Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 272 There is one more grudge to avenge

Chapter 272
It seems that he is still too handsome, otherwise how could the beauty put it on his body.

After being surprised, Chen Nuo shook his head speechlessly, and said, "Sorry, I'm not just a random man. In addition, I want to establish a system where everyone is equal, not a system where only one is the only one, and those in power can deprive others of their lives at will."


An Miaoyi looked at Chen Nuo in disbelief, her eyes were red.

Take out a copy of the Big Dipper information that Miaoyuan has collected for so many years, only Chen Nuo is the only one, this is the biggest condition that Miaoyuan can offer.

It's not that there's nothing else, it's that the other things don't work at all.

Compared with Ye Fan in the original book, he still needs a lot of resources for practice, and Miaoyu Temple can also put on airs.

With Chen Nuo's current potential and the strength of the top sage, if Miaoyuan takes out other things at will, this is not an investment, but more like an insult.


How do you say cry?
Chen Nuo looked at An Miaoyi's eyes suddenly turned red, and was speechless.

"Sir, I think you can accept her and take care of her daily life."

At this time, Crocodile Zu next to him spoke up and offered his opinion.

One more person followed Chen Nuo, who was still a beautiful woman. Crocodile Zu felt that this would help ease the atmosphere in daily life. At least Chen Nuo would not just look at him with the eyes of a roasted whole crocodile.

He suggested that An Miaoyi stay, this little girl must remember him as a favor.

In the future, maybe a few words with Chen Nuomi can reduce Lao Crocodile's work.

"That seems to work."

Chen Nuo didn't mind having one more Miaoyuan in his camp.

After all, the real reform is to wait for the development of human civilization on the earth, and there will be a Miaoyu Temple with almost all beauties on my side, and the group of single dogs of the human beings on the earth will probably scream and burst into full power.

What's more, a holy and elegant but a bit charming super beauty is the assistant, and the mood index is obviously better than that of Crocodile Zu.

Why do so many big bosses in the main world always find young and beautiful assistants on the premise of equal working ability? In fact, there are not as many unspoken rules as everyone thinks.

The main purpose is to feel happy. When I am busy and irritable at work, watching a beautiful woman swaying and swaying, my mood is obviously better than watching a man.

The boss wants to maintain an image, and they are not that stupid.

If you really want a young and tender model, you can just raise it outside and find a female college student outside.

If you attack the female employees of the company, the reputation will be bad if it spreads, and the hearts of the company will be scattered.

"You can follow me, Miaoyu Temple doesn't need to be self-centered, just follow your previous operation mode, and someone will naturally arrange for you in the future."

Chen Nuo thought for a few seconds, then shed tears when she watched, An Miaoyi, who was inexplicably surprised, said: "Of course, I won't let people work for free, I will pay you.

Pointing to the basic rules of practice, psychic treasures, or other sources of gods are all fine. "

"Sir, Miaoyi doesn't need salary."

Chen Nuo agreed, and An Miaoyi instantly changed from crying to smiling, and walked to Chen Nuo naturally.


Sure enough, women are fickle and born to be dramatic.

With such a quick face change, it was hard for Chen Nuo to believe that the appearance of crying just now could be real.

"Take it and study hard. If you have any questions, you can ask."

Chen Nuo casually took out an information jade slip, which is the study plan.

"Yes, sir."

An Miaoyi took the jade slip, and her tense body couldn't help but relax. It seems that she made the right choice.

Chen Nuo is really as approachable as he described in I have a dream.

After accepting an assistant, Chen Nuo's life has not changed much except that Crocodile Zu who was with him was kicked away by him to deal with outside affairs, and An Miaoyi was replaced by An Miaoyi in handling daily affairs.

"So that's how it is, the road to immortality, the ancient road to trials, and the ancient road to starry sky."

More than a year later, Chen Nuo casually threw the "Tao Jing" in his hand to An Miaoyi who was next to him. When he touched it, the image of the universe appeared in front of him.

On this cosmic image map, there are star dots flickering, these are the super planets that are considered to be shaped on the same level as the Big Dipper.

Several lines exuding an ancient atmosphere are connected together along these star points. If you look carefully, these lines almost surround the entire universe.

This is the aura circulation channel of the world that covers the sky, similar to the dragon veins of Journey to the West.

A large number of ancient life stars form the nodes of the aura cycle, and finally constitute the layout of this world.

After getting the practice method of the Shaking Light Holy Land, he gathered a bunch of ancient practice scriptures from Duan De, and then got the "Tao Jing". Through these top practice methods of the Shading System, Chen Nuo finally roughly analyzed and deduced the mystery of the spiritual circulation of the Shading Sky .

