Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 263 Chen Nuo: I Have a Dream

Chapter 263 Chen Nuo: I Have a Dream

"A moment of excitement?"

Chen Nuo chuckled, seeing the Patriarch of Ji's family look serious, and said, "So, you all want to practice my practice method?"

The Ji family didn't expect Chen Nuo to ask such a rhetorical question. Originally, he thought Chen Nuo would deny it. After all, this was an admission of the fact that he wanted to spread the Fa widely.

"So, Saint King, are you admitting that you want to promote your practice and destroy the existing orthodoxy?"

At this moment, Son of Waking Light, who was the person in charge of the Waking Light Holy Land who had been silent just now, stood up, his eyes flickering, and questioned Chen Nuo.

The Holy Lord of the Light is in retreat and wants to break through the realm of the three ways of cutting in Sendai. With the support of the elders, the Holy Son of the Light is in charge of the Holy Land of the Light at this time.

Almost all the Holy Land families of the Big Dipper gathered together, under the watchful eyes of everyone, no matter whether Chen Nuo answered yes or no, he had already prepared a bunch of words to mobilize the emotional atmosphere of everyone, and finally isolated Chen Nuo, making Chen Nuo a world-famous enemy situation.

"Destroy the existing orthodoxy?"

Chen Nuo looked at Shengzi Yaoguang suspiciously, and said, "When did I say that the existing orthodoxy would be destroyed?

I just can't bear to see sentient beings have nowhere to seek the Dharma, I don't want to see sentient beings unable to practice because of physical conditions, and I don't want sentient beings to have difficulty in cultivation due to lack of resources and background.

So if you ask if you want to teach the Fa, I will definitely answer yes.

I Chen Nuo!He is a selfless and generous person, a noble character, and a person who is willing to give and share!
As long as it is a human race, as long as it is the common people in the world, whoever wants to practice my practice method, I am willing to provide it for free, and I will never keep any secrets! "

Chen Nuo said categorically, opened his hands as he spoke, looked at the crowd and shouted:
"I have a dream, a dream that one day, we will all be born equal, and together we will pursue the dawn of truth and explore the mysteries of the world.

I have a dream, a dream that one day, no matter poor or rich, they can share education and enjoy the right to practice.

I have a dream, a dream that one day, no matter their physique is extraordinary or mediocre, they can gain extraordinary strength, travel to the Big Dipper by day, and travel to the starry sky at night.

I have a dream, a dream that one day, regardless of whether it is a holy place, an aristocratic family, a great religion, or a commoner, a peddler, or a farmer, we will not judge them by their origin.

I have a dream. One day, our descendants will be able to do what they like, and we will be together because of common interests and hobbies. We will sit together because of common ideals and embrace the wind of freedom.

I have a dream. I dream that one day, we will no longer fight each other, we will no longer be quarreling harshly, we will no longer fight each other with bloodshed, and we will work together to welcome a better future and fight against the oppression of darkness.

this is my dream.

I think this is not only my dream, but also your dream.

As long as the world is full of injustice, we should not be satisfied.

As long as the world is full of inequality, we should not compromise.

As long as the world is full of oppression, we must stand up and fight.

As long as the world is full of exploitation, we must stand up and reform.

When the valley rises, the mountain descends, and the rough and tortuous road becomes smooth, the holy light will surely be revealed, and it will illuminate the world! "

The breeze blew, and the audience was silent.

Whether it was the family of the Holy Land present, the Yaozu and others in the distance, or even the assassin Shen Chao in the dark, they all remained silent.

Behind him, the corner of Ye Fan's mouth was twitching.

Why is this speech so familiar?

Boss, is it really okay for you to transform "I Have a Dream" by the Black Movement in the United States and bring it to this extraordinary world of cultivation?
And you also said that you don't want to overthrow the existing orthodoxy?

This kind of speech, the concept of equality of human rights and even the equality of all beings is brought in. This is not to want to reform, to overthrow the existing ethics and systems, but to want something.

Ignoring Ye Fan's bewilderment behind him, Chen Nuo looked at the Holy Son of Light in front of him, and at the worlds of all the holy places gathered here, the most important thing was the countless middle and low-level practitioners and even casual practitioners here.

He sighed and said: "For this dream, I abandoned the sacred body, turned into a mortal body, and researched and created this cultivation method.

It has no requirements for physical fitness, nor does it have any requirements for resources.

