Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 270 Chen Nuo: Still So Handsome

Chapter 270 Chen Nuo: Still So Handsome


Duan De took a deep breath and retreated subconsciously.

The little girl is weird!
At this time, he understood where the source of the sudden spiritual warning came from after he robbed Ye Fan and molested the little girl a few words.

At first, he thought that he dug someone's grave, and his descendants came to him, or someone who was robbed by him came to him. Because he didn't know how to hide his breath, this gave him a spiritual warning.

Unexpectedly, the source of the warning for the correction was Xiaonannan.

After withdrawing for more than ten meters, Duan De calmed down and looked at the situation of the little girl seriously for the first time.

Looking at this, the more I looked, the more shocked I became.
"Sir, is little girl okay?"

Ye Fan embraced the little girl who fell asleep after taking the elixir, and the brilliance containing endless dao patterns continuously bloomed on the little girl, and the spiritual energy poured into her body like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

Facing this unknown situation, a trace of worry flashed in Ye Fan's eyes, and he raised his head to ask Chen Nuo.

"I'll be fine after a night's sleep. The Chaos Qinglian Elixir is repairing my little girl's flaws, so I shouldn't lose my memory when I wake up."

Chen Nuo's spiritual power sensed the situation of the little girl, and after a while, she nodded to indicate that she was fine.

As the incarnation of the Daoguo of the Great Emperor, the little girl herself has extraordinary self-protection ability. The Chaos Qinglian Elixir will only repair her defects and will not cause harm.

"elder brother."

After a while, the little girl woke up, opened her eyes and called out to Ye Fan.

"How does little girl feel? Is there any discomfort there?"

Seeing that the little girl had woken up, Ye Fan quickly knelt down and asked.


The little girl shook her head and said, "I feel relaxed all over, as if I'm not as tired as before."

After feeling it carefully for a while, the little girl shook her head, and Ye Fan was really relieved when she was sure.

"Since you practice the basic cultivation method, then you can get rid of the psychic treasures obtained in the tomb of the demon emperor as soon as possible, and exchange them for some items containing spiritual energy."

Rubbing the little girl's head, Chen Nuo stood up and watched Ye Fan give a suggestion.

Practicing the basic cultivation method, two different cultivation systems, the psychic treasure that covers the sky is useless to Ye Fan except as a solid weapon.

The safest and most profitable way to deal with this is to exchange for Shenyuan or other items that contain huge aura.

For these natives of the world, there are two basic cultivation methods, one is to transform the body with spiritual power, and the other is to absorb spiritual energy to transform the body.

This metamorphosis is not simply about enhancing strength, but also about physical fitness.

But no matter which way it is, it is the same goal by different routes. Only when the number of body transformations has increased can it bear the material energy of the basic rules.

"Understood, thank you sir."

Ye Fan nodded. He got a bunch of psychic treasures from the Demon Emperor's Mausoleum. Oh no, it should be said that Duan De returned a bunch of psychic treasures, and he also gave 3 more. These didn't do much for him.

He is no longer the Ye Fan who will become Ye Tiandi in the future, he is now Ye Fan who will become Ye Cannon in the future.

"Sir, my sister and I say goodbye first."

The few people continued to walk forward for a while, and came to the city closest to the Demon Emperor's Mausoleum. Ye Fan bid farewell to Chen Nuo.

He came here with the people from the Lingxu Cave, but he obtained so many psychic treasures in the Demon Emperor's Mausoleum, it is not suitable to go back until these things are dealt with.

"Go ahead and work hard."

Chen Nuo patted Ye Fan's shoulder to encourage him. He was not worried about the future Ye Tiandi, oh no, Ye Dapao's safety.

The Big Dipper exploded, and Ye Fan, who stood behind him, one of the top emperors in the world, would be fine.

Besides, he, Chen, still has a bit of a reputation.

When so many people saw Ye Fan standing with him at the Demon Emperor's Mausoleum just now, they wouldn't provoke him at will.

