Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 264 Holy Land Family: Thank Qing Emperor

Chapter 264 Holy Land Family: Thank Qing Emperor

"Holy Son's insights are good, everyone can't live like a salted fish, you have to have dreams and goals,

This is like the countless great emperors in the history of the human race who fought against the dark turmoil. Only in this way can they become truly respected people. "

Chen Nuo stepped forward and patted Shengzi Yaoguang on the shoulder, showing a teachable expression, and then looked at the Patriarch of the Ji family and the heads of the other Holy Land families.

Sensing Chen Nuo's gaze, and realizing what Chen Nuo was going to say, the heads of the various holy land families suddenly felt their scalps go numb.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, disapproval will not work, but if you agree, it is tantamount to putting shackles on yourself.

"Patriarch Ji, and all the holy lands, aristocratic families, and great teachers, after reading my practice method, what do you think of my dream?"

Chen Nuo grinned, and asked the Ji family and other holy land families.

Numerous casual practitioners and middle and lower class practitioners around looked over.


Patriarch Ji's expression changed for two seconds, and then he smiled and said: "The dream of the saint king is certainly excellent, but it does not meet the conditions for implementation at present.

I have read your practice method, it does not require too much physical fitness and resources, but you need to learn and master a lot of profound knowledge in it.

This knowledge is different from the current system, and it will be difficult for everyone to understand, so this matter can only be discussed in the long run. "

Slow word formula, procrastination, this is the only way the Patriarch of the Ji family can think of at present.

Chen Nuo's "I Have a Dream" speech is like the dawn of the dawn, illuminating this world of unequal human rights and forming a trend for future social development.

But this development time is not certain.

As long as this development lasts long enough, these Holy Land families will be able to take advantage of the trend and become the upper class of the new society.

"This is indeed a problem, but in this way, the Ji family and the major holy land families are willing to help Chen to speed up the education of basic rules and build a new harmonious world of dreams, right?"

Chen Nuo nodded in agreement, then continued to ask questions with a smile.

I have to say, it's really cool to have this kind of feeling of enveloping the general public to oppress others, and to label others if they are unhappy.

The eyes of casual cultivators who had just pondered over Chen Nuo's cultivation method lit up when they heard this.

They also realized the flaws of this practice method. They did not require physical fitness and resources, but they had to comprehend and learn a lot of knowledge about the basic rules.

This kind of different system, without the slightest basic knowledge system, is too difficult to comprehend.

It would be a great blessing if the great families of the Holy Land could promote this basic rule education under the leadership of Chen Nuo.


The Patriarch of the Ji family gritted his teeth, feeling an urge in his heart to call out the emperor's soldiers to slaughter, and slaughter the casual practitioners around the demon emperor's tomb, including the middle and lower class practitioners.

If everything is wiped out, then there will be no general oppression, no labeling.

But there have been countless messages flying out just now, they can kill all the people near the tomb of the Demon Emperor, but they can't kill all the people in the Big Dipper and even the whole universe.

Tired of ah.

The Patriarch of the Ji family and the other Holy Land families are having a hard time.

They have so many forces, all of them are the successors of the famous Great Emperor of the Big Dipper, and they all brought out the emperor's soldiers, the purpose is to make a wave of Chen Nuo.

Such a large formation, not to mention the Saint King, even the Great Saint, they are sure to kill it with their joint efforts.

If the emperor's soldiers are sublimated to the limit, then the quasi-emperor can anal, and the great emperor can do a few tricks.

However, in the face of this invisible general oppression, not to mention the quasi-emperor, even the rebirth of the great emperor, as long as he did not destroy humanity and abandon everything, he would be aggrieved and suppressed.

It should not be BB from the very beginning, and we should start working directly when we meet, without giving the other party a chance to shout that I have a dream.

Now that Chen Nuo's words have been uttered, all sentient beings are crushed by the momentum.

Afterwards, they can plot revenge and assassinate Chen Nuo, but at this time they have to give in and admit defeat, agree with Chen Nuo's dream, and put shackles on themselves from then on.

His teeth were about to gnaw into pieces, Patriarch Ji took a few deep breaths, and with a smile on his face, he said to Chen Nuo, "Our Ji family."

Before he could finish speaking, a ball of light suddenly burst out from the mausoleum of the demon emperor, a dazzling brilliance shot out, the vast and unpredictable demon power surged, and the fiery brilliance continued to shoot out.

"Demon Emperor Saint Soldier!"

"Emperor Qing's soldiers!!"

A group of people exclaimed, and the eyes of the heads of the major holy land families showed astonishing ecstasy.

