Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 266 Top Saint?

Chapter 266 Top Saint?

A pervasive murderous intent enveloped the battlefield. In an instant, even with the blocking of the imperial soldiers, the Holy Master Patriarch of the Holy Land family who controlled the imperial soldiers still felt the darkness all over the sky.

The murderous aura solidified, covering Chen Nuo, and the time and space were distorted, forming a terrifying killing field.

In the field, countless murderous auras were transforming into magical killing weapons to attack Chen Nuo, each of which was comparable to a blow from a saint king.

This is the supreme killing magic "Human Killing Formation" of the Killer God Dynasty, combined with the "Destroy All Ten Directions" to form a lore domain.

As long as the attacking person and the target in the field are not dead, these murderous auras will continuously transform into holy soldiers of the Dao, killing all living beings in the field.

As the attack approached, the emperor's soldiers hidden under the supreme killing magic of the killer god pilgrimage and saint king suddenly showed their sharpness, and the brilliance bloomed. Under the brilliance, it was the most dangerous killing in the world.

The supreme weapon in the restricted area of ​​life is comparable to the emperor's imperial weapon. Now this emperor's weapon is sublimated to the limit in an instant with the killing magic, and the power of the great sage explodes, stabbing Chen Nuo fiercely.

The brilliance of the emperor's soldiers blocked the murderous intent of the killer gods. A group of holy land families were secretly happy, but they didn't stop moving their hands. There was a trace of bewilderment on their faces, and they attacked again.

"Not good! I can't control it!"

The confusion disappeared in a flash, and Patriarch Ji showed panic on his face, as if he was affected by the strange assassination technique of the killer god Chaoshengwang just now, and it was not his intention.

A good showman.

At the same moment, the demon emperor's holy soldier who had just been punched by Chen Nuo burst out again.

There was an attack from the emperor soldiers of the holy land family before, and the emperor soldiers of the five saint kings attacked the ordinary saint kings and would be killed immediately.

Later, there will be the supreme killing magic of the saint king of the killer god dynasty. The ordinary saint king will fall in an instant, and then cooperate with the ultimate sublimation of the emperor's soldiers, and the attack of the great saint level.

This is lore!

Attacking back and forth, the dark field dissipated.A radius of [-] miles turned into a pot of thick soup in an instant.

The aura was rioting, the mountains were turned into powder, the earth was shoveled into flat ground, and endless energy brilliance shone.

Suddenly, the intensity of time and space increased sharply, and then time and space distorted, and a terrifying suction erupted from the center of the battlefield, spreading at the speed of light, and endless dust and debris whirled and sucked back.

In an instant, the sky returned to clarity, and the soil on the earth was whirling and being absorbed.

"Who told you that I am the Saint King?"

Chen Nuo's calm voice sounded, and through the transmission of spiritual power, it spread throughout the entire battlefield in an instant.

The left hand flashed with lightning, and it seemed that there was a terrifying force field contained in it, blocking the attack of the imperial soldiers of the Holy Land family, and holding them in place and unable to leave.

A space-time black hole in the right hand is spinning and devouring madly, the demon emperor's soldier and a killer god pilgrim saint king, including the emperor's way emperor soldier in his hand, are struggling.

A terrifying aura emerged from Chen Nuo's body, and time and space seemed to have ripples under this aura.


"Great Sage."

"Still the top saint!"

"A top sage who is less than a hundred years old, my God!"

There were many well-informed people in the crowd, and they all exclaimed at this moment.

The members of the Holy Land family were all dumbfounded.

Those who secretly assassinate the gods are all confused.

A top sage who is less than a hundred years old?Is this God's illegitimate child!

The Saint King of the Assassin God Dynasty and the Saint Soldier of the Demon Emperor secretly controlled by the Qing Emperor reacted immediately and turned into a stream of light and were about to flee.

call out! ! !
Proficient in the art of attack and killing, the speed of the killer god's pilgrimage to the saint king is very fast, and the speed of the other side, as the demon emperor's holy soldier, is also not slow.

With a flickering figure, the killer God Chao Saint King escaped hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant, time and space were strengthened by Chen Nuo, he couldn't break through the space, but this didn't affect his speed at all.

There is no breath behind him, so he didn't chase after him, huh?Why is it getting dark all around?

