Chapter 252

"I'm sure about the realm of great unification, I'm sure about the realm of entropy control, I haven't cultivated to that level in the subsequent realm, and I can't answer the specifics."

Without waiting for the Ruthless Emperor to answer, Chen Nuo nodded, and took out the information jade slip with a thought.

Well, old rules.

As for whether the ruthless emperor will be dumbfounded, that's none of his business.

The ruthless emperor held two jade slips of information in his hands, his expression was silent, and he did not speak.

"Since the emperor has nothing else to do, I will leave first."

Chen Nuo cupped his hands, threw the black hole in his hand, and beckoned Crocodile Zu to go outside.

The ruthless emperor's oppressive aura was opened, his eyes flickered a few times, but in the end he didn't choose to stop him.

"Another cultivation system?"

Looking at the back of Chen Nuo whose time and space were distorted and the curvature was faster than the speed of light, the Ruthless Emperor murmured a glance at the huge bronze coffin and disappeared in the ancient holy land.

Boom boom boom!
After the Ruthless Emperor left, there was a knocking sound from the bronze coffin, and with a bang, a gap was opened in the huge bronze coffin, and Ye Fan and others finally jumped out of the coffin.

"Sir, aren't you afraid? That's the Emperor Ruthless!"

Leaving the ancient forbidden land, Chen Nuo sailed away from the curvature, Crocodile Zu beside him said in fear.

The name of a ruthless person, even though he was sealed, he has still heard of it.

After all, the ruthless emperor played disco 20 years ago, and Crocodile Zu must have heard of it.

However, today, he witnessed with his own eyes a cultivator of the Six Great Sages of War Power Immortals threatening an emperor, and he lived an unknown number of lifetimes as an emperor known for his ruthlessness.

By this time, Crocodile Zu didn't know Chen Nuo's true strength, he could only tell from the outbreak of Martian Chen Nuo.

"Is the emperor very awesome?"

Chen Nuo wrote lightly: "People live in the world, as long as they don't completely destroy their feelings and righteousness, then there are things they care about.

Whether it's a great emperor or a mortal, if there is something he cares about, he will have weaknesses, so it is impossible to be absolutely invincible.

As for complete annihilation?This is no longer a person, this is a machine and a program. "

As a revolutionary leader, Chen Nuo's thinking about human nature and society is far beyond that of ordinary people. Although he is salty fish every day and sleeps late, he doesn't want to think too much, but when he really needs to use it, he can quickly grasp the key points.

Humans can never be invincible.

God, if there are interests you care about, there are also loopholes. Even the world and even the boss cannot be invincible.

The truly invincible are the laws of operation, they are completely programmed to operate, no matter how you do things, you don't care, no matter how you mess up the world, you won't be angry.

At most, they will reward a scourge according to the preset procedure. After the scourge, the matter will be revealed, and they will not be angry and keep chasing and killing.

Will intelligent life be a program?can be turned into a program.

Journey to the West Daozu's thinking consciousness was washed and annihilated by the information of the Heavenly Dao, and he has become a copy of the Heavenly Dao, which can be regarded as a program.

If you don't care about it, you will be invincible. If your thinking consciousness is annihilated, you will be invincible. This is the same as death and no one can surpass it.

Because death is death no matter what, maybe there are more tricks to die, but it would not be said that death is more advanced.

The Ruthless Emperor cared most about her dead brother, and then Beidou's human race.

The former is the driving force of the ruthless person's life. She has been fighting all her life to wait for someone to come back, but it is also her biggest weakness.

If Chen Nuo had a more serious taste, and grabbed Ye Fan, who was similar to a ruthless brother, by the neck and let the ruthless person call him dad, the ruthless person would probably grit his teeth and respond.

Of course, in the future, someone Chen may be hunted down by ruthless people all over the universe, and he will never die.

"Little crocodile, you have to understand that the most powerful thing in the world is not power, but human heart!
Power is just a means, not the root.

There is no essential difference between the emperor and ordinary people. It is nothing more than that the emperor is more powerful and means stronger. If you study the human heart thoroughly, then anyone who is stronger than you can call you father. "

Chen Nuo looked at Pingyan City in the distance. The scene where the descendants of the thirteen bandits followed the saint and were hunted down had already happened.

Patting the crocodile on the head, Chen Nuo pointed to the city in the distance.

"Go, work!
The cultivation methods of the major holy places, the Hengyu Sutra of the Jiang family, the Western Emperor Sutra of the Yaochi Holy Land, the Taihuang Sutra of Zhongzhou, and the Dao Sutra of wandering and scattered human beings, these are all left to you. "

He wants to study the Shatian cultivation system, understand the deep-seated mysteries of the two major rule systems, and analyze the secrets of the world's aura and dragon vein circulation.

"Sir, you need to help the Empress."

The crocodile ancestor's eyes were ready to cry.

Although he is a saint, if he went to one-on-one to rob the major holy places and rob the personal leave with the emperor's soldiers, he would probably be beaten violently.

"Go, you can't die."

Chen Nuo kicked Crocodile Ancestor, and he reached the realm of a saint. He was so cowardly in trying to grab a group of people who were no stronger than Xiantai Erxiantai San.

He just said that the most powerful thing in the world is not strength, but the human heart, and he planned to do it recklessly.

However, if you are reckless, you will be reckless, anyway, he will not be the one who gets beaten.

If there is a younger brother going to rob, it is best for him as the boss not to show up. If you really want to sublimate the emperor soldier to the limit, it will still be a little troublesome.

"Arrest that holy woman and let her lead the way to the Holy Land of Shaking Light to exchange the practice method for hostages. Be gentle. We are reasonable people."

Chen Nuo gave some pointers at the end, restrained his breath, and walked into the city like an ordinary person.

Behind him, Crocodile Zu gritted his teeth, he also found the fluttering saintess in Pingyan City.

"Just do it, the emperor soldiers can't kill me."

In Pingyan City, a group of men and women with holy temperament are looking for something in the air. Among them, the stunning beauty in blue clothes is the leader with outstanding temperament, surrounded by aura, bright and charming, obviously with an unusual physique.

"Isn't this the saint of the Fluctuating Light Holy Land?"

"They are all disciples of the Holy Land of Waking Light!"

"Made, I hate safety pants!"

The crowd below was talking a lot, and some of them were even cursing.

Safety pants, for ronin like them, is undoubtedly the worst design of the human race.

"Senior sister, I didn't find it."

A group of people searched for the breath with secret methods, but after several times, they still found nothing.

"Senior sister, why don't we check it out carefully?"

At this time, another junior made an opinion, and a gleam of heat flashed in his eyes towards the Holy Maiden of the Fluctuating Light.

"Let's go! That little thief is lucky this time!"

Yao Xi, the Holy Maiden of Fluctuating Light, shook her head. Although she will do whatever it takes to achieve her goal, she can clearly see the gains and losses.

In order to catch a voyeur and carefully investigate a city, the impact of this is not good, and it is not worth the candle.

"Let's go, get out of here."

Unable to find the wretched little thief who was peeping and following just now, Yao Xi beckoned everyone to leave. Suddenly time and space distorted, and the spiritual energy rioted.

The protection of Pingyan City was directly pierced, and several streaks of black energy flew towards a group of people in the Holy Land of Fluctuation like ribbons.

Before everyone in Yaoguang could react, the energy ribbon was pulled away abruptly, binding them artistically.

"Hey! The Holy Land of Shaking Light, Grandpa seeks revenge on you!"

Crocodile Zu's huge body appeared, his eyes were ferocious, and he gave himself a pretext of revenge to confuse everyone's speculation.

(End of this chapter)

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