Chapter 275

A practitioner's thinking speed is very fast, and telepathy is a peculiar superluminal effect. Although the mass bomb is infinitely close to the speed of light, it is still enough for a powerful practitioner to miss thousands of times in his dreams in an instant.

The Supreme who woke up from self-appointment, looked irritable and tangled in his heart.

He felt that this weird mass bomb attack could cause him harm, but it was also a dilemma to break through the source of God and avoid it.

They are no longer people of this era. They have been self-proclaimed for so many years, their original source has decayed, and their lifespan has been exhausted. At this time, every time they are born, they will consume the already rotten original source.

Once born to escape, although there is no excessive consumption of the source in battle, and there is no need to launch a dark turmoil, the precious source will still be consumed.

It's all about life!
The core of the mass bomb is like an extremely sharp thorn, piercing through the Dao pattern formation of the ancient mine in the early days. The deeper the formation, the higher the defensiveness of the formation. The original instant penetration has evolved into a broken glass sky.

With the shattering of the Dao pattern formation, the spiritual energy set off a storm, and endless brilliance bloomed.

It can be foreseen that after this time, the Dao pattern formation of the Taichu Ancient Mine will not be restored for ten thousand years.

Before it is completely restored, the defense and concealment must drop several steps.

In terms of the amount of energy, the energy contained in the mass bomb is only at the level of the top sages. It is impossible to kill 9 sages in this way, and it also penetrates the defensive formations of the ancient mines in the early days, and even threatens a supreme one.

But just like the difference between chopsticks and needles.

If the killing technique of the Shading System is likened to stabbing people with a super stick, then the quality bomb is like stabbing people with a needle.

Under the same power, the energy of the mass bomb is extremely concentrated and condensed, and when it explodes at one point, any defensive formations are scum, and any great saints are illusory.

"Human Chen Nuo!"

The attack was approaching, and seeing that the defensive formation of the ancient mine in the early days did not have much loss to the mass bomb, the hidden supreme roared, and the source of God collapsed, and his figure turned into a streamer and rushed towards the mass bomb!
He can't really let this mass bomb fall to the ground. If this is the case, most of the ancient mines in the early days will be destroyed.

Although this is related to the interests of all the Supreme Ancient Mine and even the Holy Emperor, if Chen Nuo does this, if he really wants to destroy the Ancient Mine, he and even the human race will become the target of venting their anger.

But the root of this disaster was caused by him.

Countless sources of gods are broken, and Chen Nuo and the human race will of course be liquidated.

In the future, he is also likely to be besieged by the group of Supreme Holy Emperors who have completely abandoned the bottom line and race, and turned into complete egoists.

This is not only a target shooting, but also a psychological game.

Obviously, Chen Nuo won.

Or that he must win.

He promotes the basic rule practice method that has no requirements for cultivation qualifications and physical resources, which is naturally the opposite of the Supreme.

Because this is a practice method that everyone is like a dragon, and it is a practice method that ushers in a new era and a new era.

Cultivation is a concept at the macro level. If one of the 1 million people can break through, then there will be 10 or even a hundred of the 10 billion or [-] billion people.

The terrifying base will surely create countless top practitioners.

In the dark and turbulent, the great sage and even the quasi-emperor are supplements, but facing a group of paoges and sisters who are at the level of a great sage in the army, and facing a group of paoges and sisters who are at the level of quasi-emperors, please try it?
Not to mention that Chen Nuo also shouted out that I have a dream, to make everyone equal, to make immortals and mortals have equal human rights, which greatly weakened and restricted the rights of the emperor and even the queen.

He was an enemy in the first place, so he didn't care whether he was offended or not, whether he became a thorn in his side or not.

If we really want to destroy the ancient mine in the early days, this group of supreme beings will definitely not start killing at this time, and then consume too much energy to start a dark turmoil.

They are drooling at the basic cultivation method but dare not switch to cultivation, and they still have to wait for the road to immortality to open.

The ancient mine in the early days was destroyed, the source of God was shattered, and they endured a million years of coercion. They have no backbone in order to survive, and they will definitely change to another place without saying a word.

Enmity, resentment, all wait for the road to immortality to be opened before liquidation.

As long as Chen Nuo doesn't mess with them again and again, they will be cowardly and lie there motionless for you to fuck.

The Big Dipper vibrated, countless dao patterns appeared and disappeared in the void, and infinite brilliance bloomed, covering the entire ancient mine in the early days.

"Shouldn't it hang up?"

Space, Chen Nuo was frightened by the vast collision, and couldn't help muttering.

Supreme's killing magic blasted out, cutting off his telepathy, and for the time being he didn't know what happened in the center.

A few seconds later, the brilliance slowly dimmed, the void pattern of the Big Dipper disappeared again, and the picture of the ancient mine in the early days re-entered Chen Nuo's perception.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

The blood dripped down, and every drop caused the ancient mine to tremble. Endless power burst out from the blood, and countless Dao patterns emerged, isolating and suppressing the outbreak of the blood.

This is the dao pattern of the ancient mine in the early days. Only this special restricted life zone can withstand the blood of the supreme being.

Chen Nuo narrowed his eyes, and with a random move, more than 500 mass bombs were manufactured and entered accelerated relief.

At the same moment, time and space oscillated, blocking space jumps as much as possible.

The core of the mass bullet that blocked the hadronic material was injured.

The palms were bloody and bloody, and the bare bones were cracked with several cracks, and the body was also cut with scars by the shrapnel of the hadron material, and blood was dripping down.

It is not clear about the extent of the injury and wear and tear, whether there is a need for a dark turmoil, but Chen Nuo has to guard against it.

Once the opponent acts recklessly, the 500 mass bombs of Zhundi's power level will block all the dodging space and pour them down hard!

The injured Supreme looked up at the sky, looking at Chen Nuo, especially the mass bombs around Chen Nuo that were accelerating like a hula hoop, and his expression flashed a gloomy look.

"Human Chen Nuo, very good, very good!"

A ray of brilliance emerged, and the wounds on the supreme being healed, and even the dripping blood returned to his body.

Every drop of blood is the source of essence and cannot be wasted.

After doing this, he turned into a streamer and flew towards the more core area of ​​the Taichu Ancient Mine. After finding a piece of Yuanyuan, he sealed himself up and buried him on the spot.

Although the blocking mass bomb injured him and lost some of his origin, the loss was not too serious, and it could still last until the road to immortality opened.

The only shortcoming of the basic rule cultivation method is pure kinetic energy or physical attack, which does not contain spiritual thoughts or spiritual attacks.

In this way, unless the opponent is completely bombarded, or the entropy changes the opponent, it will be more difficult to completely kill the enemy.

Of course, Chen Nuo will also attack and obliterate at the spiritual level, and the Chaos Martial Arts Will is such a thing.

However, the attack range of this thing is limited, and it is suitable for close-quarters fist-to-flesh fights. It is far less chic than Paoge.

"It's really cowardly."

Chen Nuo smacked his lips and waved his hand casually. The speed of the mass bombs accelerated by the surrounding hula hoops was decreasing, and soon stopped.

It was really beyond his expectation that the supreme being admitted so simply, he thought it would be over after a fight.

Time and space are distorted, the structure of the Klein bottle runs through three dimensions, and Chen Nuo's figure penetrates the battleship and returns inside.

As soon as he returned to the battleship, a pair of eyes full of shock and watery eyes looked at him.

(End of this chapter)

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