Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 278 is what he meant

Chapter 278 is what he meant

"Hei Tailang, what are you trying to do when you turn your eyes around?"

The practitioner felt telepathic, and Ye Fan suddenly turned to look at the Black Emperor.

This big black dog is not only good at biting, but also scheming, treacherous and black-bellied.

At this time, the eyeballs are rolling so fast, nine out of ten they are calculating something, most likely they are calculating themselves.

"Little Yezi, don't slander the dog casually, when did this dog plot against you?"

Ye Fan asked suddenly, and the big black dog shouted hastily.

"Damn it, you said you didn't plan on me. I was asking what you want to do. You didn't say you were planning on me, but you explained it yourself!"

Ye Fan was stunned for a moment, and immediately kicked him hard, but was run away by the dog.

"Hei Tailang, stop for me!"

"Your uncle, if you don't explain clearly today, I will never end with you!"

Not understanding what the Heihuang was planning, Ye Fan felt more and more bad in his heart, and his figure flickered to catch up.

"Random chasing is prohibited in Yuan City!"

"Random chasing is prohibited in Yuan City!"

Before Ye Fan could catch up, the law enforcement team in Yuancheng appeared and stopped one person and one dog suddenly.

The sudden pursuit turned the attention of the people around to Ye Fan and the big black dog.

"Isn't this the one called... Yes, Ye Fan?"

"Yes, it's him. The Demon Emperor's Mausoleum and the Great Sage stood together. Later, he took more than a dozen psychic treasures for auction. It is said that he also obtained the inheritance of Yuan Tianshi. A friend of mine saw him betting on stones."

"The inheritance of Master Yuan?"

"Really, isn't he practicing the basic rules of practice, so he can't use the spells of the fourth-level secret realm? Is this Yuan Tianshi's inheritance still usable?"

In an instant, the eyes of the people around them lit up.

Yuan Tianshi = walking god source = endless wealth.


I was hurt by this black dog!

The change in the eyes of the people around made Ye Fan's heart skip a beat.

The big black dog in front also stopped at this time, with a listless expression.

He found that the chase between the two seemed to cause Ye Fan a lot of trouble.

"So it's Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, it's forbidden to chase and fight in Yuancheng and affect the peace of the city, according to the city regulations, you need to pay a fine.

In addition, we also need to determine whether your pursuit has caused harm to other low-strength practitioners or ordinary people. If so, you need to pay compensation to them. "

The source city law enforcement team couldn't help being stunned when they heard the comments from the people around them.

Carefully looking at Ye Fan's appearance and temperament, after confirming that it was Ye Fan, he waved his hands and showed the city planning regulations without being humble, and demanded a fine and compensation from Ye Fan.

If a practitioner's running is not controlled, it can cause a gust of wind or even a sonic boom at will.

Not all people are cultivators, and ordinary people or people with low strength account for a large proportion of the city's population.

If a city wants to develop steadily and coexist harmoniously, city management and law enforcement must be indispensable.

Really want to let the cultivators chase and kill in the city, or let the cultivators chase in the city.

Then most of the low-level cultivators and even ordinary people in the city may die in a short time, let alone maintain the operation and development of the city.

"It should be."

Ye Fan calmed down and cooperated.

"Thank you Mr. Ye for your cooperation. Is that psychic black dog your pet? Do you pay his fine together, or do you find him?"

Seeing Ye Fan's cooperation, the captain of the law enforcement breathed a sigh of relief, and asked what to do with the Black Emperor.

Although he was also thumping in his heart when he heard that Ye Fan had the inheritance of the Yuantian Book, but he was very self-aware that this was not something he could interfere with.

Whether it is Ye Fan, who seems to be ordinary but has an unusual relationship with Chen Nuo, or his inheritance from Yuan Tianshi, he is not qualified to provoke him.

"Let's go together."

Ye Fan nodded. At this time, several other people from the law enforcement team who went around to confirm the situation also came back.

No casualties were caused, Ye Fan didn't need to pay compensation, he only needed to pay a fine.

"Young master Ye, since you are practicing the basic rules of practice, the inheritance of Yuan Tianshi is no longer available, so I wonder if it can be traded?"

Ye Fan paid the fine, and as soon as the law enforcement team left, a young man walked by.

