Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 265 Killing Chen Nuo

Chapter 265 Killing Chen Nuo
boom! ! !
The sky-shattering loud noise, the green glow, the black glow, the red glow and other brilliant lights mixed together.

Facing the bombardment of several imperial soldiers, the cornucopia persisted for less than a moment, and the covering green glow was shattered, and the demon emperor's holy soldiers that were attracted into it were blown out, and even the cornucopia itself suffered a little damage.

"Grab the Emperor Soldiers!"

"Don't let the monster race take it away!"

The Patriarch of the Ji family and the others saw the demon emperor's holy soldiers flying out, their superficial power and power subsided a lot, and they all roared and chased them out.

The Demon Emperor Saint Soldier was born suddenly. In order to avoid being affected by the aftermath of the battle, a large group of casual practitioners and low-level practitioners all evacuated.

Chen Nuo, who also withdrew to the side to watch the play, was stunned for a while, who almost took out a few melon seeds to open the tea.

This demon emperor's holy soldier is flying towards him!

"Qingdi is so scheming, is this trying to provoke the great families of the Holy Land to attack me?"

Chen Nuo quickly realized what was going on.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world.

If the Emperor Soldier is looking for someone who is handsome, then it is normal to fly towards him.

If it depends on luck, then there is no doubt that Ye Fan, who is coaxing his little girl not far away, is the most appropriate.

The ultimate weapon is psychic, and there is even Qingdi behind the remote control.

Originally, he planned to sneak away with the descendants of the demon clan, but the emperor's soldiers were sacrificed in the major holy places of the human race, and the demon emperor's holy soldiers, who knew that disobedience would be inseparable from a certain price, simply flew towards him.

"Give it to me, and I will take it? A joke."

Chen Nuo, who was like floating clouds about all the extreme emperor soldiers and all life and death medicines, shook his head when he saw the demon emperor soldiers flying over, bent his legs and was about to shoot a national football burst.

"Sir, danger!"

Suddenly, Duan De's eyes lit up behind him, and he rushed towards Chen Nuo with a loud exclamation, oh no, he rushed towards the Demon Emperor Saint Soldier.

Seemingly worried about Chen Nuo's safety, the words he shouted were worried words, but the tone in his ears was uncontrollable excitement.


The brilliance on the surface of the demon emperor soldier flying towards Chen Nuo seemed to flicker twice. Where did this sand sculpture come from?

The Demon Emperor's Soldier pierced Duan De's fat body, stuck on him and finally failed to penetrate.

"Fortunately, the power has been restrained a lot, and there is no master to control it, otherwise Master Dao will be really unlucky."

Duan De happily pulled out the emperor soldier, hesitated for half a second, and handed it to Chen Nuo.

"Sir, I'll hand over this imperial soldier to you."

Chen Nuo flashed a hint of doubt, how could this Duan De, who robbed and dug graves all day long, be so kind.


This should be because he saw that he was not interested in psychic treasures before, and he just wanted to kick this emperor soldier away with his bent legs, so he decided in his heart that he would not want it.

After a wave of selling like this, once I don't want it, I will return it to him in all likelihood.

Favors are calculated, and the emperor's soldiers are also calculated, as expected, Duan De is worthy of it.

Chen Nuo looked at Duan De, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he reached out to take the Demon Emperor's Soldier.

"Sage King, Emperor Qing once robbed the barren pagoda of the Eastern Desolation, and this demon emperor's holy soldier must be handed over to us."

Seeing that the imperial soldiers were in Chen Nuo's hands, the head of the Ji family and a few others came up, looked at each other, and shouted in a deep voice.

When speaking, the emperor soldier in his hand has not been put down.

"Sorry, this emperor soldier is useful to me."

Chen Nuo directly refused, and as for the emperor soldiers who had not let go of them, he simply ignored them.

"The Saint King and the great families of the Holy Land are about to clash."

"This is the emperor's army, no one wants to give up, it's strange if there is no conflict."

"Don't, this is beyond the beginningless emperor, the most talented emperor in the history of the human race. Just now, I had a dream that made my scalp tingle, and I am still excited."

"All the great families of the Holy Land have brought emperor soldiers, I'm afraid the Saint King won't be able to please him."

The surrounding casual practitioners and middle and lower practitioners who had retreated to the distance just now became worried when they saw the conflict between Chen Nuo and the Holy Land family.

Although Chen Nuo has just entered everyone's attention for a few years, but the saint king who is less than a hundred years old, I had a dream speech just now, which instantly made his reputation surpass that of many other emperors.

