Chapter 280 Gai Jiuyou

The venue for the grand festival of the Yaochi is near the ancient Yaochi, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles, with countless brilliance circulating.

A large number of rare and exotic fruits have been transplanted and grown in the site. The fruit fragrance is wafting and refreshing, and one can feel a lightness in the body after taking a sip. The whole site is like a fairyland.

For this Yaochi grand event, Yaochi Holy Land invited all the big and small forces in the entire Eastern Wasteland, not only the Eastern Desert, but also some forces such as the Western Desert and the Northern Plains.

"Brother Ye, since you have obtained the inheritance of Yuan Tianshi, there are sacred stones brought by the great families of the holy land in the Yaochi event, why don't you show your hand?"

On the side of the meeting, the saint of Yaochi looked at Ye Fan who was quietly feeding the little girl, and said softly.

"Brother Ye, I'm really sorry just now, this time I will punish myself with a cup!"

"This grand event does bring a lot of sacred stones. Brother Ye is interested, so feel free to open it."

Several young juniors from the surrounding Holy Land family were also persuading, and some of them even picked up their wine glasses to apologize for what happened just now.

After Chen Nuo personally helped Ye Fan protect his shortcomings and asked the major holy land families to apologize and compensate him, he originally thought that Ye Fan just knew Chen Nuo simply and had a normal relationship. After the reverse change, they chatted with Ye Fan as the center.

One of the saints even came over, wanting to have a relationship with Ye Fan.

Of course, it's not because of Ye Fan, they almost all want to use Ye Fan as a springboard to get in touch with Chen Nuo.

After all, although Chen Nuo is strong, he reached the top level of the Great Sage at a young age of less than a hundred years, but it is precisely because of his young age that everything is possible.

I didn't see that the group of romantic people in Miaoyu Temple had already established a relationship with Chen Nuo, and the saintess of Miaoyu Temple, An Miaoyi, had already followed Chen Nuo.

They thought they were no worse than An Miaoyi!
"No need, I have enough source stones for the time being."

Ye Fan shook his head and declined.

The inheritance of Tianshi Yuan is mainly the induction of spiritual power, that is, the induction of spiritual power, and it doesn't matter whether it is the four-pole secret realm cultivation method.

Although it is not a four-pole secret realm cultivation method and the basic rules of cultivation, it cannot fully exert the power of Yuan Tianshi's inheritance, but it is not much worse.

If you really want to gamble on stones and cut the sacred stones brought by the families of the major holy lands, it will be a huge profit.

However, Ye Fan understands the principle of taking it when he sees it. He just earned 300 million yuan in compensation from more than a dozen holy land families, which is less than half a billion yuan when combined. These origin stones are enough for him to cultivate to a very high level, and there is no need to cut the god stone.

Furthermore, the god-cut stone, the most important treasures are all kinds of psychic treasures, rare treasures, and even elixir.

However, these treasures and items are of great help to practitioners who shroud the sky, but they are of no help to practitioners who practice basic rules. If they are cut out, they must be sold and replaced with source stones or gods.

In this way, Ye Fan doesn't need to join in the fun anymore. Although the early birds are majestic, they are also dangerous.

Ye Fan and others were chatting, accompanied by the Queen Mother of the Holy Land of Yaochi and other holy masters. Chen Nuo, who was sitting in the center of the meeting, also met someone at this time.

An old man close to decay, a person who is even stronger than him in terms of strength.

A generation of gods and guardians of the Beidou human race, Gai Jiuyou.

"It's an astonishing cultivation method. Mr. Chen is able to create such a cultivation method, which is really a rare genius in all ages."

In the center of the conference, Gai Jiuyou and Chen Nuo sat facing each other, while the Queen Mother of Yaochi and other powerful figures of the Holy Land were around, and they did not dare to approach while making room for them.

"This exercise is not my creation."

Chen Nuo chuckled and admitted that this exercise was not his original creation.

The basic rules of practice, although he has studied Ahri's body transformation for many years, combined with his previous experience and comprehension, he finally came up with a practice method.

But the main framework and inspiration of this technique is the inspiration provided by Meier, who dominates the world of swordsmanship.

