Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 258 Exchange

Chapter 258 Exchange
"God, so young, this breath is definitely not more than a hundred years old!"

"The saint king who is less than a hundred years old, the Great Emperor, this person definitely has the qualifications of a Great Emperor!"

"Is Beidou finally going to have another great emperor?"

As Chen Nuo walked out, everyone around was stunned.


too young.

There is no rotten breath on his body, and his age is definitely not more than a hundred years old.

As cultivators, they could tell a person's age through his breath. At this moment, what they felt in Chen Nuo was only youth.

Having reached the realm of a saint king at such a young age, is Big Dipper finally going to have another great emperor in this era?
"Are you the Saint King of Sendai Five?"

The Holy Master Fluctuating Light heard the discussions nearby, and he looked at Chen Nuo with disbelief.

"This, be it."

Chen Nuo nodded. He didn't know what he was supposed to be. After all, this was a completely different cultivation system.

In terms of combat power, he is comparable to Emperor Zhun, but the strength he showed just now is at the level of a saint king, so it is not unreasonable to be regarded as a saint king.

With different cultivation systems, he does not have explosive strength, and the cultivators who cover the sky cannot accurately distinguish his true strength. As much as he explodes, he will think it is. From the identification of his breath, he is 20 years old in his prime.

This is also the reason why the practitioners around think that Chen Nuo is less than a hundred years old.


Seeing Chen Nuo's pupils shrinking, he immediately invited Chen Nuo to enter the Holy Land of Yaoguang.

The Saint King who is less than a hundred years old, no matter how he will deal with it in the future, when Chen Nuo said that the two parties are negotiating, they need to be treated with the highest standard.

"Trouble shaking the Holy Master."

Chen Nuo politely replied, and walked in with Crocodile Zu.

Although the crocodile ancestor is not good at things, it can be regarded as showing off his muscles.

The muscles are showing, so it's time to get down to business.

After Chen Nuo and the others entered the Shrine of Light, the defensive formation that had not been shattered just now rose up again, isolating outside exploration.

In the Holy Land of Yaoguang, Shengzi Yaoguang and some elders watched Chen Nuo come in, lowering their heads to hide the gloomy eyes on their faces.

The saint king who is less than a hundred years old is definitely the biggest opponent, even the enemy, of the many emperors who aspire to become emperors in this era.

"I don't know what the saint king wants from us."

Sitting in the lobby, Lord Yaoguang asked about Chen Nuo's purpose.

This is a knowing question, because Crocodile Zu has already stated his purpose before.

But such is the art of conversation.

As long as Chen Nuo said that he wanted to practice the Dharma at this time, it would be tantamount to calling out the initiative, and the Shaking Light Holy Land would gain more benefits.

"Holy Master, you are being polite, just call me Chen Nuo.

I need to study the cultivation methods of the major holy places and even the ancient families, and explore the essence of cultivation. This time I came here to want you to shake the cultivation methods of the Holy Land. "

Regarding this, Chen Nuo knew it well, and without any excuses, he admitted straightforwardly: "In exchange, I will give you this practice method. Of course, I guarantee with my Dao heart that I will never give you this practice method. Leaked out."

Chen Nuo put a jade slip that recorded the complete basic rules of practice on the table, and said sincerely.

Dao heart guarantee?

Seeing Chen Nuo's sincere expression, the Holy Master Yaoguang, who was originally struggling, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he said the words of Dao Xin's promise.

When Chen Nuo demonstrated the strength of the Saint King, he understood that this exchange might be inevitable.

The only worry is that the cultivation method will be leaked and exposed, and the enemies of the Shaking Light Holy Land will know that they have targeted them.

But now Chen Nuo said that he was assured, which made him completely relieved.

Cultivation is to cultivate the mind, and if one violates the promise of one's original heart, one is doomed not to be able to walk on the road of invincible emperor.

He doesn't think that Chen Nuo, who is less than a hundred years old and is a saint king, will go against his own heart and give up the chance to become emperor.

"Since the Sage King is like this, then we, Yaoguang Holy Land, have agreed to this matter."

Pretending to think for a moment, Lord Fluctlight agreed to the matter.

"Thank you, Holy Master."

