Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 250 Ruthless Emperor: You Can't Teach the Law

Chapter 250 Ruthless Emperor: You Can't Teach the Law
I teach you?
The Ruthless Emperor couldn't help being stunned, and Crocodile Zu was also stunned.

so cowardly?
This is a supreme skill.

Even though Chen Nuo asked Crocodile Zu to practice the exercises before, he did not hand over the exercises he practiced, and the few copies he took out were all exercises he had collected.

No matter which holy place, which great religion, or even which practitioner, the practice is the most important.

It's never been seen that Chen Nuo handed over his skills so straightforwardly. Your combat power is comparable to Zhundi. Why don't you be so cowardly.

Crocodile Zu wondered in his heart, was it too embarrassing for him to be instigated by such a cowardly person.

"Very sensible."

The ruthless emperor nodded, not being polite, and the information jade slip in Chen Nuo's hand came to her side as soon as he moved his mind.

Spiritual thoughts penetrated into the jade slip, and the information inside was obtained by the Ruthless Emperor. Seeing this, he was immediately stunned.

What did you give me?

The vast number of mathematical formulas, mathematical theorems, number theory, space geometry, space-time geometry, functions, plus the quantum theory that subverts common sense, the relationship between matter and space-time, the theory of relativity, the reference system of objects, the spin of particles, etc., are completely confusing.


Seeing that the ruthless emperor was in a daze, Chen Nuo asked tentatively.

Don't be silent, at least give some comments.

"Are you sure this is a practice?"

The Ruthless Emperor looked at Chen Nuo, and the powerful pressure caused ripples in the surrounding space.

How could this be a practice method?
Whether it is the ancient method before the collapse of the world or the current cultivation method, each one has its own predestined method in cultivation, and everyone has their own way.

This means that everyone's understanding of cultivation is different, and the results of each person's cultivation will be different for the same exercise.

How could this be a practice method with such an absolutely objective basic rules and mysteries given by Chen Nuo.

The basic rules are objective. Electromagnetic guns are electromagnetic guns. At most, your talent is better, and the power can reach 3 kilowatts in 100 days of practice. His talent is poor, and the power of 3 days of practice can only reach 60 kilowatts.

There will be no fundamental differences, so there will be no such thing as each having its own predestined relationship, and no such thing as everyone having their own way.

In other words, the Tao of Chen Nuo and others, their ideals are their own ideals.


This is just a way to gain strength, a means to realize ideals, not one's own way.

If science and technology can achieve the goal, then it is better not to practice.

These are completely two different concepts, both of which belong to the same chicken and duck theory, and are completely different systems.

An idealist, a materialist, a ruthless emperor who cultivated idealistically could not understand and accept such materialistic things at all.

This is like believing in God all your life, and believing in the round sky and earth all your life, suddenly a Bruno came out shouting scientific truth, even at the stake, he was still shouting that the earth is round.

In other words, this is like studying science for a lifetime, regarding the falsification of science as truth, and suddenly an absolutely invincible god appears, destroying all three views, okay?

"This is the practice method."

With a thought in Chen Nuo's mind, a coin was created by the transformation of matter. The magnetic field controlled the explosion, and the coin flew out with lightning flashes.

A gust of wind blew, and a few seconds later a mountain peak in the ancient forbidden land exploded a mushroom cloud and collapsed.

In order to display the electromagnetic gun more conveniently and demonstrate the mystery of electromagnetic force, the attack strength of this electromagnetic gun is not strong, and the projectile is even replaced with coins for the convenience of observation.

The Ruthless Emperor was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Very good training system."

Although she did not understand the information given by Chen Nuo, through Chen Nuo's demonstration just now, she could see the upper limit of the power of this system.

The most important thing is that this cultivation system has no requirements on physical fitness at all, and it can be cultivated if it is an intelligent life, which is very suitable for promotion.

"If the Emperor is interested in this cultivation system, I may be able to provide a systematic research and study plan."

Chen Nuo grinned, not waiting for the ruthless emperor to refuse, and took out a jade slip of information again.

No matter if it is the Emperor Zhetian or the Saint Journey to the West, facing this absolutely objective mathematical formula, facing this rule system different from the laws of aura, and facing the microscopic world that subverts common sense, it will be a sour feeling.

As for teaching the method for free, I have taught it for several worlds, and Zhetian doesn't mind, anyway, this is to earn source power.

After handing over the jade slips to the Ruthless Emperor, Chen Nuo took Crocodile Ancestor and prepared to leave.