Following the young man, other people came together, surrounding Ye Fan.

There was no noise or fight, no threats or threats, but the eyes and attitude clearly expressed the meaning.

The people who can stand up are either from the Huanggu family or the disciples of the Holy Land University Sect. Surrounded by such a group of people, Ye Fan immediately felt great pressure.

Although he was not very afraid of this group of people, each of them represented a faction, and if they offended them all, it would be difficult for them to move forward in the Big Dipper in the future.

However, it was not his original intention to directly give up the inheritance of Yuan Tianshi.

"What? In the territory of the Yaochi Holy Land, the ancient world and the geology of the Holy Land Dajiao have also engaged in intimidation and coercion."

Seeing Ye Fan's entanglement, Tu Fei behind him came up and shouted carelessly.

"This young master is joking. We are talking to young master Ye, and we plan to invite young master Ye to have a discussion."

A beautiful saintess chuckled, and simply replaced the behavior of surrounding people with chatting and inviting discussions.

Although it is coercion, it is not suitable to say it in the open.

"Yes, let's chat with Mr. Ye, who are you? Come and stop!"

A disciple of the Five Elements Palace in the Northern Territory pointed at Tu Fei.

"Chat? We don't chat."

Tu Fei countered: "If you continue to stop us, we will regard you as a provocation. Don't blame us for being impolite. If you hit you, it's justified!"

"Ye Fan, let's go."

After finishing speaking, Tu Fei called Ye Fan to leave.

This is the territory of the Holy Land of Yaochi, it wasn't that before Pingyan City could act recklessly, he didn't believe that this group of people from the Holy Land family would dare to do things.

"Little brother, I haven't asked about your identity yet, let's go chat and drink tea together."

Tu Fei wanted to leave, but the chief disciple of the Disillusionment Palace of the Great Sect of the Northern Territory laughed lightly, and continued to stop him with his hand.

"Yes, since you are brother Ye's friend, then you are our friend. We haven't seen Mr. Ye for a long time, let's go get together."

From the ancient family, a disciple of the Jiang family answered with a smile.

Their attitudes and tone were very friendly, as if they were meeting Ye Fan's real friends and wanted to chat with each other.

However, it is this kind of "friendly" attitude that is the most difficult to deal with.

If it were to stop them with malicious words, Tu Fei and Ye Fan broke out directly, and beating people was justified.

"Is this how your Holy Land family receives you?"

Ye Fan looked at the Jiang family, Palace of Disillusionment and others, his voice became cold.

He didn't want to bear it any longer.

Even though he knew in his heart that the other party was intentionally provoking trouble and angering him, and then snatching the inheritance of Yuan Tianshi after taking advantage of it, he still didn't want to bear it any longer.

"Brother Ye, you are wrong, we kindly invited you to chat and drink tea, why do you still speak ill of each other!"

The few people who stopped Ye Fan looked at each other, and a tacit smile flashed in their eyes. The next moment, the disciples of the Jiang family frowned and questioned Ye Fan sullenly.

"Boy Ye, it's useless to talk too much, let's go directly to this group of hypocrites!"

Suddenly, the big black dog not far away was barking, and he couldn't bear to watch it.

This group of hypocritical faces.

"Is this what you mean, Brother Ye?"

The eldest disciple of the Five Elements Palace frowned and looked at Ye Fan.

The momentum on their bodies is rising, and the dao patterns are shining. It seems that as long as Ye Fan nods or agrees, they will immediately take advantage of the situation to snatch the inheritance of Yuan Tianshi.

"It's what he meant!"

Ye Fan took a deep breath, and when he was about to make a move, a voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

Chen Nuo walked in at the city gate with An Miaoyi, glanced at the people surrounding Ye Fan, and then turned to look at the following group of ancient aristocratic families and the heads of the Holy Land Great Religion, including the elders.

"Patriarch Jiang, Master of the Five Elements Palace, Master of Disillusionment Palace, including the Patriarchs, Holy Masters, and Elders of other remote ancient families and the Holy Land Great Religion, how about Chen asking you to chat and drink tea?"

The tone is gentle and the words are friendly.

Chen Nuo was smiling, as if a real friend met and invited a guest to chat and drink tea.

(End of this chapter)

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