Chen Nuo reached out to take the practice method handed over by the Lord of Light, and bowed his hands in thanks.

As for Dao Xin Guarantee?

Hmm, since when did the basic cultivation method have Dao heart?
We are a materialistic system, not an idealistic cultivation system. Chen Nuo still doesn't know what Taoism is.

Although he didn't intend to reveal it, it is impossible for him to easily cause trouble for a practice method.

Use the different cultivation systems of the two parties, use the other party's ignorance of the mysteries of the basic cultivation method, and use the information gap to convince the other party.

This is a very simple negotiation skill.

"Chen has something else to do, so let's say goodbye to the Holy Master first."

The spiritual power penetrated in, and Chen Nuo verified that there was no problem with the practice method, and got up to bid farewell to Lord Yaoguang.

"Sage King, walk slowly."

The Holy Master Yaoguang hurriedly got up to see him off, watching Chen Nuo take the crocodile ancestor out, the time and space distorted and turned into a stream of light to leave, the smile on his face restrained.

This time, although Yaoguang Holy Land didn't suffer too much, it even made money from the value of the practice method.

In addition, if the other party is a saint king, or a saint king who is less than a hundred years old, then it is not shameful to choose a deal.

But this incident will inevitably cause a certain impact, and it will have a certain impact on the disposition and even the loyalty of the disciples in the sect.

"Comfort the disciples, let's study this practice method carefully, and see if we can extract its essence and integrate it into the inheritance of our Wailing Holy Land."

Walking back to the lobby, Holy Master Yaoguang ordered a group of elders in charge to appease the emotions of the disciples in the sect, and then looked at Yao Xi, the Holy Maiden of Yaoguang.

"Xiao Xi, tell me what you know and what happened."

With Chen Nuo's sudden birth, the strength and circumstances shown must be treated strictly, especially for the Holy Land who wants to make his disciples become emperors in this era.

"We were in Pingyan City that day."

Yao Xi, who had been Chen Nuo's maid for some days, organized the language and told what happened in the past few days, including getting along with Chen Nuo, some of Chen Nuo's performances, and the analysis of Chen Nuo's psychological personality.

"You mean, the energy used by the other party is not aura?"

Master Yaoguang grasped the important point and subconsciously took out the jade slip provided by Chen Nuo.

Looking at the above data, the Lord of Light found an application of electromagnetic force, and after groping for a while to get a general understanding, the surge of divine sense began to verify.

Because of the interference of spiritual energy and psionic energy, the specific basic rules have not been observed and applied in the Big Dipper, but Chen Nuo gave accurate data in the jade slip, so you can refer to the data in it and use it directly.

Electromagnetic conversion, several electric arcs suddenly flickered in the lobby, and the Holy Lord of Fluctlight was momentarily stunned.

Although this practice method is probably determined to be a different system, but the specific mystery will not be understood for a while and a half, and I really don't know that this practice method does not use aura energy.

Jill, you're out of luck.

This kind of theoretical system is different, and even the energy foundation of the cultivation method is different, how can we take its essence and integrate it into the inheritance of the Holy Land of Waking Light.

Such exercises are of no value to them at all!
Unless you abandon the original inheritance and completely switch to this practice method.

However, Chen Nuo said that he still needs to find other holy lands and ancient families to ask for practice methods, so the bargaining chips are probably the same. Yao Xi said that she has seen Chen Nuo give this practice method to Crocodile Zu and other ordinary people. I'm afraid it will be full of streets in a few years.

There are practice methods all over the street, how can this be regarded as inheritance?

"Copy this practice method and give it to those handyman disciples who don't have talent to practice."

After thinking for a few seconds, Lord Fluctlight made a decision.

Since its essence cannot be taken and integrated into the inheritance, nor can it be transferred, it seems that this exercise does not require physical fitness.

As for the exchange with Chen Nuo, it's an investment in favor. A saint king who is less than a hundred years old is worth paying for.

"Holy Lord, no!"

Suddenly, Shengzi Yaoguang who was next to him spoke. Hearing his words, all the elders also looked at him.

"Do you have any opinion?"

Holy Master Shaking Light frowned, looking at the slightly mysterious Holy Son inside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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