Chapter 255
"Sir, are you going to kill people when you arrive at the Holy Land of Waving Light?"

A blue streamer of light streaked across the sky, heading for the starship in the Holy Land of Shaking Light, the crocodile ancestor condensed into the size of a puppy looked up and asked.

This is a starship equipped with a small matter-disintegrating engine, which Chen Nuo made after several failures in the technology tree. The engine is equipped with a propellant engine and a curvature engine, capable of high-speed cruising and even faster-than-light travel.

It's not a very rush situation, Chen Nuo is walking leisurely, the saintess of fluttering light and several female disciples of fluttering light are also inside the starship, staying in the corner, weak, pitiful, and helpless.

As for male disciples?This was thrown in Pingyan City by Chen Nuo.

He just needs someone to lead the way to the Holy Land of Shaking Light. The service quality of girls is obviously better than that of men.

"Why do you kill people? Is Mr. such a cruel person?"

Chen Nuo casually threw out a piece of jade slip: "Take this exercise and exchange it with the Yaoguang Holy Land."

The crocodile ancestor's mind moved, and he was immediately stunned.

Take this kind of ruthless man, the emperor's heart is moved, and he can practice the supreme cultivation technique that has a successful life expectancy, and exchange it for the broken copper and rotten iron of the Holy Land of Shaking Light?
Yes, scrap metal.

Although the cultivation method of the Yaoguang Holy Land belongs to the top of the Big Dipper, in the eyes of Crocodile Zu, compared with this basic rule of cultivation method, it is worthless.

"Why, you don't need to rob, and you can't do it with exercises?"

Chen Nuo glanced at Crocodile Zu, thinking that if this crocodile is not capable of handling affairs, then the arrangement of roasting the whole crocodile should be more appropriate.

It's better to raise a fox in the world of Westward Journey, but Ri Ke is cute, and this crocodile is too cheap in the world of Zhetian.

"no no!"

Under the gaze of Chen Nuo thinking about roasting the whole crocodile, Crocodile Zu shuddered all over, and hurriedly shook his head and said: "Mr., if you don't know how to use such a supreme skill in exchange, I will kill them all!"

Behind him, the saintess of Yaoguang and others saw Crocodile Zu trembling in front of Chen Nuo, an ordinary person, and their expressions were a little bewildered.

Yes, ordinary people.

Because of the different cultivation systems, the life wheel on Chen Nuo's body hadn't appeared, the sea of ​​suffering hadn't opened, the spring of life hadn't been completed, and there was no aura of spiritual energy fluctuations or cultivation.

In the eyes of the fluttering saintess and others, such a person is an ordinary person.

However, the simple look of such an "ordinary person" makes the crocodile of the saint realm tremble.

None of them saw the process of Chen Nuo transforming matter to create a starship, let alone seeing Chen Nuo doing it. At this time, seeing Crocodile Zu like this was completely in a state of bewilderment.

"What do you kill people for? Reason with them and convince them with reason."

Chen Nuo reiterated.

The purpose of his coming to Beidou is to study the cultivation system here, and pass on the law by the way, not to kill people and make enemies.

Although class struggle is not a dinner party, revolution requires bloodshed.

But this glorious matter can be handed over to the human civilization on earth, so why bother to work hard.

As long as human civilization digests the technology tree he gave, and the battleships come over, the effect of the reform will explode immediately.

Kendo dominates the world and travels to the west. It is because there is no modern civilization on the earth, and he needs to be educated bit by bit to cultivate a scientific outlook on development and develop and build industrial technology.

Shrouding the Sky World, is it possible to be lazy, okay?

The high-level human leaders of the earth, they are eager to expand their territories, conquer the stars one by one, and finally write their names heavily in the history books!

The seeds are sown by him, whether it is he who implements the revolution, or the earth's human civilization implements the revolution, in the end, the source of income belonging to him will not be less.

"Yes, yes, convince people with reason."

Crocodile Zu nodded hastily, he found that there was a generation gap between himself and Chen Nuo.

If he has such great strength and needs the cultivation methods of the major holy places, then he will stand in front of the mountain gate and shout whether it is to hand in the exercises or to destroy the door, and everything will be settled.

However, when there is a difference in the generation gap, whoever has the most powerful fist and the highest status will have the final say, and Crocodile Zu can't refute it if he doesn't understand it.

"That's right, be a civilized crocodile."

Chen Nuo was quite satisfied with Crocodile Zu's attitude, patted Crocodile Zu on the head, and said with a smile: "Little Crocodile, do you want to switch to the basic rule practice method?
Judging by your cowardly appearance, it is impossible to become a great emperor. If you practice the basic rules like this, you may be able to go to a higher level, and at the worst, you can live tens of thousands of years longer. "

Chen Nuo has no intention of monopolizing knowledge.

Born at the bottom, he understands that the monopoly of knowledge and education is the biggest class monopoly, and it is a class monopoly that is more terrifying than wealth differentiation.

Since you want to reform, you have to set an example yourself, and the basic rules are about scientific research and cooperation.

If you don't understand the basic rules, even if you are a two-year-old crane extradition to cleanse the essence and cut the marrow, you will be reborn and get the inheritance of the emperor.

At the age of five, there were dragons dancing together, and at the age of seven, he entered the Ancient God Lake alone and picked up a golden ancient chariot.

