Chapter 267
"Compared to the dilemma of the supreme being in the restricted area of ​​life, we are still much better."

"Let our lives be exchanged for time, so that future generations can have more time to adapt to the reform."

The head of the Ji family thought in his heart, and quietly sent a message to the elders in the family through secret methods.

"Going to be safe, let some of the descendants leave the family and secretly switch to the basic cultivation method!"

A short sentence reveals the next strategy.

The descendants of the next generation can transfer to the cultivation, but they, the pillars of the aristocratic families, and even the supreme beings in the restricted area, are not eligible to transfer to the cultivation.

Because of this basic rule, the cultivation method cannot be practiced in the same way.

If you switch to basic cultivation methods, you will lose your strength before you reach a very high level.

This is unacceptable to the great families of the Holy Land, and even the supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life.

Losing power is courting death, and their enemies may laugh for three days and three nights.

So in the face of this basic cultivation method that can greatly prolong lifespan, the supreme being in the restricted area will probably go crazy.

They have paid such a high price for immortality, and now a skill with a lifespan of [-] million is placed in front of them, but they can be seen or eaten, how can this not make people crazy.

Listen to it as you please, and keep silent, which shows the attitude of the Ji family and other holy land families.


Chen Nuo looked at Patriarch Ji and the others, and couldn't help but praise.

Not to betray the class, and to exchange one's life for time, this is the choice made by Patriarch Ji and others.

To make such a choice, in addition to having a clear pattern, you also need great courage.

Not everyone has the courage to face life and death.

But this is also the most appropriate choice for them.

Because of the major holy land families who master the emperor's soldiers, they are already the top class of the existing system.

The middle and lower classes can still betray the class and choose to join Chen Nuo, but they can't.

Once they betray, they will weaken their own interests, and they will be the first to collapse.

In the class war of reform, those at the lower levels can betray, those at the middle level can betray, and those at the top can only carry it to the end.

Wearing a yellow robe, you can't help yourself, and in your position, you must seek his own government.

If they betrayed the class and Chen Nuo didn't bother them, they would fall apart internally.

Not everyone in the world can see so far.

As the top power, the disciples in the sect are masters, and they are happy every day. Suddenly, the Patriarch of the Holy Master said that he would join some reform force and weaken his own rights.

Then what would the Holy Master and the Patriarch do, who would not bring benefits to him, but weakened his own interests?Hurry up and overthrow it!

Knowing this, Patriarch Ji and the others had no choice but to resist in silence, delaying time with their own lives, and not assisting Chen Nuo's reforms.

Without the assistance of the major holy land families, it would take a lot of time for Chen Nuo to carry out reforms.

This time is their lifeline.

As long as we seize the opportunity given by this time, some of the descendants of the next generation will leave the family and switch to the basic cultivation method.

They, who have more resources, secretly support them, and the descendants of the separated children will definitely be a big step ahead of the common people.

In this way, even if the final reform is completed, their class status can be guaranteed, and the family of the Holy Land will be passed on forever.

As for Chen Nuo becoming angry and killing people in anger, not only killing them, but also destroying their family?
Everyone is a sensible person and knows that this is impossible.

Since Chen Nuo wants to implement reforms and promote equality for all, he will not and cannot do so.

There must be a reason for killing people, and Chen Nuo has no problem if they don't give a reason at all.

Only by setting an example and setting an example, is a qualified leader and can truly promote reform.

Otherwise, while calling for equality for all, while using force to oppress others, violating the ideas and rules formulated by oneself, such reforms cannot be successful.

Even the leaders violated the rules, and you still want the subordinates to abide by the system?joke.

"You are so smart, you will make me lose face."

Chen Nuo sighed.

You guys can't be a little more foolish, cooperate a little more, and keep people from pretending to be forceful.

The imperial soldiers in the hands of several people, including the imperial soldiers who blocked and attacked Crocodile Zu just now, escaped from the master's control and flew into Chen Nuo's hands.

