Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 271 Sir, if you want to...

Chapter 271 Sir, if you want to.
"The Great Emperor's lifespan is less than ten thousand, why do you think that the Qing Emperor is not dead?"

Chen Nuo was a little surprised to see Yan Ruyu.

"The holy soldier of the ancestors."

Now that the matter was revealed, Yan Ruyu didn't care that An Miaoyi was next to her, and continued, "Sir, I have a dream. Although I advocate equality for everyone, this is not a good thing for a psychic and extremely powerful weapon. good thing.

However, being psychic does not mean having full spiritual consciousness.

Lotus is indifferent by nature and does not have complete spiritual awareness. It will not attack you because of your reforms, sir, because it does not understand these things and does not fight for them. "

Yan Ruyu analyzed it from the habits of lotus.

Although the Jidao Weapon is psychic, it does not have complete spiritual awareness and does not have too complicated thinking ability.

It doesn't understand Chen Nuo's reform, or it understands that the heart is also a Buddhist, and one can be strong without desire.

Then the reason why the demon emperor saint soldier who is the chaotic green lotus suddenly attacked Chen Nuo is worth thinking about.

"The observation force is very keen."

Chen Nuo praised, of course, this is also the reason why Yan Ruyu is a descendant of the Qing Emperor and has a deep understanding of the habits of the chaotic Qinglian.

"Qingdi is indeed not dead, he is hiding in the barren tower, but I don't know where the barren tower is exactly."

Really not dead?
Yan Ruyu was stunned, and then her face showed excitement, but An Miaoyi who was next to her was shocked, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

The last monster emperor after the ancient times, the Qing Emperor is not dead!

This news will undoubtedly have a shocking impact on the structure of the Big Dipper and the universe.

Especially for the human race, the human race has not had a great emperor alive.

Qingdi is not dead, if Qingdi is born.

The thing where the treasure of the human race in the Eastern Wasteland was forcibly robbed may happen again, and the human race will be oppressed again.

"Thank you sir."

Yan Ruyu suppressed the excitement on her face, and bowed respectfully to Chen Nuo.

This news is too important to her.

"You're welcome, if you find your ancestor, tell him to be quiet."

Chen Nuo warned calmly, although he has not yet mastered the great unity, and his combat power is only at the quasi-emperor level, but he is not in vain for the Qing emperor who cannot leave in the barren tower.

The basic rule system, the most powerful is the target.

Not to mention mastering the four basic forces at present, even when he was still mastering the decay of matter in Journey to the West, he was worthy of facing an immobile emperor or a prehistoric sage.

Einstein said that the speed of light cannot be exceeded.

Objects are infinitely close to the speed of light, and the energy contained in them is infinite.

In this way, he pulled out his own Italian electromagnetic mass cannon and charged him enough time to accelerate, not to mention a half-dead Qingdi, then a Qingdi in full bloom, as long as he dared not hide, Chen Nuo would dare to kill him.

"Yes, sir."

Yan Ruyu's expression froze, and she saluted respectfully again: "Ruyu will leave first, and thank you for your guidance."

After getting the answer she wanted, Yan Ruyu said goodbye and left, while Chen Nuo looked at An Miaoyi.

"Tell me, what do you Miaoyu Temple want from me?"

He was probably sure of An Miaoyi's purpose in his heart, but Chen Nuo felt that he still needed to be sure.

"This is a piece of information about the major forces of the ancient Big Dipper, and Miao Yi specially brought it to Mr.

With a fragrant fragrance, An Miaoyi took out a jade slip of information, stepped up and handed it to Chen Nuo.


Chen Nuo took the jade slip and didn't check it. He looked at this holy and elegant girl with ecstatic charm.

It has to be said that the saints and goddesses of the Shrouding World are almost perfect in appearance, temperament, body and skin, and each has its own characteristics.

"Miaoyuan will follow Mr.'s orders in the future and help Mr. establish a new era and a new system."

An Miaoyi didn't say the purpose, and once again raised her contribution.

The so-called purpose is actually included in this effort.

