Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 254 Let's Go to the Shrine of Fluctuating Lights

Chapter 254 Let's Go to the Shrine of Fluctuating Lights

"can't read"

Leaving Pingyan City, Chen Nuo researched the technological products of the Eternal Kingdom in his hands, and after a long time of tossing, he discovered a sweaty fact.

He can not understand.

On the surface, this is a small and exquisite sub-light speed aircraft, and the power principle is based on Newton's second law, but he can't see the source of energy and working fluid.

The basic rules of modern technology, Newton’s second law of sub-light speed aircraft, the working medium is generally carried by the spacecraft, the energy is the use of material energy, that is, atomic nuclear energy and even decay energy, the efficiency of chemical energy is too low to support sub-light speed engines.

However, the aircraft of this eternal kingdom follows Newton's second law in terms of structure, but it does not carry stored working fluid, and the source of energy is not clear.

Chen Nuo started the aircraft, and the space-time distortion formed a circle. The aircraft ejected high-temperature plasma flames and flew back and forth along the space-time trajectory.


Where did the working fluid come from?
The corners of Chen Nuo's mouth twitched as he watched the ultra-high-speed plasma flames ejected from the aircraft.

This injection efficiency is not enough to burn the aircraft itself.

"The aura is surging and being absorbed, driven by aura products and aura energy? But there is no dao pattern."

The aircraft flew for a few minutes, and it seemed that the energy stored inside was exhausted, and there were subtle ripples in time and space, and the aura was secretly absorbed through time and space.

It seems that concealment has been taken into account. The behavior of the aircraft absorbing spiritual energy is very subtle. It does not directly absorb the surrounding spiritual energy, but obtains it from a distance through time and space.

If it wasn't for Chen Nuo's mastery of gravitational force, the quasi-emperor's level of spiritual power is strong, otherwise he might not be able to sense this.

Facing this scene, Chen Nuo was puzzled.

In Journey to the West, it is the array that affects the energy of the aura. Chen Nuo used the array to absorb the aura as an energy source to manufacture steam engines, aircraft, etc.

The aura law in the Shrouding World is different. The aura energy that is affected here is not a formation, but something called a dao pattern. Chen Nuo has understood it in the cultivation method given by Crocodile Zu.

However, this is not the Dao pattern, but it is absorbing spiritual energy.

"What energy is driving this?"

With a thought, Chen Nuo stopped the aircraft.

Whether it is the power of a practitioner or a technological instrument, it needs energy to drive it.

Modern technology is material energy, and the array steam engine absorbs aura and converts it into heat for driving.

This technological aircraft of the eternal kingdom does not use material energy. Judging from the situation of absorbing aura just now, it is based on the law of aura, but there is no dao pattern on it.

Dao pattern, this is something similar to formation in the world of Zhetian, there is no formation in Zhetian, here is the way pattern absorbs and affects the spiritual energy.

"The core here is a material with a high degree of aura fit. Man-made material?"

Chen Nuo carefully recalled the information provided by Crocodile Zu, and found no such material, so it is likely that it is a man-made material.

"Differentiation and diversion of aura?"

Holding the aircraft in hand and starting it with low power, it was found that the aura energy passed through the complex structure of the core material, and was differentiated and filtered according to the attributes.

This kind of material has different aura fits. Some fit well, and the aura flows smoothly. Some have poor fit, and the aura stays, and then through the structure, aura differentiation, aura filtration, aura storage, etc. are formed.

In the end, part of the aura is turned into matter, and part of it is excited and turned into heat, which is ejected through the working fluid engine.

Simply put, this special man-made material is like a magnet used by human civilization on Earth.

Gases and other conductive substances will undergo differentiation, deflection, and even cutting of magnetic induction lines when passing through a magnetic field. In this way, various functions can be realized through a series of complex technical structures.

However, this is the "magnet" of the aura law of the Shading World. It is different in nature, but its functions are similar. They are all combined and superimposed through simple structures, and finally realize complex functions.