It is precisely because of these aura circulation channels that the aura energy in the Shading World can circulate actively and slow down the rate of decay.

Living water does not rot, and only when there is circulation, will there be vitality.

If there is no circulation, then the aura energy is dead and will soon decay completely.

However, some areas of this cosmic image are missing, the stars in it are dim, and the connection of lines is extremely weak.

These are big stars that have been broken by wars for hundreds of millions of years, or have decayed due to unknown reasons like the earth, and eventually lost the function of the aura circulation channel node.

The earth is a super planet comparable to the Big Dipper, most of the area is covered by formations and folded in time and space, only a part is revealed.

Chen Nuo looked at these lines, his mind was running to the limit, he was silent for a long time, his spiritual power was released, and with a single finger, countless lights flowed along these lines.

This is simulating the aura circulation in the shrouded world, exploring the true nature of these aura circulation channels.

The streamer flickered continuously, and every time it passed a node, instead of dimming, the streamer became brighter.

"Huh? Reverse increases the energy of spiritual energy?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Chen Nuo's eyes. If he guessed correctly, the added part was the effect of the cultivator who shrouded the sky.

The sky-covering cultivation method, star light, ray radiation, temperature, life essence, aura energy, etc. are all available, and can be absorbed and refined. At the quasi-emperor or great emperor level, it can even drain a star instantly energy of.

However, when Zhetian cultivators fight, all kinds of killing techniques are pure aura, dao patterns, and aura laws.

This is to use the sky-shrouding cultivator as a relay to reverse the material energy into spiritual energy, and further slow down the decline of spiritual energy.

It is precisely because of this that the conflict between the basic rules and the laws of aura makes this place full of short-lived ghosts.

However, this aura reversal is a bit efficient.

Chen Nuo roughly calculated, controlling the number of Zhetian cultivators and subtracting 40% of the effect, then the consumption of aura and the generation of reversal can reach a balance, and the aura will never decay and dissipate.

Of course, the price is that countless cultivators are short-lived ghosts, and most of them will not live for ten thousand years even if their combat power is as high as the sky.

Behind him, An Miaoyi looked suspicious.

With this cosmic image, she seemed to see the origin of the world.

Every time the above streamer passes through a node, the image becomes more flexible.

Sir, this is deducing the operation of the universe! !
An astonishing idea appeared in An Miaoyi's mind, it was amazing.

The Great Emperor merged with the imprint of nature and suppressed all Tao together, but that would not be able to deduce the operation of the universe.

However, Chen Nuo has achieved it now.

This surprised An Miaoyi, and even aroused a little admiration.


Ignoring the surprise of the beautiful assistant behind him, Chen Nuo frowned suddenly.

hum! ! !
The deduced image of the universe suddenly vibrated, and as time went by, the image became more and more unstable.

A few seconds later, the image suddenly collapsed, and the endless dao rhymes and the mysteries of the basic rules were blown away. An Miaoyi, who was next to her, felt the endless mysteries of the world instantly, and was almost drowned and lost in it.

"wake up!"

Chen Nuo yelled, waking An Miaoyi from her lost state, and then she frowned and fell into deep thought.


There is no problem with the deduction of the basic rules, but the cycle of aura energy is still not fully understood.

Deduce the operation of the universe, if the aura energy of the main world is completely decayed, then master the basic rules.

In a world like Zhetian, where basic rules and aura laws coexist, in addition to mastering the basic rules, you also need to master the circulation of aura energy.

At this time, the deduction failed, and the basic rules were fine, because there was a problem with the circulation of aura energy.

"It seems that I'm going to take a trip to the ancient road of trials."

Chen Nuo sighed, shook his head and stood up.

He wanted to understand the mystery of the aura circulation here, and it was obviously impossible to stay in the Big Dipper and flirt with the beautiful assistant for nothing, and work behind closed doors.

If you want to truly understand the aura circulation in the world that covers the sky, you can only visit the ancient stars of life along the ancient trial road.

"However, before that, I seem to have a vengeance to avenge. If I was calculated and let go so easily, it would make people look down upon me, Miao Yi, don't you think so?"

Chen Nuo looked at a place in Donghuang, then turned to look at An Miaoyi.

In the restricted area of ​​life in the ancient mine in the early days, the matter of the Taikoo tribe's assassination of the gods and even the emperor's soldiers attacking and killing him, if it was so easy to let go, the whole Beidou might look down on it.

A timid reformer, this will greatly hinder future reforms.

(End of this chapter)

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