"The price and effort are not small."

Chen Nuo looked at An Miaoyi with interest.

Compared with Ye Fan, whose potential had already been highlighted when An Miaoyi appeared in the original book to invest, the effort to find him this time is obviously higher.

At that time, Ye Fan just paid a share of enlightenment tea, passed on a share of Nirvana, and gave away a trip.

An Miaoyi came here to find him, and Miaoyuan obeyed his orders. That was an extremely huge gamble, making a huge gamble on the inheritance of the entire orthodoxy of Miaoyuan, and the fate of all staff in Miaoyuan.

If Chen Nuo succeeds in the future, and a new era and a new system are established, then Miaoyuan will be able to rise to become the top class force of the human race from the merits of the dragon.

Of course, if Chen Nuo failed and Miaoyuan made this choice, it would surely fall into the abyss, the moral system would be cut off, and the lives of all the staff would be in danger.

"I'm a little curious. You Miaoyuan never put all your eggs in one basket. Why are you taking such a big gamble this time?"

Chen Nuo threw away the jade slip in his hand and asked a question.

An Miaoyi who overshadows the sky is like Xuan, the concubine of Tang Shuanglong, and Miaoyu Temple is like Cihang Jingzhai.
One is Emperor Bo, and the other is Emperor Bo.

Until the final moment when the general situation is clear, they will not put all their treasure on one person.

If he didn't yell out a dream, but was just a top sage who is normally less than a hundred years old, then it is understandable to put all his eggs in one basket.

After all, the top sage who is less than a hundred years old, according to past experience, will definitely be able to become an emperor if he does not die.

But now he is yelling that I have a dream, that I am an out-and-out reformer, and that I am a thorn in the side of all existing classes and all vested interests.

The reformers have always been enemies on all sides, and the world of the holy lands will not do anything in the open, but in the dark it is estimated that everyone wants Chen Nuo to die.

In such a situation, Miaoyuan suddenly put all his eggs in one basket and came to a stud. This courage can only be described as powerful.

Is it really so handsome?The beauty smiles when she sees me, is she willing to fight against the whole world with me?
Chen Nuo looked at An Miaoyi, whose skin was as fair as snow, with a holy and elegant demeanor but a little bit of charm, and couldn't help but nodded in her heart.

It is really possible that he is so handsome that he attracts countless beauties.

"Sir, you are joking. Miaoyuan has always acted with one mind. You are the most young hero in the world. You will definitely be able to start a new era, establish a new system, and create a perfect prosperous world."

Facing Chen Nuo's question, An Miaoyi smiled and did not explain too much.

"It makes sense, it seems that you still know me quite well."

Chen Nuo admitted An Miaoyi's words without humility, shook the jade slip in his hand, and shook his head: "However, having said that, I'm not very impressed by the terms you Miaoyuan gave, so I'm sorry."

With that said, Chen Nuo threw the jade slip back to An Miaoyi.

He is familiar with the situation of the major forces of the Big Dipper, whether they want it or not.

Er. An Miaoyi didn't expect such a result, her face froze.

"There's nothing to do, let's go back early, the girl's parents are so beautiful, it's not safe outside."

Chen Nuo ignored An Miaoyi's expression change, waved his hand, and was about to leave while holding Crocodile Zu.

"Sir! Sir!"

Seeing that Chen Nuo was about to leave, An Miaoyi became anxious, hurriedly followed and stopped in front of her, with a flash of hesitation on her expression, she bowed and saluted, "From now on, Miaoyu Temple will respect Mr.

A trace of surprise flashed in Chen Nuo's eyes.

Following his orders and respecting him are two completely different concepts.

The former is an investment, an exchange of equivalent value, while the latter is a refuge, not only entrusting his life and death to Chen Nuo's success in the end, but also entrusting his life and death to him.

"Sir, if you want, this also includes Miaoyi."

Seeing that Chen Nuo didn't speak, An Miaoyi gritted her teeth and added a sentence.

Chen Nuo was surprised now.

(End of this chapter)

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