Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 262 Ye Fan: You seem to have given me 3 more items

Chapter 262 Ye Fan: You seem to have given me 3 more items

"Good, very good."

Chen Nuo nodded, and reached out to take Duan De's Qiankun bag.

Ok?Not yet?
Chen Nuo saw Duan De holding on to his bag pitifully and wouldn't let go. With a kick of his eyes, he immediately locked on to him.

"Take it, take it all, don't give it all to you, take it all!"

Duan De let go of his hands with a mournful face, watching Chen Nuo's spiritual thoughts surging, he poured out all the contents of the Qiankun bag with a clatter.

"Duan De, how many graves have you dug and how many people have you robbed?"

Looking at all kinds of items piled up like a mountain peak, piles of divine sources, Taoist scriptures, Buddhist scriptures, and even all kinds of psychic treasures, Chen Nuo was a little shocked.

Having read the original works well, he understands that few of these things belong to Duan De himself, and they are all about digging graves or robbing others.

"It's not here, it seems that it's still on Ye Fan."

Chen Nuo scanned with spiritual power, but did not find the "Tao Sutra" with golden pages, so he took all the Tao Sutras and Buddhist scriptures, and threw the broken bag back to Duan De.


He only needs to study the cultivation techniques here, as for the source of gods and psychic treasures, it is of no use to him.

Didn't take all?
A flash of astonishment flashed in Duan De's eyes, feeling that the lid of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar in Kuhai was still there, and Chen Nuo hadn't quietly stolen it, so he was pleasantly surprised and swiftly put away these treasures with the Qiankun Bag.

This is the harvest of his life's hard work.

"Handsome and handsome Saint King, I don't know where we are going?"

After putting away his treasures, Duan De leaned over to ask Chen Nuo's purpose.

He was still a rookie in this life, and he didn't have the ability to backhand Chen Nuo at all. In addition, the robbers dug too many graves, so he was a little guilty.

"Follow me and you'll know."

Chen Nuo opened the hatch of the battleship, the two of them entered, and then the battleship passed a streamer and continued to move forward.

Duan De's strength is still rookie, and he doesn't have the ability to fly faster than light in time and space. This place is not far from the Demon Emperor's Tomb, and Chen Nuo has clearly sensed the situation ahead.

Hundreds of kilometers, and it will be there in a blink of an eye.

When the battleship came over the demon emperor's mausoleum, the crowd who were fighting for the treasure fell silent for a moment, and the great families of the Holy Land also looked over.

"You really dare to come."

In the dark, a group of people looked at the battleship, feeling Chen Nuo's undisguised aura, their eyes narrowed involuntarily.

"At three o'clock, 180 miles away."

Ignoring the gazes below, Chen Nuo swept his spiritual power and signaled Crocodile Zu to control the battleship.

He saw Ye Fan, and at the same time saw a little girl.

The little girl made her debut early.

"Handsome King Saint, do you know that young man?"

Seeing where Chen Nuo was going to go, Duan De swallowed suddenly.

Damn, how about such a coincidence, God, don't play with me.

He had just robbed Ye Fan of a lot of psychic treasures, and when he was flirting with the little girl, his mind suddenly alerted, and then he subconsciously left the tomb of the Demon Emperor.

Unexpectedly, on the way to leave, he met Chen Nuo who was robbed. When he came back to the Demon Emperor's Tomb, Chen Nuo seemed to know the young man who was robbed by him just now.

"What? You have done too many bad things, are you guilty?"

After reading a scripture in his hand, Chen Nuo casually threw it back to Duan De, glanced at it and said.

"Doing bad things? How could this be, this is impossible, I am such a kind and lovely Taoist!

Handsome and handsome saint king, you can't easily slander my personality! "

Hearing Chen Nuo's words, Duan De quickly shook his head, expressing that he never did bad things.

Said so on the surface, secretly Duan De has put his divine sense into the Qiankun bag, thinking carefully about what he just robbed Ye Fan.

"It's good that you didn't do anything bad."

Chen Nuo didn't bother to expose Duan De, the warship landed, and walked out under Ye Fan's suspicious eyes.

"Hiss, you are."

Seeing Chen Nuo's appearance, Ye Fan subconsciously took a breath.

"Little friend, we are really destined. Just now, the calamity aura on the treasures has been resolved. I hereby return them to you. Little friend, let's see if the quantity is right."

Before Ye Fan could finish speaking, the obese Duan De was flexible and not like a fat man, and appeared in front of Ye Fan flashingly, clattering out his treasures.

