Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 251 Ye Tiandi Is Going To Become Brother Pao?

Chapter 251 Ye Tiandi Is Going To Become Brother Pao?
I'm not as strong as you, I can't win if I beat you, but I can bring the world to be buried with me, make all the people you care about and the things you care about disappear, this is Chen Nuo's confidence.

If you want to kill me, then you yourself have to pay an unbearable price.

In the end, the two sides scrupled and slapped the table for friendly negotiations again. This is the essence of nuclear deterrence.

The ruthless emperor's face finally changed, and she looked at Chen Nuo in the phantom.

The mountain peak just now disappeared out of thin air and reappeared above the heads of the two of them. This is not the way of time and space, and it is not a space jump. It is a mystery of time and space that is not yet understood.

It cannot be stopped, unless the nearby space-time is completely destroyed, otherwise it cannot be stopped.

If it can disappear out of thin air like this, then it can appear in another place out of thin air, such as the center of the Big Dipper mentioned by Chen Nuo.

She has seen the black hole in Chen Nuo's hand, and can see almost all galaxies in the universe, but she has never seen such a small and stable black hole.

I have seen it, so I understand the nature of this black hole, and if I really want to throw this into the center of the Beidou, the ending will be predictable.

On the other side, Crocodile Zu was also completely confused.

Heaven, what kind of boss is he following this guy, if he disagrees with him, he will destroy the Big Dipper, oh no, it will destroy the world.

He has seen such a black hole before. If it really wants to swallow the Big Dipper, this black hole will eventually grow to an unpredictable level, and there is a high probability that it will directly swallow the entire world.

Boss, a ruthless man is not a ruthless emperor, you are the real ruthless emperor.

Compared to Ruthless who destroys the world with a single disagreement, Emperor Ruthless doesn't even have a billionth of you.

"what on earth do you want?"

The ruthless emperor felt a headache. She couldn't handle this kind of person who threatened nuclear deterrence at the slightest disagreement.

"Take half of the road facing the sky. I will not hinder your business, the Ruthless Emperor, and you should not hinder my business."

Chen Nuo stated his request.

This time traveling through the world of Shading the Sky, he brought a copy of the technology tree information to spread the way of technology, and by the way solve the world's cancer - the catastrophe of darkness, and then study the cultivation system here to uncover the mystery of the aura circulation.

Everything else is optional.

Every time Chen travels through the world, he does not kill or rob, convinces people with reason, and is determined to help the world reform.

Except for the city Xiuxian who killed a few people, Dragon Snake Romance and Tang Zichen killed a few sand sculptures after the battle, and he didn't kill anyone afterwards.

However, such a gentle and handsome man is forced to use force every time.

Our side will never be the first to use nuclear weapons, but we can't hold back the enemy's bullying too much.

"There is no way forward for your cultivation system, and teaching the Dharma is harmful rather than beneficial."

The ruthless man glanced at the bronze coffin and said calmly.

"Oh, so the emperor was worried about this."

Chen Nuo suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "It is rumored that Emperor Ruthless has practiced all his life, not to become an immortal, but to wait for someone to return from the world of mortals.

Could it be that you are afraid that after I spread the Fa extensively, that person would choose my cultivation method and not be able to reach the peak in the end? "

Ye Fan's ancient sacred body could not be cultivated at first, so if his cultivation system spreads, Ye Fan will probably choose his basic rule cultivation method.

Obviously, this is not allowed by the ruthless emperor who thinks that the basic rule cultivation system is inferior to the sky-shrouding cultivation system. It is inconvenient for him to directly intervene in Ye Fan's choice, so Chen Nuo should put an end to teaching the law.

There was a sudden shock in the ancient forbidden land, the vast spiritual energy fluctuated, the phantom shrouded around the Ruthless Emperor moved, and a murderous gaze looked at Chen Nuo.

Obviously, Chen Nuo's words touched the taboo in the heart of the Ruthless Emperor.


Crocodile Zu who was standing behind Chen Nuo swallowed his saliva, and shrank back weakly and pitifully behind Chen Nuo.

At this time, he decided in his heart that Chen Nuo was a lunatic, a lunatic who was randomly provoking the taboos in the Emperor's heart.

"The emperor doesn't have to worry about this at all."