This is like a computer chip, which is the basic logic unit of gates and negations that every elementary school student can understand.

However, these countless simple logic units eventually form sophisticated and powerful computer chips.

"Isn't it good to use dao patterns? A function that can only be realized with such a complicated structure can be solved with a dao pattern."

A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Nuo's heart, and he realized it before he finished speaking.

Dao pattern, ordinary people can't use it.

Just like the formation, Daowen ordinary people can't use it.

The symbol of technological civilization is universality, which should be usable by both practitioners and ordinary people.

The most basic unit structure of technology is very simple, but after a series of combinations, it can realize complex and powerful functions.

In addition to genetic engineering, the Eternal Kingdom's technology uses this simple man-made material that is not compatible with aura, and through the superposition of a series of basic functional structures, it finally exerts various powerful functions.

"It turns out that the technological creations of the Eternal Kingdom do not use Dao Runes, nor are they the four basic forces of the basic rules.

No wonder Ye Fan saw the spaceship of the Eternal Kingdom on the Undead Mountain, and recognized that it was a technological creation, but he didn't understand it.

If Dao Wen was the driving force, then Ye Fan should have seen it at a glance.

If it is the four basic forces of the basic rules, among them, the various rays of electromagnetic force, magnetic field, and material energy, according to Ye Fan's powerful divine sense at that time, he can directly observe them. How can a middle school student who has studied electricity and magnetic fields and understands the structure of matter like this be able to directly observe them? I can also understand. "

Chen Nuo was stunned.

Technology is not called technology only if it is developed from basic rules.

Researching formations can lead to the development of technological civilization. If you go to the magic world and study magic, you can also develop magic technological civilization.

Technology is the scientific application of a system of rules.

Based on this concept, Ye Fan recognized that the spaceship of the eternal kingdom is a technological creation.

However, seeing that it was a technological creation, Ye Fan was bewildered and unable to understand it.

Because this is not driven by the Dao pattern, let alone the material energy of the basic rules, it uses another technological system that cannot be understood without in-depth research.

"That's right, the aura energy will interfere with the experimental data of the basic rules, and it is impossible to develop the technology of the basic rules in the eternal kingdom with ample aura.

However, this kind of technology system is quite awesome. It really is the material that determines the foundation of technology. "

After researching out what is the technology system of the eternal kingdom, Chen Nuo crushed the aircraft with satisfaction.

This thing is not a system of basic rules, it can only be used in Zhetian, and it is a model without it.

"Mr. The fluctuating light saintess' cultivation method has been obtained, but it is incomplete, not the complete fluctuating light holy land cultivation method."

At this time, Crocodile Zu, who had bound and captured a group of people in the Holy Land of Waking Light, suddenly appeared beside Chen Nuo and reported the situation of the interrogation.

An ancient creature in the realm of a saint, interrogating a group of rookies who can't reach Xiantai, is easy to catch.

It doesn't even matter how much you force a confession, just stare at Yao Xi and everyone else will be honest.

"Show me her skills."

Chen Nuo signaled to take a look at the technique of the Holy Maiden of the Fluctuating Light first, if it could meet the needs, then there would be no need to bother with the Holy Land of the Fluctuating Light.

He is a gentle and handsome man. If you can do something like robbery, you should try your best not to do it.

call out!
A stream of information flashed by, Chen Nuo closed his eyes, and his mind was running crazily to analyze the mystery of the exercises.

His thinking speed is very powerful, and the analysis of such a practice is very fast.

After a while, Chen Nuo shook his head: "Bring the Holy Maiden of the Fluctuating Light, let's go to the Holy Land of the Fluctuating Light."

Yao Xi's realm is too low, and he has not mastered the profound exercises of the Holy Land of Waving Light, so Chen Nuo still needs to go to the Holy Land of Waving Light.

(End of this chapter)

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