Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 261 Why Are Flowers So Red

Chapter 261 Why Are Flowers So Red
"Sir. Something seems wrong."

More than two years later, Crocodile Ancestor, who was transformed into a ship crocodile, controlled a battleship upgraded from a starship. The saint realm sensed the change of Qi, and suddenly seemed to sense something.

"We seem to be the thorn in the eyes of the families of the major holy lands, and those supreme and emperors in the forbidden area of ​​life seem to want to kill us."

"A thorn in the side? A killer?"

Chen Nuo, who was playing a game console, raised his head and asked, "Will those supreme beings and emperors in the forbidden zone of life come out to find me?"

"Well, no, they usually don't come out when the road to immortality is opened." Crocodile Zu shook his head.

"That's fine, don't worry about the calculations of these holy land families, how about the news I asked you to find the Qing Emperor's tomb?"

Chen Nuo waved his hands indifferently, as long as the group of extremely strong men don't jump out and the ruthless people don't trouble him, then things will be safe.

At this stage, it is more important to get the volume of "Tao Jing" in the Qing Emperor's Mausoleum.

After getting the cultivation method of the Holy Land of Waking Light, he studied it for more than two years, and finally found that it was still a bit short.

He felt that with a few more top-level cultivation methods here, he would be able to get a glimpse of the mystery of the cultivation system of the Shatian World, and the mystery of the circulation of spiritual energy here.

"Mr. Looking at the situation in the Eastern Desolation and Southern Regions, there is already the atmosphere of the Qing Emperor's tomb, and it should be born soon."

Crocodile Zu subconsciously shouted, stopped halfway, and introduced the situation.

As one of the Four Sages of Sendai, he still mastered some secret techniques and could deduce some information from the changes in the environment's aura.

Crocodile Zu wanted to say just now that although those supreme emperors will not be easily born, there are also huge forces in the universe, such as the killer god dynasty, and the immemorial creatures that are about to be born are all their forces.

But with Chen Nuo like this, he held back the words again, for fear of making Chen Nuo unhappy, he would roast the whole crocodile.

"He went to the Southern Region."

"The tomb of Emperor Qing was born in the Eastern Desolation and Southern Region!"

"Southern Region. Qing Emperor's Mausoleum? The most important volume of "Tao Jing" has been published in Qing Emperor's Mausoleum. His goal should be this!"

"Let's go there too, and bring God's soldiers!"

"Let Miaoyi go"

The space-time fluctuations of the starship's curvature navigation are very conspicuous.

After disappearing for more than two years, Chen Nuo reappeared, and his whereabouts were immediately revealed.

The news of the opening of the Qing Emperor's Mausoleum had just spread, and the major holy land families of the Big Dipper were preparing to go there. After confirming the news of Chen Nuo, they immediately increased their manpower.

"It really did appear."

A dark place in the middle of the Eastern Wasteland.

This is a palace, and the surrounding walls are carved with many bloody and terrifying patterns. With the dim candles here, the atmosphere is like an abyss hell.

"His goal is the Taoism. What does he need so many top-level cultivation methods?"

"No matter what he wants to do, he will die this time!"

"The great families of the Sacred Lands have already brought the emperor's soldiers. This time we invite the Shasheng! The Shasheng is also in the realm of a saint king. With the supreme emperor's soldiers, he is dead!"

In the dim hall, several voices sounded, and Chen Nuo suddenly appeared, which made everyone move.

Beep beep!

Inside the battleship, a beeping alarm suddenly sounded.

This is a battleship with a dual-rule system, the main body is the material energy of the basic rules, but the detection module refers to the dao pattern of the law of shrouding the sky.

At this time, it was the Daowen detection module that detected the fluctuation of the spiritual energy law coming from the front, and the next second, the tachyon-based superluminal detection module of the basic rule also detected the information.


Chen Nuo looked at the picture displayed on the screen, a fat Taoist holding a wooden sword and a gourd tied around his waist turned into a rainbow and flew over.

This image seems a little familiar.

"Crocodile Zu, blast him with electromagnetic mass bombs!"

"Yes, sir!"

Crocodile Zu responded, and gave the command with a thought, and the battleship's material disintegration engine burst out with surging energy in an instant.

Duan De, who was flying and sneaking, couldn't help but stop, looking around vigilantly.

"Why does it feel like someone is plotting against Master Dao?"

Before he could take a closer look at the situation, his spiritual sense sensed the distortion of time and space in front of him, and a metal projectile popped out.

The mass bomb hit successfully.

"who is it!"

Duan De's purple ribbon Taoist robe was messy, and he was looking around with angry eyes.

Chen Nuo's warship is mainly used for transportation, and its weapons are not very powerful. Duan De's protection is almost exhausted when the mass bullets are blasted away.

"Who, that bastard dared to sneak up on Master Dao!"

Duan De was roaring.

This attack is quite weird, but its power is average, and it is worthwhile!

"If you have the ability to sneak attack, don't you have the ability to come out? If you have the ability to grow it, Daoist will let you know why the flowers are so popular! Who is it. Ga!"

Before he finished shouting, Duan De suddenly stopped like a duck being strangled by the neck, and looked at a battleship emerging from the side, oh no, he was looking at the young man in the porthole of the battleship.

"Gouri's immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, the handsome and handsome Saint King, although Xiaodao admires you from the bottom of his heart, can you say hello in advance for your next attack, and Xiaodao will save you a little effort by standing still. "

After Duan De spoke, he watched Chen Nuo lock himself with his divine sense without changing his face, and looked at the Qiankun bag tied around his waist that contained all the treasures he had harvested in his life.

With a sore nose, he burst into tears.

Reasonable, it can't be like this, not to mention blocking the way and attacking people for no reason, depending on the situation and wanting to rob, how can you be like this.

"Tell me why the flowers are so red."

Time and space distorted to form a Klein bottle, Chen Nuo shuttled out of the battleship, looked at Duan De and smiled.

This is the famous mobile treasury that covers the sky. If you catch it, you will definitely be caught.

As for this fake cry that can't even be compared to the earth's fresh meat, he would be stupid if he took it seriously.

If I didn't guess wrong, this guy just robbed Ye Fan of a bunch of psychic treasures and was running away for some reason.

"Why are the flowers so red?"

Duan De's expression was stiff, watching Chen Nuo walking step by step in the air, as if he was about to make a move, he hurriedly shouted: "I know, I know!

The handsome and handsome saint king, Xiaodao found that we withdraw our spiritual thoughts and only look at the world with our eyes. What we see is that the world is actually a reflection of light.

This light, it has seven colors, just like the rainbow we see after the rain.

The red flowers we see, this is because the other six colors are absorbed by the flowers, leaving only the red light reflection, so the flowers are so red! "

Duan De spoke more and more fluently, and when he finished speaking, he saw Chen Nuo's stunned expression, and he felt a tinge of satisfaction in his heart.

Be overwhelmed by Dao Ye.

This is a situation he accidentally discovered. He dared to say that among the hundreds of millions of cultivators of the Big Dipper, no more than three people knew about it.

Because this cannot be regarded as a meal, and it has nothing to do with cultivation, no one will pay attention to researching this.

 I got off work a little late, and the third one should not be finished. Brothers, watch it tomorrow morning

(End of this chapter)

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