The families of the Holy Land behind them, they investigated clearly, and they knew that they could not threaten themselves with Ye Fan, but they might provoke anger, which would also give them some face.

No fool will do things that have no benefits, and things that are not proportional to risks and rewards.

After seeing off Ye Fan and the little girl, Duan De also followed. I don't know if he saw the situation of the little girl, or he was still thinking about the bunch of psychic treasures in Ye Fan's hand and was about to fool around.

Grabbing is not daring to rob again, and I dare not rob Ye Fan again in this life, only by flickering can I get more psychic treasures.

After sending Ye Fan away, Chen Nuo didn't follow into the city, but walked into the field with the "Tao Jing" in Ye Fan's hand.

"Come out."

After walking a certain distance, Chen Nuo suddenly stopped and yelled.

Behind him, Crocodile Zu looked at the same place.

Someone is following them.

Crocodile Zu found out when he left the Demon Emperor's tomb, but seeing that Chen Nuo didn't show any sign, he didn't dare to talk or move.

He can discover it in the realm of a saint, but it is impossible for Chen Nuo to discover at least the strength of the top saint.

sigh sigh.

There was the sound of branches and leaves shaking, and after a while, two people came out.


Crocodile Zu's eyes widened.

He only sensed one person, how could there be two?

"Ruyu met Mr. Chen."

"Miaoyi has met Mr. Chen."

Yan Ruyu and An Miaoyi who came out looked at each other, they were a little surprised to see each other, but Chen Nuo was in front, without saying much, and simply saluted.

"An Miaoyi from Miaoyu Temple?"

Chen Nuo was a little surprised to see this girl who looked holy and elegant on the outside, but had a charming look in her eyes.

Whenever a reform occurs, there will always be some people who betray the original class and join the reform for the benefit, for the belief, for the strength, and establish a new system with the reformer.

It's just that Miaoyuan was the one who acted first, and An Miaoyi was the one who sent out.

He didn't want to interfere with Ye Fan's growth path, Ye Fan still changed from the future Ye Tiandi to the future Ye Dapao, and now Miaoyu Temple, who was originally looking at Ye Fan's potential, betrayed his class and wanted to invest in himself.

Sure enough, he is still too handsome.

Even if you don't do things deliberately, you still can't let others ignore your own existence. It's difficult to keep a low profile.

"Yes, An Miaoyi, the contemporary descendant of Miaoyu Temple, has met Mr.

An Miaoyi saluted again, her body was graceful and her skin was shining with fair luster.

"What about you? What do you want me to do?"

Chen Nuo nodded and looked at Yan Ruyu.

Nine out of ten, An Miaoyi was sent by Miaoyu Temple to invest in potential stocks, so what does this princess of the Yaozu, the descendants of the Qing Emperor, want to do when they come to find her.

"Ruyu wants to ask Mr. a question."

Yan Ruyu looked at An Miaoyi, gritted her teeth, stood up and asked.

"I am a human race, and you are a demon race. Why do you think that if you ask me for advice, you will answer me?"

Chen Nuo looked at Yan Ruyu, who was as beautiful as a fairy, and asked back.

"When sir disclosed your cultivation method, our Yaozu also received a few copies. It can be seen that sir is a person who truly cares about the common people."

Yan Ruyu replied respectfully, and even flattered her secretly.

"Tell me what the question is, and let me see if I can answer it."

Chen Nuo shook his head with a chuckle, but did not directly agree.

"Ruyu wants to know if our ancestors are still alive."

A trace of hesitation flashed across Yan Ruyu's face, and she said the question she wanted to ask.

Is Emperor Qing still alive?
An Miaoyi and even Crocodile Zu beside him couldn't help but stare blankly, looking at Yan Ruyu in shock.

Since Yan Ruyu asked this way, she must not be aimless, she must have discovered something, so she came to Chen Nuo for verification.

 Going back to my hometown tonight, there are two updates in the past few days, 800 monthly tickets plus a chapter owed, Mantis will make up for it next month

(End of this chapter)

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