Chapter 273
Revenge, especially against a fixed target who can't move and dodge, for Chen Nuo, it is undoubtedly like hitting mosquitoes on a bald head, completely avoiding the trouble of finding enemies.

"However, before that, we need to carefully calculate the defense of the ancient mine in the early days and evaluate the endurance limit of the Big Dipper.

Don't shoot down. Not only was the ancient mine in the early days unlucky, but the ancient Big Dipper also exploded as if it was hit by an anti-equipment sniper bullet. "

Various plans emerged in Chen Nuo's mind, and the battleship suddenly lifted off.

To calculate the defense of the ancient mine in the early days, there is no need to go to the field to inspect it, and it is enough to bomb a few shots from a long distance.

The battleship lifted into the air at a high speed, and the friction of the air burst into violent flames. An Miaoyi stared at the picture displayed through the porthole with wide eyes. It was the first time for her to see the ancient Big Dipper from such a high altitude.

really big!


The battleship flew up to an altitude of tens of millions of meters, and the air slowly thinned, and the distant horizon began to show an arc.

After flying for several hours, the battleship broke away from the ancient Big Dipper, and came to the starry sky like a fish jumping out of the water, with the ancient Big Dipper like a wall in front of it.

The ancient Big Dipper with a light-year diameter, when viewed from a close distance, looks like a canopy in front of it, and the light of distant super stars shines on the earth through a special space-time structure.

call out!
Time and space were slightly distorted, and the battleship drew a stream of light in the starry sky, and quickly shifted to the position corresponding to the ancient mine of Taichu, the ancient star of the Big Dipper.

The battleship vibrated slightly, and the electromagnetic mass gun barrel stretched out.

Several mass bombs were aimed at the ancient mine in the early days and fired. At the same time, the active detection system of the battleship was upgraded to the extreme, and Chen Nuo's mind was also carefully sensing it.

In the ancient mine in the early days, a group of cultivators and even the revived ancient people looked up at the sky with puzzled expressions.


In the sky, several flames fell across the sky and fell on the Taichu Ancient Mine. The aura energy fluctuated. When the mass bomb approached the Taichu Ancient Mine, countless lines appeared, and many formations were shattered. The mass bomb was completely lost before breaking through one-tenth The kinetic energy is broken.

As one of the seven forbidden areas of life, it is the one with the largest number of sources of gods and the largest number of sealed ancient emperors. There are a large number of formations in the ancient mine in the early days.

These formations not only prevent outsiders from invading casually, but also serve the purpose of defense and concealment.

"This attack, could it be that the great sage of the human race sent it? It's too funny, and he wants to attack and retaliate against our ancient race?"

"It seems that this basic rule practice method is really useless. Such a weak attack cannot even break through the formation defense. I can't see it."

"The ancestors and the holy kings are still worried, it seems that this is completely just worrying."

"The human race is still as useless as it was in the Immortal Ancient Period, nothing to worry about!"

Just out of the self-proclaimed state, a group of ancient tribes who were reborn saw the mass bomb shattered, and laughed aloud.

"Back! Let's get out of here!"

"Back, let's go!"

Because of the sudden birth of the Taikoo Clan, the great families of the Holy Land who came to the Taichu Ancient Mine looked up at the sky. The weather was fine, and the cultivators' terrifying eyesight vaguely saw the shining light spots in the sky. This was Chen Nuo's battleship.

Those who witnessed and even participated in the incident of the Demon Emperor's tomb that day frowned. After a while, the leaders hurriedly called the disciples to retreat and leave the ancient mine area in the early days.

"These human races have retreated, and their human saints are useless. It seems that they are afraid of the power of our ancient race!"

"Our ancient race was the master of this universe millions of years ago, and we will still be the master of this universe today, human race? What a joke!"

"Let's be careful, tell the Great Sage of the clan that the Great Sage of the Human Race is following us."

The major holy land families of the human race retreated, and the casual cultivators who survived in the cracks were even more powerful, and they hurriedly left after seeing this.

Because of the retreat of the human race, the tense situation instantly cooled down, leaving behind the ancient race who were wildly excited about their own race's power for millions of years.

Not all the ancient tribes were immersed in the glory of the past and could not extricate themselves. Some of the ancient tribes looked at the decisively retreating human race and felt something was wrong in their hearts. They frowned to signal everyone to be careful and informed the ancestors of the great saint level in the race.

