Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 277 Ye Fan: There is a dog urging me to marry a wife!

Chapter 277 Ye Fan: There is a dog urging me to marry a wife!

In Yuancheng under the jurisdiction of Yaochi Holy Land, a group of three or four people were walking, and one of them was a big black dog with shiny black hair and a three or four-year-old girl on its back.

When walking, the little girl patted the dog's head with her fleshy slap from time to time. At this time, the big black dog's eyes would show humane eyes, and it seemed reluctant to grin its teeth, but it didn't dare to resist.

"Didn't it mean the Fairy Fairyland? Why don't you see anyone?"

A handsome young man who was following Ye Fan looked at the quiet Yuancheng with a puzzled expression.

In Yuancheng, although there are still people coming and going, but if you feel carefully, you will find that they are all low-level or even ordinary people, and all the bosses with relatively high levels are gone.

This is Tu Fei, a descendant of the thirteen bandits who met Ye Fan on the road.

Although because Chen Nuo and Ye Fan stood together in the tomb of the Demon Emperor, Ye Fan did not go out of the Lingxu Cave and become enemies all the way like in the original book.

However, the cultivation method based on the basic rules, with the scientific thinking and related learning experience cultivated by the earth, has made amazing progress, and it is still being targeted by the major holy land families.

"It seems that Mr. Chen is coming, and they are going to greet him."

Ye Fan looked up at the sky. Practitioners in Donghuang almost felt the situation when Chen Nuo fired at the ancient mine in space just now.

"It's really enviable. They are obviously enemies from different camps. When they come, the enemies will come to greet them."

Tu Fei's tone was full of envy.

He is not a fool, on the contrary, he is very smart, and he has a thorough understanding of the situation.

At the mausoleum of the demon emperor, Chen Nuo fought against the six families of the Holy Land, and sealed six emperor soldiers. In addition, he shouted out that I have a dream, to promote the cultivation method of basic rules and establish a world where everyone is equal.

Chen Nuo was born to stand on the opposite side of the great families of the holy lands, such class enemies of different camps, Chen Nuo would come to greet them at the door of the great families of the holy lands, this posture is not enviable.

"The top sage who is less than a hundred years old, Mr. Chen is already No. 1 standing in Donghuang and even the entire Big Dipper ancient star. His dream and the world he wants to build have a high probability of success, and the basic rule practice method will definitely be promoted.

Class struggle is a struggle, and the families of the major holy lands still have to maintain a respect on the surface, so that they will not lose their mouths, and at the same time, they can leave a way out. "

Ye Fan shook his head. Although he didn't fully understand some of the twists and turns, he did understand a little.

This is the same as if the two countries are at war without beheading the envoy.

Although the two sides have formed a substantial class struggle, Chen Nuo, as Beidou No.1, Chen Nuo's strength, including his standing on the standpoint of the general public, shouted "I have a dream."

In this way, even if the great families in the Holy Land were upset and wished that Chen Nuo would go out and crash into a black hole and die, and there were countless black hands in the dark, before Chen Nuo really turned the table, he still had to maintain a kindness and respect for the strong on the surface.

This is not only to preserve a way out, to avoid being liquidated by Chen Nuo if he fails, but also for his own current interests.

Without true transcendence, even the Holy Land family cannot survive independently of the world. A large part of their resources and outstanding disciples come from the outside world, which requires an outside reputation.

The essence of political showmanship is nothing more than this.

"These aristocratic families and holy land sects are giants in the eyes of the few of us, but in the eyes of Mr. Chen, I'm afraid they really don't take them seriously.

Just now, the super electromagnetic gun in space shook the Big Dipper, and the ancient mine in the early days was almost shattered, and the light covered the entire Eastern Wasteland.

I don't know how many people were killed and injured in the ancient mine in the early days in the attack just now, and even the ancient people who had already been born were suffocated again. "

Ye Fanshen was emotional, that action deterred the restricted life zone of the ancient mine in the early days, shocked the power of the ancient Big Dipper, and made him yearn for it.

"Little Yezi, switch to the cultivation method of opening up the sea of ​​suffering, and practice the cultivation method of the four great secret realms. You have already obtained the Yuantian Book, and the ancient sacred body can have sufficient resources for cultivation.

What basic rules of practice, what electromagnetic guns, are all scum in front of the holy body!

Wait for the emperor to find you a congenital Taoist fetus to be your wife. The two of you will work hard to give birth to a congenital holy body Taoist fetus. As long as you inherit the great emperor's Taoist lineage, you will be the most pinnacle people in this universe.

The Dao of the Great Emperor suppresses all ways, and the cultivation method of the basic rules is not worth mentioning in the face of the imprint of Tianxin of the Great Emperor, and the power of the Dao of the Great Emperor! "

At this time, the big black dog who was supporting the little girl next to him grinned and urged Ye Fan to change his cultivation in an arrogant tone.

After discovering that Ye Fan was an ancient sacred body, he was still practicing basic cultivation methods and failed to develop the potential of the holy body. The big black dog has been urging Ye Fan to switch to practice.

For ancient physiques such as holy body and divine body, the basic rules of practice are poisonous.