Entered the ancient emperor mountain at the age of nine and picked up the chaotic ancient talisman and the holy sword of the emperor of heaven, fell into the divine phoenix cave at the age of 12 and got the blood
In the end, it was my son Wang Teng who had the qualifications of a great emperor, and it was nothing.

As long as everyone practices the basic rules and there is no need for drastic reforms, the world will transition smoothly.

"Switch to the basic cultivation method?"

Crocodile Zu was stunned, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Could it be that your skills are really worthless?

"Take it, work hard, and be a civilized and scientific crocodile."

Chen Nuo casually took out another jade slip, which was a complete and detailed study plan.

For Crocodile Zu, he didn't have the same patience as when he raised the little fox. He checked his homework every once in a while and adjusted his study plan in real time according to his study progress.

One is cute and the other is vicious. It is not bad to be willing to give a study outline.

"Thank you sir."

With tears in his eyes, Crocodile Zu took the jade slip and sincerely thanked Chen Nuo, as if a soldier died for his confidant.

Of course, this is due to Chen Nuo's strength. How can a quasi-emperor treat an ant like him so sincerely, how can this not be touching.

But if the strength is weaker than Crocodile Ancestor, and Crocodile Ancestor treats him like an ant, shouldn't he hand in the exercises?Don't say thank you, it's not bad if I don't kill you.


Suddenly, a girl's fragrance wafted over her nostrils, but Yao Xi, the holy maiden of fluttering light behind her, heard the conversation between one person and one crocodile, hesitated for a moment and stepped forward.

"Is something wrong?"

Chen Nuo glanced at the saint.

The appearance is pure and holy, but the body is hot and sexy. The proper demon girl and fairy are one, and a smile can give a man great temptation and stimulation.

"I would like to ask sir, what is the purpose of going to the Holy Land of Fluctuation?"

Yao Xi gritted his teeth and asked this question.

When Crocodile Zu called out to seek revenge from the Yaoguang Holy Land when he was in Pingyan City, she believed it at first.

But when Crocodile Zu captured them without harming them, and then saw Chen Nuo appearing later, when Crocodile Zu was very respectful and obedient to Chen Nuo, she was smart enough to understand that the so-called words of revenge were just rhetoric.

"I'm asking you for something from the Holy Land of Waking Light."

Chen Nuo looked at Yao Xi's nervous look, and smiled lightly, "Don't worry, I don't know how to eat people, and I will let you go when I get to the Holy Land of Waking Light."

"Sir, if you want something, Yao Xi may be able to help you a little bit. There are emperor soldiers in the Holy Land, so the crocodile ancestor saint may not be able to speak."

Seeing Chen Nuo's good attitude, Yao Xi's nervousness subsided a little, and then he spoke up to pick up the topic.

This is not a sect that betrayed her, but after she understood Huang Gu, not to mention saints, the three masters of the Sendai Dao were all rare items.

Such a saint, and Chen Nuo, who made Crocodile Zu such a saint extremely respectful and whose cultivation base is unknown, really shouldn't be offended too much.

"You help?"

Looking up and down at Yao Xi's curvy and mature body, Chen Nuo chuckled lightly when he saw Yao Xi's tense expression again:

"I want you to shake the light of the Holy Land's cultivation method. I can get it from you. Who would think that you are too bad and don't know much.

If you really want to help, then ask your Holy Master to hand over the complete practice method.

Of course, I'm not a person who grabs and snatches. I will exchange it with another better exercise. "

A complete practice method?

Yao Xi was stunned. As for the exchange Chen Nuo mentioned, she didn't take it seriously at all.

"Sir, that's impossible."

Yao Xi shook her head with a wry smile. She didn't doubt whether Chen Nuo could come up with a better exercise, even if she did, it would be impossible.

In any holy place, great religion, or even aristocratic family, resources are foreign objects, and the inheritance of skills is the foundation.

Chen Nuo could come up with a better exercise in exchange, and Yaoguang Holy Land would not agree, because it involves inheritance and secrecy.

The widely circulated "Tao Jing" is the best foundation-building method of the Big Dipper, but when the major holy land families teach their disciples, they generally use their own methods to let the disciples build the foundation.

One is that the inheritance must be handed down from generation to generation, and the other is that there is no perfect practice in the world, and the inheritance of each sect must be unique.

Every practice has shortcomings and loopholes. If you really want to exchange your own practice inheritance, if your own practice inheritance is not kept secret, then this power will not be far from decline.

Who doesn't have a few enemies?Once the enemy has thoroughly studied your skills, they can attack your weaknesses.

Chen Nuo said that he would sell his exercises to the Holy Land of the Light. If it is really verified that this exercise is awesome, the Holy Land of the Light will be willing to spend a lot of money to buy it. After buying it and studying it carefully, it will be integrated into its own inheritance.

But it's impossible to exchange one's own inheritance.

"Impossible, you'll know it when you arrive at the Holy Land of Waving Light. I'm convincing people with reasoning."

Chen Nuo didn't explain, but patted on the shoulder: "Come on, the Holy Maiden will help you with the massage. My shoulders are a little sore after sitting for a long time."


Yao Xi's face froze, and Crocodile Zu's fierce eyes immediately looked over, which made her neck shrink back, and she walked behind Chen Nuo like a little wife and massaged her shoulders.

Convincing people with reason?Convince people with force.

(End of this chapter)

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