Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 260 Ruthless: Is This Chen Nuo a Fool?

Chapter 260 Ruthless: Is This Chen Nuo a Fool?
The Saint King, who is less than a hundred years old, attacked the Holy Land of Waving Light and borrowed the practice method of the Holy Land of Waving Light!
A completely different practice method, to achieve the great emperor to destroy the existing orthodoxy, and implement a new practice method!

When these two news spread through the onlookers that day, Donghuang shook and Big Dipper shook.

Anyone who knows clearly understands how amazing a saint king who is less than a hundred years old is. The No.1 Emperor Wushi of the human race did not have this qualification.

In particular, the other party has a different cultivation system, and they want to rob the practice methods of the great families of the Holy Land, and finally eliminate and replace the information of the existing orthodoxy, which makes the major forces of the Big Dipper even more restless.

The struggle for the road to becoming emperor is just about whether the power can prosper, but replacing the existing orthodoxy is about life and death.

In an instant, the Ji Family, Jiang Family, Yaochi Holy Land, Miaoyu Temple, Yaozu, etc. in Donghuang took action one after another.

Ximo, Beiyuan, Zhongzhou, driven by an inexplicable force, the news of Chen Nuo not only spread in Donghuang, but also spread here very quickly, and spread throughout the Big Dipper.

In the face of this news, countless forces have taken actions, with calculations, with good intentions, and with malicious intentions.

Malicious, needless to say.

These people definitely don't want Chen Nuo to grow up, and they don't want the orthodoxy to perish.

Although the authenticity of the news that Chen Nuo wanted to destroy the orthodoxy has not yet been confirmed, it is a matter of life and death, and the possibility of any eventuality must be eliminated.

Furthermore, even if there is no conflict of orthodoxy, on the road to becoming emperor, they still have to clear the way for their own emperor.

Goodness, that's kind of interesting.

The Saint King, who is not as good as Baidu, is the most popular candidate for the emperor in this era. Someone will definitely invest in it, and after Chen Nuo becomes emperor, he will get a share of the benefits.

As for whether Chen Nuo's goal is to destroy the original orthodox system?If you really want to invest in the right way, then what about changing to another practice method.

If Chen Nuo really succeeds in becoming the Great Emperor, and they become the people around the Great Emperor, and become the Emperor's favourites, wouldn't they be afraid that they would not become great?
Lu Buwei's business is not limited to humans on Earth.

"The saint king who is less than a hundred years old, the Big Dipper and even the universe will be in chaos."

In West Desert, Dou Zhanfo, who suppressed the luck of Buddhism in West Desert, felt the change of Qi, opened his eyes and looked towards the direction of Beidou's life forbidden area.

As one of the few remaining saints on the bright side of the Big Dipper, he has lived long enough to understand the many mysteries of this universe.

For Chen Nuo, a saint king who is less than a hundred years old, the calculations of the major holy land families are still trivial matters, and the real trouble is these restricted life zones.

There are seven life forbidden areas in Beidou's Eastern Wasteland. Except for the ancient holy land, the other six life forbidden areas were all created by extremely powerful people from the ancient times and the mythical era.

Since this world was recorded, the universe has experienced five ages: Immortal Ancient, Chaotic Ancient, Mythical, Primordial, and Desolate Ancient.

In the ancient time of Immortals, the concentration of aura was extremely high and the matter of longevity was overflowing. During this period, there were real immortals in the world.

The immortals living in the fairyland, all of them live forever, and their fighting power is overwhelming.

Afterwards, turmoil occurred in the world, the fairy realm collapsed, and the world was shattered. Since then, there is no such thing as immortality in the world, and the fairy gradually disappeared into the long river of history.

The Immortal Ancient Era was followed by the Chaotic Ancient Era. This was the era of the Huangtian Emperor alone. The No. 1 Huangtian Emperor passed down the current cultivation system of Zhetian, and his whereabouts are unknown after the Chaotic Ancient Era.

After the chaos, the layout of the world was stable, and the world ushered in the age of mythology. In this era, the aura of heaven and earth is still abundant, and the laws are active. All cultivators at the level of emperors coexisted for a lifetime, and they took the title of "Zun" one after another.

The famous figures at that time were the Nine Heavenly Venerates, Dujie Tianzun, Xiaoyao Tianzun, etc. The most powerful person in this era was Emperor Zun, who established the heavenly court to manage and control the universe.

The age of mythology is over, and the world has entered the ancient era.

In this era, all kinds of ancient creatures are respected, and the ancient creatures prove the Tao, and they call themselves "Emperor".

