Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 256 Crocodile Zu: Since you want to...

Chapter 256 Crocodile Zu: Since you want to do this.
The Big Dipper ancient star is vast and boundless. According to the terrain, it is divided into the Eastern Wasteland, the Western Desert, the Nanling Mountains, the Northern Plains, and the Central Continent.

Among them, the Eastern Wilderness was further divided into the Southern Territory, the Northern Territory, and the Central Territory.

Places such as the Ji Family left by Emperor Void, the Holy Land of Shaking Light, and the Ancient Forbidden Land are in the Southern Territory.

The Jiang Family, the Thirteen Bandits, Miaoyu Temple, Guanghan Que, and the land where the Yaozu were left behind by Emperor Hengyu are in the Northern Territory.

The rest of the Wind Clan, the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, and the Killer Dynasty are in the Central Territory.

Recently, the Shaking Light Holy Land in the Southern Territory has been very lively, and people from the entire Eastern Wilderness and even other Northern Plains and Central Continents have come.

Because some time ago, a saint realm primordial creature known as the Crocodile Ancestor kidnapped the saint from the Holy Land of the Light, threatening to seek revenge from the Holy Land of the Light.

You must know that since the ancient times, the world has changed greatly, and practice has become difficult. Saints have become rare goods. The only saints who survived are almost all from before the ancient times.

Now there is an ancient saint looking for revenge in a holy place?
This is definitely the most explosive and popular event of the Big Dipper in recent years.

Whether it is the victory of the Holy Land of Wavelight that has mastered the emperor's soldiers, or the victory of the ancient sage, it is worth watching the battle. Some enemies of the Holy Land of the Light want to get a glimpse of the true strength of the Holy Land of the Light through this incident.

These melon-eating crowds who came to watch the excitement all camped thousands of miles away, waiting for the broadcast of this grand event.

In the Holy Land of Yaoguang, the Lord of Yaoguang and a group of elders have already gathered. According to the intelligence, someone found Yao Xi's trail yesterday, and it should be here today.

"Holy Lord, this is definitely not revenge, it should have other purposes!"

An elder frowned and offered his opinion.

"I understand, it's not revenge, it's worse if the purpose is not clear."

Lord Fluctuating Light nodded, his face a bit ugly.

The embarrassment of mastering the emperor's soldiers and the revenge of an ancient sage will not shake the Yaoguang Holy Land. He is afraid that this is not revenge and the opponent's purpose is unknown.

It's the unknown that worries us the most.

In front of Lord Yaoguang, the elders and others, there were several male disciples of Yaoguang Holy Land who were with Yao Xi before, and they have all returned after being released by Chen Nuo.

It was their return that made Yaoguang Holy Land confirm that Crocodile Ancestor was not here for revenge.

If you really want revenge, then it is impossible to let people back.

"You said, besides that crocodile ancestor, there is another young man. Does crocodile ancestor obey that young man's words?"

Holy Master Fluctuating Light thought for a while, then turned to look at the returning male disciple.

"Holy Master, yes." Several male disciples nodded affirmatively.

"Can you see his cultivation base information?"

"Ordinary people don't have the slightest aura fluctuations on their bodies, and at the same time, they don't have the slightest trace of cultivation. The sea of ​​bitterness has not yet opened, and the fountain of life has not yet been realized."

Several male disciples answered truthfully, and one of the disciples with a relatively high level of cultivation even showed the image of himself seeing Chen Nuo.

ordinary people?

Lord Yaoguang and the others looked at each other and shook their heads wryly.

Before they could study the countermeasures carefully, there was a sudden riot of spiritual energy outside, and the ground seemed to be shaking.

"Shaking Light Holy Land, the crocodile ancestors are coming!"

Returning to his original mountain-like shape, Crocodile Zu casually slapped his paw on the defensive formation of the Yaoguang Holy Land, the brilliance flickered, and a large number of Dao patterns emerged to block his blow.

This claw is very light, not attacking, but greeting.


In an instant, everyone around the Shrine of Light was excited, and hurriedly stood up to watch the conflict between Zuo Zu and Holy Land of Wavelight.

"I don't know what your purpose is to kidnap our saint and find us in the Holy Land."

In an instant, Holy Master Yaoguang and a group of elders flew out, looking at the crocodile ancestor the size of a mountain in the sky, frowning.

In their induction, the aura circulation of Dharma principles in Crocodile Ancestor has formed its own way.

It is definitely the realm of the Four Saints of Sendai.

"Leverage your observations on the cultivation method of the Holy Land of Shaking Light, and as compensation, I can exchange a copy of the cultivation method of the same level."

Crocodile Zu threw out a jade slip, on which was the first part of the cultivation method of the basic rules, he still saved a hand, and did not expose all of it at once.

A look at the practice method?
For a moment, the practitioners in the Yaoguang Holy Land and even the nearby onlookers couldn't help being stunned.

"How dare you!"

"Extremely arrogant, really extremely arrogant!"

"Too deceiving!"

"Who gave you the courage to come to the Shaking Light Holy Land to snatch the inheritance of practice!"