No matter it is the Holy Body, the Divine Body, or people with mediocre aptitudes, it treats them equally, and everyone can practice.

I know why you gathered here waiting for me, nine out of ten it is for this practice.

I had no intention of hiding this practice method.

Originally, I wanted to exchange practice methods with you holy land families, but since you have traveled hundreds of millions of miles here to seek Dharma, I simply made it public at this time. I hope that the human race will prosper and the common people will live like dragons! "

Without waiting for the reactions of these holy land families, Chen Nuo had a thought, and the soil under his feet rose up, and the material decayed and transformed to create countless information jade slips.

The power of the mind engraves the basic rules of practice, which also includes relevant knowledge and learning plans from shallow to deep.

call out!call out!call out!
Numerous information jades were simplified and streamlined, and almost everyone from the major holy land families and even ordinary casual cultivators present had a share.


Shengzi Yaoguang was holding a jade slip, but his expression still didn't respond.

I'm just asking you whether you want to destroy the existing orthodoxy, and if you answer yes or no, that's fine.

Why did you suddenly give an impassioned speech, proclaiming your dreams and ideas to the world so loudly, and in a blink of an eye, you turned yourself into a saint.

A saint, not a saint.

A saint can be killed, but a saint is invincible.

As long as you don't completely abandon everything without inhumanity, and become those ancient emperors and supreme beings who launched dark turmoil, then no one can do anything about the saints.

Because there are countless common people standing behind it.

"Son of Yaoguang, why are you silent? Is there something wrong with my practice method, or is my dream not good?"

Chen Nuo looked at the silent son of Yaoguang and asked with a toothy smile.

What a shit!
Son of Waking Light cursed in his heart.

No one is a fool. Chen Nuo's "I have a dream" sounds passionate, but if it really comes true, it will be their Holy Land family that will be lost.

For the reformers, only the lower class and a small part of the middle class will like it. For the inherent upper class, the reformers are shit!

Because a society has a total amount of resources, they are already the upper class, and what they enjoy every day is the sweetest part of the cake, and they can continue to enjoy it without reform.

If we really want to reform, whether we can continue to make cakes is not the most serious problem. I am afraid that there will be a click during or after the reform, and it will be liquidated.

But Shengzi Yaoguang is not a fool, he has already felt the scorching eyes of countless casual cultivators and even the low-level disciples of the major holy land families behind him.

If he said something bad at this time, saying that Chen Nuo's dream was nonsense, then his status as a holy son would be over in the next moment, let alone someone supporting him to prove the Tao and become emperor, it would be good not to be spurned or even assassinated by all living beings.

Unless human nature is truly destroyed and everything is abandoned to become the source of darkness and turmoil, it is impossible for even the great emperor to risk the disgrace of the world.

Seeing the changing face of Shengzi Yaoguang and still not answering, Chen Nuo sighed, shook his head and said: "Shengzi doesn't speak, it seems that he is very dissatisfied with Chen's dream in his heart, then..."

"No, no, what you said, Saint King, is absolutely true!

Just now I was thinking about your dream, the ambition of the Saint King is far beyond what I can compare.

I want to keep your dreams and aspirations in mind for your speech today, read and experience it day and night, and strive to catch up with the saint king as soon as possible! "

Hearing that Chen Nuo was going to point a big hat at him, the gazes of countless people around him who looked over changed, Shengzi Yaoguang was all excited, and shouted hastily.

Ma De, this hat of yours is scarier than the forgiveness hat, can you wear it to a dead person?

After chanting this passage, the eyes of countless people around who looked over became friendly again, and Shengzi Yaoguang breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, followed by a burst of despair.

He understands that if he agrees with Chen Nuo in public today, it will be difficult to disobey him in the future.

Once violated, it must be cast aside by most people.

The road to becoming an emperor is like no other.

He is not a ruthless emperor. A ruthless man is a great emperor who started from a humble beginning, walked alone, and achieved retrograde achievements.

He was born in a holy land, so his reputation is still very important, and at the same time, he can't do retrograde alone like a ruthless emperor. This is why he concealed the fact that he has cultivated immortal skills and obtained the inheritance of the ruthless emperor.

At this time, Shengzi Yaoguang realized that he was really far behind Chen Nuobi.

This gap is not strength, but the degree of insidiousness of both parties, and the degree of grasp of human nature. The two are not in the same position at all.

(End of this chapter)

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