Without the more than 1 million unexpected source power rewards, and without the description that Meier has developed the basic cultivation method, he would never have thought that the basic rule system could be obtained through cultivation besides the boss's direct imprint.

"What you bring into this world is what you create."

Gai Jiuyou took the basic rules of cultivation method, pondered it carefully for a while, and finally shook his head and let it go regretfully.

"Unfortunately, this cultivation method lacks a bit of fighting spirit after all."

Lack of fighting spirit, this is the biggest flaw of the basic rule practice method.

The sky-shrouding cultivation system, the lifespan of the Great Emperor is ten thousand years, this is of course a drawback, defect or even a limitation.

But it is precisely because of this that the cultivators of Zhetian can burst into brilliant and amazing lives in their short lives. The wonderful life span of ten thousand years is not inferior to the life span of hundreds of millions of years or billions of years in other cultivation systems.

The basic rules of cultivation method have a long lifespan, and the upper limit of the peak is higher than that of the Zhetian system, but it lacks oppression and fighting spirit.

With a lifespan in units of [-] million, there is no need to be so urgent in life, and it is fine to be a salted fish leisurely.

The premise of cultivation is to master the mysteries of the basic rules, not breakthroughs in combat, but breakthroughs in study and research, so don't expect basic rule practitioners to have the characteristics of fighting against heaven and earth.

Simply put, this is a group of salted fish, or a group of salted fish scientists.

Of course, this is a conceptual difference caused by different philosophies.

Gai Jiuyou, a cultivator of the sky-shading system, has fought against the sky and the field, and has never lost to others in his life. He looks down on the leisurely way of practicing the basic rules.

Then practicing the basic cultivation method also looks down on the cultivators of the Zhetian system, thinking that they are reckless and fighting lunatics.

Personal views and concepts are different, there is no room for debate, if anyone disagrees, just fight.

"There is no absolute perfection in the world, because human concepts cannot be absolutely inclusive, and human thoughts cannot cover everything."

Hearing this, Chen Nuo shook his head.

Differences in concepts, everyone thinks they are right, thinks they are good, what is said is right and what is right is right, and things, no matter how perfect or perfect, are full of flaws in the eyes of some people.

In the face of these things, don't argue, just be satisfied with yourself.

"I don't know why the senior came here to find the boy this time?"

After chatting for a few words, Chen Nuo asked about Gai Jiuyou's purpose.

For this guardian of the human race, the old man who silently guarded the human race for a lifetime, Chen Nuo still has a respect.

In terms of talent, Gai Jiuyou is definitely one of the most amazing people in ancient times.

If it hadn't been for the wrong era, and the Qing Emperor's enlightenment, the two were too close, and Gai Jiuyou would definitely become another great emperor of the human race.

Even though Emperor Qing's way of being a great emperor has not completely faded away, and the universe has entered the age of doom, this outstanding man is still going retrograde all the way to reach the pinnacle of being a quasi-emperor.

In the original book, Gai Jiuyou, who has retired from behind the scenes for many years, came out this time with the purpose of the birth of the ancient royal family.

In the end, the guardian of the human race will kill more than a dozen ancestor kings of the ancient clan with the god king Jiang Taixu, and sign an agreement with the ancient clan that all saints will not show their supernatural powers, that is, the four saints of Xiantai and above will not be born.

But this time he intervened and fired a cannon at the Taichu Ancient Mine, killing 9 great saints directly, causing the Supreme to be injured and defeated, and the Taigu tribe was beaten back as soon as they were born.

Strictly speaking, it can be considered that Chen Nuo stole Gai Jiuyou's merits and stole a chance to pretend to be aggressive.

Since Chen Nuo took care of the things he had to solve when he came out of the mountain this time, then it's okay, he should go back to sleep, and the Yaochi Shenghui suddenly appeared to find him, so what was the reason.

"My purpose is very simple, that is to see you."

Gai Jiuyou looked at Chen Nuo, smiled lightly and said, "It's Mr. Chen's purpose, it's worth thinking about."

 4 updates today, make up the two chapters owed by last month’s leave, and still owe 3 chapters. There will be two updates tomorrow at noon, and it should be completed in two days.

(End of this chapter)

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