Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 257 How about we talk for a while

Chapter 257 How about we talk

The attack of the dragon pattern black golden tripod and the crocodile ancestor collided, and in an instant, the world in front of him was covered in black, a storm was set off in time and space, and the terrifying black brilliance exploded and swept tens of thousands of miles around.

"Back! Everyone go back!"

"The battle at the saint level is too scary!"

The onlookers eating melons were shouting loudly.

Lord Yaoguang controls the imperial soldiers, and Crocodile Zu is in the realm of a saint. The aftermath of the battle between these two people is too terrifying.

"Emperor Soldier? So what about the Emperor Soldier, can you show your full strength!"

Black energy enveloped the whole body, Crocodile Zu's eyes gleamed, and he could see through the details of the Lord of Light at a glance.

Although it is an imperial weapon, the power of the weapon also depends on who the owner is.

The Holy Lord of Shaking Light, the Second Great Power of Sendai, doesn't even have the Third Slashing Dao of Sendai, and the strength of the emperor soldiers he drives is not as good as that of a saint.

"Hand over the practice method, and I will leave immediately!"

Crocodile Zu shouted loudly, reiterating his purpose.

He didn't attack the mountain gate of Yaoguang Holy Land anymore, but he still remembered what Chen Nuo said, they didn't come to kill people, they came to persuade people with reasoning.

"Don't think about it!"

The Holy Master Yaoguang looked almost crazy, and he drove the black gold tripod with dragon patterns to blast towards Crocodile Ancestor with terrifying killing power.

On the other side, the half-step masters and the second masters of Sendai, the Holy Land of Shaking Light, are also doing their best to attack Crocodile Ancestor crazily. It's just that the realm is poor, and their attacks are not even ticklish.

boom! ! !
The two sides collided again, and Holy Master Yaoguang spat out a mouthful of blood, and the dragon-patterned black gold tripod he was driving was also unstable for a while, as if it was about to lose control at any time.


Gritting his teeth and swallowing the second mouthful of blood, Holy Master Yaoguang frantically continued to rush towards Crocodile Zu, that desperate appearance made Crocodile Zu feel a little hairy.

"I'm exchanging with you, not robbing! Can you stop working hard?"

Crocodile Zu suddenly felt a little headache when he saw the desperate appearance of Lord Yaoguang.

He found that he seemed to have done something bad.

Following Chen Nuo's instructions, he really came to exchange exercises, and even patted the door lightly without using much force.

It was you, Holy Master Yaoguang, who read some of the mysteries of the cultivation method and wanted to deduce the follow-up mysteries for greed. Why does it seem that he is robbing the cultivation method.

If you really want to grab the door by force, shoot it with all your strength when the door is called. It doesn't matter if the mountain gate of your Yaoguang Holy Land is still there.

Once again collided, Holy Master Yaoguang spat out a mouthful of blood, and his expression became even more ferocious.

In his eyes, Crocodile Zu's words were more like intentional humiliation.

"Shake light to everyone in the Holy Land, worship the Emperor Soldiers!"

"In the name of the Lord Shaking Light, I invite the dragon-patterned black gold cauldron to unleash the power of a complete imperial soldier!"

The Lord Yaoguang shouted loudly, and the divine power burst out from all over his body, frantically flocking towards the emperor soldiers.

Under the oppression of the sage Crocodile Zu, the Second Great Master of Sendai, the Lord of Light, who was originally not far from Sendai's Third Slash Dao, unexpectedly found an opportunity to break through at this moment.

But at this moment, he has no intention to realize the breakthrough.

If the black gold tripod with dragon pattern is the foundation of Yaoguang Holy Land, it is because of this piece of imperial weapon that Yaoguang Holy Land can develop from a non-dipper-created orthodoxy to the top of the Big Dipper in the Eastern Desolation, and become a place where the Jiang family, Ji family, and Yaochi A force comparable to the emperor's orthodoxy such as the Holy Land.

Then the dignity and reputation of the Yaoguang Holy Land is the name of the establishment of the sect. It is precisely because the reputation is not damaged and the dignity exists that the Yaoguang Holy Land can become a sacred place that hundreds of millions of practitioners in the Eastern Wasteland yearn for and respect.

If the reputation is lost and the dignity is lost, even if there are 10 emperor soldiers, they will be despised by everyone, and their disciples will be criticized by others.

The black golden brilliance bloomed from the black gold cauldron with dragon patterns, reflecting the sky hundreds of thousands of miles away. Cracks opened up one after another.