"I won't kill you, but I will seal you emperor soldiers for a hundred years as the price for your attacks on me."

As Chen Nuo said, the underground soil was absorbed, and the matter disintegrated into heavy neutron materials, and then combined with spiritual power to seal the six imperial soldiers.

Chen Nuo did not cut off the connection between the imperial soldiers and the six families of the Holy Land, and the six imperial soldiers did not resist too much.

Neutron materials, which can only be interfered by strong interaction force, combined with Chen Nuo's strong spiritual power, the power of the emperor soldier was instantly suppressed.

Patriarch Ji and the others changed their expressions.

The emperor's army has been sealed for a hundred years, and the heritage of the holy land family that lost the emperor's army will be ten to nine. How can this be called a holy land family?

This price is more uncomfortable than killing them.

"I will untie it in a hundred years, of course you can also find a way to blast it away."

It took more than ten minutes for Chen Nuo to equip the six imperial soldiers wrapped in neutron material several centimeters thick as seals with an anti-gravity device to eliminate the surface gravity, and throw them into the air.

Seeing the emperor's soldiers floating in the air, Patriarch Ji and others wanted to control the emperor's soldiers to break the seal, but they didn't move at all.

Chen Nuo used spiritual power to isolate the external aura energy. The mass and density of the neutron material inside is as high as hundreds of millions of tons per cubic meter. Unless the emperor soldier is completely sublimated to the limit, it will be the kind of GG after a wave, otherwise there is no way to break through it. seal.

Mr. Chen disdains killing people. You are smart, and we are not stupid. Killing people is fun for a while, and it is far better to have fun with other things.

The elders of several holy land families looked at each other, and the terrifying killing technique blasted on the neutron seal, and the seal was not damaged at all.

A sage can blast a planet, but it is also impossible to blast away neutron materials.

The quasi-emperor or the great emperor fights, the galaxy shakes, and the aftermath of the attack can destroy stars. It also takes a lot of effort to deal with celestial bodies composed of ultra-compact matter such as neutron stars and black holes.

Although neutron stars and even black holes are the corpses of stars, if you really want to play celestial bodies, no matter how many stars there are, one neutron star will not be enough.

Tried various methods, but in the end there was no way. The six families of the Holy Land looked at each other with wry smiles on their faces.

"Thank you, Great Sage, for not killing me."

Patriarch Ji and the others gritted their teeth, and bowed to Chen Nuo under the watchful eyes of countless practitioners around them.

The most embarrassing thing in the world is that the enemy makes him pay a price higher than death, and in the end he has to thank the other party for not killing him.

"It's easy to say, I will trouble everyone later if I can't say it."

Chen Nuo chuckled, and looked at the Demon Emperor's Soldier who had been trying to escape, but was imprisoned tightly.

"This is the treasure of the demon clan, please return it to the Great Sage."

In the distance, Yan Ruyu saw that Chen Nuo's eyes shifted to the Demon Emperor's Soldier, and there was a trace of hesitation on his beautiful and fairy-like face, and then he flew forward and bowed to Chen Nuo to beg.

"Return? That's easy to say."

Chen Nuo looked back at Yan Ruyu, nodded, and then continued to look at the struggling demon emperor soldiers.

As if sensing Chen Nuo's malicious gaze, the demon emperor's soldier, who was already struggling, suddenly struggled more violently.

The bright blue brilliance was blooming, but it was firmly imprisoned by Chen Nuo.

The time-space black hole combined with powerful spiritual power, not to mention the emperor soldier who has not fully sublimated to the limit, even if it explodes completely, it can imprison one or two.

"If you have something to do, you want to run away without leaving anything?"

Chen Nuo sized up the Qing Emperor's soldier for a while, and under Yan Ruyu's nervous gaze, the temperature of his palm suddenly rose!
(End of this chapter)

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