With the improvement of the basic cultivation method, the transformation of the cells, and the branding of the basic rules, the potential and blood of the holy body and the divine body will recede, and finally completely dissipate, turning into a mediocre mortal body.

For the Black Emperor, who was determined to resurrect Wushi Great Emperor and inherit Wushi Great Emperor's orthodoxy, it was undoubtedly something he wanted to kill.

The plan in his heart is that the innate sacramental body is rare to see in the ages, but the holy body and the innate daoist body are easier to find.

As long as Ye Fan's ancient holy body is paired with a girl who is born with a congenital Taoist body, and the combination of the two is 1+1=3, there is a high probability that a congenital holy body will be born to inherit the lineage of Emperor Wushi.

However, after getting out with Ye Fan, I discovered that Ye Fan didn't practice to develop the potential of the Eucharist, but was practicing some basic rules of practice. The more he practiced this thing, the more the potential blood of the Eucharist would retreat.

How could this not make the Black Emperor anxious.

"Currently, the cultivation method based on the basic rules is quite good. There is no need to transfer to the fourth-level secret realm cultivation method to develop the potential of the ancient holy body. I worry about the source of God every day."

Ye Fan shook his head.

It's not that he cares about the longer lifespan of the basic rule practice method, he doesn't care too much about lifespan, or he doesn't have a clear concept.

As an ordinary person in the past, he has just embarked on the road of cultivation at this stage. Whether it is a lifespan of ten thousand years or a lifespan of hundreds of millions of years, it is too far away for him.

This is the same as for a person with a net worth of only 100 yuan, there is no difference between 1 million and 10 billion. The gap is too big to be imagined, and there is no clear concept.

Choose the basic practice method one is to practice the basic rule practice method first. This does not require too many resources, and it feels good to practice.

Second, if you want to transfer to the fourth-level secret realm to develop the ancient sacred body, even though you have the source book, you still need to take risks to gamble on stones, and even venture into the source mining area with various strange and unknown sources.

His Yuantian Book, this time he did not venture into Zishan to get it like the original book, but picked it up on the road.

Since he came to Big Dipper, he has been picking things up a lot.

Picking up a copy of the Yuantian Book gave him another choice in his cultivation path. If the basic rule cultivation method fails, he can switch to the fourth-level secret realm cultivation method before the blood potential completely recedes to develop the potential of the ancient holy body.

This is also the reason why the big black dog has been urging Ye Fan to switch to cultivation.

If Ye Fan didn't have the source book and couldn't get the resources of God, no matter how dark he was, he wouldn't be able to encourage Ye Fan to go down a dead end.

"Big dog, don't hurt my brother, the emperor is a short-lived ghost, do you want my brother to die in ten thousand years?"

Ye Fan didn't wait for the big black dog to answer, the little girl patted the dog's head wildly with her white and tender hands, pouted her mouth, and shouted crisply:
"The cultivation method of the fourth-level secret realm has reached the peak is the emperor, and the way of the emperor is to suppress Wan Dao.

However, the peak of the basic rule cultivation method is higher than the emperor's level, and it is impossible for the Tianxin imprint to suppress people who are stronger than yourself, big black dog, you are bragging! "


After being told by the little girl, the big black dog who was so proud just a moment ago, suddenly froze.

He is also aware of the gap between the existing four-level secret realm cultivation method and the basic rule cultivation method.

The universe and the world are constantly changing. After the ancient times, the aura energy of the universe has dropped to a lower level, and the environment has become more and more unsuitable for cultivation.

One is a cultivation system that gradually fails to adapt to the environment, is doomed to gradually decline, and has strict requirements on physical fitness and resources. Only a small number of people can practice it.

One is to create a new training system that fits the future environment, can be peaked for countless years, does not require physical fitness or resources, and can be practiced by everyone.

Which one is more important, which practice method is better, not a fool can understand.

God knows how shocked he was after knowing the basic rules of practice and seeing Ye Fan practicing and verifying that this practice is true.

The person who created this practice is definitely a rare genius.

But this is not in line with his original intention.

He also hoped to find Ye Fan a congenital Taoist wife, and combine the two to create a congenital holy body Taoist child, so as to pass on the lineage of Emperor Wushi.

"No matter what, the emperor's orthodoxy cannot be cut off. This emperor must stop this kid, let him maintain the blood of the ancient holy body, and give birth to an innate sacramental body to inherit the emperor's orthodoxy."

"A person stands at thirty, and other people have their children in pairs at the age of 30. This kid is still single when he is over 30."

Heihuang made up his mind in his heart, and walked on the street with his little daughter, but the dog's eyes were rolling around.

Since Ye Fan doesn't want to change cultivation, he can only find a congenital Taoist wife for Ye Fan before Ye Fan's cultivation reaches a certain level and before the physique and blood of the ancient holy body are completely weakened.

As long as the innate sacramental body is created to inherit the orthodoxy of Emperor Wushi, then Ye Fan doesn't care what he practices.

 Don’t take a nap, let’s finish yesterday’s chapter first, and Chapter 2 before [-] o’clock, Mantis will go to have a meal now

(End of this chapter)

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