, as if observing something, and said suddenly after being silent for a while.

"The emperor wants it?"

Chen Nuo was surprised.

If he guessed correctly, the Ruthless Emperor should have shed his physique by this time and turned into a mortal body, living at least five or six lifetimes.

Skills and physique, at this time, there should be no distinction between superior and inferior in front of the Ruthless Emperor. She already has an invincible Dao heart.

Invincible Dao heart and tenacious heart, this is the foundation for the ruthless emperor to rule the world.

Do you still need my skills?

After Chen Nuo was stunned, he was very straightforward, the air surged and the substance was transformed, and he casually created a piece of information jade slip.

"The emperor wants to learn, it's very simple, I'll teach you."

 It doesn't look like you're busy at work today, work hard and see if you can make it three o'clock today

(End of this chapter)

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