Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 279 Ye Fan: Not So Much

Chapter 279 Ye Fan: Not So Much

Chen Nuo was smiling, but none of the saints around him dared to relax.

Invite them to chat and drink tea, who wants to drink this kind of tea that will never come back?
In an instant, more than a dozen murderous eyes looked at the young people surrounding Ye Fan.

These bastards need to be cleaned up!

Knowing that Ye Fan has a close relationship with Chen Nuo, he would not rob anyone, but wanted to rob Ye Fan's things.

"Mr. Chen"

Seeing the solemn atmosphere, the Queen Mother of Yaochi Holy Land hesitated for a moment, and stood up to intercede.

As a human being, this is also the reason why there are no Yaochi Holy Land disciples among the junior disciples who surrounded Ye Fan, otherwise she would have no face to stand up.

"Big brother!"

Before Chen Nuo pronounced the fate of the great families of the Holy Land, the little girl riding on the big black dog had already seen Chen Nuo, and ran towards Chen Nuo with a full face.


Chen Nuo glanced at the great families of the Holy Land, then squatted down in response, and hugged the little girl who rushed over with her arms.

"Have you ever thought about your big brother, little girl?"

Reaching out to pinch the little girl's face, Chen Nuo asked gently.

The little girl recognized him after a few years, which means that the little girl's flaws have been made up for by the elixir, and she no longer has amnesia.

"I want to! Little girl misses big brother, and big brother's candy!"

The little girl happily replied, when it came to the candies later, she looked at Chen Nuo with anticipation.

Obviously, the candy in the back is the focus.

"Little girl!"

Behind him, Ye Fan shouted in embarrassment.

He knows what the candy that the little girl is thinking about is.

Immortality medicine, this is a rare treasure for the emperor, how can it be so easy to obtain.

"The candy you ate last time is gone, can big brother bring it for you next time? Little girl, try these candies first."

Chen Nuo chuckled, and rubbed the little girl's head. The transformation of matter produced some ordinary candies from the earth, with various flavors.

"OK then."

The little girl was a little disappointed when she heard that the candy she ate last time was gone. She took a piece of candy that Chen Nuo peeled off, her eyes lit up, and she said in surprise, "Big brother, this one is even more delicious than the previous one!"


Ye Fan was speechless for a moment. What the emotional little girl was thinking about was the taste of candy, not the effect of the elixir.

"If it's delicious, then eat more."

Chen Nuo handed all the candies in his hand to the little girl, hugged her and stood up, looking at the patriarchs and elders of the families in the holy lands.

"Nie Zi, Nie Zi, hurry up and apologize!"

Sensing Chen Nuo's gaze, a group of holy masters shouted hastily.

"You don't need to apologize like me, just apologize to Ye Fan."

Chen Nuo said something, and walked to the inside of the Fairyland with the little girl in his arms.

"Little brother, we did not discipline our disciples well and offended you just now. I wonder what compensation you want for the basic rules of cultivation you practice?"

Chen Nuo left simply, and the Holy Master Da Neng who was left behind was almost entangled to death. He gritted his teeth and walked to Ye Fan to sincerely apologize.

This kind of compensation where the initiative is completely in the hands of others is the most painful. If Chen Nuo asks for a price, how much money is needed and how much compensation is needed, then it is straightforward.

How much compensation should be paid for this kind of unclear compensation?

If there is too much, I feel bad, if there is too little, I am afraid that Chen Nuo will be dissatisfied and shoot them to death. The psychological pressure will be great, okay?

Furthermore, it is still unknown what Ye Fan can use based on the basic rules of practice.

"I don't need psychic treasures or anything. All the holy lords can give the boy some origin stones."

Ye Fan had a decent attitude, and bowed to indicate that it doesn't take too much, just give some source stones rich in aura.

He is not Chen Nuo, who came from another world. His body transforms. He can absorb spiritual energy to transform. If he has enough origin stones, he will definitely cultivate faster.

Of course, without origin stones, spiritual power can also transform the body. There is no hard requirement for resources. The only difference is that the cultivation speed is a little slower.

"I don't know how many origin stones my little brother wants?"

Seeing that Ye Fan only wanted the source stone, the surrounding Holy Master Da Neng breathed a sigh of relief.

Origin stone, it's simple, it's not a divine source, it's not a psychic treasure, so that's easy to say.

"The boy doesn't quite understand these things, so it's fine for all the Holy Masters to make sense of it."

Ye Fan looked shy and seemed a little embarrassed, but he glanced at Chen Nuo.

He really doesn't know how much compensation he can get. It is most appropriate to pretend to be stupid like this, to let the families of the Holy Land pay for themselves, so as to obtain the greatest benefits.

If you give more than you expected, then accept it silently, if you give less, then let’s talk.

Anyway, Chen Nuo is supporting him, as long as it's not too much, then forgive this group of unreasonable Holy Land families who dare not refuse.

This is similar to the situation in the past when buying and selling things on the earth and asking the other party to make an offer first. If the other party is satisfied with the asking price and makes a profit, then the transaction, if the asking price is too high, then we can negotiate.

In any case, you are not at a loss, so you can avoid revealing the bottom line by asking yourself the price first.


All the holy masters want to turn the tables. When you say what you mean, can you not look at Chen Nuo?

"How about 200 million catties of Origin Stone?"

Master Jiang gritted his teeth and reported a compensation amount.

In the original book, Ye Fan gambled on stones and cut out a million-jin worth of origin stones, and he was hunted down. Two million catties is considered a high compensation.