The tension of the Killer God's pilgrimage to the Saint King eased, and suddenly he felt that something was wrong, and there was darkness around him.

Before he could react, time and space were bent and radiant, and Chen Nuo's smiling face appeared in front of him again.


"Is that the technique of time and space just now?"

Swallowing his saliva hard, the Killer God understood something from the Saint King.

He was running just now, but time and space have expanded, and he seems to be running happily, but he is still in place.

The reason why there is darkness all around is because the time and space expand, and the peripheral light has not had time to spread in.

"The assassination also killed, and the people ran away, so it's time to send you back to the west."

Chen Nuo shook his head, he didn't like this killer god.

He was obviously a human race, but he betrayed and took refuge in the ancient race, and took refuge in the restricted area of ​​life.

"Great Saint Rao"

The Killer God hurriedly shouted to the Saint King, before he could finish speaking, a blue light flashed before his eyes, and then he fell into eternal darkness.

Subtle lightning flashed, and there was a sizzling sound, and the violent magnetic field instantly magnetized the saint king of the killer god dynasty, erasing his vitality.

At this moment, when Chen Nuo wiped out the life of the killer God Pilgrim Saint King, the Emperor Dao Emperor Soldier in the restricted area suddenly burst out with the power of the top saint, blasted away Chen Nuo's blockade, broke through the space and left.

Under the basic rules, time and space are not unified, that is, the level of the emperor cannot be broken, but the way of time and space according to the law of spiritual energy, breaking through space is almost the basic practice of practitioners.

The ultimate sublimation, the energy of the Great Sage exploded twice, which needs at least a thousand years of accumulation to recover.

Chen Nuo's eyes flickered as he watched the emperor soldier leave, but he didn't choose to stay.

"Why did the Great Sage let the emperor soldiers in the restricted area leave?"

"It's a pity, this is an imperial weapon."

"If you don't let go, you will completely offend the group of dark supreme beings in the forbidden area of ​​life. After all, the great sage has not become an emperor, so it is not bad to let this emperor's imperial army lose its origin twice."

The people around were talking about it, but Chen Nuo ignored it, controlled the demon emperor's holy soldiers, and looked at the family of the Holy Land who was attracted by the magnetic field and couldn't leave.

"Win the king and lose the bandits, just listen to the Great Sage."

Facing Chen Nuo's gaze, the head of the Ji family and the others sighed and closed their eyes.

Everyone was wrong.

Everyone thought that if Chen Nuo was less than a hundred years old, or even less than 50 years old, he would be in the realm of a sage king.

After all, the era of Chengxian Road has begun, and they will not let another great emperor appear outside to prevent them from launching dark turmoil after failing to attack Chengxian Road.

This is a matter of life and death, and it will definitely be stopped.

However, the demon emperor's holy soldiers broke out, the killer gods appeared towards the saint king, and the imperial emperor's soldiers with the restricted area appeared. At this moment, they suddenly understood.

If it is said that Chen Nuo became the emperor, it is only dreadful, then this basic cultivation method is frightening.

This kind of cultivation method that does not require physical fitness and resources will completely overthrow everything.

The supreme being in the restricted area of ​​life has seen this point, so he will expel the saint king of the killer god dynasty and bestow the emperor's soldiers.

Especially when Chen Nuo shouted out that I have a dream, and called out the idea that everyone is like a dragon and everyone is equal, this violated the taboo of all existing vested interests.

Everyone is like a dragon, and the advantages of the holy land, family, and great religion no longer exist. This is the order of the family of the Holy Land.

Everyone is equal, the supreme authority of the emperor is infinitely limited, and there is no transcendent status in the world.

For the sake of stability and harmony, emperor soldiers who have been psychic and have terrifying power and are not controlled by their masters will definitely be suppressed for the sake of stability and harmony.

Unless it recognizes a new master and is controlled by others, Chen Nuo will be killed.

Everyone is equal?Go to Te Niang, let no one have privileges!

It is not so much a fight of interests as it is a class struggle.

The family of the Holy Land, the Great Emperor, and even the restricted area of ​​life, etc., all represent the vested interests of the old class.

Chen Nuo shouted "I have a dream", which represents the new class and new system,
If the new class wants to develop, it must stand on the corpse of the old class, tear up the vested interests of the past, and swallow their nutrition, so that a new system can be established!

(End of this chapter)

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