"Prepare, the great families of the Holy Land will never give up this reason to fight. When they fight, let the Shasheng take action!"

In the dark, someone was whispering.

The three killer gods that covered the sky, the heavenly court was wiped out 10,000+ years ago, leaving only a few old, weak, sick and disabled, and the rest of hell and the world are all turned to the ancient tribe.

The killing saints within the two major killer gods are at least the strength of the four saints of Sendai, and there is also a saint king among them.

This time it was the top killer saint who was proficient in assassination techniques and an emperor soldier in the restricted area. This saint king who was less than a hundred years old would definitely not escape the assassination.

When the Killer God Dynasty was plotting secretly, the conflict between Chen Nuo and the great families of the Holy Land finally broke out, and the emperor soldiers burst out with brilliance.

This time, the major holy land families brought a total of six emperor soldiers, one to attack the blocking crocodile ancestor, and five to attack Chen Nuo.


"You can't let him go!"

Several people from the holy land family who controlled the imperial soldiers roared angrily.

The emperor's soldiers were sublimated to the limit, and their power jumped from the saint level to the saint king level.

The world with a radius of nearly [-] miles was eclipsed, and the spiritual energy rioted, and the brilliance of the emperor's soldiers completely enveloped the sky.

"It's really worthy of face."

Chen Nuo shook his head, seeing the five attacks that blocked the space and bombarded him, he closed his fists and was about to blast out.

However, before he could attack, the Demon Emperor Soldier in the other hand burst out with a dazzling blue light and broke free from his grasp.

A green lotus emerged in outline between the sky and the earth, and a fresh and refreshing atmosphere enveloped the sky and the earth.

Saint, Saint King, Great Saint!
The demon emperor's holy soldier has sublimated to the limit of autonomy!
The people from the Holy Land family who were attacking Chen Nuo were shocked when they saw this scene, their hearts flashed, and they instantly understood the purpose of this demon emperor's holy weapon.

The ultimate weapon is psychic, it is the weapon of the monster race, and it wants to kill the genius of the human race!

"Don't worry about it so much, it's a good thing, let's join hands to kill this saint king first!"

The Patriarch of the Jiang Family turned ruthless, his spiritual thoughts transmitted his voice, and instead of hesitating, his actions became more decisive!


"Get rid of this reform lunatic!"

The eyes of the other members of the holy land family were also ruthless, and the divine power in their bodies surged out of the emperor's soldiers crazily, making the emperor's power even stronger.

"Oh my god, this demon emperor saint soldier wants to kill the saint king!"

"The demon emperor's holy soldiers are sublimating to the limit, and the power level of the great saint, these great families of the holy land still don't stop? Are they going to be traitors to the human race?"

"It's too late to stop this situation. This is an outbreak of imperial soldiers beyond their realm. How could it be so easy to control."

The southern region was shaking, and the practitioners around hurriedly stepped back, paying attention to the situation through secret methods.

The spiritual sense shook, and there were exclamations and discussions one after another, but it was hard to tell who was telling the truth and who was the navy.

"I knew there were ghosts."

Facing the sudden outbreak of extreme sublimation and the terrifying killing power covering his demon emperor's holy soldiers, Chen Nuo was not surprised at all.

"Originally, it only needs a part of the energy and medicinal power, but since you are doing something, then don't go back."

With a mutter, Chen Nuo raised his hand, and punched the five emperor soldiers of the Holy Land family, and punched the demon emperor soldier who had sublimated to the limit and almost revealed Qinglian's body.

He wants to keep this demon emperor's holy weapon, and leave behind this emperor's weapon that is likely to be trained from the elixir of Qingdi's original body, the chaotic green lotus.

boom! ! !
Chen Nuo's fist slammed hard on the emperor soldiers at the level of the five saint kings, and another punch also hit the Qinglian demon emperor saint soldiers who had sublimated to the limit and erupted into the great saint level.

In an instant, the ground with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles cracked, except for the cities with protective formations, the ground cracked like spider webs.

The spiritual energy rioted, and the mountain peaks with a radius of thousands of miles were directly reduced to powder, and the terrifying air shock wave roared towards the surroundings.

At this moment, there was a slight disturbance in the air, and a terrifying murderous intent mysteriously appeared behind Chen Nuo.

The assassination of the killer god dynasty is coming.

With the extreme imperial soldiers bestowed in the restricted area of ​​life, he attacked Chen Nuo with the most terrifying assassination technique.

 Huh, 4th update today, I still owe a chapter, tomorrow morning

(End of this chapter)

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