"Our Five Elements Palace will also compensate the little brother with 200 million catties of origin stones!"

"Our Palace of Disillusionment compensates the little brother with a small piece of God's source!"

Beside, the Lord of the Five Elements Palace and the Palace Master of Disillusionment also offered similar compensations one after another.

Everyone around looked at Ye Fan.

Good guy, the compensation from more than a dozen holy land families adds up to tens of millions of jin of origin stones in an instant. This is an instant wealth.


Ye Fan's face was calm, but his throat had slipped quietly, and he looked at Tu Fei and the big black dog next to him: "Brother Tu, Hei Tailang, I haven't practiced for many years, and I don't know much about the value of origin stones. This compensation is appropriate." ?"


Tu Fei, who had been stunned by the compensation, came to his senses, seeing Ye Fan's calm expression, the corners of his mouth twitched, he opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

"Boy Ye, if you call Hei Tailang again, be careful, I will turn my face!"

Compared with Tu Fei, the psychological quality of the big black dog is obviously better. After being dazed, he reacted in an instant, bared his teeth as a warning, and shook his head cooperatively and said: "200 million catties, this is almost the same, it is barely okay. .”

Dead dog! ! !

The Holy Master Da Neng next to him suddenly wanted to kill dogs and eat dog meat, 200 million catties is still barely enough, why don't you grab it!
"Reluctantly? Forget it, we'll be fine."

Ye Fan hesitated for a few moments, and bowed his hands to all the holy lords and great sages: "Then 200 million catties of source stones, thank you, Patriarch Jiang and other seniors, for their great love."


The Jiang family's face twitched.

When you said 200 million catties, can you not look at Chen Nuo?

"Ye Fan, are you done? The little girl called you."

At this time, Chen Nuo, who was about to walk to the teleportation array following Yaochi West Queen Mother, stopped when she entered the venue of the Yaochi event, and called Ye Fan back.

"Oh, okay, I'll go there now." Ye Fan responded, and was about to go there.

As soon as Ye Fan left, Patriarch Jiang and the others became anxious. They hurriedly reached out to stop them, and gritted their teeth and said, "300 million, 300 million catties of origin stones!"

My heart aches, these origin stones were originally supposed to be the training resources of my disciples, but today they have to pay for nothing because of a few idiots.

Thinking of this, Patriarch Jiang and even Mirage Palace Mistress and others looked at the group of people who surrounded Ye Fan just now with almost murderous eyes.

The guy who has more than enough success!
"Senior, you don't need so much, 200 million is enough.

The boy's strength is low, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep so many origin stones on him, 200 million catties is enough. "

He didn't want to face the 300 million compensation, but Ye Fan was waving his hand, indicating that he didn't need so much.

No way?
Have you misunderstood this kid?

Patriarch Jiang looked stunned for a moment, a little confused by Ye Fan's refusal.

"Boy Ye, almost all the Holy Land families of the Big Dipper are here, are you still afraid of being robbed? They say a word, no one in the whole Big Dipper would dare to rob you."

Before Patriarch Jiang and the others could react, the big black dog next to him picked up the conversation.

In an instant, Patriarch Jiang and the others understood.

The emotional compensation of 300 million yuan is not enough, but Ye Fan's property and personal safety must be guaranteed, and Ye Fan will not be robbed by other practitioners.

Shit, can you go any further!

Patriarch Jiang took a deep breath, took a few deep breaths in a row, and finally calmed down the emotions that were about to rage in his heart. He looked at the disciples of the Jiang family who surrounded Ye Fan just now with murderous eyes, and had to put on a smiling face the next moment, and said to Ye Fan:

"Little brother, don't worry, these are the origin stones and items paid to you by our Holy Land family, no one in the Big Dipper will dare to rob you.

I promise in the name of the Jiang family, if anyone really robs you, he is the enemy of our Jiang family! "

Speaking of the latter, Patriarch Jiang raised his voice and looked at the practitioners around him.

This is a public announcement, guaranteed in the name of the Jiang family of the remote ancient family, and in the name of Emperor Hengyu's inheritance of orthodoxy.

"I promise in the name of the Palace of Disillusionment, whoever dares to snatch your belongings, little brother, is the enemy of our Palace of Disillusionment"

"Yes, our Five Elements Palace also guarantees that whoever snatches your belongings, little brother, then he is the enemy of our Five Elements Palace. Even if he escapes from the Big Dipper, we will hunt him down to the end!"

The Jiang family expressed their opinion, and the remaining Holy Masters gritted their teeth, amplified their voices, and expressed their opinion in front of everyone in the city.

Not long ago, their disciples were still besieging Ye Fan in the city, wanting to snatch Yuan Tianshi's inheritance, countless people in the city watched but no one dared to speak.

However, soon after, they, the Holy Lords, were able to guarantee Ye Fan's safety in the name of family and orthodoxy in front of countless people in the city.

The situation was reversed so suddenly that the melon-eaters in the city were almost unable to react. All these changes were only because of Chen Nuo's words.

"Thank you, Holy Masters, for your great power. I can't thank you enough, and I will definitely thank you for your love and affection to my husband."

Ye Fan's sophistication and sophistication can be regarded as passing the test. He has taken great benefits and won a great reputation, so he doesn't mind building a step for these holy masters to come down.

As for whether he will really tell Chen Nuo, well, smart people know that this is a joke, so don't take it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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