This is not because of the birth of Emperor Qing's soldiers, and the possibility of obtaining an emperor soldier, but because of the sudden appearance of Qing Emperor's soldiers, which interrupted Chen Nuo's oppressive situation.

"Grab the Emperor Soldiers!"

The Patriarch of the Ji family was shouting loudly, almost dancing around twice in place with a happy expression on his face.

Emperor Bing was just born, and his brilliance was still dazzling. Not only his eyesight was blocked, but also his spiritual sense could not be detected clearly.

But this did not affect everyone's reaction in the slightest. A large group of old monsters from the Holy Land family, the head of the Ji family and others rushed out with a smile on their lips even if they closed their eyes.

This is the feeling of freedom!
This is the feeling of flying!

Thank you Emperor Qing, you are so awesome, you suddenly jumped out at this critical moment, making Chen Nuo's oppression come to nothing.

After today, you must burn a few sticks of incense to Emperor Qing.

In an instant, such thoughts popped up in the minds of the heads of the major holy land families and the old evildoers.

The power of the Jidao Emperor Soldiers is very strong, even if there is no master to control them, just born at this time is the most powerful time.

The holy masters and patriarchs of the various holy land families, including a group of old evildoers, were all blown away before they could get close to the emperor soldiers.

"Everyone, don't stop! For the sake of the human race, this demon emperor holy weapon must not slip away from us, otherwise it will greatly increase the strength of the demon race!"

It doesn't matter if the vibration is gone, Patriarch Ji is still yelling don't stop, the figure rushed out again, lest they stop, Chen Nuo made another proposition to them.

Next to him, Shengzi Yaoguang looked at the exaggerated expressions of a group of people from the Holy Land family, and his face was extremely ugly.

He was the only one who enjoyed the oppression of the situation. In front of countless people, in this special period when Chen Nuo shouted that I have a dream, he was "forced" to agree with Chen Nuo's dream, and from then on he put on a the shackles.

How unfair the heavens are.

Chen Nuo's eyes narrowed as he watched the demon emperor's holy soldiers flying through the air and being scrambled for by others.

If he remembers correctly, the Qing Emperor is still alive, then the timing of the appearance of the Demon Emperor Saint Soldier is worth thinking about.

Just now, if the major holy land families agreed to a dream under his oppression, even if they were reluctant in their hearts, they would have to spend a certain amount of resources to promote the education of basic rules, so that the strength of the human race could reach its peak.

As the great emperor of the demon clan, how could such a situation be allowed to happen, so it is not appropriate for the demon emperor's holy soldiers to fly out to interrupt.

Suddenly, a rocky mountain not far away cracked, and an extremely soft green glow bloomed, and green lights shot up into the sky.

The soft and holy green glow makes people feel peaceful, and the faint green is full of vitality, like an oasis floating in the sky.

"It's the cornucopia of the monster race!"

"Someone is hiding there, and they have prepared a cornucopia. It's easy to calculate, plotting the treasure of the monster race!"

Everyone exclaimed, a huge green treasure basin rushed up from the ground, trying to suck the treasure of the Yaozu Great Emperor into it.

The cornucopia is carved like green chalcedony, and the holy green clouds sprinkle the sky, which is extremely soft and makes people feel comfortable throughout.

Under the shroud of the green glow, the dazzling demon emperor's holy soldiers turned in an instant and flew towards the cornucopia.

"Thank you to the seniors for your help, otherwise, even if the demon emperor's descendants come in person, it will be difficult to truly collect the emperor's treasure..."

A magnificent woman appeared in front of the cornucopia, she was as beautiful as a fairy, and her ethereal voice resounded through the sky.

"Emperor Sacrifice Soldiers, smash them to pieces!"

Seeing that the imperial soldiers were about to be taken away, the head of the Ji family roared angrily.

Although they were unwilling to agree with Chen Nuo's dream, they were also unwilling to let an imperial army fall into the hands of the Yaozu.

The imperial soldiers who were prepared to stop Chen Nuo were sacrificed one after another, and several beams of brilliance flew towards the cornucopia.


Yan Ruyu, the descendant of the Demon Emperor, was shocked, her eyes filled with disbelief.

Are the holy land families of this group of people crazy, and they all carry emperor soldiers with them when they go out?
"I'm going to bring the extreme emperor soldiers of the human race, and you monster race still want to grab the treasure?"

"Back then, Emperor Qing robbed us of the barren pagoda of the Eastern Desolate Human Race, and today he will use his holy soldiers as compensation!"

The Patriarch of the Ji family shouted loudly with his spiritual vibrations, and as soon as he finished speaking, the imperial soldiers sent by the families of the major holy lands bombarded the cornucopia!
(End of this chapter)

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