In the outer space of the ancient Beidou star, a large amount of data suddenly appeared on the holographic screen inside the battleship.

The data is swiping the screen, and the supercomputer is doing crazy calculations.

Chen Nuo organized the information he sensed telepathically into data, imported it into the main control computer of the battleship, and added a computing module to the main control computer.

"Sir, what are we doing?"

An Miaoyi next to her couldn't understand.

Since you want to get revenge and find trouble in the restricted area of ​​life, you can go directly to the door or bombard it from a long distance. Why do you need to collect data?

Besides, she couldn't understand the data.

Basic rules cultivation method and modern technology, although both are based on basic rules, are applied in two different directions.

In the face of these scientific simulation calculation analysis, um, this is as confusing as an engineer reading cutting-edge academic papers.

"Calculate the endurance limit of the ancient Big Dipper, choose a suitable attack plan, and don't blow up the Big Dipper directly."

Chen Nuo replied. At this time, the flood of data on the holographic screen disappeared, and the huge model of the Big Dipper appeared, and data slowly appeared. Calculate the volume, hardness and energy limit of the mass bomb.

A portion of energy, the degree of damage caused is not an absolute value, but a relative value.

For example, with the same slight force, stabbing someone's arm with a chopstick and stabbing someone's arm with a needle, it is obvious that the chopsticks will not cause harm, but the needle can directly pierce the skin and penetrate the flesh and blood.

The same attack energy, if the mass bomb has a large volume, the damage caused will be directed towards the surface, not penetrating.

If the mass bomb is of average hardness, it will shatter and disintegrate instantly when it hits the target, and the energy will be released, then the attack effect will explode the surface of the Big Dipper.

Countermeasure If the whole body is made of hadronic materials, then such a mass bomb is extremely hard, and it may directly penetrate through and destroy the planet.

This is like the guns in the main world, the same gun, the same charge, and different types of warheads cause different attack effects. This is the same reason.

"Well, the energy strength of the top sage doesn't need to reveal his strength. If he just hits the unlucky ghost, I'm afraid the self-proclaimed supreme will be killed. I hope they don't have to be so unlucky."

Chen Nuo looked at the various schemes calculated by the simulation, and finally chose a scheme that would cause less damage to the star structure of the Big Dipper, and the scope would not be so wide to avoid accidental damage to the human race around the ancient mine in the early days.

Although he said he hoped that these supreme beings would not be so unlucky, he still took the coordinates where he finally sensed the disappearance of the emperor's soldiers as the main target of attack.

With the energy intensity of the top sage, it is not illusory to kill a self-proclaimed supreme.

This is the same as the case of using chopsticks and sticking a needle.

The theory of relativity developed by Comrade Einstein shows that the speed of matter cannot exceed the speed of light. Burning all the matter in the universe into energy cannot accelerate an atom to super-light speed or even equal the speed of light, but can only approach the speed of light infinitely.

According to this law, the energy of the mass bomb can be infinitely increased and superimposed, and the attack energy is incomparably condensed.

This is the biggest advantage of the mass bomb attack, and it is one of the reasons why the second-level civilization and even the super civilization can use it.

Imagine that all the energy that is comparable to that of the top sages is concentrated and condensed in a mass bomb the size of a basketball or even a tennis ball, and it breaks the surface by a point. How terrifying the attack would be.

Of course, the premise is that the target of the attack does not hide.

Chen Nuo's figure flickered, time and space distorted to form a Klein bottle, directly penetrated the battleship and came outside.

An Miaoyi inside the battleship suddenly felt her hair stand on end, and the strong magnetic field effect made the picture on the holographic screen of the battleship a little unstable.

Substance conversion, a mass bomb the size of a fist basketball was created by Chen Nuo.

The surface is superconducting material, the core is a piece of irregular hadronic material, and there is a three-dimensional cobweb-like structure made of hadronic material inside, which is used to stabilize the state and force balance of the mass bomb, including a large number of monolithic Hadron material, which is used to enhance attack power.

call out!
The mass bomb was produced and disappeared in an instant, and Chen Nuo's side accelerated along the magnetic field trajectory.

(End of this chapter)

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