Such as the Demon Emperor, Qilin Emperor, etc., the supreme powerhouse of this era is the Immortal Emperor.

The concentration of spiritual energy in the world and the activity of the law of spiritual energy have been declining, and the protagonists of the era are also like the emperor and courtier.

In the ancient times after the ancient times, the ancient creatures gradually declined. In this era, the human race began to rise and become the protagonist of the era.

The Daoists of the human race in this era are all named "Great Emperors". In the history of the human race, a total of [-] great emperors were born, including the Great Emperor Wushi, the Great Emperor Void, the Great Emperor Hengyu, and the Great Emperor Ruthless.

After the ancient times, the world changed drastically again, the concentration of aura and the activity of the law declined again, and the world was no longer suitable for practice. In this era, not many saints were born.

The only great emperor who proved the Tao after the ancient times was a chaotic green lotus from the Yaozu, who called himself Qingdi.

The lifespan of the Great Emperor is more than ten thousand years. After the Qing Emperor, there is no longer a Great Emperor in the world, and there is no longer any extreme powerhouse.

But after all, there are some accidents, that is, these forbidden areas of life.

The seven life forbidden zones in the Eastern Wilderness contain many ancient emperors from the ancient times and heavenly gods from the mythical era, all of whom are extremely powerful at the emperor level.

These hidden extreme powerhouses did not disappear with the passage of time. They cut themselves off one after another to remove the mark of Tianxin and sealed themselves as gods, waiting for the opening of the road to immortality.

The Immortal Territory disappeared in the ancient era of Immortals, but it did not disappear completely. There are still traces and clues left in the universe, and this trace is the road to immortality.

The road to immortality, this is the road leading to the fairyland, as long as you find the road to immortality and attack it, you will live forever.

In order to become immortals, in order to live forever, this group of extreme powerhouses proclaimed themselves one after another, the purpose is to wait for the road to immortality opened once in a million years.

Without arrogance, they cannot live a million years.

However, the aura is declining day by day, and the laws are becoming less active.

As cultivators from previous eras, they don't fit in with the current environment. It's okay to go out for a walk and shop, but if they come out to fight, their own origin will be crazily depleted.

In order not to exhaust their origin and die, they must frantically plunder the origin of life in the universe and supplement themselves with the origin of all living beings. This is the dark turmoil in the world that shrouds the sky
In the ancient forbidden zone, a phantom appeared.

"So high-profile, what are you thinking?"

The ruthless man frowned involuntarily as he watched Donghuang's aura change.

The big events that happened in Donghuang and even Big Dipper cannot be hidden from her.

She really couldn't understand Chen Nuo's high-profile "borrowing" of the Shaking Light Holy Land cultivation method.

If Chen Nuo wanted to promote his own cultivation method, it would involve a battle of orthodoxy and reform, so he should keep a low profile in the early stage and wait until he had accumulated enough strength before implementing it.

Even if you don't want to keep a low profile because of your personality, at least you have to recruit disciples. Only by having a group of students and disciples can you further promote your practice.

Otherwise, how can one person succeed in the revolution if he is so wobbly.

However, Chen Nuo was just wandering around with the bastard Crocodile Zu, and had no intention of recruiting disciples at all.

Not only was he casually handing over his own cultivation methods, but he also exposed the strength of the less than a hundred-year-old saint king without a trace of thought.

It's like being afraid that others don't know that your practice method is a completely different system, afraid that no one will calculate yourself, it's completely weird.

"Could it be a fool? Or is he ignorant of the situation of the other major restricted areas of life, and didn't know that such a high-profile exposure would become a thorn in the eyes of those supreme ancient emperors?"

The ruthless man thought for a while, but he still couldn't understand Chen Nuo's purpose.

The road to immortality once in a million years is about to start in this era.

Every time the road to immortality is opened, it will be accompanied by the occurrence of dark turmoil, and the great emperors in the history of the human race will also frantically suppress the dark turmoil, preventing the unsealed supreme and emperor from devouring all living beings.

Then in this special period, those supreme beings and emperors in the forbidden zone of life will not tolerate the appearance of a great emperor in the human race.

She has "accidentally" lost Chen Nuo's basic cultivation method, and Ye Fan has already embarked on the path of Brother Pao, so this high-profile behavior of Chen Nuo may interfere with Ye Fan's growth.

The phantom trembled, and the Ruthless Emperor thought for a long time in silence, and suddenly turned into a stream of light and flew out of the ancient restricted area.

(End of this chapter)

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