Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 253 The universe is about to change

Chapter 253 The universe is about to change

"What happened? The saint of the Fluctuating Light Holy Land was bound?"

"Oh my god, this crocodile must be a creature above the Sendai realm!"

"Is this an ancient creature?"

In the blink of an eye, a group of people in the Shaking Holy Land, including the saint, were bound and captured without resistance.

Crocodile Zu's black energy belt is also very artistically bound, and the protruding front and back curl perfectly show the charm of the fluctuating saint's figure.

"Is this the ancient saint?"

In Pingyan City, the owner of a shop looked at Crocodile Zu with absent-minded eyes, feeling that his life was full of doubts.

After the ancient times, the world has undergone tremendous changes, and the world is no longer suitable for cultivation.

In this era, there are not many saints anymore, and most of them are saints who survived from ancient times.

Pingyan City is a remote town, and other people can't tell it apart. He is a half-step power of Xiantai Yi, and it is obvious that he is a crocodile in the realm of a saint.

The saint was born, and it seems that he still seeks revenge from the Yaoguang Holy Land. Is the Northern Wilderness going to change?
"Boss, show me this, how much is it?"

Before he could recover, a young man in strange clothes suddenly came in front of the store and pointed to an item in the store to ask.

At this time, Crocodile Ancestor had already left with the Holy Maiden and others, and Pingyan City gradually returned to calm. After all, most people couldn't tell what was the Great Power of Sendai and what was the Saint of Sendai.

"The guest has a good eye. This is a technological item handed down from the Eternal Kingdom before. It has extraordinary abilities. It is enough for the guest to give 280 Shenyuan."

When a customer came, the store owner immediately reacted and called Chen Nuo to introduce the item he was pointing at.

"I forgot to bring Shenyuan when I went out, how about this exercise as a substitute?"

Chen Nuo took out a jade slip of information, on which were the basic rules of practice.

It's a big sale to buy a small item with a cultivation method that directly leads to the quasi-emperor realm.


The store owner had never seen such a shopper before, he was stunned for a moment, his divine sense penetrated into the information jade slip, and he frowned.

"Is it convenient for the guest to give a demonstration?"

The owner of the shop has good knowledge. He faintly feels that this is an unusual cultivation method, which is very profound and self-contained.

If it's really valuable, then he doesn't mind taking it.

"Demo? It's easy."

Chen Nuo nodded, the material transformation produced a metal projectile, the magnetic field surged, and the ball was rapidly rotating around the body, and the next second the projectile derailed and turned into a red light straight into the sky.

This is the red light emitted by the friction between the projectile and the air.

There were sonic booms, and a cloud in the sky was blasted out of a big hole.

"This is the application of the electromagnetic gun. The power I controlled is equivalent to the example above. You can calculate the power of this cultivation method at the peak level according to the relevant formula."

Chen Nuo simply explained that practitioners have a strong ability to think and understand, so the shop owner deduced the situation according to what Chen Nuo said.

This has a specific calculation and deduction process, and the thinking and computing power is sufficient, and it does not need to consume too much energy.

Of course, if you want to practice, you must understand the nature of the magnetic field, comprehend the mysteries of electromagnetic force and learn how to control it.


A few seconds later, the shop owner trembled all over, walked out nervously and quickly, looked around, and then pulled down the door of the shop.

"Guest, you are too precious"

The store owner's eyes flickered, and he looked at Chen Nuo for a while, with a wry smile on his face.

Although I just got it, I don't know the specific secret yet, but it can be inferred from Chen Nuo's demonstration that this is at least a cultivation method above the Sendai realm.

Such a targeted cultivation method is enough to be passed down as a sect's inheritance, so it is too precious.

"I only change the technological item of the eternal kingdom."

Chen Nuo nodded and didn't say much.

Compared with the Zhetian cultivation system, what kind of physique, what kind of blood, what kind of resources are needed, etc. should be paid attention to.

The basic rules of cultivation method can be practiced by everyone, no need for physique, blood, natural treasures or rare resources, the only requirement is to understand the mysteries of the basic rules.

However, this does not mean that there are no disadvantages.

The basic rules of materialism and objectivity must be studied and studied hard, and many people can study together to understand thoroughly, because this is materialism, not idealism, and human thinking has dead ends.

So if you want to improve by practicing this?
Sao Nian, stop beating and killing, study hard, and make progress every day.