The Saint Saint King. He even faintly touched a trace of the power of the Six Great Saints of Sendai.

The dragon pattern black golden tripod has been sublimated to the limit!

The power has changed from being controlled by the Lord Fluctlight to erupting on its own.

Emperor Armament, as the name suggests, is the weapon of the Great Emperor, and it can only exert its full power without damage in the hands of the Great Emperor.

If other people want to exert a power beyond the power of control, they need the emperor's soldiers to explode independently, which will damage the original source of the emperor's soldiers.

This time, due to the loss of the ultimate sublimation, the Dragon Mark Black Gold Cauldron needs at least hundreds of years of worship in the Holy Land of Shaking Light to recover.


Crocodile Zu watched the black golden cauldron with dragon patterns that instantly surpassed the level of a saint and reached the level of a saint king, swallowed subconsciously, tears of sadness welled up in his eyes.

I knew that if I wanted to practice Dharma with a family of the Holy Land who possessed the Emperor Armor, that would definitely be like this
"Kill! Die for me!"

The Holy Master Yaoguang roared, and the black gold cauldron with dragon pattern ruthlessly charged towards Crocodile Ancestor Town!

If this blow is real, Crocodile Zu will die without a whole body.

"Sir, help!"

At the critical moment, Crocodile Zu hurriedly called to his thigh without the slightest hesitation.

Such a terrifying attack by the emperor's soldiers, if he doesn't admit it, he will die.


There seemed to be a sound of electric current in the air, and the magnetic field of millions of miles around the Fluctuating Light Holy Land changed, oh no, not only the magnetic field, but also the time and space.

Time and space are distorted, layers overlapped, squeezed, and firmly imprisoned the emperor soldiers who burst out with the power of the saint king.

The magnetic field is constantly rotating, eliminating the aftermath of the energy that erupted from the frantic battle between Crocodile Zu and Lord Fluctlight.

Saint King?
Has a real saint king made a move?

This aura is not the usual cultivation system of Big Dipper, but the cultivation method of that piece of jade slip!

Shaking Light's eyes widened.

The mighty power of the saint king erupted from the black gold cauldron with dragon patterns is a weapon after all. Although the emperor's soldiers are psychic, they are far inferior to real cultivators.

If there is a cultivator at the level of a saint king who really makes a move, then unless the dragon pattern black gold cauldron is fully sublimated to the limit, it will be impossible to stop it at all.

"The Saint King of Sendai Five? Who! Who is the Saint King?"

"When did the Saint King appear on the Big Dipper?"

"There is no rotten breath, is it the young saint king of this era?"

"Oh my god! A great emperor candidate!"

The Holy Lord Fluctuating Light was shocked, and all the practitioners watching the battle nearby were also elated.

Today, when saints are called ancient saints, the significance of a saint king who has no rotten breath and is not self-appointed in ancient times is too amazing.

In the Holy Land of Yaoguang, Son of Yaoguang felt this aura, and his face became very ugly in an instant.

A young sage king without a rotten aura will be the most popular candidate for the emperor of this era.

Ding Ding Ding.
Chen Nuo stepped out from one side, followed by Yao Xi, the holy maiden who looked like a daughter-in-law.

call out!
With a slight movement of spiritual power, Chen Nuo exuded a wave of kindness towards the imprisoned dragon-patterned black gold tripod.

Afterwards, Chen Nuo stretched out his hand, and the dragon-patterned black golden cauldron became quiet, and flew back into the hands of Holy Master Yaoguang.

The emperor's soldiers are psychic, it understands that if it really wants to suppress Chen Nuo, it may not be able to be completely sublimated, which will cause its essence to be lost.

Then Chen Nuo released his good intentions and didn't do anything to it, and the Holy Lord of Shaking Light didn't provide new instructions for the time being, so it simply knew what to do.


Seeing Chen Nuo stepping out, Crocodile Zu, who knew that he had done something bad, quickly shrunk down and flew to Chen Nuo's side, looking at the dragon-patterned black gold tripod in the hands of Lord Yaoguang with lingering fear.

Damn, I scared the crocodile to death just now.

"Go away, you can't handle even small things."

Chen Nuo kicked Crocodile Zu angrily, then looked at the fluctuating expression of Holy Master Yaoguang, and said sincerely: "How about we have a good chat?"

 After the third shift, I have made up the 3 shifts that I asked for leave in the past few days, and I still owe the monthly ticket to add 3 chapters.
(End of this chapter)

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