Before the Holy Master Fluctlight could speak, a group of elders were already furious.

Captured her own saint, and at this time attacked the mountain gate to try to borrow the practice method, this is simply too much deceit!
"The brain is not good, no wonder it has been suppressed by the seal for so many years."

In the distance, Chen Nuo shook his head speechlessly.

Yao Xi, who was a well-behaved maid beside her, also closed her eyes. It seemed that the conflict between the two parties was inevitable.

If Crocodile Zu went in and talked, everyone would chat in private, that is, they would show off their saintly muscles and take out a copy of exercises in exchange.

Then, considering the realm of the four sages of the crocodile ancestor Xiantai, and he got another awesome practice method, the Lord Yaoguang might agree.

But with such a provocation under the watchful eyes of everyone, the captive saintess came to "borrow" the exercises, and the Holy Master of Yaoguang would be ashamed if he really agreed, and the majesty of the Holy Land of Yaoguang would be completely wiped out.

This is an intolerable loss of reputation for a holy place.

"This exercise."

The Holy Master of Fluctuating Light carefully calculated and distinguished the situation of this basic cultivation method. Although the mysteries in it cannot be understood yet, some of the descriptions can still be analyzed.

This is a top-level cultivation inheritance that is different from the existing cultivation system.

The Holy Master Yaoguang waved his hand, motioning all the elders to be quiet, looked at Crocodile Zu and shook his head and said, "This saint, I'm sorry, the practice method is the foundation of a holy land inheritance, and I can't exchange it.

Saint, your cultivation method is very advanced. If you want, I can exchange it with Shenyuan or other psychic treasures. "

no exchange?
Crocodile Zu was stunned.

I exchanged such a high-level exercise, and exchanged it with an exercise that even the ruthless Emperor heartily praised, and you didn't agree?
A lone ranger all along, Crocodile Zu didn't understand the importance of fame and majesty for a holy place.

Save others by yourself.

In Crocodile Zu's view, using Chen Nuo's basic cultivation method as an exchange is a profitable exchange deal, and Lord Yaoguang can agree to it immediately.

Could it be that the Holy Master of Fluctuating Light read a part of the information of the basic cultivation method, and wanted to deduce the mystery of the follow-up practice based on the mysteries of this part of the information?
Thinking of this, Crocodile Zu looked at Holy Master Yaoguang suddenly changed, he thought he had guessed the other party's intentions.

"Since you want to do this, don't blame me for being rude."


What do I want?

Holy Master Yaoguang noticed the change in Crocodile Zu's eyes and attitude, and was confused.

Before he could react, time and space vibrated violently, and the earth with a radius of thousands of miles was shaking.

Endless black brilliance erupted from the crocodile ancestor, and the killing power formed by the endless dao pattern divine light was overwhelmingly crushing towards the holy land of Yaoguang, and one of the claws the size of a mountain slapped fiercely at the Yaoguang Holy Land. Lord of Light.

The move is the big move!
"If the Yaoguang Holy Land doesn't hand over the practice skills today, then there is no need for it to exist!"

Crocodile Zu's spiritual thoughts swept across the sky, and the terrifying murderous aura made the faces of countless practitioners watching the battle turn pale.

Don't look at him being obedient in front of Chen Nuo, and a coward in front of the Ruthless Emperor, but in front of other people, the strength of the Sendai Four is still very good.

Click click!

In an instant, Crocodile Zu's attack hit the defensive formation of the Yaoguang Holy Land.

The rays of light shone, and endless dao patterns emerged from the void to defend against Crocodile Ancestor's attack, but the dao patterns shattered within less than half a second, and the sound of substantial shattering resounded throughout the world!

On the other side, Holy Master Fluctuating Light barely blocked Crocodile Zu's claws, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the blood splashed out from his body almost split open.

Crocodile Ancestor still wanted to obtain the practice method from him, so he didn't try his best to kill him.

"Defend! Defend quickly!"

"Holy Lord, invite the emperor's soldiers, quickly invite the emperor's soldiers!"

The defensive formation was about to be broken, and a group of elders in the Shaking Light Holy Land were hissing and shouting.

Saints are invincible. At this time, they can only fight with the crocodile ancestors if they invite the emperor's soldiers!
"In the name of the Holy Lord Shaking Light, I invite the emperor's dragon-patterned black gold tripod to be born, and suppress and kill this monster!!!"

The face of the Fluctuating Lord was full of anger and madness, and his voice resounded through the sky.

Under Crocodile Zu's attack, although no one was killed, a large number of disciples in the sect were still injured by the aftermath of the defensive formation.

In front of all the forces and cultivators of the entire Eastern Wilderness and even the Big Dipper Ancient Star, if Crocodile Zu was allowed to attack like this, the Shaking Light Holy Land would lose all face.

As soon as the words fell, a terrifying aura enveloped tens of thousands of miles around.

The Emperor Armament of the Shaking Light Holy Land—the dragon-patterned black gold tripod, broke through the space and appeared in front of the attack of Crocodile Ancestor!
(End of this chapter)

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