The information in the jade slip was obtained, and the phantom of the Ruthless Emperor fluctuated a few times.

The time unit of the plan is accurate to the minute, and there are huge and dense learning progress requirements. You are the ruthless person with such a study plan.

With a silent expression, the Ruthless Emperor did not step aside, and the powerful momentum still oppressed Chen Nuo.

Don't let me leave?

Do you really want to fight?
Chen Nuo was taken aback, and his face became serious.

"I don't know what else is going on with the Ruthless Emperor?"

Chen Nuo's voice also sank.

He generously gave the exercises, and also helped to formulate the study plan for free. Although he is so generous because he wants to earn energy, and the study plan is a bit devilish.

The two had no grudges in the past, and they have no grudges in recent days. He even tied Ye Fan to the Kowloon coffin and sent it to you.

Still stopping me like this, is it really because I think I am handsome and want to be tied back to the village?

"You cannot teach the Dharma."

The Ruthless Emperor calmly stated his request.

Although she still doesn't understand the basic rule system, the mystery provided by Chen Nuo should not reach the level of the emperor.

More importantly, this cultivation system requires a lot of time and energy to learn and research the mysteries of the basic rules, which is impossible for her.

"My lord, this is asking too much."

Chen Nuo's face turned serious: "How the world cultivates is their choice, not the emperor's decision."

"You cannot teach the Dharma."

However, the Ruthless Emperor did not give in at all.

"You can't kill me, trust me, I can destroy Big Dipper."

Chen Nuo stretched out his hand, time and space were distorted, a huge mountain peak in the distance suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and appeared on top of the two of them the next moment.

The mountain peak was falling towards Chen Nuo's palm, and the mountain peak continued to shrink as it fell, and finally condensed into a very small ball.

The space-time distortion on the surface of the sphere reveals the ultra-high density and surface gravity of the sphere.

"My lord, tell me, what will happen if I throw this into the center of the Big Dipper?"

Chen Nuo said lightly.

This is a ball of neutrons, Chen Nuo even thought that it could turn it into a miniature black hole.

Someone in the main world once discussed an interesting question, what would happen if a neutron star material the size of a glass bead fell into the earth?
The answer is that if the neutron star sphere does not explode, it will be like a mouse getting into a huge cheese. The neutron glass bead revolves around the center of mass of the earth due to the gravitational force. The earth is eaten up.

The aura of the Big Dipper contends with the gravitational force, and it does not collapse into a black hole when it exceeds the critical mass. This is a balance between the two parties, and there is no tipping point.

Once Chen Nuo provided such a tipping point, the balance of the Big Dipper would be broken in an instant.

According to his current level of complete grasp of gravity, space-time determines the movement of matter. As long as space-time is distorted to form the four-dimensional structure of the Klein bottle, he can directly send this neutron ball into the center of the Big Dipper through space.

Once this neutron ball enters the center of the earth, it will frantically devour the matter of the Big Dipper.

The more matter swallowed, the greater the mass of the neutron sphere itself, and the stronger the gravitational force.

The stronger the gravitational force, the faster the swallowing speed will be, and eventually a black hole will be formed, and the Big Dipper will be completely swallowed within a hundred years.

Unless the neutron sphere that entered the center of the earth is taken out and even smashed in the first place, the Big Dipper is doomed to be destroyed.

Take out the neutron ball?

Sorry, this is not a prehistoric place, and there is no magical power of earth escape. If you want to take out a neutron ball that is exquisite and small but actually has a huge mass, you can only cut through the Big Dipper or even smash the Big Dipper, which is tantamount to destruction.

"The ruthless Emperor lived a life of magnificence, suppressing all ways of the universe, and has survived for countless lifetimes. You shouldn't care about any disputes over orthodoxy, let alone the impact of the promotion of such exercises on you.

In addition, anyone can practice this kind of exercise, and eventually everyone will be like a dragon, and everyone will have extraordinary power, which is a great thing for the human race. "

Chen Nuo looked at the ruthless emperor, and said with a light smile, "I'm curious, what is the reason why the emperor stopped me from teaching the law?"

As he spoke, Chen Nuo clasped his palm, and the strong interaction force inside the neutron ball in his hand was enhanced to the extreme, time and space were also squeezed, and the neutron suddenly collapsed again.

In an instant, a dark and terrifying black spot appeared in Chen Nuo's palm, and the air whirled and fell and was swallowed up.
(End of this chapter)

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