Find a group of like-minded brothers and sisters to study the basic rules together and make progress together.

"Thank you, guest! Thank you!"

The shop owner Shen Nian once again confirmed that there were no obvious traps and loopholes in this cultivation method, and bowed sincerely to express his gratitude to Chen Nuo.

The most important thing for a cultivator is the cultivation method. Chen Nuo gave him such a profound cultivation method, which is no less than a gift.

The most important thing is that he saw the life expectancy in this exercise.

Practicing this method is successful, and the life span is at least many times that of the current four-pole secret realm cultivation method of the Shrouding System.

"The guests can pick whatever they want, and it's okay to take them all away."

The shop owner opened the counter and took out the technological items of the Eternal Kingdom that Chen Nuo just mentioned, and signaled that Chen Nuo could pick the rest at will, so you're welcome.

"No, it doesn't work for me."

Chen Nuo took the item with a smile, didn't even look at the store owner's leftovers, opened the door and was about to leave.

"Big brother, did you smash that cloud just now? It's amazing!"

Just as she walked down the steps in front of the store, a little girl next to her with candied haws looked up at Chen Nuo and shouted.

In her young mind, Crocodile Zu's tying up of people just now, showing the control of the law in the realm of a saint, is not as powerful as Chen Nuo blasting the clouds in the sky with an electromagnetic cannon.

"Well, do you want to learn, little sister?"

Chen Nuo knelt down, looked at the five or six-year-old girl with straight eyes, and said with a smile.

"Can Xiaoru learn?" There was a glimmer of hope in the little girl's eyes.

"Well, it's very simple."

Chen Nuo took out a book and an information jade slip, and put them in the little girl's hands.

The book is a schematic diagram of the method of body transformation. After cultivating the power of the mind, you can read the complete basic rules of the cultivation method in the Information Jade Slip.

Chen Nuo has just acquired the relevant characters and languages ​​of the Big Dipper.


Behind him, the shop owner was stunned and subconsciously called out.

Is it possible that your family's exercises are free of money, and are they being sold at a clearance sale?
Chen Nuo glanced at the store owner, and the powerful spiritual power made the store owner feel like falling into an ice cellar in an instant.

"Go back and practice hard."

Rubbing the little girl's head, Chen Nuo chuckled.

"Well, thank you big brother, you are a good person."

The little girl nodded obediently while holding the book and the message, and sent Chen Nuo a good person card.

"Next time I want to say that big brother is really handsome."

Chen Nuo instructed with a smile, watched the little girl leave, and then stood up.

"Put away the thoughts that shouldn't be moved."

Chen Nuo turned his head and looked at the shop owner whose strength reached half a step in Sendai, who was traveling through life, and said calmly.

The difference in strength, he clearly felt the shop owner's mind just now.

People are generally self-interested. The shop owner got his exercise and initially understood the value of the exercise, so he definitely hoped that the exercise in his hand was the only one.

If he didn't give a warning, I'm afraid the shop owner would have unreasonable thoughts about the little girl after he left.

"Yes, yes yes! The villain understands!"

The shop owner, who was so intimidated by a glance just now, couldn't even move, understood that Chen Nuo's strength was unfathomable, so he nodded hastily with a look of panic.

"I'll spread this exercise in a few days, and you can spread it as you like so you can do it yourself."

Throwing away the technological items of the Eternal Kingdom in his hand, Chen Nuo gave a warning, and the space-time distortion disappeared in place.

Things are precious only when they are rare.

He will spread the exercises, and when the number of spreads reaches a certain level, then although the exercises are still valuable, they are not considered precious, so he believes how the shop owner will choose.

This is the same as the "Tao Jing" of the Zhetian cultivation system. The "Tao Jing" is a great emperor-level exercise, but most of its content has been spread. It's not precious, no one will fight over the "Tao Jing" that is all over the street.

"The universe is going to change."

Watching Chen Nuo leave, the store owner wiped the sweat off his head with lingering fear.

First, an ancient crocodile in the realm of a saint ran out and captured a group of people from the Shaking Holy Land.

Here came another big boss whose eyes can deter him from losing his defense ability, at least no less than the three kings of Sendai.

In addition, this very different cultivation method far exceeds the limit of the life span of the original cultivation method by an unknown number of times. This is a terrible temptation for anyone, and it depends on what this young man means. public.

This time, not only the Big Dipper, but the entire universe might be in chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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