Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 274 The Terrifying Power of Mass Bombs

Chapter 274 The Terrifying Power of Mass Bombs


In an instant, An Miaoyi in the battleship felt a terrifying spiritual warning, which was a spontaneous spiritual warning standing next to a crisis that could destroy her.

Even though Chen Nuo's attack target wasn't her, his mind still instinctively warned her that there was a terrifying existence around him that could easily kill her.


In the ancient mine in the early days, a group of ancient tribes above the level of Xiantai raised their heads subconsciously, and they all felt the spiritual warning from space.

Chen Nuo didn't hide his intention of attacking, everything was so aboveboard.

Mind warning, a group of people from the Taikoo tribe did not hesitate, so they had to flee from where they were.

"Want to escape?"

In space, Chen Nuo was paying attention to the situation of the Big Dipper below. With a thought, the time and space around the ancient mine in the early days oscillated.

Chen Nuo's time and space shocks at such a long distance are still unable to shake the interior of the ancient mine in the early days, but the same is true for the surrounding areas.

Without space teleportation, space jumping, or even curvature navigation, and only relying on physical movement, then this group of ancient people is doomed to be unable to escape the ancient mine before the attack arrives.

"what exactly is it?"

"What attack does the Great Sage want to launch?"

The human cultivators who had left the ancient mine in the early days also felt something was wrong at this time, and their hearts had faintly felt the terrifying power from above their heads.

This is not a physical power, but a spiritual feeling from an extraordinary practitioner.

It's terrifying, facing this power, they have a feeling that they will be wiped out when they touch it.

From Chen Nuo leaving the battleship to the blockade of time and space seemed to be a long time, but according to the reaction speed of the cultivator, it took less than a few seconds.

In space, ripples appeared in the time and space around Chen Nuo who controlled the acceleration of the mass bomb, and the gravitational waves spread continuously like waves hitting the shore.

This is not because he manipulated the gravitational waves emitted by space-time, but because the velocity of the mass bomb has reached a certain level, and the velocity shakes the gravitational fluctuations caused by space-time.

The general theory of relativity reveals the relationship between gravity and space-time.

Special relativity, which reveals that matter cannot exceed the speed of light, and the relationship between speed, mass, and space-time.

The two major theories of relativity have almost clarified the mysteries of the surface layer of time and space.

As for the deeper mysteries, it belongs to the relationship between time and space, matter, and energy.

The mass bomb accelerated for less than 5 seconds. Chen Nuo's spiritual power suddenly exploded, and time and space were distorted. Carrying the super-light speed to the ancient ancient mine of the Big Dipper!

The attack point was aimed at the coordinates where the emperor's soldiers were last sensed to disappear!

Because Chen Nuo didn't hide his attack intention at all, at the moment when the mass bomb derailed, the Big Dipper and the ancient tribes who broke out of the ancient mine in the early days all felt it, and the human cultivators around the ancient mine in the early days also felt a chill It seemed that a great horror was coming.

"Ancestor help!"

"Ancestor help!"

The greatest horror in the world is life and death. The fatal life threat felt by the soul caused countless ancient tribes to collapse and cry out for help from the self-appointed great sage ancestor in the restricted area.

At the core of the life forbidden area of ​​the ancient mine in the early days, at the moment when Chen Nuo's mass bomb derailed, some eyes opened and then closed again.

But one pair of eyes was an exception. The divine sense swept over them, and intense anger and tyranny suddenly appeared in the eyes.

He is the main point of attack in this dog day's attack!
Everyone's reaction was short-lived. The mass bounced into the Big Dipper's atmosphere, and the space bubble collapsed. The mass bomb inside flashed a stream of light, setting off terrifying space-time ripples, rubbing violent flames, and blasting fiercely towards the core area of ​​the ancient mine in the early days.

hum! ! !
The vibration of time and space is the first to spread and spread, creating a hum at the spiritual level.

In the next moment, countless streaks appeared, but it was like a balloon filled with water met with a sharp needle, and the defensive formations were broken layer by layer.

The aura set off a storm, and every time the mass bomb penetrated a layer of Dao pattern formation, endless rays of light would bloom.

The Big Dipper Taichu ancient mine area is lit up!

"Human race, you dare!"

Suddenly, there were several extremely angry shouts.

Nine great sages of the ancient clan, including the Guangming clan, the Chixiao clan, the Zidian clan, Kunzhou, Yanqi, and the Golden clan, were broken!


Dao patterns flickered, one after another killing magic attacks were launched, and the nine great saints who broke the seal rushed towards the mass bomb.

The time and space would almost be shattered if the attack of killing magic hit, even if it weren't for the ancient mine of Taichu with countless streak formations, the Big Dipper might be destroyed.


Suddenly, a trace of panic flashed across the expression of the golden saint who rushed to the front.

Their attacks shattered the mass bomb, and the superconducting material and hadronic material collapsed, but the shattered superconducting material fragments and hadronic material core still rushed down at an extremely fast speed, and their power was hardly affected at all.

This is not fantasy!

In the previous battles, as long as the enemy's attack was smashed, the killing technique composed of dao patterns would be scattered, and turned into aura energy and sound and light effects that could kill low-level ones but hardly harm the same level.

However, what kind of mass bomb is obviously broken, and the energy contained in it is still hardly reduced at all.

This completely overturned their previous combat experience!
Falling into previous combat experience, the consequences brought to them are unacceptable
"Go back!"

Fear flashed in the eyes of the last great sage of the Guangming clan, and he was shouting loudly. This is not a conventional sound, but a vibration of spiritual thoughts.

But in the face of a mass bomb that is infinitely close to the speed of light and space-time shocks, it has become a luxury to retreat.

The extremely hard core of hadronic material pierced through the golden mahatma in front, and then pierced through the four mahatmas including Kunzhou mahatma behind, and then the disintegrated superconducting material bombarded them.

Compared with hadron materials, the hardness of superconducting materials is not so high. An explosion occurred at the moment of the collision, and the endless energy contained in it was completely released, completely submerging the four people including Jin Dasheng.

Most of the remaining energy continued to penetrate, spreading from point to surface and continued to submerge the remaining 5 people, among which the shrapnel of hadron material also penetrated their bodies.

The Great Sage Guangming was squeezed out of the space covered in blood, and in front of him was the terrifying high temperature of energy and the squeeze and distortion of time and space.

Energy conduction has a speed, the superconducting material of the mass bomb partially collapses, and the endless energy contained in it is released in an instant. The accumulated energy cannot be diffused and diluted, so that the temperature in this area rises to tens of billions of degrees Celsius in an instant. It also caused space-time warping and squeezing.

"Human Race!!!"

The Great Sage of Light shouted loudly, with endless remorse and resentment in his voice.

The shrapnel of hadronic material had pierced through his body, and his defense was no longer flawless.

These pierced loopholes were their weaknesses, the surrounding extreme high temperature and energy eroded in from these weaknesses, burning and devouring his body, and finally completely vaporized the whole body.

The mass bomb collapsed, and the superconducting material part and hadronic material shrapnel killed 9 saints in one fell swoop.

The rest of the fist-sized mass bomb core made of hadron materials also became unstable in the collision penetration structure just now.

The core shattered into several pieces, surrounded by countless shrapnel of hadronic materials, forming a cluster bomb-like attack effect, wrapped in endless energy, and continued to bombard the ancient mine in the early days, and bombarded the emperor who gave him the emperor's way , the one who is hidden in the Supreme!
 I'm getting off work late, first two updates, and the second one, brothers, I'll watch it tomorrow morning
(End of this chapter)

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