Chapter 259

"Holy Lord, what is the purpose of this Chen Nuo exchanging his practice method for our practice method?
Also, Holy Maiden Yao Xi also said before that he also gave that crocodile and some other ordinary people such exercises.

Holy Lord, not only is the concept system different, but even the energy base is different, and there are not too many requirements for physique and resources.

This is no longer a matter of practice, but a competition of orthodoxy!Either you die or I die competition!
If this practice method is spread and everyone practices this method, then no one will join the major sects, and eventually the holy land will be destroyed, the family will disappear, and the great religion will perish!
Holy Master, the other party's sinister intentions are to sever the inheritance of our holy places, aristocratic families, and great religions in one fell swoop.

We can't be fooled, and we must not spread this practice, otherwise our Yaoguang Holy Land will lose its competitiveness and eventually be destroyed! "

Shengzi Yaoguang had a look of indignation, and pointed out a hidden danger, the dispute of orthodoxy!

The reason why the major holy places, aristocratic families, and great teachings can maintain their transcendent status is that they have mastered the extraordinary inheritance, and they are the dream places that countless practitioners and people yearn for.

Now if Chen Nuo's development potential is not inferior to that of the Zhetian cultivation system, and if the cultivation method that does not require too much physical fitness and resources is spread, then these holy places, aristocratic families, and great religions will lose their competitiveness and will eventually be eliminated. perish.

"We don't need to spread it, he is already doing this. Didn't the Holy Maiden Yao Xi just say that the other party has taught an ordinary person this practice method?"

Before Holy Master Yaoguang could speak, an elder who was standing faintly behind Holy Son of Yaoguang took up the conversation.


As soon as the Lord Yaoguang moved his mind, countless data formulas appeared in his mind. The basic formulas can be understood, but the more profound knowledge is completely ignorant and incomprehensible.

"You guys are overthinking. Look at this practice method. I'm about to make three cuts in Sendai, but I still can't comprehend it. I guess it will take a long time to understand it. How many people do you think this practice method can practice when it spreads?"

Lord Yaoguang handed the jade slip to an elder, motioned him to take a look, then shook his head and said: "This exercise seems to have no requirements for physical fitness and resources, but it requires learning a lot of profound knowledge, which needs to be systematized. It requires a large number of teachers as evangelists. If you don't understand this knowledge, you can't practice.

Chen Nuo's energy alone is limited, and this cannot shake our foundation.

If the other party wants to start a dispute over orthodoxy, they will definitely recruit more disciples, instead of acting alone now.

You are worrying too much. If the other party has not recruited many disciples, then there is no such thought. We should not offend a sage king who is less than a hundred years old.

I am going to retreat and break through to the three realms of Sendai. During this period, the matters in the Holy Land will be left to you for the time being. "

"Yes, Holy Master."

Shengzi Yaoguang and Saintess Yao Xi, including a group of elders, responded.

"Let's take a look at the defensive formation."

After the Lord Yaoguang left, Yao Xi and several elders walked towards the formation of the mountain gate.

Although Crocodile Zu's attack did not break through the defensive tactics, it still caused some damage to the formation. These damages need to be repaired in time, otherwise there might not be something sneaking in.

After Yao Xi left, several other elders also left one after another, and only Shengzi Yaoguang and several of the elders were left in the hall.

"Process what I said just now, and spread it quietly.

He focused on explaining the difference in Chen Nuo's practice method, saying that he wanted to create a new era of practice, and planned to destroy the existing orthodoxy.

In addition, the statement that Chen Nuo cultivated to become a saint king before he was a hundred years old, and his amazing aptitude would definitely become an emperor in this era, was also propagated and spread. "

At this moment, Son of Light Yaoguang said suddenly.

"Holy Son, do you want to?"

The expressions of the few guardian elders who stayed behind seemed to have guessed the purpose of the son of Yaoguang.

"A saint king who is less than a hundred years old, or even less than 50 years old, who was once an innate sacramental body, and who is recognized as the most aptitude of the human race, has never reached the level of a saint king at such a young age."

The son of Yaoguang had a gloomy face, with gloom in his eyes, and said:
"I thought that in this era when cultivation is becoming more and more difficult, I secretly cultivated the Indestructible Heaven Skill, and that furnace cauldron practiced the Heaven Swallowing Devil Art. If I succeed in the future, I will inherit the lineage of the Ruthless Emperor, and achieve the chaotic body to prove the Dao and become the emperor.

Unexpectedly, in this era, a person who cultivated to become a saint king before the age of a hundred actually appeared.

If such a terrifying qualification is not restricted, then the possibility of becoming an emperor in this era is very high.

He, Chen Nuo, must be the biggest obstacle on my way to become an emperor, and at the same time, he will also be the biggest obstacle to the other great emperors! "

As a person who is determined and ambitious to prove the Tao and become an emperor in this era, Shengzi Yaoguang knows better than anyone else what it means to be a saint king who is less than a hundred years old.

The appearance of Chen Nuo is not only the biggest obstacle on his way to become emperor, but also a thorn in the eyes of other emperors who have ambitions to become emperor in this era.

For example, the Wang family in Beiyuan.

My son has the qualifications of a great emperor, and he has heard this sentence many times even in the Northern Territory.

Not only the great emperors of the human race would regard Chen Nuo as a thorn in their side, but the supreme beings in the forbidden areas and even the ancient race would not be happy to see another great emperor of the human race.

He shakes his Son, and this time he has many comrades in arms.

"We understand."

Several preaching elders nodded seriously and agreed to this matter.

The Holy Land of Shaking Light is already being infiltrated by the ruthless people's lineage, and these elders are the ones who stand in the ruthless people's lineage.

The Holy Son of Light, who has practiced the Indestructible Heaven Skill, has long been regarded by them as the inheritor of the ruthless emperor's orthodoxy, and they are all the guardians of the Son of Light.

To them, the Holy Land of Waking Light is just a starting point on the road of Son of Waking Light to become an emperor.

Since Chen Nuo threatened Chengdi, who was the holy son of Yaoguang, and became the biggest obstacle on his way to becoming emperor, there is no doubt that it needs to be eliminated.

The battle of orthodoxy is either you die or I live, and the same is true for the road to enlightenment.

"Keep this matter a little secret. When I become emperor in the future, I will reopen the heavenly court and become a generation of heavenly emperors. After the road to immortality is opened, you will be the first batch of people in the heavenly court to teach flying immortals!"

Shengzi Yaoguang explained seriously, and a strong power emerged from his body.

This is to determine his own leadership, and at the same time, he is drawing cakes for these elders of the Shaking Light Holy Land.

Although they have already stood in the ruthless people's line and became his guardians, no one would dislike the benefits.

Draw a beautiful cake and promise a future benefit, so why worry about these people helping out without screaming.

Open the road to immortality and teach flying immortals?

A hint of excitement appeared on the faces of the several elders, they looked at each other and responded in succession: "Yes, Holy Son!"

 Watching the LPL game, there are only two updates today, and I will continue to make up updates tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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