These are all the psychic treasures that he robbed Ye Fan before. Seeing that Chen Nuo and Ye Fan knew each other, he chose to return them sincerely.

Dispelling the calamity breath is complete, I hereby send it back, did I misunderstand?

Seeing Duan De, the unscrupulous Taoist who robbed him just now, returning the treasure so generously, Ye Fan couldn't react.

Subconsciously took this pile of psychic treasures, Ye Fan checked them, and suddenly said: "You seem to have given me 3 more items. This glove, this bracelet, and this hairpin are not mine."


Duan De's face twitched, he looked at the little girl next to him who was afraid to look at him, and then looked at Chen Nuo who was squatting down to tease the little girl, and immediately laughed.

"You remember wrongly, these are the items I took from Xiaoyou before, that's right, I didn't give too much, I didn't give too much"

Speaking of the latter, Duan De's voice weakened.

My heart aches, my heart aches for Daoist to death.

This damn memory, too many robbed people can't remember it.

"Oh, then I'll take it."

Duan De said he didn't give much, and Ye Fan didn't doubt him, so he simply accepted it.

Before he got these treasures, he jumped out from the side to rob Duan De before he could check them. He also couldn't remember how many treasures he picked up, only that the psychic treasures from the mausoleum flew out and flew towards him with a clatter.

"Have you practiced the basic cultivation method?"

At this time, Chen Nuo, who had teased the little girl for a while, stood up, glanced at a large group of holy land families around the Yao Emperor's tomb, and looked at Ye Fan calmly.

After a long distance, he discovered Ye Fan's abnormality.

Instead of taking the route of Master Yuan Tianshi like the original book, gaining the potential of Shenyuan to develop the ancient sacred body, and following the cultivation system that overshadows the sky, instead, he practiced the body transformation method and followed the basic rule cultivation system.

"Sir, I can't practice the exercises here because of my physique. I can only practice your basic exercises. I picked up this exercise on the road."

When asked by Chen Nuo about practicing exercises, Ye Fan did not hide anything.

For this big boss who met on Earth, who beat the crocodile ancestor into Hello Kitty on Mars, and the saint king who was less than a hundred years old to attack the Holy Land of Waxlight, and forced to borrow the practice method, he knew that he had better behave himself.

Although this person is likely to be a fellow of his own, but the Saint King who is less than a hundred years old, the last person who hopes to become a great emperor in this era, after understanding the concept of a great emperor, Ye Fan still dare not go so far.

"The exercises you picked up on the road?"

A trace of strangeness appeared on Chen Nuo's face, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he looked at the little girl timidly lowering her head beside her.

"Practice well."

Patting Ye Fan on the shoulder, Chen Nuo lightly smiled and said, "I want to borrow a scripture from you. The Taoist Scripture that flew out of the Demon Emperor's Mausoleum should be on your body."

"Yes, I picked it up when I came here, sir, you want it."

Ye Fan nodded and admitted, speaking in a very soft voice, obviously aware of the importance of this matter.

Before he finished speaking, the Holy Land family who came here suddenly stood up.

"Ask the Sage King, what is your purpose for coming here?"

The tomb of the Demon Emperor is in the southern region, and the Ji family, the great emperor's orthodox family in the southern region, came out as the host here and asked Chen Nuo's purpose.

Words carry honorifics.

Everyone is a smart person, even if they want to kill Chen Nuo in their hearts, they will not lose their tongue in their attitude and give Chen Nuo a chance to fight back.

If you can stand on the moral high ground, then don't stand on the despicable side. There is a legitimate reason for killing people.

"Sir, this is a member of the Ji family. The person speaking is the head of the Ji family. The Ji family is the orthodox descendant of Emperor Void."

During the years when Chen Nuo studied the cultivation method of the Shaking Light Holy Land, Crocodile Zu, who was collecting information outside, reminded him.

Chen Nuo nodded, looked at the Patriarch of the Ji family who stood up, and said with a chuckle, "Why, all the low-ranking people in the Eastern Wilderness and Southern Regions are all surnamed Ji?"

"The Saint King is absurd. The Southern Territory is the place for the cultivators of the Southern Territory, and the place for the cultivators of the Big Dipper. Our Ji family is just one of them."

Patriarch Ji's expression remained unchanged, and he continued: "It's just that we heard that the goal of the Saint King is to spread the Dharma widely and to publicize his unique practice method to the world.

Listening to the teachings of the sages is very helpful for the future path of practice.

So seeing the Saint King appearing, everyone got emotional for a while. "

(End of this chapter)

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