Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 269 Invite the little girl to eat candy

Chapter 269 Invite the little girl to eat candy
Chen Nuo closed his eyes, felt carefully for a while, then opened his eyes and smiled lightly: "Look, that Emperor Dao Emperor Soldiers are very obedient and have successfully completed the task of leading the way. After studying this "Tao Jing", let's go for a stroll .”

"Sir, which restricted area is it?"

Ye Fan asked curiously.

Each of the seven restricted areas of the Big Dipper is a self-proclaimed supreme ancient emperor, and he is a little curious about which restricted area is plotting against Chen Nuo.

"Ancient mine in the early days."

Chen Nuo didn't hide anything, but said it generously.

Among the seven restricted areas, the Taichu Ancient Mine has the largest number of self-proclaimed Supreme Ancient Emperors because of its rich internal sources of gods.

Coupled with the imminent birth of the Primordial Clan, killing Chen Nuo would benefit them the most.

"Little girl."

After confirming which restricted area was plotting against him behind his back, Chen Nuo temporarily put the matter aside, walked up to the little girl, knelt down and shouted softly.

"Big brother."

The little girl called out to Chen Nuo timidly, then pulled Ye Fan's clothes and lowered her head, but she didn't reject Chen Nuo from her expression.

As the fourth Daoguo of the ruthless man, the little girl has a natural perception of the good and evil of others.

She could feel that Chen Nuo didn't have any malicious intentions, but because she didn't have the memory of being a ruthless person, she still seemed a little timid because of her personality.

"So nice."

Chen Nuo chuckled and rubbed the little girl's head.

The power of the soul surged, and the essence and medicine power refined by the demon emperor's holy soldier, the undead medicine Chaos Qinglian, condensed to form 6 substantial blue pills.

It seems that the wool is still squeezed a lot, which is estimated to have more than 3% of the essence and energy of the elixir.

No wonder the demon emperor's holy soldier ran away in a panic as soon as he let go of the confinement. Chen Nuo was really too ruthless.

If there is no external force to supplement it, it is estimated that it will take thousands of years to find a planet to take root and recuperate before it can fully recover.

"Here, eat this."

Chen Nuo stretched out a blue pill in front of the little girl, and said gently.

No matter if it was the elixir or any rare treasure, it was useless to him, a person in this different world who practiced the basic rules.

The reason why he forcibly imprisoned the demon emperor's holy soldiers and refined the essence and medicinal power of the undead medicine Chaos Qinglian was for the little girl.

Although it was transformed by the Daoguo of the Great Emperor, and can be regarded as the incarnation of the ruthless Emperor, the little girl still has flaws, and she often loses her memory and forgets the past.

This may be because the ruthless person stayed on purpose, in order to maintain that pure original intention, but at this time he has been adopted by Ye Fan, so this defect can also be made up for.

It is not possible for ordinary items to make up for the defects of the incarnation of the Daoguo of the Great Emperor.

Except for the little girl's own accompanying colored stone, only the essence and medicine power of the elixir can do it.

Well, Xiaonuan's accompanying color stone is on him, but I'm sorry, Chen Nuo has a different cultivation system, and he doesn't know how to use it.

Practitioners in the world of Zhetian are blind to the basic rules of practice, and Chen Nuo, who practices the basic rules, is blind to the aura of shrouding the sky.

The purpose of studying the top practice method here is to know the mystery of the aura circulation here, and he automatically ignores other mysteries.

Maybe after decades of research, you can comprehend the mysteries of cultivation here, but you can't practice after comprehending, so what's the use of it.

Since the little girl's accompanying colored stone doesn't know how to use it, let's krypton gold!
Give the essence and energy of an elixir, if one is not enough, then another one will be given.

"Sir, this... this is not acceptable, this is too expensive!"

Ye Fan next to him was stunned when he saw Chen Nuo taking out the essence and energy of the elixir, and then hurriedly stopped him.

What the elixir is, he knows.

This is too precious.

"Little Nannan is also my sister, this thing is useless to me."

Chen Nuo glanced at Ye Fan with unquestionable eyes, then turned to look at the little girl with a smile and said, "Come on, open your mouth, big brother treats you to candy."

The pills condensed from the essence and medicinal power of the elixir have a fresh and pleasant fragrance. Ordinary people can feel light and healthy after smelling it, and the hidden wounds of many years will be quietly healed.

The little girl was still a child at heart, her throat moved, and she looked up at Ye Fan.

Obviously, she wanted to be right.


Ye Fan stroked the little girl's hair and nodded.

He can't interfere with Chen Nuo's decision, and besides, the elixir is for the little girl, so it's not a disadvantage.


The little girl nodded, and opened her mouth to take the pill that Chen Nuo handed over.

The pill melted into the mouth, and the pure elixir was absorbed by the little girl's body, and there was a slight fluctuation in the surrounding spiritual energy.

"Big brother, this candy is not sweet."

The little girl was a little disappointed.

not sweet.

For Big Dipper, whose personal force is beyond the charts but whose industrial production level is backward, candy is a rare item.

This non-sweet candy disappointed the little girl.

"The rest is sweet, try this."

Chen Nuo observed the changes in the little girl's body, picked up the second one, and with a thought, a layer of matcha was created by material transformation.

Well, the sandwich-flavored matcha elixir.

"This is very fragrant. It's the first time I have tasted this kind of taste."

For the second candy, the little girl suddenly smiled.

He has been adopted by Ye Fan for a while, and he no longer needs to beg for life. He has eaten candy a few times, and it is all ordinary candy.

"Well, there are 4 more. This candy has not been stored for a long time, and the little girl ate them all."

Chen Nuo opened his hand, and the remaining 4 chaotic green lotus essence condensed pills suddenly became chocolate, milk, mango, and lemon.

After tasting these sweets with richer flavors, Ye Fan might have a headache in the future.

Because Big Dipper doesn't have so many candies with rich flavors.

For children, comparing the life of modern civilization on the earth with the life of civilization of extraordinary cultivation, it is obvious that modern technological civilization will be happier, with more toys and more delicious and fun things.

"Well, brother, fat Taoist, you eat."

The little girl ate the third candy, and seeing Duan De and Ye Fan watching her eat, she couldn't help stretching out her hand to ask Ye Fan and Duan De to eat candy.

Duan De helped block part of the aftermath after fighting with the major families in the Holy Land in Chen Nuo, and led them to evacuate as soon as possible, the little girl still kept it in mind.

Duan De, who had been fascinated by the elixir for a long time, wanted to reach out his hand, but when he looked over, his chubby hand was suddenly withdrawn weakly and pitifully.

"Little girl, you eat, Xiaodao has eaten, eaten."

Under Chen Nuo's eyes, Duan De forced a smile on his face, and his eyes almost burst into tears after he finished speaking.

There used to be an elixir with the essence and medicinal power in front of me to ask me to take it, but I didn't dare to move because of the look in one person's eyes.

"My little girl ate it, and my brother ate it too."

Ye Fan rubbed the little girl's hair, but didn't take the elixir candy.


The little girl nodded, and ate all the candies that were said to have been stored for a while under the watchful eyes of several people.

The 6 elixir condensed pills were absorbed by the little girl, and Duan De, who was still distressed, suddenly noticed something abnormal.

The aura is moving, revolving around the little girl, and a faint brilliance blooms from the little girl's body. In the brilliance, there are countless dao patterns flickering.

(End of this chapter)

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