Chen Nuo threw away the black hole in his hand, turned a blind eye to the killing intent suddenly emerging from the Ruthless Emperor, and chuckled lightly:
"Every system of rules is not too far behind to reach the peak. This is the case with the system of exercises practiced by the Great Emperor, and so is the practice method of my basic rules.

On top of the four basic forces, there is a great unification, and on top of the great unification there is the control of entropy, dark energy technology, rule technology, changing rules, and so on. "

With a thought, a stream of information shot at the Ruthless Emperor.

This ray of light contained Chen Nuo's future thinking on the basic rule training system, including the description of the relevant realm.

Having personally seen the sage Taoist ancestor of Journey to the West, the cultivation system of the sky, and the world layout of the sky, Chen Nuo has been thinking about what is the state after the basic rules, and what is the state of detachment.

Once the entropy is mastered, it will be able to transcend the universe, because if the entropy is mastered, the chaotic energy can be divided, and a new world and universe can be opened up.

But is entropy control of the main world the apex?

Chen Nuo thinks not.

Any kind of strength requires corresponding energy support.

According to Chen Nuo's estimation, if he mastered the Great Unity, he would be able to blow up the galaxy group.

Entropy takes hold, and that can destroy the local supercluster.

However, the boss of the main world has such a huge body, even if he destroys a local super galaxy cluster in one day, the boss's huge body will not be able to destroy half of it for a few hundred thousand years.

Then it is obvious that the main world still has a higher realm, and entropy control is just equivalent to getting a ticket to transcendence.

It means, Sao Nian, you have grown up and can go out for a while, if you don’t want to go out for a while, then stay at home and be obedient.

This is similar to the spaceship on the earth. The spacecraft can go out after mastering the rocket space technology, but the spacecraft does not represent the earth, let alone destroy the earth.

Compared with the earth, the spacecraft is so small.

After thinking about it, I have been thinking about it.

In the realm above the control of entropy in the main world, Chen Nuo finally positioned himself on dark energy and on rule technology.

Among them, rule technology is divided into temporarily changing rules, permanently changing rules and creating rules.

Obviously, the boss has hidden his hand, and the mysteries of dark energy and rule technology have not been revealed to him.

If the entropy is in control, you can detach yourself. If you don’t want to detach, you can continue to live at home.

This is just like the Primordial Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, if you want to go to the chaotic disco, then go there, and no one will drive you away if you don't want to.

However, the beginning of the Great Desolation is still a baby, the world has not yet developed, and the body is delicate and weak, and it cannot withstand the tossing of the big boss above the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

The boss of the main world and even the perfect world before the world of Shading the sky have grown to a mature age, and those practitioners who have surpassed the realm of entropy control and surpassed the immortals of the world, that is, the true immortals of the perfect world, have grown up.

The predecessor of Shatian, this is just a part of the perfect world.

In the boundary sea outside the perfect world, the universe is floating like eggs, just like the cells of the human body swimming in the blood vessels.

Of course, compared with the specific realm of Perfect World, if he masters the rule technology, whether he can detonate those immortal kings and emperors will not be known until he has a chance to take a walk in the past.

"Are you sure there is still such a state in the later stage of the basic rules?"

After a long time, the aura of the Ruthless Emperor calmed down. Although the murderous aura was still pervasive, it was not as burning as before.

With a cultivation system that shrouds the sky, above the Great Emperor, becoming an immortal is elusive.

In this way, she can have a cultivation system with the same or even stronger future development, so she doesn't mind Ye Fan's cultivation.

After all, the emperor's lifespan is only ten thousand years or so. Chen Nuo's basic rules of practice here, even if there is no specific verification of the lifespan, it is simply deduced that it is in units of hundreds of millions of years.

"The Ruthless Emperor is interested?"

A strange look suddenly appeared on Chen Nuo's face.

Looking at the ruthless person, it seems that if the basic rules of practice are confirmed and the development potential is OK, then Ye Fan is ready to practice this.

Could it be that Ye Tiandi, who killed all the emperors ten times and eight times, and made all the ancient emperors messy, is going to switch to the basic cultivation method this time, and become sister Pao from now on, oh no, Brother Pao Ye Fan ?

The electromagnetic gun in the left hand, the gamma ray burst in the right hand, the black hole of time and space is swallowing above the head, and the matter is disintegrating and exploding under the feet
This picture seems to be a bit broken.

 The third watch at noon tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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